path: root/src
diff options
authorSon Ho2022-04-21 11:12:34 +0200
committerSon Ho2022-04-21 11:12:34 +0200
commit66862a29cf023ca4d586479a9690dc4f61d8573c (patch)
tree59103212e80b7561ffded9d612dde5ac01f043d3 /src
parentb33e4bfc7a32efc6ebbd385328e6350e0e5802bc (diff)
Work on pretty names
Diffstat (limited to '')
9 files changed, 152 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 065a39b9..89dfb274 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1202,12 +1202,12 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
^ aborrow_content_to_string ctx bc));
let ctx =
match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (mv, bid, av) ->
+ | V.AMutBorrow (_mv, bid, av) ->
(* First, convert the avalue to a (fresh symbolic) value *)
let sv = convert_avalue_to_given_back_value abs.kind av in
(* Replace the mut borrow to register the fact that we ended
* it and store with it the freshly generated given back value *)
- let ended_borrow = V.ABorrow (V.AEndedMutBorrow (mv, sv, av)) in
+ let ended_borrow = V.ABorrow (V.AEndedMutBorrow (sv, av)) in
let ctx = update_aborrow ek_all bid ended_borrow ctx in
(* Give the value back *)
let sv = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sv in
@@ -1256,9 +1256,7 @@ and end_abstraction_borrows (config : C.config) (chain : borrow_or_abs_ids)
(* Generate a fresh symbolic value *)
let nsv = mk_fresh_symbolic_value V.FunCallGivenBack proj_ty in
(* Replace the proj_borrows - there should be exactly one *)
- let ended_borrow =
- V.AEndedProjBorrows { original = sv; given_back = nsv }
- in
+ let ended_borrow = V.AEndedProjBorrows nsv in
let ctx = update_aproj_borrows abs.abs_id sv ended_borrow ctx in
(* Give back the symbolic value *)
let ctx =
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 69379bf9..5ccba517 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ module Values = struct
^ ", "
^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av
^ ")"
- | AEndedMutBorrow (_mv, _msv, child) ->
+ | AEndedMutBorrow (_mv, child) ->
"@ended_mut_borrow(" ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt child ^ ")"
| AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow
{ child; given_back_loans_proj; given_back_meta = _ } ->
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9ca0c064..e962c27c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -318,15 +318,10 @@ let rec typed_rvalue_to_string (fmt : ast_formatter) (v : typed_rvalue) : string
let var_or_dummy_to_string (fmt : ast_formatter) (v : var_or_dummy) : string =
match v with
- | Var (v, { place = None; from_rvalue = None }) ->
- var_to_string (ast_to_type_formatter fmt) v
- | Var (v, { place; from_rvalue }) ->
- let dest = Print.option_to_string (mplace_to_string fmt) place in
- let from_rvalue =
- Print.option_to_string (typed_rvalue_to_string fmt) from_rvalue
- in
- "(" ^ var_to_varname v ^ " @meta[@dest=" ^ dest ^ ", from_rvalue="
- ^ from_rvalue ^ "] : "
+ | Var (v, None) -> var_to_string (ast_to_type_formatter fmt) v
+ | Var (v, Some mp) ->
+ let mp = "[@mplace=" ^ mplace_to_string fmt mp ^ "]" in
+ "(" ^ var_to_varname v ^ " " ^ mp ^ " : "
^ ty_to_string (ast_to_type_formatter fmt) v.ty
^ ")"
| Dummy -> "_"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index dbc6421c..f0e43115 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -12,6 +12,16 @@ module FieldId = T.FieldId
module SymbolicValueId = V.SymbolicValueId
module FunDeclId = A.FunDeclId
+module MPlaceId = IdGen ()
+(** A meta-place identifier. See [mplace]. *)
+(** Some global counters - TODO: remove *)
+let mplace_id_counter, fresh_mplace_id = MPlaceId.fresh_stateful_generator ()
+(** Reset the mplace counter *)
+let reset_pure_counters () = mplace_id_counter := MPlaceId.generator_zero
module SynthPhaseId = IdGen ()
(** We give an identifier to every phase of the synthesis (forward, backward
for group of regions 0, etc.) *)
@@ -283,14 +293,14 @@ and typed_rvalue = { value : rvalue; ty : ty }
polymorphic = false;
-type mdplace = { place : mplace option; from_rvalue : typed_rvalue option }
-[@@deriving show]
-(** "Meta" destination place.
