path: root/backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig
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authorSon Ho2023-05-12 20:17:26 +0200
committerSon HO2023-06-04 21:54:38 +0200
commit8a5c5e4ae0cab0ab627c25ece59453a8e4bd4b64 (patch)
tree2e92885f457b610d183cf2e7f18fd05c5219ba60 /backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig
parentc49fd4b6230a1f926e929f133794b6f73d338077 (diff)
Cleanup the files of the HOL4 backend
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 839 deletions
diff --git a/backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig b/backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 552662b8..00000000
--- a/backends/hol4/TestTheory.sig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-signature TestTheory =
- type thm = Thm.thm
- (* Axioms *)
- val VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS : thm
- val i32_to_int_bounds : thm
- val insert_def : thm
- val int_to_i32_id : thm
- val int_to_u32_id : thm
- val u32_to_int_bounds : thm
- (* Definitions *)
- val distinct_keys_def : thm
- val error_BIJ : thm
- val error_CASE : thm
- val error_TY_DEF : thm
- val error_size_def : thm
- val i32_add_def : thm
- val i32_max_def : thm
- val i32_min_def : thm
- val int1_def : thm
- val int2_def : thm
- val is_loop_def : thm
- val is_true_def : thm
- val list_t_TY_DEF : thm
- val list_t_case_def : thm
- val list_t_size_def : thm
- val list_t_v_def : thm
- val lookup_def : thm
- val mk_i32_def : thm
- val mk_u32_def : thm
- val nth_expand_def : thm
- val nth_fuel_P_def : thm
- val result_TY_DEF : thm
- val result_case_def : thm
- val result_size_def : thm
- val st_ex_bind_def : thm
- val st_ex_return_def : thm
- val test1_def : thm
- val test2_TY_DEF : thm
- val test2_case_def : thm
- val test2_size_def : thm
- val test_TY_DEF : thm
- val test_case_def : thm
- val test_monad2_def : thm
- val test_monad3_def : thm
- val test_monad_def : thm
- val test_size_def : thm
- val u32_add_def : thm
- val u32_max_def : thm
- val u32_sub_def : thm
- val usize_max_def : thm
- val vec_len_def : thm
- (* Theorems *)
- val I32_ADD_EQ : thm
- val INT_OF_NUM_INJ : thm
- val INT_THM1 : thm
- val INT_THM2 : thm
- val MK_I32_SUCCESS : thm
- val MK_U32_SUCCESS : thm
- val NAT_THM1 : thm
- val NAT_THM2 : thm
- val NUM_SUB_1_EQ : thm
- val NUM_SUB_1_EQ1 : thm
- val NUM_SUB_EQ : thm
- val U32_ADD_EQ : thm
- val U32_SUB_EQ : thm
- val datatype_error : thm
- val datatype_list_t : thm
- val datatype_result : thm
- val datatype_test : thm
- val datatype_test2 : thm
- val error2num_11 : thm
- val error2num_ONTO : thm
- val error2num_num2error : thm
- val error2num_thm : thm
- val error_Axiom : thm
- val error_EQ_error : thm
- val error_case_cong : thm
- val error_case_def : thm
- val error_case_eq : thm
- val error_induction : thm
- val error_nchotomy : thm
- val insert_lem : thm
- val list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_def : thm
- val list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_ind : thm
- val list_t_11 : thm
- val list_t_Axiom : thm
- val list_t_case_cong : thm
- val list_t_case_eq : thm
- val list_t_distinct : thm
- val list_t_induction : thm
- val list_t_nchotomy : thm
- val lookup_raw_def : thm
- val lookup_raw_ind : thm
- val nth_def : thm
- val nth_def_loop : thm
- val nth_def_terminates : thm
- val nth_fuel_P_mono : thm
- val nth_fuel_def : thm
- val nth_fuel_ind : thm
- val nth_fuel_least_fail_mono : thm
- val nth_fuel_least_success_mono : thm
- val nth_fuel_mono : thm
- val num2error_11 : thm
- val num2error_ONTO : thm
- val num2error_error2num : thm
- val num2error_thm : thm
- val result_11 : thm
- val result_Axiom : thm
- val result_case_cong : thm
- val result_case_eq : thm
