path: root/backends/hol4
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authorSon Ho2023-01-19 23:31:44 +0100
committerSon HO2023-06-04 21:54:38 +0200
commitf2680809e5d223b514a90f29b774a965d1b93066 (patch)
tree72e3f062b270eebf7d70d3fce94c2fe5240eddca /backends/hol4
parenta04f5bda09c8dec421df783e97e34ac63b78ef47 (diff)
Start making tests in HOL4
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 825 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/hol4/Test.sml b/backends/hol4/Test.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b29589d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backends/hol4/Test.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse
+val _ = new_theory"test"
+(* SML declarations *)
+(* for example: *)
+(*val th = save_thm("SKOLEM_AGAIN",SKOLEM_THM) *)
+local open boolTheory integerTheory wordsTheory stringTheory in end
+ error = Failure
+ result = Return 'a | Fail error | Loop
+Type M = ``: 'a result``
+(* TODO: rename *)
+val st_ex_bind_def = Define `
+ (st_ex_bind : 'a M -> ('a -> 'b M) -> 'b M) x f =
+ case x of
+ Return y => f y
+ | Fail e => Fail e
+ | Loop => Loop`;
+val st_ex_return_def = Define `
+ (st_ex_return : 'a -> 'a M) x =
+ Return x`;
+Overload monad_bind[local] = ``st_ex_bind``
+Overload monad_unitbind[local] = ``\x y. st_ex_bind x (\z. y)``
+Overload monad_ignore_bind[local] = ``\x y. st_ex_bind x (\z. y)``
+(*Overload ex_bind[local] = ``st_ex_bind`` *)
+(* Overload ex_return[local] = ``st_ex_return`` *)
+(*Overload failwith = ``raise_Fail``*)
+(* Temporarily allow the monadic syntax *)
+val _ = monadsyntax.temp_add_monadsyntax ();
+val test1_def = Define `
+ test1 (x : bool) = Return x`
+val is_true_def = Define ‘
+ is_true (x : bool) = if x then Return () else Fail Failure’
+val test1_def = Define ‘
+ test1 (x : bool) = Return x’
+val test_monad_def = Define `
+ test_monad v =
+ do
+ x <- Return v;
+ Return x
+ od`;
+val test_monad2_def = Define `
+ test_monad2 =
+ do
+ x <- Return T;
+ Return x
+ od`;
+val test_monad3_def = Define `
+ test_monad3 x =
+ do
+ is_true x;
+ Return x
+ od`;
+ * Arithmetic
+ *)
+open intLib
+val test_int1 = Define ‘int1 = 32’
+val test_int2 = Define ‘int2 = -32’
+Theorem INT_THM1:
+ !(x y : int). x > 0 ==> y > 0 ==> x + y > 0
+Theorem INT_THM2:
+ !(x : int). T
+ rw[]
+val _ = prefer_int ()
+val x = “-36217863217862718”
+(* Deactivate notations for int *)
+val _ = deprecate_int ()
+open arithmeticTheory
+val m = Hol_pp.print_apropos;
+val f = Hol_pp.print_find;
+m “SUC (x : num) + y = _”
+m “(ZERO : num) < SUC y”
+m “(_ : num) < SUC y”
+m “x < (y : num) <=> _”
+f "ADD"
+val x = “1:num”
+dest_term x
+val (x1, x2) = dest_comb x
+dest_term “0n:num”
+dest_term “ZERO:num”
+m “ZERO + (_ : num) = _”
+m “BIT1 _ = _”
+val x = “ZERO = (0:num)”
+dest_term x
+m “0 < SUC 0”
+(* Display types on/off: M-h C-t *)
+(* Move back: M-h b *)
+val _ = numLib.deprecate_num ()
+val _ = numLib.prefer_num ()
+m “!x. x = x”
+Theorem NAT_THM1:
+ !(n : num). n < n + 1
+ Induct_on ‘n’ >> DECIDE_TAC
+Theorem NAT_THM2:
+ !(n : num). n < n + (1 : num)
+ gen_tac >>
+ Induct_on ‘n’ >- (
+ PURE_REWRITE_TAC [prim_recTheory.LESS_0_0]) >>
+ irule prim_recTheory.LESS_MONO >>
+ asm_rewrite_tac []
+val x = “1278361286371286:num”
+(********************** PRIMITIVES *)
+val _ = prefer_int ()
