path: root/compiler/
diff options
authorSon HO2023-11-22 15:06:43 +0100
committerGitHub2023-11-22 15:06:43 +0100
commitbacf3f5f6f5f6a9aa650d5ae8d12a132fd747039 (patch)
tree9953d7af1fe406cdc750030a43a5e4d6245cd763 /compiler/
parent587f1ebc0178acb19029d3fc9a729c197082aba7 (diff)
parent01cfd899119174ef7c5941c99dd251711f4ee701 (diff)
Merge pull request #45 from AeneasVerif/son_merge_types
Big cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index e7da045c..b13d545c 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -3,17 +3,15 @@
also in Invariants or InterpreterProjectors
-module T = Types
-module V = Values
-module C = Contexts
-module Subst = Substitute
-module L = Logging
+open Types
+open Values
+open Contexts
open Utils
open TypesUtils
open InterpreterUtils
(** The local logger *)
-let log = L.borrows_log
+let log = Logging.borrows_log
(** TODO: cleanup this a bit, once we have a better understanding about
what we need.
@@ -33,19 +31,19 @@ type exploration_kind = {
let ek_all : exploration_kind =
{ enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
-type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
+type borrow_ids = Borrows of BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
[@@deriving show]
type borrow_ids_or_symbolic_value =
| BorrowIds of borrow_ids
- | SymbolicValue of V.symbolic_value
+ | SymbolicValue of symbolic_value
[@@deriving show]
exception FoundBorrowIds of borrow_ids
type priority_borrows_or_abs =
| OuterBorrows of borrow_ids
- | OuterAbs of
+ | OuterAbs of
| InnerLoans of borrow_ids
[@@deriving show]
@@ -55,20 +53,17 @@ let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt
exception FoundPriority of priority_borrows_or_abs
type loan_or_borrow_content =
- | LoanContent of V.loan_content
- | BorrowContent of V.borrow_content
+ | LoanContent of loan_content
+ | BorrowContent of borrow_content
[@@deriving show]
-type borrow_or_abs_id =
- | BorrowId of
- | AbsId of
+type borrow_or_abs_id = BorrowId of | AbsId of
type borrow_or_abs_ids = borrow_or_abs_id list
let borrow_or_abs_id_to_string (id : borrow_or_abs_id) : string =
match id with
- | AbsId id -> "abs@" ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string id
- | BorrowId id -> "l@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string id
+ | AbsId id -> "abs@" ^ AbstractionId.to_string id
+ | BorrowId id -> "l@" ^ BorrowId.to_string id
let borrow_or_abs_ids_chain_to_string (ids : borrow_or_abs_ids) : string =
let ids = List.rev ids in
@@ -88,24 +83,29 @@ let add_borrow_or_abs_id_to_chain (msg : string) (id : borrow_or_abs_id)
(** Helper function.
This function allows to define in a generic way a comparison of **region types**.
- See [projections_interesect] for instance.
+ See [projections_intersect] for instance.
+ Important: the regions in the types mustn't be erased.
[default]: default boolean to return, when comparing types with no regions
[combine]: how to combine booleans
[compare_regions]: how to compare regions
TODO: is there a way of deriving such a comparison?
