path: root/compiler/
diff options
authorSon HO2023-12-23 01:46:58 +0100
committerGitHub2023-12-23 01:46:58 +0100
commit15a7d7b7322a1cd0ebeb328fde214060e23fa8b4 (patch)
tree6cce7d76969870f5bc18c5a7cd585e8873a1c0dc /compiler/
parentc3e0b90e422cbd902ee6d2b47073940c0017b7fb (diff)
parent63ccbd914d5d44aa30dee38a6fcc019310ab640b (diff)
Merge pull request #64 from AeneasVerif/son/merge_back
Merge the forward/backward functions
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 39dcd52d..80bf3c42 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -57,6 +57,23 @@ end
module FunLoopIdMap = Collections.MakeMap (FunLoopIdOrderedType)
module FunLoopIdSet = Collections.MakeSet (FunLoopIdOrderedType)
+let inputs_info_is_wf (info : inputs_info) : bool =
+ let {
+ has_fuel;
+ num_inputs_no_fuel_no_state;
+ num_inputs_with_fuel_no_state;
+ num_inputs_with_fuel_with_state;
+ } =
+ info
+ in
+ let fuel = if has_fuel then 1 else 0 in
+ num_inputs_no_fuel_no_state >= 0
+ && num_inputs_with_fuel_no_state = num_inputs_no_fuel_no_state + fuel
+ && num_inputs_with_fuel_with_state >= num_inputs_with_fuel_no_state
+let fun_sig_info_is_wf (info : fun_sig_info) : bool =
+ inputs_info_is_wf info.fwd_info
let dest_arrow_ty (ty : ty) : ty * ty =
match ty with
| TArrow (arg_ty, ret_ty) -> (arg_ty, ret_ty)
@@ -187,9 +204,7 @@ let fun_sig_substitute (subst : subst) (sg : fun_sig) : inst_fun_sig =
let subst = ty_substitute subst in
let inputs = subst sg.inputs in
let output = subst sg.output in
- let doutputs = subst sg.doutputs in
- let info = in
- { inputs; output; doutputs; info }
+ { inputs; output }
(** We use this to check whether we need to add parentheses around expressions.
We only look for outer monadic let-bindings.
@@ -200,12 +215,14 @@ let fun_sig_substitute (subst : subst) (sg : fun_sig) : inst_fun_sig =
let rec let_group_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool =
match e.e with
- | Var _ | CVar _ | Const _ | App _ | Abs _ | Qualif _ | StructUpdate _ ->
- false
+ | Var _ | CVar _ | Const _ | App _ | Qualif _ | StructUpdate _ -> false
| Let (monadic, _, _, next_e) ->
if monadic then true else let_group_requires_parentheses next_e
| Switch (_, _) -> false
| Meta (_, next_e) -> let_group_requires_parentheses next_e
+ | Lambda (_, _) ->
+ (* Being conservative here *)
+ true
| Loop _ ->
(* Should have been eliminated *)
raise (Failure "Unreachable")
@@ -304,14 +321,26 @@ let destruct_apps (e : texpression) : texpression * texpression list =
(** Make an [App (app, arg)] expression *)
let mk_app (app : texpression) (arg : texpression) : texpression =
+ let raise_or_return msg =
+ if !Config.fail_hard then raise (Failure msg)
+ else
+ let e = App (app, arg) in
+ (* Dummy type - TODO: introduce an error type *)
+ let ty = app.ty in
+ { e; ty }
+ in
match app.ty with
| TArrow (ty0, ty1) ->
(* Sanity check *)
- assert (ty0 = arg.ty);
- let e = App (app, arg) in
- let ty = ty1 in
- { e; ty }
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Expected an arrow type")
+ if
+ (* TODO: we need to normalize the types *)
+ !Config.type_check_pure_code && ty0 <> arg.ty
+ then raise_or_return "App: wrong input type"
+ else
+ let e = App (app, arg) in
+ let ty = ty1 in
+ { e; ty }
+ | _ -> raise_or_return "Expected an arrow type"
(** The reverse of {!destruct_apps} *)
let mk_apps (app : texpression) (args : texpression list) : texpression =
@@ -356,18 +385,6 @@ let opt_destruct_tuple (ty : ty) : ty list option =
Some generics.types
| _ -> None
-let mk_abs (x : typed_pattern) (e : texpression) : texpression =
- let ty = TArrow (x.ty, e.ty) in
- let e = Abs (x, e) in
- { e; ty }
-let rec destruct_abs_list (e : texpression) : typed_pattern list * texpression =
- match e.e with
- | Abs (x, e') ->
- let xl, e'' = destruct_abs_list e' in
- (x :: xl, e'')
- | _ -> ([], e)
let destruct_arrow (ty : ty) : ty * ty =
match ty with
| TArrow (ty0, ty1) -> (ty0, ty1)
@@ -431,6 +448,7 @@ let mk_simpl_tuple_ty (tys : ty list) : ty =
let mk_bool_ty : ty = TLiteral TBool
let mk_unit_ty : ty = TAdt (TTuple, empty_generic_args)
+let ty_is_unit ty : bool = ty = mk_unit_ty
let mk_unit_rvalue : texpression =
let id = AdtCons { adt_id = TTuple; variant_id = None } in
@@ -698,3 +716,39 @@ let type_decl_from_type_id_is_tuple_struct (ctx : TypesAnalysis.type_infos)
let info = TypeDeclId.Map.find id ctx in
| TAssumed _ -> false
+let mk_lambda (x : typed_pattern) (e : texpression) : texpression =
+ let ty = TArrow (x.ty, e.ty) in
+ let e = Lambda (x, e) in
+ { e; ty }
+let mk_lambda_from_var (var : var) (mp : mplace option) (e : texpression) :
+ texpression =
+ let pat = PatVar (var, mp) in
+ let pat = { value = pat; ty = var.ty } in
+ mk_lambda pat e
+let mk_lambdas_from_vars (vars : var list) (mps : mplace option list)
+ (e : texpression) : texpression =
+ let vars = List.combine vars mps in
+ List.fold_right (fun (v, mp) e -> mk_lambda_from_var v mp e) vars e
+let rec destruct_lambdas (e : texpression) : typed_pattern list * texpression =
+ match e.e with
+ | Lambda (pat, e) ->
+ let pats, e = destruct_lambdas e in
+ (pat :: pats, e)
+ | _ -> ([], e)
+let opt_dest_tuple_texpression (e : texpression) : texpression list option =
+ let app, args = destruct_apps e in
+ match app.e with
+ | Qualif { id = AdtCons { adt_id = TTuple; variant_id = None }; generics = _ }
+ ->
+ Some args
+ | _ -> None
+let opt_dest_struct_pattern (pat : typed_pattern) : typed_pattern list option =
+ match pat.value with
+ | PatAdt { variant_id = None; field_values } -> Some field_values
+ | _ -> None