+val _ = new_type ("u32", 0)
+val _ = new_type ("i32", 0)
+val u32_min_def = Define ‘u32_min = (0:int)’
+val u32_max_def = Define ‘u32_max = (4294967295:int)’
+(* TODO: change that *)
+val usize_max_def = Define ‘usize_max = (4294967295:int)’
+val i32_min_def = Define ‘i32_min = (-2147483648:int)’
+val i32_max_def = Define ‘i32_max = (2147483647:int)’
+val _ = new_constant ("u32_to_int", “:u32 -> int”)
+val _ = new_constant ("i32_to_int", “:i32 -> int”)
+val _ = new_constant ("int_to_u32", “:int -> u32”)
+val _ = new_constant ("int_to_i32", “:int -> i32”)
+(* TODO: change to "...of..." *)
+val u32_to_int_bounds =
+ new_axiom (
+ "u32_to_int_bounds",
+ “!n. u32_min <= u32_to_int n /\ u32_to_int n <= u32_max”)
+val i32_to_int_bounds =
+ new_axiom (
+ "i32_to_int_bounds",
+ “!n. i32_min <= i32_to_int n /\ i32_to_int n <= i32_max”)
+val int_to_u32_id =
+ new_axiom (
+ "int_to_u32_id",
+ “!n. u32_min <= n /\ n <= u32_max ==>
+ u32_to_int (int_to_u32 n) = n”)
+val int_to_i32_id =
+ new_axiom (
+ "int_to_i32_id",
+ “!n. i32_min <= n /\ n <= i32_max ==>
+ i32_to_int (int_to_i32 n) = n”)
+val mk_u32_def = Define
+ ‘mk_u32 n =
+ if u32_min <= n /\ n <= u32_max then Return (int_to_u32 n)
+ else Fail Failure’
+val u32_add_def = Define ‘u32_add x y = mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) + (u32_to_int y))’
+Theorem MK_U32_SUCCESS:
+ !n. u32_min <= n /\ n <= u32_max ==>
+ mk_u32 n = Return (int_to_u32 n)
+ rw[mk_u32_def]
+Theorem U32_ADD_EQ:
+ !x y.
+ u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y <= u32_max ==>
+ ?z. u32_add x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ rpt DISCH_TAC >>
+ exists_tac “int_to_u32 (u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y)” >>
+ imp_res_tac MK_U32_SUCCESS >>
+ (* There is probably a better way of doing this *)
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int x’ >- (rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >>
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int y’ >- (rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >>
+ fs [u32_min_def, u32_add_def] >>
+ irule int_to_u32_id >>
+ fs[u32_min_def]
+val u32_sub_def = Define ‘u32_sub x y = mk_u32 ((u32_to_int x) - (u32_to_int y))’
+Theorem U32_SUB_EQ:
+ !x y.
+ u32_min <= u32_to_int x - u32_to_int y ==>
+ ?z. u32_sub x y = Return z /\ u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x - u32_to_int y
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ rpt DISCH_TAC >>
+ exists_tac “int_to_u32 (u32_to_int x - u32_to_int y)” >>
+ imp_res_tac MK_U32_SUCCESS >>
+ (* There is probably a better way of doing this *)
+ sg ‘u32_to_int x − u32_to_int y ≤ u32_max’ >-(
+ sg ‘u32_to_int x <= u32_max’ >- (rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >>
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int y’ >- (rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >>
+ fs [u32_min_def] >>
+ ) >>
+ fs [u32_min_def, u32_sub_def] >>
+ irule int_to_u32_id >>
+ fs[u32_min_def]
+val mk_i32_def = Define
+ ‘mk_i32 n =
+ if i32_min <= n /\ n <= i32_max then Return (int_to_i32 n)
+ else Fail Failure’
+val i32_add_def = Define ‘i32_add x y = mk_i32 ((i32_to_int x) + (i32_to_int y))’
+Theorem MK_I32_SUCCESS:
+ !n. i32_min <= n /\ n <= i32_max ==>
+ mk_i32 n = Return (int_to_i32 n)
+ rw[mk_i32_def]
+Theorem I32_ADD_EQ:
+ !x y.