+(** Meta destination place.
Meta information for places used as assignment destinations.
- This is useful for the values given back by the backward functions: in such
- situations, we link the output variables to the input arguments, to derive
- names for the output variables from the input variables.
+ Either a regular mplace, or an mplace derived from another mplace.
+ The second case is used for values given back by backward function: we
+ remember the identifier of the place from which the input argument was
+ taken from.
@@ -302,17 +312,21 @@ type mdplace = { place : mplace option; from_rvalue : typed_rvalue option }
gets translated to:
- let y = f_fwd x in
+ let y = f_fwd xv in
- let s = f_back x y_i in // we want the introduced variable to be name "x1"
+ let s = f_back xv y_i in // we want the introduced variable to be name "x"
In order to compute a proper name for the variable introduced by the backward
call, we need to link `s` to `x`. However, because of desugaring, it may happen
that the fact `f` takes `x` as argument may have to be computed by propagating
- naming information. This is why we link the output variables to the input arguments:
- it allows us to propagate such naming constraints "across" function calls.
+ naming information. We use place identifiers to link the output variables to the
+ input arguments: it allows us to propagate naming constraints "across" function
+ calls.
+ The full details are given in [PureMicroPasses.compute_pretty_names]
+type mdplace = Regular of mplace | From of [@@deriving show]
(** Ancestor for [iter_var_or_dummy] visitor *)
class ['self] iter_var_or_dummy_base =
@@ -348,7 +362,7 @@ class virtual ['self] mapreduce_var_or_dummy_base =
type var_or_dummy =
- | Var of var * mdplace
+ | Var of var * mplace option
(** Rk.: the mdplace is actually always a variable (i.e.: there are no projections).
We use [mplace] because it leads to a more uniform treatment of the meta
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index abdeb41e..ceaaa129 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ let get_body_min_var_counter (body : fun_body) : VarId.generator =
(* Find the max id in the input variables - some of them may have been
* filtered from the body *)
let min_input_id =
- List.fold_left (fun id var -> VarId.max id body.inputs
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun id (var : var) -> VarId.max id
+ body.inputs
let obj =
@@ -119,9 +121,12 @@ type pn_ctx = string VarId.Map.t
- whenever we see an rvalue/lvalue which is exactly an unnamed variable,
and this value is linked to some meta-place information which contains
a name and an empty path, we consider we should use this name
+ - for the values given back by backward functions, we link the given back
+ values to the places (identified by unique indices) where the input
+ arguments come from (see examples below)
Something important is that, for every variable we find, the name of this
- variable is influenced by the information we find *below* in the AST.
+ variable can be influenced by the information we find *below* in the AST.
For instance, the following situations happen:
@@ -139,8 +144,8 @@ type pn_ctx = string VarId.Map.t
tmp := discriminant(ls);
switch tmp {
0 => {
- x := (ls as Cons).0;
- hd := (ls as Cons).1;
+ x := (ls as Cons).0; // (i)
+ hd := (ls as Cons).1; // (ii)
@@ -149,8 +154,10 @@ type pn_ctx = string VarId.Map.t
mode, we expand this value upon evaluating `tmp = discriminant(ls)`.
However, at this point, we don't know which should be the names of
the symbolic values we introduce for the fields of `Cons`!
Let's imagine we have (for the `Cons` branch): `s0 ~~> Cons s1 s2`.
