path: root/src/
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authorSon Ho2021-11-22 11:37:49 +0100
committerSon Ho2021-11-22 11:37:49 +0100
commit3e6b1a77ecc94726c02533bf1bbb915c483a2107 (patch)
treebc666d510b0b1fcc4ab7be162463c26b67d6bee6 /src/
parentb57a3a0d60fe7d6bdada644724f679bde88ad728 (diff)
Make good progress on end_borrow
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 62aef2a7..16089b86 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ type outer_borrows = Borrows of BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
(** Borrow lookup result *)
type borrow_lres =
+ | NotFound
| Outer of outer_borrows
| FoundMut of typed_value
| FoundShared
- | NotFound
+ | FoundInactivatedMut
let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt
@@ -71,12 +72,12 @@ let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows v0 :
(res, { value = Loan (SharedLoan (borrows, v')); ty = v0.ty })
| Borrow (SharedBorrow l') ->
if l = l' then
- ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundShared,
+ ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundInactivatedMut,
{ v0 with value = Bottom } )
else (NotFound, v0)
| Borrow (InactivatedMutBorrow l') ->
if l = l' then
- ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundShared,
+ ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundInactivatedMut,
{ v0 with value = Bottom } )
else (NotFound, v0)
| Borrow (MutBorrow (l', bv)) ->
@@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ and end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config l outer_borrows vl0 :
(res, v' :: vl')
| _ -> (res, v' :: vl))
-let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env0 : borrow_lres * env =
+let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env (config : config) l env0 :
+ borrow_lres * env =
match env0 with
| [] -> (NotFound, [])
| Var (x, v) :: env -> (
@@ -113,13 +115,163 @@ let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env0 : borrow_lres * env =
let res, env' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env in
(res, Var (x, v') :: env')
| res, v' -> (res, Var (x, v') :: env))
- | Abs _ :: _ -> unimplemented __LOC__
-(*let rec end_borrow config (env0 : env) (env : env) (l : =
- match env with
- | [] -> []
- | Var (x, v) :: env' -> unimplemented __LOC__
| Abs _ :: _ -> (
match config.mode with
- | Concrete -> unreachable __LOC__
- | Symbolic -> unimplemented __LOC__)*)
+ | ConcreteMode ->
+ (* There can't be abstractions if we run in concrete mode *)
+ unreachable __LOC__
+ | SymbolicMode ->
+ (* TODO *)
+ unimplemented __LOC__)
+let rec give_back_value_to_value config bid (v : typed_value)
+ (destv : typed_value) : typed_value =
+ match destv.value with
+ | Concrete _ | Bottom | Symbolic _ -> destv
+ | Adt av ->
+ let field_values =
+ (give_back_value_to_value config bid v)
+ (FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values)
+ in
+ let field_values = FieldId.vector_of_list field_values in
+ { destv with value = Adt { av with field_values } }
+ | Tuple values ->
+ let values =
+ (give_back_value_to_value config bid v)
+ (FieldId.vector_to_list values)
+ in
+ let values = FieldId.vector_of_list values in
+ { destv with value = Tuple values }
+ | Assumed (Box destv') ->
+ {
+ destv with
+ value = Assumed (Box (give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv'));
+ }
+ | Borrow bc ->
+ (* We may need to insert the value inside a borrowed value *)
+ let bc' =
+ match bc with
+ | SharedBorrow _ | InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> bc
+ | MutBorrow (bid', destv') ->
+ MutBorrow (bid', give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv')
+ in
+ { destv with value = Borrow bc' }
+ | Loan lc -> (
+ match lc with
+ | SharedLoan (_, _) -> destv
+ | MutLoan bid' ->
+ if bid' = bid then v else { destv with value = Loan (MutLoan bid') })
+let give_back_value_to_abs (_config : config) _bid _v _abs : abs =
+ (* TODO *)
+ unimplemented __LOC__
+let give_back_value_to_env_value config bid v ev : env_value =
+ match ev with
+ | Var (vname, destv) ->
+ Var (vname, give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv)
+ | Abs abs -> (
+ match config.mode with
+ | ConcreteMode -> unreachable __LOC__
+ | SymbolicMode -> Abs (give_back_value_to_abs config bid v abs))
+let rec give_back_shared_to_value (config : config) bid (destv : typed_value) :
+ typed_value =
+ match destv.value with
+ | Concrete _ | Bottom | Symbolic _ -> destv
+ | Adt av ->
+ let field_values =
+ (give_back_shared_to_value config bid)
+ (FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values)
+ in
+ let field_values = FieldId.vector_of_list field_values in
+ { destv with value = Adt { av with field_values } }
+ | Tuple values ->
+ let values =
+ (give_back_shared_to_value config bid)
+ (FieldId.vector_to_list values)
+ in
+ let values = FieldId.vector_of_list values in
+ { destv with value = Tuple values }
+ | Assumed (Box destv') ->
+ {
+ destv with
+ value = Assumed (Box (give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv'));
+ }
+ | Borrow bc ->
+ (* We may need to insert the value inside a borrowed value *)
+ let bc' =
+ match bc with
+ | SharedBorrow _ | InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> bc
+ | MutBorrow (bid', destv') ->
+ MutBorrow (bid', give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv')
+ in
+ { destv with value = Borrow bc' }
+ | Loan lc -> (
+ match lc with
+ | SharedLoan (bids, shared_value) ->
+ if BorrowId.Set.mem bid bids then
+ if BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1 then shared_value
+ else
+ {
+ destv with
+ value =
+ Loan (SharedLoan (BorrowId.Set.remove bid bids, shared_value));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ destv with
+ value =
+ Loan
+ (SharedLoan
+ (bids, give_back_shared_to_value config bid shared_value));
+ }
+ | MutLoan _ -> destv)
+let give_back_shared_to_abs _config _bid _abs : abs =
+ (* TODO *)
+ unimplemented __LOC__
+let give_back_shared_to_env_value (config : config) bid ev : env_value =
+ match ev with
+ | Var (vname, destv) -> Var (vname, give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv)
+ | Abs abs -> (
+ match config.mode with
+ | ConcreteMode -> unreachable __LOC__
+ | SymbolicMode -> Abs (give_back_shared_to_abs config bid abs))
+let give_back_value (config : config) (bid : (v : typed_value)
+ (env0 : env) : env =
+ (give_back_value_to_env_value config bid v) env0
+let give_back_shared config (bid : (env0 : env) : env =
+ (give_back_shared_to_env_value config bid) env0
+let rec end_borrow (config : config) (l : (env0 : env) : env =
+ match end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env0 with
+ (* It is possible that we can't find a borrow in symbolic mode (ending
+ * an abstraction may end several borrows at once *)
+ | NotFound, env -> (
+ match config.mode with
+ | ConcreteMode -> unreachable __LOC__
+ | SymbolicMode -> env)
+ (* If we found outer borrows: end those borrows first *)
+ | Outer outer_borrows, env ->
+ let env' =
+ match outer_borrows with
+ | Borrows bids ->
+ BorrowId.Set.fold (fun id env -> end_borrow config id env) bids env
+ | Borrow bid -> end_borrow config bid env
+ in
+ end_borrow config l env'
+ (* If found mut: give the value back *)
+ | FoundMut tv, env -> give_back_value config l tv env
+ (* If found shared: remove the borrow id from the loan set of the shared value *)
+ | FoundShared, env -> give_back_shared config l env
+ | FoundInactivatedMut, _env ->
+ (* We found an inactivated mut: activate it *)
+ unimplemented __LOC__