+ TODO: rename
let rec compare_rtys (default : bool) (combine : bool -> bool -> bool)
- (compare_regions : T.region -> T.region -> bool)
- (ty1 : T.rty) (ty2 : T.rty) : bool =
+ (compare_regions : region -> region -> bool) (ty1 : rty) (ty2 : rty) : bool
+ =
let compare = compare_rtys default combine compare_regions in
+ (* Sanity check - TODO: don't do this at every recursive call *)
+ assert (ty_is_rty ty1 && ty_is_rty ty2);
(* Normalize the associated types *)
match (ty1, ty2) with
- | T.Literal lit1, T.Literal lit2 ->
+ | TLiteral lit1, TLiteral lit2 ->
assert (lit1 = lit2);
- | T.Adt (id1, generics1), T.Adt (id2, generics2) ->
+ | TAdt (id1, generics1), TAdt (id2, generics2) ->
assert (id1 = id2);
(* There are no regions in the const generics, so we ignore them,
but we still check they are the same, for sanity *)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let rec compare_rtys (default : bool) (combine : bool -> bool -> bool)
(* Combine *)
combine params_b tys_b
- | T.Ref (r1, ty1, kind1), T.Ref (r2, ty2, kind2) ->
+ | TRef (r1, ty1, kind1), TRef (r2, ty2, kind2) ->
(* Sanity check *)
assert (kind1 = kind2);
(* Explanation for the case where we check if projections intersect:
@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ let rec compare_rtys (default : bool) (combine : bool -> bool -> bool)
let regions_b = compare_regions r1 r2 in
let tys_b = compare ty1 ty2 in
combine regions_b tys_b
- | T.TypeVar id1, T.TypeVar id2 ->
+ | TVar id1, TVar id2 ->
assert (id1 = id2);
- | T.TraitType _, T.TraitType _ ->
+ | TTraitType _, TTraitType _ ->
(* The types should have been normalized. If after normalization we
get trait types, we can consider them as variables *)
assert (ty1 = ty2);
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ let rec compare_rtys (default : bool) (combine : bool -> bool -> bool)
| _ ->
- ("compare_rtys: unexpected inputs:" ^ "\n- ty1: " ^ T.show_rty ty1
- ^ "\n- ty2: " ^ T.show_rty ty2));
+ ("compare_rtys: unexpected inputs:" ^ "\n- ty1: " ^ show_ty ty1
+ ^ "\n- ty2: " ^ show_ty ty2));
raise (Failure "Unreachable")
(** Check if two different projections intersect. This is necessary when
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ let rec compare_rtys (default : bool) (combine : bool -> bool -> bool)
Note that the two abstractions have different views (in terms of regions)
of the symbolic value (hence the two region types).
-let projections_intersect (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : T.rty)
- (rset2 : T.RegionId.Set.t) : bool =
+let projections_intersect (ty1 : rty) (rset1 : RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : rty)
+ (rset2 : RegionId.Set.t) : bool =
let default = false in
let combine b1 b2 = b1 || b2 in
let compare_regions r1 r2 =
@@ -183,9 +183,12 @@ let projections_intersect (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : T.rty)
(** Check if the first projection contains the second projection.
We use this function when checking invariants.
+ The regions in the types shouldn't be erased (this function will raise an exception
+ otherwise).
-let projection_contains (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : T.rty)
- (rset2 : T.RegionId.Set.t) : bool =
+let projection_contains (ty1 : rty) (rset1 : RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : rty)
+ (rset2 : RegionId.Set.t) : bool =
let default = true in
let combine b1 b2 = b1 && b2 in
let compare_regions r1 r2 =
@@ -201,8 +204,8 @@ let projection_contains (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.Set.t) (ty2 : T.rty)
the {!InterpreterUtils.abs_or_var_id} is not necessarily {!constructor:Aeneas.InterpreterUtils.abs_or_var_id.VarId} or
{!constructor:Aeneas.InterpreterUtils.abs_or_var_id.DummyVarId}: there can be concrete loans in abstractions (in the shared values).
-let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option =
+let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : eval_ctx) :
+ (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option =
(* We store here whether we are inside an abstraction or a value - note that we
* could also track that with the environment, it would probably be more idiomatic
* and cleaner *)
@@ -210,19 +213,19 @@ let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] iter_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ | VSharedBorrow bid ->
(* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.ReservedMutBorrow bid ->
+ super#visit_VSharedBorrow env bid
+ | VReservedMutBorrow bid ->
(* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_ReservedMutBorrow env bid
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ super#visit_VReservedMutBorrow env bid
+ | VMutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
(* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_VMutBorrow env bid mv
else ()
(** We reimplement {!visit_Loan} (rather than the more precise functions
@@ -232,53 +235,53 @@ let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
method! visit_loan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ | VSharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
(* Check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
+ if BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ super#visit_VSharedLoan env bids sv
else ()
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ | VMutLoan bid ->
(* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *)
if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
- else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ else super#visit_VMutLoan env bid
(** Note that we don't control diving inside the abstractions: if we
allow to dive inside abstractions, we allow to go anywhere
(because there are no use cases requiring finer control) *)
method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
+ | AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
+ | ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
+ if BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
+ | AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
+ | AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
+ | AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
{ given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
+ | AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
super#visit_aloan_content env lc
- method! visit_Var env bv v =
+ method! visit_EBinding env bv v =
assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
abs_or_var :=
(match bv with
- | VarBinder b -> VarId b.C.index
- | DummyBinder id -> DummyVarId id);
- super#visit_Var env bv v;
+ | BVar b -> VarId b.index
+ | BDummy id -> DummyVarId id);
+ super#visit_EBinding env bv v;
abs_or_var := None
- method! visit_Abs env abs =
+ method! visit_EAbs env abs =
assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
if ek.enter_abs then (
- abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.V.abs_id);
- super#visit_Abs env abs;
+ abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.abs_id);
+ super#visit_EAbs env abs;
abs_or_var := None)
else ()
@@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
Raises an exception if no loan was found.
