path: root/compiler/
diff options
authorSon Ho2024-06-04 13:52:44 +0200
committerSon Ho2024-06-04 13:52:44 +0200
commit3ad6c4712fd41efec55f29af5ccc31f68a0e12cf (patch)
tree89f3b6999e1697595f1c3fbb2d9c4d8c60a69e49 /compiler/
parent2a7a18d6a07ea4967ba9ec0763e6b7d04849dc7e (diff)
parent4a31acdff7a5dfdc26bf25ad25bb8266b790f891 (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into son/loops2
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index ab7eb50c..815e228f 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ let unsafe_names_map_add (id : id) (name : string) (nm : unsafe_names_map) :
[append]: function to append an index to a string
-let basename_to_unique (names_set : StringSet.t)
+let basename_to_unique_aux (collision : string -> bool)
(append : string -> int -> string) (basename : string) : string =
let rec gen (i : int) : string =
let s = append basename i in
- if StringSet.mem s names_set then gen (i + 1) else s
+ if collision s then gen (i + 1) else s
- if StringSet.mem basename names_set then gen 1 else basename
+ if collision basename then gen 1 else basename
type names_maps = {
names_map : names_map;
@@ -1841,13 +1841,22 @@ let trait_self_clause_basename = "self_clause"
let name_append_index (basename : string) (i : int) : string =
basename ^ string_of_int i
+let basename_to_unique (ctx : extraction_ctx) (name : string) =
+ let collision s =
+ (* Note that we ignore the "unsafe" names which contain in particular
+ field names: we want to allow using field names for variables if
+ the backend allows such collisions *)
+ StringSet.mem s ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set
+ || StringSet.mem s ctx.names_maps.strict_names_map.names_set
+ in
+ basename_to_unique_aux collision name_append_index name
(** Generate a unique type variable name and add it to the context *)
let ctx_add_type_var (span : Meta.span) (basename : string) (id :
(ctx : extraction_ctx) : extraction_ctx * string =
let name = ctx_compute_type_var_basename ctx basename in
- let name =
- basename_to_unique ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set name_append_index name
- in
+ let name = basename_to_unique ctx name in
let ctx = ctx_add span (TypeVarId id) name ctx in
(ctx, name)
@@ -1856,9 +1865,7 @@ let ctx_add_const_generic_var (span : Meta.span) (basename : string)
(id : (ctx : extraction_ctx) : extraction_ctx * string
let name = ctx_compute_const_generic_var_basename ctx basename in
- let name =
- basename_to_unique ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set name_append_index name
- in
+ let name = basename_to_unique ctx name in
let ctx = ctx_add span (ConstGenericVarId id) name ctx in
(ctx, name)
@@ -1872,10 +1879,7 @@ let ctx_add_type_vars (span : Meta.span) (vars : (string * list)
(** Generate a unique variable name and add it to the context *)
let ctx_add_var (span : Meta.span) (basename : string) (id :
(ctx : extraction_ctx) : extraction_ctx * string =
- let name =
- basename_to_unique ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set name_append_index
- basename
- in
+ let name = basename_to_unique ctx basename in
let ctx = ctx_add span (VarId id) name ctx in
(ctx, name)
@@ -1883,20 +1887,14 @@ let ctx_add_var (span : Meta.span) (basename : string) (id :
let ctx_add_trait_self_clause (span : Meta.span) (ctx : extraction_ctx) :
extraction_ctx * string =
let basename = trait_self_clause_basename in
- let name =
- basename_to_unique ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set name_append_index
- basename
- in
+ let name = basename_to_unique ctx basename in
let ctx = ctx_add span TraitSelfClauseId name ctx in
(ctx, name)
(** Generate a unique trait clause name and add it to the context *)
let ctx_add_local_trait_clause (span : Meta.span) (basename : string)
(id : (ctx : extraction_ctx) : extraction_ctx * string =
- let name =
- basename_to_unique ctx.names_maps.names_map.names_set name_append_index
- basename
- in
+ let name = basename_to_unique ctx basename in
let ctx = ctx_add span (LocalTraitClauseId id) name ctx in
(ctx, name)