path: root/compiler/
diff options
authorSon HO2023-11-10 18:21:06 +0100
committerGitHub2023-11-10 18:21:06 +0100
commit587f1ebc0178acb19029d3fc9a729c197082aba7 (patch)
treef29805e5426f9f3fabe12d3fdadda96a1e987880 /compiler/
parent7fc7c82aa61d782b335e7cf37231fd9998cd0d89 (diff)
parentd300be95c28ff3147bb6f6a65992df5b9b571bdf (diff)
Merge pull request #44 from AeneasVerif/son_traits_types
Add support for traits
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 1c8d8921..3aeabffe 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -89,14 +89,31 @@ let mk_mplace (var_id : (name : string option)
(projection : mprojection) : mplace =
{ var_id; name; projection }
+let empty_generic_params : generic_params =
+ { types = []; const_generics = []; trait_clauses = [] }
+let empty_generic_args : generic_args =
+ { types = []; const_generics = []; trait_refs = [] }
+let mk_generic_args_from_types (types : ty list) : generic_args =
+ { types; const_generics = []; trait_refs = [] }
+type subst = {
+ ty_subst : -> ty;
+ cg_subst : -> const_generic;
+ tr_subst : -> trait_instance_id;
+ tr_self : trait_instance_id;
(** Type substitution *)
-let ty_substitute (tsubst : -> ty)
- (cgsubst : -> const_generic) (ty : ty) : ty =
+let ty_substitute (subst : subst) (ty : ty) : ty =
let obj =
inherit [_] map_ty
- method! visit_TypeVar _ var_id = tsubst var_id
- method! visit_ConstGenericVar _ var_id = cgsubst var_id
+ method! visit_TypeVar _ var_id = subst.ty_subst var_id
+ method! visit_ConstGenericVar _ var_id = subst.cg_subst var_id
+ method! visit_Clause _ id = subst.tr_subst id
+ method! visit_Self _ = subst.tr_self
obj#visit_ty () ty
@@ -115,6 +132,18 @@ let make_const_generic_subst (vars : const_generic_var list)
(cgs : const_generic list) : -> const_generic =
Substitute.make_const_generic_subst_from_vars vars cgs
+let make_trait_subst (clauses : trait_clause list) (refs : trait_ref list) :
+ -> trait_instance_id =
+ let clauses = (fun x -> x.clause_id) clauses in
+ let refs = (fun x -> TraitRef x) refs in
+ let ls = List.combine clauses refs in
+ let mp =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun mp (k, v) -> TraitClauseId.Map.add k v mp)
+ TraitClauseId.Map.empty ls
+ in
+ fun id -> TraitClauseId.Map.find id mp
(** Retrieve the list of fields for the given variant of a {!type:Aeneas.Pure.type_decl}.
Raises [Invalid_argument] if the arguments are incorrect.
@@ -135,20 +164,27 @@ let type_decl_get_fields (def : type_decl)
- def: " ^ show_type_decl def ^ "\n- opt_variant_id: "
^ opt_variant_id))
+let make_subst_from_generics (params : generic_params) (args : generic_args)
+ (tr_self : trait_instance_id) : subst =
+ let ty_subst = make_type_subst params.types args.types in
+ let cg_subst =
+ make_const_generic_subst params.const_generics args.const_generics
+ in
+ let tr_subst = make_trait_subst params.trait_clauses args.trait_refs in
+ { ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self }
(** Instantiate the type variables for the chosen variant in an ADT definition,
and return the list of the types of its fields *)
let type_decl_get_instantiated_fields_types (def : type_decl)
- (opt_variant_id : option) (types : ty list)
- (cgs : const_generic list) : ty list =
- let ty_subst = make_type_subst def.type_params types in
- let cg_subst = make_const_generic_subst def.const_generic_params cgs in
+ (opt_variant_id : option) (generics : generic_args) : ty list =
+ (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
+ let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
+ let subst = make_subst_from_generics def.generics generics tr_self in
let fields = type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in
- (fun f -> ty_substitute ty_subst cg_subst f.field_ty) fields
+ (fun f -> ty_substitute subst f.field_ty) fields
-let fun_sig_substitute (tsubst : -> ty)
- (cgsubst : -> const_generic) (sg : fun_sig) :
- inst_fun_sig =
- let subst = ty_substitute tsubst cgsubst in
+let fun_sig_substitute (subst : subst) (sg : fun_sig) : inst_fun_sig =
+ let subst = ty_substitute subst in
let inputs = subst sg.inputs in
let output = subst sg.output in
let doutputs = subst sg.doutputs in
@@ -164,7 +200,8 @@ let fun_sig_substitute (tsubst : -> ty)
let rec let_group_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool =
match e.e with
- | Var _ | Const _ | App _ | Abs _ | Qualif _ | StructUpdate _ -> false
+ | Var _ | CVar _ | Const _ | App _ | Abs _ | Qualif _ | StructUpdate _ ->
+ false
| Let (monadic, _, _, next_e) ->
if monadic then true else let_group_requires_parentheses next_e
| Switch (_, _) -> false
@@ -184,15 +221,18 @@ let is_var (e : texpression) : bool =
let as_var (e : texpression) : =
match e.e with Var v -> v | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
+let is_cvar (e : texpression) : bool =