-let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : eval_ctx) :
abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content =
match lookup_loan_opt ek l ctx with
| None -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
@@ -309,13 +312,13 @@ let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.loan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nlc : loan_content)
+ (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
* inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
* returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.loan_content =
+ let update () : loan_content =
assert (not !r);
r := true;
@@ -323,32 +326,32 @@ let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.ReservedMutBorrow _ ->
+ | VSharedBorrow _ | VReservedMutBorrow _ ->
(* Nothing specific to do *)
super#visit_borrow_content env bc
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ | VMutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
(* Control the dive into mutable borrows *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
+ if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_VMutBorrow env bid mv
+ else VMutBorrow (bid, mv)
(** We reimplement {!visit_loan_content} (rather than one of the sub-
functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *)
method! visit_loan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ | VSharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
(* Shared loan: check if this is the loan we are looking for, and
control the dive. *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
+ if BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ super#visit_VSharedLoan env bids sv
+ else VSharedLoan (bids, sv)
+ | VMutLoan bid ->
(* Mut loan: checks if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ if bid = l then update () else super#visit_VMutLoan env bid
(** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
(there are no use cases requiring finer control).
@@ -372,13 +375,13 @@ let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.aloan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nlc : aloan_content)
+ (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
* inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
* returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.aloan_content =
+ let update () : aloan_content =
assert (not !r);
r := true;
@@ -386,21 +389,21 @@ let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
+ | AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
if bid = l then update () else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
+ | ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
+ if BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
+ | AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
+ | AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
+ | AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
{ given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
+ | AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
super#visit_aloan_content env lc
(** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
@@ -416,50 +419,50 @@ let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *)
-let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content option =
+let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : eval_ctx)
+ : g_borrow_content option =
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] iter_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ | VMutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
(* Check the borrow id and control the dive *)
if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc))
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_VMutBorrow env bid mv
else ()
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ | VSharedBorrow bid ->
(* Check the borrow id *)
if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
- | V.ReservedMutBorrow bid ->
+ | VReservedMutBorrow bid ->
(* Check the borrow id *)
if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
method! visit_loan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ | VMutLoan bid ->
+ (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_VMutLoan env bid
+ | VSharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
(* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_VSharedLoan env bids sv
else ()
method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
+ | AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
else super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
+ | ASharedBorrow bid ->
if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
else super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow (_, _)
- | V.AEndedMutBorrow _
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow
+ | AIgnoredMutBorrow (_, _)
+ | AEndedMutBorrow _
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow
{ given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedBorrow ->
+ | AEndedSharedBorrow ->
super#visit_aborrow_content env bc
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
+ | AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
if borrow_in_asb l asb then
raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
else ()
@@ -478,8 +481,8 @@ let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
Raise an exception if no loan was found
-let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : g_borrow_content =
+let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : eval_ctx) :
+ g_borrow_content =
match lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx with
| None -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
| Some lc -> lc
@@ -490,13 +493,13 @@ let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nbc : V.borrow_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (nbc : borrow_content) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
* inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
* returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.borrow_content =
+ let update () : borrow_content =
assert (not !r);
r := true;
@@ -504,31 +507,32 @@ let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ | VMutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