- The assigments lead to the following binding in the evaluation context:
+ The assigments at (i) and (ii) lead to the following binding in the
+ evaluation context:
x -> s1
hd -> s2
@@ -165,7 +172,44 @@ type pn_ctx = string VarId.Map.t
| Cons x hd -> ...
| ...
+ - Given back values (introduced by backward functions):
+ Let's say we have the following Rust code:
+ ```
+ let py = id(&mut x);
+ *py = 2;
+ assert!(x == 2);
+ ```
+ After desugaring, we get the following MIR:
+ ```
+ ^0 = &mut x; // anonymous variable
+ py = id(move ^0);
+ *py += 2;
+ assert!(x == 2);
+ ```
+ We want this to be translated as:
+ ```
+ let py = id_fwd x in
+ let py1 = py + 2 in
+ let x1 = id_back x py1 in // <-- x1 is "given back": doesn't appear in the original MIR
+ assert(x1 = 2);
+ ```
+ We want to notice that the value given back by `id_back` is given back for "x",
+ so we should use "x" as the basename (hence the resulting name "x1"). However,
+ this is non-trivial, because after desugaring the input argument given to `id`
+ is not `&mut x` but `move ^0` (i.e., it comes from a temporary, anonymous
+ variable). For this reason, we give unique identifiers to places, link
+ given back values to the places where the input arguments come from, and
+ propagate naming information between the places.
+ This way, because of `^0 = &mut x`, we can propagate the name "x" to the place
+ `^0`, then to the given back variable across the function call.
- TODO: inputs and end abstraction...
let compute_pretty_names (def : fun_decl) : fun_decl =
(* Small helpers *)
@@ -217,6 +261,7 @@ let compute_pretty_names (def : fun_decl) : fun_decl =
let add_constraint (mp : mplace) (var_id : (ctx : pn_ctx) : pn_ctx =
+ (* Update the variable name *)
match (, mp.projection) with
| Some name, [] ->
(* Check if the variable already has a name - if not: insert the new name *)
@@ -242,19 +287,39 @@ let compute_pretty_names (def : fun_decl) : fun_decl =
method plus ctx0 ctx1 _ = merge_ctxs (ctx0 ()) (ctx1 ())
- method! visit_Var _ v mdp () =
+ method! visit_Var _ v mp () =
(* Register the variable *)
let ctx = add_var (self#zero ()) v in
(* Register the mplace information if there is such information *)
- match with
- | None -> ctx
- | Some mp -> add_constraint mp ctx
+ match mp with Some mp -> add_constraint mp ctx | None -> ctx
let ctx1 = obj#visit_typed_lvalue () lv () in
merge_ctxs ctx ctx1
+ (* This is used to propagate constraint information about places in case of
+ * assignments *)
+ let add_left_right_constraint (lv : typed_lvalue) (re : texpression)
+ (ctx : pn_ctx) : pn_ctx =
+ (* We propagate constraints across variable reassignments: `^0 = x` *)
+ match (lv.value, re.e) with
+ | ( LvVar (Var (lvar, (Some { name = None; projection = [] } | None))),
+ Value (_, Some ({ name = Some _; projection = [] } as rmp)) ) ->
+ (* Use the meta-information on the right *)
+ add_constraint rmp ctx
+ | ( LvVar (Var (lvar, (Some { name = None; projection = [] } | None))),
+ Value ({ value = RvPlace { var = rvar_id; projection = [] }; ty = _ }, _)
+ ) -> (
+ (* Use the variable name *)
+ match
+ (VarId.Map.find_opt ctx, VarId.Map.find_opt rvar_id ctx)
+ with
+ | None, Some name -> VarId.Map.add name ctx
+ | _ -> ctx)
+ | _ -> (* Nothing to propagate *) ctx
+ in
(* *)
let rec update_texpression (e : texpression) (ctx : pn_ctx) :
pn_ctx * texpression =
@@ -286,6 +351,7 @@ let compute_pretty_names (def : fun_decl) : fun_decl =
and update_let (monadic : bool) (lv : typed_lvalue) (re : texpression)