+ i32_min <= i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y ==>
+ i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y <= i32_max ==>
+ ?z. i32_add x y = Return z /\ i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ rpt DISCH_TAC >>
+ exists_tac “int_to_i32 (i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y)” >>
+ imp_res_tac MK_I32_SUCCESS >>
+ fs [i32_min_def, i32_add_def] >>
+ irule int_to_i32_id >>
+ fs[i32_min_def]
+open listTheory
+val _ = new_type ("vec", 1)
+val _ = new_constant ("vec_to_list", “:'a vec -> 'a list”)
+ new_axiom (
+ “!v. let l = LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in
+ (0:num) <= l /\ l <= (4294967295:num)”)
+ !v. let l = int_of_num (LENGTH (vec_to_list v)) in
+ u32_min <= l /\ l <= u32_max
+ gen_tac >>
+ rw [u32_min_def, u32_max_def] >>
+ assume_tac VEC_TO_LIST_NUM_BOUNDS >>
+ fs[]
+val VEC_LEN_DEF = Define ‘vec_len v = int_to_u32 (int_of_num (LENGTH (vec_to_list v)))’
+(* Useless *)
+ !v. u32_min <= u32_to_int (vec_len v) /\ u32_to_int (vec_len v) <= u32_max
+ gen_tac >>
+ qspec_then ‘v’ assume_tac VEC_TO_LIST_INT_BOUNDS >>
+ fs[VEC_LEN_DEF] >>
+ IMP_RES_TAC int_to_u32_id >>
+ fs[]
+(* The type parameters are ordered in alphabetical order *)
+ test = Variant1 'b | Variant2 'a
+ test2 = Variant1_1 'T2 | Variant2_1 'T1
+ test2 = Variant1_2 'T1 | Variant2_2 'T2
+“Variant1_1 3”
+“Variant1_2 3”
+type_of “CONS 3”
+(* TODO: argument order, we must also omit arguments in new type *)
+ list_t =
+ ListCons 't list_t
+ | ListNil
+val list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_def = Define ‘
+ list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd (ls : 't list_t) (i : u32) : 't result =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+CoInductive coind:
+ !x y. coind x /\ coind y ==> coind (x + y)
+(* This generates inconsistent theorems *)
+CoInductive loop:
+ !x. loop x = if x then loop x else 0
+CoInductive loop:
+ !(x : int). loop x = if x > 0 then loop (x - 1) else 0
+(* This terminates *)
+val list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_def = Define ‘
+ list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd (ls : 't list_t) (i : u32) : 't result =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+(* This is sort of a coinductive definition.
+ This can be justified:
+ - we first define a version [nth_fuel] which uses fuel (and is thus terminating)
+ - we define the predicate P:
+ P ls i n = case nth_fuel n ls i of Return _ => T | _ => F
+ - we then use [LEAST] (least upper bound for natural numbers) to define nth as:
+ “nth ls i = if (?n. P n) then nth_fuel (LEAST (P ls i)) ls i else Fail Loop ”
+ - we finally prove that nth satisfies the proper equation.
+ We would need the following intermediate lemma:
+ !n.