+ match e.e with CVar _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_global (e : texpression) : bool =
match e.e with Qualif { id = Global _; _ } -> true | _ -> false
let is_const (e : texpression) : bool =
match e.e with Const _ -> true | _ -> false
-let ty_as_adt (ty : ty) : type_id * ty list * const_generic list =
+let ty_as_adt (ty : ty) : type_id * generic_args =
match ty with
- | Adt (id, tys, cgs) -> (id, tys, cgs)
+ | Adt (id, generics) -> (id, generics)
| _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(** Remove the external occurrences of {!Meta} *)
@@ -290,28 +330,30 @@ let destruct_qualif_app (e : texpression) : qualif * texpression list =
(** Destruct an expression into a function call, if possible *)
let opt_destruct_function_call (e : texpression) :
- (fun_or_op_id * ty list * texpression list) option =
+ (fun_or_op_id * generic_args * texpression list) option =
match opt_destruct_qualif_app e with
| None -> None
| Some (qualif, args) -> (
match with
- | FunOrOp fun_id -> Some (fun_id, qualif.type_args, args)
+ | FunOrOp fun_id -> Some (fun_id, qualif.generics, args)
| _ -> None)
let opt_destruct_result (ty : ty) : ty option =
match ty with
- | Adt (Assumed Result, tys, cgs) ->
- assert (cgs = []);
- Some (Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys)
+ | Adt (Assumed Result, generics) ->
+ assert (generics.const_generics = []);
+ assert (generics.trait_refs = []);
+ Some (Collections.List.to_cons_nil generics.types)
| _ -> None
let destruct_result (ty : ty) : ty = Option.get (opt_destruct_result ty)
let opt_destruct_tuple (ty : ty) : ty list option =
match ty with
- | Adt (Tuple, tys, cgs) ->
- assert (cgs = []);
- Some tys
+ | Adt (Tuple, generics) ->
+ assert (generics.const_generics = []);
+ assert (generics.trait_refs = []);
+ Some generics.types
| _ -> None
let mk_abs (x : typed_pattern) (e : texpression) : texpression =
@@ -383,14 +425,16 @@ let mk_switch (scrut : texpression) (sb : switch_body) : texpression =
- if there is > one type: wrap them in a tuple
let mk_simpl_tuple_ty (tys : ty list) : ty =
- match tys with [ ty ] -> ty | _ -> Adt (Tuple, tys, [])
+ match tys with
+ | [ ty ] -> ty
+ | _ -> Adt (Tuple, mk_generic_args_from_types tys)
let mk_bool_ty : ty = Literal Bool
-let mk_unit_ty : ty = Adt (Tuple, [], [])
+let mk_unit_ty : ty = Adt (Tuple, empty_generic_args)
let mk_unit_rvalue : texpression =
let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Tuple; variant_id = None } in
- let qualif = { id; type_args = []; const_generic_args = [] } in
+ let qualif = { id; generics = empty_generic_args } in
let e = Qualif qualif in
let ty = mk_unit_ty in
{ e; ty }
@@ -430,7 +474,7 @@ let mk_simpl_tuple_pattern (vl : typed_pattern list) : typed_pattern =
| [ v ] -> v
| _ ->
let tys = (fun (v : typed_pattern) -> v.ty) vl in
- let ty = Adt (Tuple, tys, []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Tuple, mk_generic_args_from_types tys) in
let value = PatAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = vl } in
{ value; ty }
@@ -441,11 +485,11 @@ let mk_simpl_tuple_texpression (vl : texpression list) : texpression =
| _ ->
(* Compute the types of the fields, and the type of the tuple constructor *)
let tys = (fun (v : texpression) -> v.ty) vl in
- let ty = Adt (Tuple, tys, []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Tuple, mk_generic_args_from_types tys) in
let ty = mk_arrows tys ty in
(* Construct the tuple constructor qualifier *)
let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Tuple; variant_id = None } in
- let qualif = { id; type_args = tys; const_generic_args = [] } in
+ let qualif = { id; generics = mk_generic_args_from_types tys } in
(* Put everything together *)
let cons = { e = Qualif qualif; ty } in
mk_apps cons vl
@@ -463,32 +507,36 @@ let ty_as_integer (t : ty) : T.integer_type =
let ty_as_literal (t : ty) : T.literal_type =
match t with Literal ty -> ty | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
-let mk_state_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed State, [], [])
-let mk_result_ty (ty : ty) : ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ ty ], [])
-let mk_error_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed Error, [], [])
-let mk_fuel_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed Fuel, [], [])
+let mk_state_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed State, empty_generic_args)
+let mk_result_ty (ty : ty) : ty =
+ Adt (Assumed Result, mk_generic_args_from_types [ ty ])
+let mk_error_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed Error, empty_generic_args)
+let mk_fuel_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed Fuel, empty_generic_args)
let mk_error (error : : texpression =
let ty = mk_error_ty in
let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Assumed Error; variant_id = Some error } in