(* Check the id and control dive *)
if bid = l then update ()
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_VMutBorrow env bid mv
+ else VMutBorrow (bid, mv)
+ | VSharedBorrow bid ->
(* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.ReservedMutBorrow bid ->
+ if bid = l then update () else super#visit_VSharedBorrow env bid
+ | VReservedMutBorrow bid ->
(* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_ReservedMutBorrow env bid
+ if bid = l then update ()
+ else super#visit_VReservedMutBorrow env bid
method! visit_loan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ | VSharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
(* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_VSharedLoan env bids sv
+ else VSharedLoan (bids, sv)
+ | VMutLoan bid ->
(* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ super#visit_VMutLoan env bid
method! visit_abs env abs =
if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
@@ -546,13 +550,13 @@ let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : avalue)
+ (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
* inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
* returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.avalue =
+ let update () : avalue =
assert (not !r);
r := true;
@@ -560,22 +564,22 @@ let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_ABorrow env bc =
match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
+ | AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av)
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
+ else ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av)
+ | ASharedBorrow bid ->
if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid)
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow _ | V.AEndedMutBorrow _ | V.AEndedSharedBorrow
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _ ->
+ else ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid)
+ | AIgnoredMutBorrow _ | AEndedMutBorrow _ | AEndedSharedBorrow
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow _ ->
super#visit_ABorrow env bc
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
+ | AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
if borrow_in_asb l asb then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb)
+ else ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb)
method! visit_abs env abs =
if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
@@ -588,16 +592,16 @@ let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
(** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *)
-let update_outer_borrows (outer : option * borrow_ids option)
- (x : borrow_ids) : option * borrow_ids option =
+let update_outer_borrows (outer : option * borrow_ids option)
+ (x : borrow_ids) : option * borrow_ids option =
let abs, opt = outer in
(abs, update_if_none opt x)
(** Return the first loan we find in a value *)
-let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option =
+let get_first_loan_in_value (v : typed_value) : loan_content option =
let obj =
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
+ inherit [_] iter_typed_value
method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc)
@@ -608,10 +612,10 @@ let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option =
with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc
(** Return the first loan we find in a list of values *)
-let get_first_loan_in_values (vs : V.typed_value list) : V.loan_content option =
+let get_first_loan_in_values (vs : typed_value list) : loan_content option =
let obj =
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
+ inherit [_] iter_typed_value
method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc)
@@ -622,10 +626,10 @@ let get_first_loan_in_values (vs : V.typed_value list) : V.loan_content option =
with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc
(** Return the first borrow we find in a value *)
-let get_first_borrow_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.borrow_content option =
+let get_first_borrow_in_value (v : typed_value) : borrow_content option =
let obj =
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
+ inherit [_] iter_typed_value
method! visit_borrow_content _ bc = raise (FoundBorrowContent bc)
@@ -643,10 +647,10 @@ let get_first_borrow_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.borrow_content option =
- if [false]: return the first loan we find, do not dive into borrowed values
let get_first_outer_loan_or_borrow_in_value (with_borrows : bool)
- (v : V.typed_value) : loan_or_borrow_content option =
+ (v : typed_value) : loan_or_borrow_content option =
let obj =
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
+ inherit [_] iter_typed_value
method! visit_borrow_content _ bc =
if with_borrows then raise (FoundBorrowContent bc) else ()
@@ -662,17 +666,13 @@ let get_first_outer_loan_or_borrow_in_value (with_borrows : bool)
| FoundLoanContent lc -> Some (LoanContent lc)
| FoundBorrowContent bc -> Some (BorrowContent bc)
-type gproj_borrows =
- | AProjBorrows of * V.symbolic_value
- | ProjBorrows of V.symbolic_value
let proj_borrows_intersects_proj_loans
- (proj_borrows : T.RegionId.Set.t * V.symbolic_value * T.rty)
- (proj_loans : T.RegionId.Set.t * V.symbolic_value) : bool =
+ (proj_borrows : RegionId.Set.t * symbolic_value * rty)
+ (proj_loans : RegionId.Set.t * symbolic_value) : bool =
let b_regions, b_sv, b_ty = proj_borrows in
let l_regions, l_sv = proj_loans in
if same_symbolic_id b_sv l_sv then
- projections_intersect l_sv.V.sv_ty l_regions b_ty b_regions
+ projections_intersect l_sv.sv_ty l_regions b_ty b_regions
else false
(** Result of looking up aproj_borrows which intersect a given aproj_loans in
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@ let proj_borrows_intersects_proj_loans
found, as well as the projection types used in those abstractions.
type looked_up_aproj_borrows =
- | NonSharedProj of * T.rty
- | SharedProjs of ( * T.rty) list
+ | NonSharedProj of * rty
+ | SharedProjs of ( * rty) list
(** Lookup the aproj_borrows (including aproj_shared_borrows) over a
symbolic value which intersect a given set of regions.