(e : texpression) (ctx : pn_ctx) : pn_ctx * expression =
let ctx = add_left_constraint lv ctx in
+ let ctx = add_left_right_constraint lv re ctx in
let ctx, re = update_texpression re ctx in
let ctx, e = update_texpression e ctx in
let lv = update_typed_lvalue ctx lv in
@@ -822,7 +888,7 @@ let to_monadic (config : config) (def : fun_decl) : fun_decl =
let id, _ = VarId.fresh var_cnt in
let var = { id; basename = None; ty = unit_ty } in
let inputs = [ var ] in
- let input_lv = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None None in
+ let input_lv = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None in
let inputs_lvs = [ input_lv ] in
Some { body with inputs; inputs_lvs }
@@ -980,7 +1046,7 @@ let decompose_monadic_let_bindings (_ctx : trans_ctx) (def : fun_decl) :
* monadic binding *)
let vid = fresh_id () in
let tmp : var = { id = vid; basename = None; ty = lv.ty } in
- let ltmp = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var tmp None None in
+ let ltmp = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var tmp None in
let rtmp = mk_typed_rvalue_from_var tmp in
let rtmp = mk_value_expression rtmp None in
(* Visit the next expression *)
@@ -1058,9 +1124,7 @@ let unfold_monadic_let_bindings (config : config) (_ctx : trans_ctx)
(* The `Success` branch introduces a fresh state variable *)
let state_var = fresh_state_var () in
- let state_value =
- mk_typed_lvalue_from_var state_var None None
- in
+ let state_value = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var state_var None in
let success_pat =
(mk_simpl_tuple_lvalue [ state_value; lv ])
@@ -1131,7 +1195,7 @@ let unfold_monadic_let_bindings (config : config) (_ctx : trans_ctx)
let sg = { sg with inputs = sg_inputs; outputs = sg_outputs } in
(* Update the inputs list *)
let inputs = body.inputs @ [ input_state_var ] in
- let input_lv = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var input_state_var None None in
+ let input_lv = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var input_state_var None in
let inputs_lvs = body.inputs_lvs @ [ input_lv ] in
(* Update the body *)
let body = { body with inputs; inputs_lvs } in
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 78ddf8aa..23bffa1d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -64,10 +64,8 @@ let mk_typed_rvalue_from_var (v : var) : typed_rvalue =
let ty = v.ty in
{ value; ty }
-let mk_typed_lvalue_from_var (v : var) (mp : mplace option)
- (mfrom_rvalue : typed_rvalue option) : typed_lvalue =
- let mdplace = { place = mp; from_rvalue = mfrom_rvalue } in
- let value = LvVar (Var (v, mdplace)) in
+let mk_typed_lvalue_from_var (v : var) (mp : mplace option) : typed_lvalue =
+ let value = LvVar (Var (v, mp)) in
let ty = v.ty in
{ value; ty }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 87e86e69..163ddde8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ and aborrow_content_to_consumed (_ctx : bs_ctx) (bc : V.aborrow_content) :
match bc with
| V.AMutBorrow (_, _, _) | ASharedBorrow _ | AIgnoredMutBorrow (_, _) ->
failwith "Unreachable"
- | AEndedMutBorrow (_, _, _) ->
+ | AEndedMutBorrow (_, _) ->
(* We collect consumed values: ignore *)
| AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _ ->
@@ -804,9 +804,6 @@ let translate_opt_mplace (p : S.mplace option) : mplace option =
[mp]: it is possible to provide some meta-place information, to guide
the heuristics which later find pretty names for the variables.