+ n < LEAST (P ls i) ==> nth_fuel n ls i = Fail _ /\
+ n >= LEAST (P ls i) ==> nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel (LEAST P ls i) ls i
+ *)
+val _ = new_constant ("nth", “:'t list_t -> u32 -> 't result”)
+val nth_def = new_axiom ("nth_def", “
+ nth (ls : 't list_t) (i : u32) : 't result =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+ ”)
+(*** Examples of proofs on [nth] *)
+val list_t_v_def = Define ‘
+ list_t_v ls =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl => x :: list_t_v tl
+ | ListNil => []
+(* TODO: move *)
+open dep_rewrite
+open integerTheory
+Theorem INT_OF_NUM_INJ:
+ !n m. &n = &m ==> n = m
+ rpt strip_tac >>
+ fs [Num]
+Theorem NUM_SUB_1_EQ:
+ !i. 0 <= i - 1 ==> Num i = SUC (Num (i-1))
+ rpt strip_tac >>
+ (* 0 <= i *)
+ sg ‘0 <= i’ >- COOPER_TAC >>
+ (* Get rid of the SUC *)
+ sg ‘SUC (Num (i - 1)) = 1 + Num (i - 1)’ >-(rw [ADD]) >>
+ rw [] >>
+ (* Convert to integers*)
+ irule INT_OF_NUM_INJ >>
+ imp_res_tac (GSYM INT_OF_NUM) >>
+ (* Associativity of & *)
+ fs []
+(* TODO:
+ - list all the integer variables, and insert bounds in the assumptions
+ - replace u32_min by 0?
+ - i - 1
+ - auto lookup of spec lemmas
+Theorem nth_lem:
+ !(ls : 't list_t) (i : u32).
+ u32_to_int i < int_of_num (LENGTH (list_t_v ls)) ==>
+ case nth ls i of
+ | Return x => x = EL (Num (u32_to_int i)) (list_t_v ls)
+ | Fail _ => F
+ | Loop => F
+ Induct_on ‘ls’ >~ [‘ListNil’] >> rpt strip_tac >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_def] >> rw [] >-(
+ (* TODO: automate this *)
+ fs [list_t_v_def, LENGTH] >>
+ qspec_then ‘i’ assume_tac u32_to_int_bounds >>
+ rw [] >> fs [u32_min_def] >>
+ ) >- (
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [list_t_v_def] >>
+ rw [HD]
+ ) >>
+ (* TODO: we need specialized tactics here - first: subgoal *)
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int i - u32_to_int (int_to_u32 1)’ >-(
+ fs [u32_min_def] >>
+ (* We need to detect that we're in the bounds, etc. *)
+ DEP_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [int_to_u32_id] >>
+ strip_tac >- (fs [u32_min_def, u32_max_def] >> COOPER_TAC) >>
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int i’ >- (rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >>
+ fs [u32_min_def] >>
+ ) >>
+ imp_res_tac U32_SUB_EQ >> fs [st_ex_bind_def] >>
+ (* Automate this *)
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [list_t_v_def] >> rw [] >>
+ (* Automate this *)
+ sg ‘u32_to_int (int_to_u32 1) = 1’ >-(
+ DEP_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [int_to_u32_id] >>
+ fs [u32_min_def, u32_max_def] >> COOPER_TAC
+ ) >>
+ fs [] >>
+ (* TODO: automate this *)
+ sg ‘u32_min <= u32_to_int z’ >-(rw[u32_to_int_bounds]) >> fs [u32_min_def] >>
+ qspec_then ‘u32_to_int z’ imp_res_tac NUM_SUB_1_EQ >> rw [] >>
+ (* Finish the proof by recursion *)
+ pop_last_assum (qspec_then ‘z’ assume_tac) >>
+ pop_last_assum mp_tac >>
+ qspec_then ‘ListCons t ls’ assume_tac list_t_v_def >>
+ rw [] >>
+ fs [INT] >>
+ sg ‘u32_to_int z < &LENGTH (list_t_v ls)’ >- COOPER_TAC >>
+ fs [] >>
+ (* Rem.: rfs! *)
+ rfs []
+ * Example of how to get rid of the fuel in practice
+ *)
+val nth_fuel_def = Define ‘
+ nth_fuel (n : num) (ls : 't list_t) (i : u32) : 't result =
+ case n of
+ | 0 => Loop
+ | SUC n =>
+ do case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth_fuel n tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+ od
+ ’
+type_of “$LEAST”
+val x = “LEAST_DEF”
+val is_loop_def = Define ‘is_loop r = case r of Loop => T | _ => F’
+val nth_fuel_P_def = Define ‘
+ nth_fuel_P ls i n = ~is_loop (nth_fuel n ls i)
+Theorem nth_fuel_mono:
+ !n m ls i.