@@ -701,15 +701,15 @@ type looked_up_aproj_borrows =
This is a helper function.
let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt (lookup_shared : bool)
- (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t) (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ (regions : RegionId.Set.t) (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
looked_up_aproj_borrows option =
let found : looked_up_aproj_borrows option ref = ref None in
- let set_non_shared ((id, ty) : * T.rty) : unit =
+ let set_non_shared ((id, ty) : * rty) : unit =
match !found with
| None -> found := Some (NonSharedProj (id, ty))
| Some _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")
- let add_shared (x : * T.rty) : unit =
+ let add_shared (x : * rty) : unit =
match !found with
| None -> found := Some (SharedProjs [ x ])
| Some (SharedProjs pl) -> found := Some (SharedProjs (x :: pl))
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt (lookup_shared : bool)
let check_add_proj_borrows (is_shared : bool) abs sv' proj_ty =
- (abs.V.regions, sv', proj_ty)
+ (abs.regions, sv', proj_ty)
(regions, sv)
let x = (abs.abs_id, proj_ty) in
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt (lookup_shared : bool)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] iter_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs = super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs
method! visit_abstract_shared_borrow abs asb =
@@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt (lookup_shared : bool)
if lookup_shared then
let abs = Option.get abs in
match asb with
- | V.AsbBorrow _ -> ()
- | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv', proj_ty) ->
+ | AsbBorrow _ -> ()
+ | AsbProjReborrows (sv', proj_ty) ->
let is_shared = true in
check_add_proj_borrows is_shared abs sv' proj_ty
else ()
@@ -772,9 +772,8 @@ let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt (lookup_shared : bool)
Returns the id of the owning abstraction, and the projection type used in
this abstraction.
-let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_not_shared_opt
- (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t) (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- ( * T.rty) option =
+let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_not_shared_opt (regions : RegionId.Set.t)
+ (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : ( * rty) option =
let lookup_shared = false in
match lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_opt lookup_shared regions sv ctx with
| None -> None
@@ -787,10 +786,10 @@ let lookup_intersecting_aproj_borrows_not_shared_opt
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows (can_update_shared : bool)
- (update_shared : -> T.rty -> V.abstract_shared_borrows)
- (update_non_shared : -> T.rty -> V.aproj)
- (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t) (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- C.eval_ctx =
+ (update_shared : -> rty -> abstract_shared_borrows)
+ (update_non_shared : -> rty -> aproj)
+ (regions : RegionId.Set.t) (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx
+ =
(* Small helpers for sanity checks *)
let shared = ref None in
let add_shared () =
@@ -804,7 +803,7 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows (can_update_shared : bool)
let check_proj_borrows is_shared abs sv' proj_ty =
- (abs.V.regions, sv', proj_ty)
+ (abs.regions, sv', proj_ty)
(regions, sv)
then (
if is_shared then add_shared () else set_non_shared ();
@@ -814,7 +813,7 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows (can_update_shared : bool)
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs = super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs
method! visit_abstract_shared_borrows abs asb =
@@ -823,11 +822,10 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows (can_update_shared : bool)
(* Explore *)
if can_update_shared then
let abs = Option.get abs in
- let update (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) :
- V.abstract_shared_borrows =
+ let update (asb : abstract_shared_borrow) : abstract_shared_borrows =
match asb with
- | V.AsbBorrow _ -> [ asb ]
- | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv', proj_ty) ->
+ | AsbBorrow _ -> [ asb ]
+ | AsbProjReborrows (sv', proj_ty) ->
let is_shared = true in
if check_proj_borrows is_shared abs sv' proj_ty then
update_shared abs.abs_id proj_ty
@@ -863,8 +861,8 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows (can_update_shared : bool)
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows_non_shared (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
- (sv : V.symbolic_value) (nv : V.aproj) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows_non_shared (regions : RegionId.Set.t)
+ (sv : symbolic_value) (nv : aproj) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* Small helpers *)
let can_update_shared = false in
let update_shared _ _ = raise (Failure "Unexpected") in
@@ -889,8 +887,8 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_borrows_non_shared (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
-let remove_intersecting_aproj_borrows_shared (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
- (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let remove_intersecting_aproj_borrows_shared (regions : RegionId.Set.t)
+ (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* Small helpers *)
let can_update_shared = true in
let update_shared _ _ = [] in
@@ -921,20 +919,24 @@ let remove_intersecting_aproj_borrows_shared (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
Note that for sanity, this function checks that we update *at least* one
projector of loans.