- let qualif = { id; type_args = []; const_generic_args = [] } in
+ let qualif = { id; generics = empty_generic_args } in
let e = Qualif qualif in
{ e; ty }
let unwrap_result_ty (ty : ty) : ty =
match ty with
- | Adt (Assumed Result, [ ty ], cgs) ->
- assert (cgs = []);
+ | Adt
+ (Assumed Result, { types = [ ty ]; const_generics = []; trait_refs = [] })
+ ->
| _ -> raise (Failure "not a result type")
let mk_result_fail_texpression (error : texpression) (ty : ty) : texpression =
let type_args = [ ty ] in
- let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, type_args, []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, mk_generic_args_from_types type_args) in
let id =
AdtCons { adt_id = Assumed Result; variant_id = Some result_fail_id }
- let qualif = { id; type_args; const_generic_args = [] } in
+ let qualif = { id; generics = mk_generic_args_from_types type_args } in
let cons_e = Qualif qualif in
let cons_ty = mk_arrow error.ty ty in
let cons = { e = cons_e; ty = cons_ty } in
@@ -501,11 +549,11 @@ let mk_result_fail_texpression_with_error_id (error : (ty : ty) :
let mk_result_return_texpression (v : texpression) : texpression =
let type_args = [ v.ty ] in
- let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, type_args, []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, mk_generic_args_from_types type_args) in
let id =
AdtCons { adt_id = Assumed Result; variant_id = Some result_return_id }
- let qualif = { id; type_args; const_generic_args = [] } in
+ let qualif = { id; generics = mk_generic_args_from_types type_args } in
let cons_e = Qualif qualif in
let cons_ty = mk_arrow v.ty ty in
let cons = { e = cons_e; ty = cons_ty } in
@@ -514,7 +562,7 @@ let mk_result_return_texpression (v : texpression) : texpression =
(** Create a [Fail err] pattern which captures the error *)
let mk_result_fail_pattern (error_pat : pattern) (ty : ty) : typed_pattern =
let error_pat : typed_pattern = { value = error_pat; ty = mk_error_ty } in
- let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ ty ], []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, mk_generic_args_from_types [ ty ]) in
let value =
PatAdt { variant_id = Some result_fail_id; field_values = [ error_pat ] }
@@ -526,7 +574,7 @@ let mk_result_fail_pattern_ignore_error (ty : ty) : typed_pattern =
mk_result_fail_pattern error_pat ty
let mk_result_return_pattern (v : typed_pattern) : typed_pattern =
- let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ v.ty ], []) in
+ let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, mk_generic_args_from_types [ v.ty ]) in
let value =
PatAdt { variant_id = Some result_return_id; field_values = [ v ] }
@@ -561,11 +609,11 @@ let rec typed_pattern_to_texpression (pat : typed_pattern) : texpression option
let fields_values = (fun e -> Option.get e) fields in
(* Retrieve the type id and the type args from the pat type (simpler this way *)
- let adt_id, type_args, const_generic_args = ty_as_adt pat.ty in
+ let adt_id, generics = ty_as_adt pat.ty in
(* Create the constructor *)
let qualif_id = AdtCons { adt_id; variant_id = av.variant_id } in
- let qualif = { id = qualif_id; type_args; const_generic_args } in
+ let qualif = { id = qualif_id; generics } in
let cons_e = Qualif qualif in
let field_tys = (fun (v : texpression) -> v.ty) fields_values
@@ -577,3 +625,55 @@ let rec typed_pattern_to_texpression (pat : typed_pattern) : texpression option
Some (mk_apps cons fields_values).e
match e_opt with None -> None | Some e -> Some { e; ty = pat.ty }
+type trait_decl_method_decl_id = { is_provided : bool; id : fun_decl_id }
+let trait_decl_get_method (trait_decl : trait_decl) (method_name : string) :
+ trait_decl_method_decl_id =
+ (* First look in the required methods *)
+ let method_id =
+ List.find_opt (fun (s, _) -> s = method_name) trait_decl.required_methods
+ in
+ match method_id with
+ | Some (_, id) -> { is_provided = false; id }
+ | None ->
+ (* Must be a provided method *)
+ let _, id =
+ List.find (fun (s, _) -> s = method_name) trait_decl.provided_methods
+ in
+ { is_provided = true; id = Option.get id }
+let trait_decl_is_empty (trait_decl : trait_decl) : bool =
+ let {
+ def_id = _;
+ name = _;
+ generics = _;
+ preds = _;
+ parent_clauses;
+ consts;
+ types;
+ required_methods;
+ provided_methods;
+ } =
+ trait_decl
+ in
+ parent_clauses = [] && consts = [] && types = [] && required_methods = []
+ && provided_methods = []
+let trait_impl_is_empty (trait_impl : trait_impl) : bool =
+ let {
+ def_id = _;
+ name = _;
+ impl_trait = _;
+ generics = _;
+ preds = _;
+ parent_trait_refs;
+ consts;
+ types;
+ required_methods;
+ provided_methods;
+ } =
+ trait_impl
+ in
+ parent_trait_refs = [] && consts = [] && types = [] && required_methods = []
+ && provided_methods = []