let rec typed_avalue_to_given_back (mp : mplace option) (av : V.typed_avalue)
(ctx : bs_ctx) : bs_ctx * typed_lvalue option =
@@ -878,13 +875,10 @@ and aborrow_content_to_given_back (mp : mplace option) (bc : V.aborrow_content)
match bc with
| V.AMutBorrow (_, _, _) | ASharedBorrow _ | AIgnoredMutBorrow (_, _) ->
failwith "Unreachable"
- | AEndedMutBorrow (consumed_mv, msv, _) ->
- (* We use the originally consumed value (which is stored as a meta-value)
- * to help with propagating naming constraints. *)
- let consumed = typed_value_to_rvalue ctx consumed_mv in
+ | AEndedMutBorrow (msv, _) ->
(* Return the meta-symbolic-value *)
let ctx, var = fresh_var_for_symbolic_value msv ctx in
- (ctx, Some (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var mp (Some consumed)))
+ (ctx, Some (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var mp))
| AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _ ->
(* This happens with nested borrows: we need to dive in *)
raise Unimplemented
@@ -903,15 +897,10 @@ and aproj_to_given_back (mp : mplace option) (aproj : V.aproj) (ctx : bs_ctx) :
(fun (_, aproj) -> aproj = V.AIgnoredProjBorrows)
(ctx, None)
- | AEndedProjBorrows { original; given_back = mv } ->
- (* We use the original symbolic value to help propagate the naming constraints *)
- let original =
- InterpreterUtils.mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value original
- in
- let original = typed_value_to_rvalue ctx original in
+ | AEndedProjBorrows mv ->
(* Return the meta-value *)
let ctx, var = fresh_var_for_symbolic_value mv ctx in
- (ctx, Some (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var mp (Some original)))
+ (ctx, Some (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var mp))
| AIgnoredProjBorrows | AProjLoans (_, _) | AProjBorrows (_, _) ->
failwith "Unreachable"
@@ -1050,7 +1039,7 @@ and translate_function_call (config : config) (call : (e : S.expression)
(fun (arg, mp) -> mk_value_expression arg mp)
(List.combine args args_mplaces)
- let dest_v = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var dest dest_mplace None in
+ let dest_v = mk_typed_lvalue_from_var dest dest_mplace in
let call = { func; type_params; args } in
let call = Call call in
let call_ty = if monadic then mk_result_ty dest_v.ty else dest_v.ty in
@@ -1115,7 +1104,7 @@ and translate_end_abstraction (config : config) (abs : V.abs) (e : S.expression)
(fun (var, value) (e : texpression) ->
mk_let monadic
- (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None None)
+ (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None)
(mk_value_expression value None)
variables_values next_e
@@ -1287,7 +1276,7 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
let next_e = translate_expression config e ctx in
let monadic = false in
mk_let monadic
- (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None None)
+ (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None)
(mk_value_expression scrutinee scrutinee_mplace)
| SeAdt _ ->
@@ -1311,7 +1300,7 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
(* This is an enumeration: introduce an [ExpandEnum] let-binding *)
let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
let lvars =
- (fun v -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var v None None) vars
+ (fun v -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var v None) vars
let lv = mk_adt_lvalue scrutinee.ty variant_id lvars in
let monadic = false in
@@ -1340,13 +1329,13 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
(fun (fid, var) e ->
let field_proj = gen_field_proj fid var in
mk_let monadic
- (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None None)
+ (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None)
(mk_value_expression field_proj None)
id_var_pairs branch
| T.Tuple ->
let vars =
- (fun x -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var x None None) vars
+ (fun x -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var x None) vars
let monadic = false in
mk_let monadic
@@ -1362,7 +1351,7 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
* identity when extracted (`box a == a`) *)
let monadic = false in
mk_let monadic
- (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None None)
+ (mk_typed_lvalue_from_var var None)
(mk_value_expression scrutinee scrutinee_mplace)
| T.Assumed T.Vec ->
@@ -1383,7 +1372,7 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in
let ctx, vars = fresh_vars_for_symbolic_values svl ctx in
let vars =
- (fun x -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var x None None) vars
+ (fun x -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var x None) vars
let pat_ty = scrutinee.ty in
let pat = mk_adt_lvalue pat_ty variant_id vars in
@@ -1456,6 +1445,9 @@ and translate_meta (config : config) (meta : S.meta) (e : S.expression)
let translate_fun_decl (config : config) (ctx : bs_ctx)
(body : S.expression option) : fun_decl =
+ (* Reset the counters *)
+ reset_pure_counters ();
+ (* Translate *)
let def = ctx.fun_decl in
let bid = in
@@ -1492,7 +1484,7 @@ let translate_fun_decl (config : config) (ctx : bs_ctx)
let inputs = List.append ctx.forward_inputs backward_inputs in
let inputs_lvs =
- (fun v -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var v None None) inputs
+ (fun v -> mk_typed_lvalue_from_var v None) inputs
(* Sanity check *)
assert (
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a3dfb84a..3314defb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -329,16 +329,10 @@ type aproj =
Note that we keep the original symbolic value as a meta-value.