+ [proj_ty]: shouldn't contain erased regions.
[subst]: takes as parameters the abstraction in which we perform the
substitution and the list of given back values at the projector of
- loans where we perform the substitution (see the fields in {!V.AProjLoans}).
+ loans where we perform the substitution (see the fields in {!AProjLoans}).
Note that the symbolic value at this place is necessarily equal to [sv],
which is why we don't give it as parameters.
-let update_intersecting_aproj_loans (proj_regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
- (proj_ty : T.rty) (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (subst : V.abs -> (V.msymbolic_value * V.aproj) list -> V.aproj)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_intersecting_aproj_loans (proj_regions : RegionId.Set.t)
+ (proj_ty : rty) (sv : symbolic_value)
+ (subst : abs -> (msymbolic_value * aproj) list -> aproj) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
+ eval_ctx =
+ (* *)
+ assert (ty_is_rty proj_ty);
(* Small helpers for sanity checks *)
let updated = ref false in
- let update abs local_given_back : V.aproj =
+ let update abs local_given_back : aproj =
(* Note that we can update more than once! *)
updated := true;
subst abs local_given_back
@@ -942,7 +944,7 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_loans (proj_regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs = super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs
method! visit_aproj abs sproj =
@@ -955,8 +957,7 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_loans (proj_regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
if same_symbolic_id sv sv' then (
assert (sv.sv_ty = sv'.sv_ty);
- projections_intersect proj_ty proj_regions sv'.V.sv_ty
- abs.regions
+ projections_intersect proj_ty proj_regions sv'.sv_ty abs.regions
then update abs given_back
else super#visit_aproj (Some abs) sproj)
else super#visit_aproj (Some abs) sproj
@@ -969,18 +970,18 @@ let update_intersecting_aproj_loans (proj_regions : T.RegionId.Set.t)
(* Return *)
-(** Helper function: lookup an {!V.AProjLoans} by using an abstraction id and a
+(** Helper function: lookup an {!AProjLoans} by using an abstraction id and a
symbolic value.
We return the information from the looked up projector of loans. See the
- fields in {!V.AProjLoans} (we don't return the symbolic value, because it
+ fields in {!AProjLoans} (we don't return the symbolic value, because it
is equal to [sv]).
Sanity check: we check that there is exactly one projector which corresponds
to the couple (abstraction id, symbolic value).
-let lookup_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (V.msymbolic_value * V.aproj) list =
+let lookup_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : symbolic_value)
+ (ctx : eval_ctx) : (msymbolic_value * aproj) list =
(* Small helpers for sanity checks *)
let found = ref None in
let set_found x =
@@ -991,12 +992,12 @@ let lookup_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] iter_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs =
if abs.abs_id = abs_id then super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs else ()
- method! visit_aproj (abs : V.abs option) sproj =
+ method! visit_aproj (abs : abs option) sproj =
(match sproj with
| AProjBorrows _ | AEndedProjLoans _ | AEndedProjBorrows _
| AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
@@ -1024,8 +1025,8 @@ let lookup_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
Sanity check: we check that there is exactly one projector which corresponds
to the couple (abstraction id, symbolic value).
-let update_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (nproj : V.aproj) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : symbolic_value)
+ (nproj : aproj) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* Small helpers for sanity checks *)
let found = ref false in
let update () =
@@ -1037,12 +1038,12 @@ let update_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs =
if abs.abs_id = abs_id then super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs else abs
- method! visit_aproj (abs : V.abs option) sproj =
+ method! visit_aproj (abs : abs option) sproj =
match sproj with
| AProjBorrows _ | AEndedProjLoans _ | AEndedProjBorrows _
| AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
@@ -1073,8 +1074,8 @@ let update_aproj_loans (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
TODO: factorize with {!update_aproj_loans}?
-let update_aproj_borrows (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
- (nproj : V.aproj) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_aproj_borrows (abs_id : (sv : symbolic_value)
+ (nproj : aproj) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* Small helpers for sanity checks *)
let found = ref false in
let update () =
@@ -1086,12 +1087,12 @@ let update_aproj_borrows (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] map_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_abs _ abs =
if abs.abs_id = abs_id then super#visit_abs (Some abs) abs else abs
- method! visit_aproj (abs : V.abs option) sproj =
+ method! visit_aproj (abs : abs option) sproj =
match sproj with
| AProjLoans _ | AEndedProjLoans _ | AEndedProjBorrows _
| AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
@@ -1114,26 +1115,26 @@ let update_aproj_borrows (abs_id : (sv : V.symbolic_value)
(** Helper function: might break invariants.