+ n <= m ==>
+ if is_loop (nth_fuel n ls i) then T
+ else nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel m ls i
+ Induct_on ‘n’ >- (
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_fuel_def] >>
+ rw[is_loop_def]
+ ) >>
+ (* Interesting case *)
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ Cases_on ‘m’ >- (
+ (* Contradiction: SUC n < 0 *)
+ sg ‘SUC n = 0’ >- decide_tac >>
+ fs [is_loop_def]
+ ) >>
+ fs [is_loop_def] >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_fuel_def] >>
+ fs [] >>
+ (* We just have to explore all the paths: we can have dedicated tactics for that
+ (we need to do case analysis) *)
+ Cases_on ‘ls’ >> fs [] >>
+ Cases_on ‘u32_to_int (i :u32) = (0 :int)’ >> fs [] >>
+ fs [st_ex_bind_def] >>
+ Cases_on ‘u32_sub (i :u32) (int_to_u32 (1 :int))’ >> fs [] >>
+ (* Apply the induction hypothesis *)
+ first_x_assum (qspecl_then [‘n'’, ‘l’, ‘a’] assume_tac) >>
+ first_x_assum imp_res_tac >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >>
+Theorem nth_fuel_P_mono:
+ !n m ls i.
+ n <= m ==>
+ nth_fuel_P ls i n ==>
+ nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel m ls i
+ rpt gen_tac >> rpt DISCH_TAC >>
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def] >>
+ imp_res_tac nth_fuel_mono >>
+ pop_assum (qspecl_then [‘ls’, ‘i’] assume_tac) >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >> CASE_TAC >> fs []
+Theorem nth_fuel_least_fail_mono:
+ !n ls i.
+ n < $LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i) ==>
+ nth_fuel n ls i = Loop
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ disch_tac >>
+ imp_res_tac whileTheory.LESS_LEAST >>
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def] >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >>
+Theorem nth_fuel_least_success_mono:
+ !n ls i.
+ $LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i) <= n ==>
+ nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)) ls i
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ disch_tac >>
+ (* Case disjunction on whether there exists a fuel such that it terminates *)
+ Cases_on ‘?m. nth_fuel_P ls i m’ >- (
+ (* Terminates *)
+ irule EQ_SYM >>
+ irule nth_fuel_P_mono >> fs [] >>
+ (* Prove that calling with the least upper bound of fuel succeeds *)
+ qspec_then ‘nth_fuel_P (ls :α list_t) (i :u32)’ imp_res_tac whileTheory.LEAST_EXISTS_IMP
+ ) >>
+ (* Doesn't terminate *)
+ fs [] >>
+ sg ‘~(nth_fuel_P ls i n)’ >- fs [] >>
+ sg ‘~(nth_fuel_P ls i ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)))’ >- fs [] >>
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def] >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >> CASE_TAC >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >> CASE_TAC
+val nth_def_raw = Define ‘
+ nth ls i =
+ if (?n. nth_fuel_P ls i n) then nth_fuel ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)) ls i
+ else Loop
+(* This makes the proofs easier, in that it helps us control the context *)
+val nth_expand_def = Define ‘
+ nth_expand nth ls i =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+(* Prove the important theorems *)
+Theorem nth_def_terminates:
+ !ls i.