- | AEndedProjBorrows of {
- original : msymbolic_value;
- given_back : msymbolic_value;
- }
+ | AEndedProjBorrows of msymbolic_value
(** The only purpose of [AEndedProjBorrows] is to store, for synthesis
- purposes, the symbolic value which was originally in the borrow projection,
- and the symbolic value which was generated and given back upon ending the borrow.
- The given back value is necessary for the synthesis. The orignal value is
- useful to propagate naming constraints.
+ purposes, the symbolic value which was generated and given back upon
+ ending the borrow.
| AIgnoredProjBorrows
@@ -681,13 +675,9 @@ and aborrow_content =
abstraction so that we can properly call the backward functions
when generating the pure translation.
- | AEndedMutBorrow of mvalue * msymbolic_value * typed_avalue
+ | AEndedMutBorrow of msymbolic_value * typed_avalue
(** The sole purpose of [AEndedMutBorrow] is to store the (symbolic) value
- that we gave back as a meta-value, to help with the synthesis, together
- with the initial consumed value (also as a meta-value).
- The given back value is necessary for the synthesis. The orignal consumed
- value is useful to propagate naming constraints.
+ that we gave back as a meta-value, to help with the synthesis.
We also remember the child [avalue] because this structural information
is useful for the synthesis (but not for the symbolic execution):
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 00693890..943689be 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -122,22 +122,22 @@ let () =
(* Set up the logging - for now we use default values - TODO: use the
* command-line arguments *)
- Easy_logging.Handlers.set_level main_logger_handler EL.Info;
- main_log#set_level EL.Info;
- llbc_of_json_logger#set_level EL.Info;
- pre_passes_log#set_level EL.Info;
- interpreter_log#set_level EL.Info;
- statements_log#set_level EL.Info;
- paths_log#set_level EL.Info;
- expressions_log#set_level EL.Info;
- expansion_log#set_level EL.Info;
- borrows_log#set_level EL.Info;
- invariants_log#set_level EL.Info;
- pure_utils_log#set_level EL.Info;
- symbolic_to_pure_log#set_level EL.Info;
- pure_micro_passes_log#set_level EL.Info;
- pure_to_extract_log#set_level EL.Info;
- translate_log#set_level EL.Info;
+ Easy_logging.Handlers.set_level main_logger_handler EL.Debug;
+ main_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ llbc_of_json_logger#set_level EL.Debug;
+ pre_passes_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ interpreter_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ statements_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ paths_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ expressions_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ expansion_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ borrows_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ invariants_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ pure_utils_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ symbolic_to_pure_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ pure_micro_passes_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ pure_to_extract_log#set_level EL.Debug;
+ translate_log#set_level EL.Debug;
(* Load the module *)
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file filename in
match llbc_module_of_json json with