path: root/compiler
diff options
authorSon Ho2023-01-07 17:21:27 +0100
committerSon HO2023-02-03 11:21:46 +0100
commitaf929939c44116cdfd5faa845273d0f032d761bf (patch)
tree6f59e4a60d060bc2f755aa9b4fbf02bd41e90381 /compiler
parentf8b7206e0d92aa33812047c521a3c2278fdb6327 (diff)
Improve the order of the loop input parameters
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 41 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 11bc7a07..544bface 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -4106,9 +4106,45 @@ let compute_fp_ctx_symbolic_values (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (fp_ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- (* The value ids should be listed in increasing order *)
+ (* List the input symbolic values in proper order.
+ We explore the environment, and order the symbolic values in the order
+ in which they are found - this way, the symbolic values found in a
+ variable [x] which appears before [y] are listed first, for instance.
+ *)
let input_svalues =
- snd (V.SymbolicValueId.Map.bindings sids_to_values)
+ let found_sids = ref V.SymbolicValueId.Set.empty in
+ let ordered_sids = ref [] in
+ let visitor =
+ object (self : 'self)
+ inherit [_] C.iter_env
+ (** We lookup the shared values *)
+ method! visit_SharedBorrow env bid =
+ let open InterpreterBorrowsCore in
+ let v =
+ match snd (lookup_loan ek_all bid fp_ctx) with
+ | Concrete (V.SharedLoan (_, v)) -> v
+ | Abstract (V.ASharedLoan (_, v, _)) -> v
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+ in
+ self#visit_typed_value env v
+ method! visit_symbolic_value_id _ id =
+ if not (V.SymbolicValueId.Set.mem id !found_sids) then (
+ found_sids := V.SymbolicValueId.Set.add id !found_sids;
+ ordered_sids := id :: !ordered_sids)
+ end
+ in
+ (* TODO: why do we have to put a boolean here for the typechecker to be happy?
+ Is it because we use a similar visitor with booleans above?? *)
+ List.iter (visitor#visit_env_elem true) (List.rev fp_ctx.env);
+ List.filter_map
+ (fun id -> V.SymbolicValueId.Map.find_opt id sids_to_values)
+ (List.rev !ordered_sids)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index d60ddfe6..a50bb7ac 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -143,12 +143,15 @@ let remove_borrow_from_asb (bid :
TODO: change the name "abstract"
type ('a, 'b) concrete_or_abs = Concrete of 'a | Abstract of 'b
+[@@deriving show]
(** Generic loan content: concrete or abstract *)
type g_loan_content = (V.loan_content, V.aloan_content) concrete_or_abs
+[@@deriving show]
(** Generic borrow content: concrete or abstract *)
type g_borrow_content = (V.borrow_content, V.aborrow_content) concrete_or_abs
+[@@deriving show]
type abs_or_var_id =
| AbsId of