path: root/src/
diff options
authorSon HO2022-10-21 11:14:15 +0200
committerGitHub2022-10-21 11:14:15 +0200
commitb4be489e7a5753bcc7f8714273ae71260fac53ce (patch)
tree45459740595bcdd70e5f4856b8499d1680d4ab91 /src/
parent53a2b8a2989485e8885d02c786206de84c9fd91d (diff)
parentd62563cf9b8ef29ce20e810a5b1da999122c7a2f (diff)
Merge pull request #4 from AeneasVerif/son_update_charon
Update the code to account for changes in Charon
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..844afb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+open Types
+open LlbcAst
+type 'id g_declaration_group = NonRec of 'id | Rec of 'id list
+[@@deriving show]
+type type_declaration_group = g_declaration_group
+[@@deriving show]
+type fun_declaration_group = g_declaration_group [@@deriving show]
+(** Module declaration. Globals cannot be mutually recursive. *)
+type declaration_group =
+ | Type of type_declaration_group
+ | Fun of fun_declaration_group
+ | Global of
+[@@deriving show]
+type llbc_crate = {
+ name : string;
+ declarations : declaration_group list;
+ types : type_decl list;
+ functions : fun_decl list;
+ globals : global_decl list;
+(** LLBC crate *)
+let compute_defs_maps (c : llbc_crate) :
+ type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t
+ * fun_decl FunDeclId.Map.t
+ * global_decl GlobalDeclId.Map.t =
+ let types_map =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun m (def : type_decl) -> TypeDeclId.Map.add def.def_id def m)
+ TypeDeclId.Map.empty c.types
+ in
+ let funs_map =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun m (def : fun_decl) -> FunDeclId.Map.add def.def_id def m)
+ FunDeclId.Map.empty c.functions
+ in
+ let globals_map =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun m (def : global_decl) -> GlobalDeclId.Map.add def.def_id def m)
+ GlobalDeclId.Map.empty c.globals
+ in
+ (types_map, funs_map, globals_map)
+(** Split a module's declarations between types, functions and globals *)
+let split_declarations (decls : declaration_group list) :
+ type_declaration_group list
+ * fun_declaration_group list
+ * list =
+ let rec split decls =
+ match decls with
+ | [] -> ([], [], [])
+ | d :: decls' -> (
+ let types, funs, globals = split decls' in
+ match d with
+ | Type decl -> (decl :: types, funs, globals)
+ | Fun decl -> (types, decl :: funs, globals)
+ | Global decl -> (types, funs, decl :: globals))
+ in
+ split decls
+(** Split a module's declarations into three maps from type/fun/global ids to
+ declaration groups.
+ *)
+let split_declarations_to_group_maps (decls : declaration_group list) :
+ type_declaration_group TypeDeclId.Map.t
+ * fun_declaration_group FunDeclId.Map.t
+ * GlobalDeclId.Set.t =
+ let module G (M : Map.S) = struct
+ let add_group (map : M.key g_declaration_group M.t)
+ (group : M.key g_declaration_group) : M.key g_declaration_group M.t =
+ match group with
+ | NonRec id -> M.add id group map
+ | Rec ids -> List.fold_left (fun map id -> M.add id group map) map ids
+ let create_map (groups : M.key g_declaration_group list) :
+ M.key g_declaration_group M.t =
+ List.fold_left add_group M.empty groups
+ end in
+ let types, funs, globals = split_declarations decls in
+ let module TG = G (TypeDeclId.Map) in
+ let types = TG.create_map types in
+ let module FG = G (FunDeclId.Map) in
+ let funs = FG.create_map funs in
+ let globals = GlobalDeclId.Set.of_list globals in
+ (types, funs, globals)