- Converts an {!V.AProjLoans} to an {!V.AEndedProjLoans}. The projector is identified
+ Converts an {!AProjLoans} to an {!AEndedProjLoans}. The projector is identified
by a symbolic value and an abstraction id.
-let update_aproj_loans_to_ended (abs_id :
- (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+let update_aproj_loans_to_ended (abs_id :
+ (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
(* Lookup the projector of loans *)
let given_back = lookup_aproj_loans abs_id sv ctx in
(* Create the new value for the projector *)
- let nproj = V.AEndedProjLoans (sv, given_back) in
+ let nproj = AEndedProjLoans (sv, given_back) in
(* Insert it *)
let ctx = update_aproj_loans abs_id sv nproj ctx in
(* Return *)
-let no_aproj_over_symbolic_in_context (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : unit =
+let no_aproj_over_symbolic_in_context (sv : symbolic_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
+ unit =
(* The visitor *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ inherit [_] iter_eval_ctx as super
method! visit_aproj env sproj =
(match sproj with
@@ -1154,44 +1155,44 @@ let no_aproj_over_symbolic_in_context (sv : V.symbolic_value) (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
**Remark:** we don't take the *ignored* mut/shared loans into account.
-let get_first_non_ignored_aloan_in_abstraction (abs : V.abs) :
+let get_first_non_ignored_aloan_in_abstraction (abs : abs) :
borrow_ids_or_symbolic_value option =
(* Explore to find a loan *)
let obj =
- inherit [_] V.iter_abs as super
+ inherit [_] iter_abs as super
method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrow bid))
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, _, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrows bids))
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (_, _) ->
+ | AMutLoan (bid, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrow bid))
+ | ASharedLoan (bids, _, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrows bids))
+ | AEndedMutLoan { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
+ | AEndedSharedLoan (_, _) ->
super#visit_aloan_content env lc
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _) ->
+ | AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _) ->
(* Ignore *)
super#visit_aloan_content env lc
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
{ given_back = _; child = _; given_back_meta = _ }
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
+ | AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ->
(* Ignore *)
super#visit_aloan_content env lc
(** We may need to visit loan contents because of shared values *)
method! visit_loan_content _ lc =
match lc with
- | V.MutLoan _ ->
+ | VMutLoan _ ->
(* The mut loan linked to the mutable borrow present in a shared
* value in an abstraction should be in an AProjBorrows *)
raise (Failure "Unreachable")
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrows bids))
+ | VSharedLoan (bids, _) -> raise (FoundBorrowIds (Borrows bids))
method! visit_aproj env sproj =
(match sproj with
- | V.AProjBorrows (_, _)
- | V.AEndedProjLoans _ | V.AEndedProjBorrows _ | V.AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
+ | AProjBorrows (_, _)
+ | AEndedProjLoans _ | AEndedProjBorrows _ | AIgnoredProjBorrows ->
- | V.AProjLoans (sv, _) -> raise (ValuesUtils.FoundSymbolicValue sv));
+ | AProjLoans (sv, _) -> raise (ValuesUtils.FoundSymbolicValue sv));
super#visit_aproj env sproj
@@ -1207,16 +1208,15 @@ let get_first_non_ignored_aloan_in_abstraction (abs : V.abs) :
(* There are loan projections over symbolic values *)
Some (SymbolicValue sv)
-let lookup_shared_value_opt (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (bid : :
- V.typed_value option =
+let lookup_shared_value_opt (ctx : eval_ctx) (bid : :
+ typed_value option =
match lookup_loan_opt ek_all bid ctx with
| None -> None
| Some (_, lc) -> (
match lc with
- | Concrete (SharedLoan (_, sv)) | Abstract (ASharedLoan (_, sv, _)) ->
+ | Concrete (VSharedLoan (_, sv)) | Abstract (ASharedLoan (_, sv, _)) ->
Some sv
| _ -> None)
-let lookup_shared_value (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (bid : : V.typed_value
- =
+let lookup_shared_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (bid : : typed_value =
Option.get (lookup_shared_value_opt ctx bid)