+ (?n. nth_fuel_P ls i n) ==>
+ nth ls i =
+ nth_expand nth ls i
+ rpt strip_tac >>
+ fs [nth_expand_def] >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_def_raw] >>
+ (* Prove that the least upper bound is <= n *)
+ sg ‘$LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i) <= n’ >-(
+ qspec_then ‘nth_fuel_P (ls :α list_t) (i :u32)’ imp_res_tac whileTheory.LEAST_EXISTS_IMP >>
+ spose_not_then assume_tac >> fs []
+ ) >>
+ (* Use the monotonicity theorem - TODO: ? *)
+ imp_res_tac nth_fuel_least_success_mono >>
+ (* Rewrite only on the left - TODO: easy way ?? *)
+ qspecl_then [‘$LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)’, ‘ls’, ‘i’] assume_tac nth_fuel_def >>
+ (* TODO: how to discard assumptions?? *)
+ fs [] >> pop_assum (fn _ => fs []) >>
+ (* Cases on the least upper bound *)
+ Cases_on ‘$LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)’ >> rw [] >- (
+ (* The bound is equal to 0: contradiction *)
+ sg ‘nth_fuel 0 ls i = Loop’ >- (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_fuel_def] >> rw []) >>
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def]
+ ) >>
+ (* Bound not equal to 0 *)
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def] >>
+ (* Explore all the paths *)
+ fs [st_ex_bind_def] >>
+ Cases_on ‘ls’ >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
+ Cases_on ‘u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1)’ >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
+ (* Recursive call: use monotonicity - we have an assumption which eliminates the Loop case *)
+ Cases_on ‘nth_fuel n' l a’ >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
+ (sg ‘nth_fuel_P l a n'’ >- fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def]) >>
+ (sg ‘$LEAST (nth_fuel_P l a) <= n'’ >-(
+ qspec_then ‘nth_fuel_P l a’ imp_res_tac whileTheory.LEAST_EXISTS_IMP >>
+ spose_not_then assume_tac >> fs [])) >>
+ imp_res_tac nth_fuel_least_success_mono >> fs []
+(* Prove the important theorems *)
+Theorem nth_def_loop:
+ !ls i.
+ (!n. ~nth_fuel_P ls i n) ==>
+ nth ls i =
+ nth_expand nth ls i
+ rpt gen_tac >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_def_raw] >>
+ strip_tac >> rw[] >>
+ (* Non-terminating case *)
+ sg ‘∀n. ¬nth_fuel_P ls i (SUC n)’ >- rw [] >>
+ fs [nth_fuel_P_def, is_loop_def] >>
+ pop_assum mp_tac >>
+ PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [nth_fuel_def] >>
+ rw [] >>
+ fs [nth_expand_def] >>
+ (* Evaluate all the paths *)
+ fs [st_ex_bind_def] >>
+ Cases_on ‘ls’ >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
+ Cases_on ‘u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1)’ >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
+ (* Use the definition of nth *)
+ rw [nth_def_raw] >>
+ first_x_assum (qspec_then ‘$LEAST (nth_fuel_P l a)’ assume_tac) >>
+ Cases_on ‘nth_fuel ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P l a)) l a’ >> fs []
+(* The final theorem *)
+Theorem nth_def:
+ !ls i.
+ nth ls i =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+ rpt strip_tac >>
+ Cases_on ‘?n. nth_fuel_P ls i n’ >-(
+ assume_tac nth_def_terminates >>
+ fs [nth_expand_def] >>
+ pop_assum irule >>
+ metis_tac []) >>
+ fs [] >> imp_res_tac nth_def_loop >> fs [nth_expand_def]
+Je viens de finir ma petite expérimentation avec le fuel : ça marche bien. Par exemple, si je pose les définitions suivantes :
+ result = Return 'a | Fail error | Loop
+(* Omitting some definitions like the bind *)
+val _ = Define ‘
+ nth_fuel (n : num) (ls : 't list_t) (i : u32) : 't result =
+ case n of
+ | 0 => Loop
+ | SUC n =>
+ do case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth_fuel n tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure
+ od
+ ’
+val _ = Define 'is_loop r = case r of Loop => T | _ => F'
+val _ = Define 'nth_fuel_P ls i n = ~is_loop (nth_fuel n ls i)'
+(* $LEAST returns the least upper bound for a predicate (if it exists - otherwise it returns an arbitrary number) *)
+val _ = Define ‘
+ nth ls i =
+ if (?n. nth_fuel_P ls i n) then nth_fuel ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)) ls i
+ else Loop
+J'arrive à montrer (c'est un chouïa technique) :
+Theorem nth_def:
+ !ls i.
+ nth ls i =
+ case ls of
+ | ListCons x tl =>
+ if u32_to_int i = (0:int)
+ then Return x
+ else
+ do
+ i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
+ nth tl i0
+ od
+ | ListNil =>
+ Fail Failure