- val result_distinct : thm
- val result_induction : thm
- val result_nchotomy : thm
- val test2_11 : thm
- val test2_Axiom : thm
- val test2_case_cong : thm
- val test2_case_eq : thm
- val test2_distinct : thm
- val test2_induction : thm
- val test2_nchotomy : thm
- val test_11 : thm
- val test_Axiom : thm
- val test_case_cong : thm
- val test_case_eq : thm
- val test_distinct : thm
- val test_induction : thm
- val test_nchotomy : thm
- val Test_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
- [Omega] Parent theory of "Test"
- [int_arith] Parent theory of "Test"
- [words] Parent theory of "Test"
- [insert_def] Axiom
- [oracles: ] [axioms: insert_def] []
- ⊢ insert key value ls =
- case ls of
- ListCons (ckey,cvalue) tl =>
- if ckey = key then Return (ListCons (ckey,value) tl)
- else
- do
- tl0 <- insert key value tl;
- Return (ListCons (ckey,cvalue) tl0)
- od
- | ListNil => Return (ListCons (key,value) ListNil)
- [u32_to_int_bounds] Axiom
- [oracles: ] [axioms: u32_to_int_bounds] []
- ⊢ ∀n. 0 ≤ u32_to_int n ∧ u32_to_int n ≤ u32_max
- [i32_to_int_bounds] Axiom
- [oracles: ] [axioms: i32_to_int_bounds] []
- ⊢ ∀n. i32_min ≤ i32_to_int n ∧ i32_to_int n ≤ i32_max
- [int_to_u32_id] Axiom
- [oracles: ] [axioms: int_to_u32_id] []
- ⊢ ∀n. 0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ u32_max ⇒ u32_to_int (int_to_u32 n) = n
- [int_to_i32_id] Axiom
- [oracles: ] [axioms: int_to_i32_id] []
- ⊢ ∀n. i32_min ≤ n ∧ n ≤ i32_max ⇒ i32_to_int (int_to_i32 n) = n
- [oracles: ] [axioms: VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS] []
- ⊢ ∀v. (let l = LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in 0 ≤ l ∧ l ≤ 4294967295)
- [distinct_keys_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀ls.
- distinct_keys ls ⇔
- ∀i j.
- i < LENGTH ls ⇒
- j < LENGTH ls ⇒
- FST (EL i ls) = FST (EL j ls) ⇒
- i = j
- [error_BIJ] Definition
- ⊢ (∀a. num2error (error2num a) = a) ∧
- ∀r. (λn. n < 1) r ⇔ error2num (num2error r) = r
- [error_CASE] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x v0. (case x of Failure => v0) = (λm. v0) (error2num x)
- [error_TY_DEF] Definition
- ⊢ ∃rep. TYPE_DEFINITION (λn. n < 1) rep
- [error_size_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x. error_size x = 0
- [i32_add_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x y. i32_add x y = mk_i32 (i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y)
- [i32_max_def] Definition
- ⊢ i32_max = 2147483647
- [i32_min_def] Definition
- ⊢ i32_min = -2147483648
- [int1_def] Definition
- ⊢ int1 = 32
- [int2_def] Definition
- ⊢ int2 = -32
- [is_loop_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀r. is_loop r ⇔ case r of Return v2 => F | Fail v3 => F | Loop => T
- [is_true_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x. is_true x = if x then Return () else Fail Failure
- [list_t_TY_DEF] Definition
- ⊢ ∃rep.
- (λa0'.
- ∀ $var$('list_t').
- (∀a0'.
- (∃a0 a1.
- a0' =
- (λa0 a1.
- ind_type$CONSTR 0 a0
- (ind_type$FCONS a1 (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)))
- a0 a1 ∧ $var$('list_t') a1) ∨
- a0' =
- ind_type$CONSTR (SUC 0) ARB (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM) ⇒
- $var$('list_t') a0') ⇒
- $var$('list_t') a0') rep
- [list_t_case_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀a0 a1 f v. list_t_CASE (ListCons a0 a1) f v = f a0 a1) ∧
- ∀f v. list_t_CASE ListNil f v = v
- [list_t_size_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀f a0 a1.
- list_t_size f (ListCons a0 a1) = 1 + (f a0 + list_t_size f a1)) ∧
- ∀f. list_t_size f ListNil = 0
- [list_t_v_def] Definition
- ⊢ list_t_v ListNil = [] ∧
- ∀x tl. list_t_v (ListCons x tl) = x::list_t_v tl
- [lookup_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀key ls. lookup key ls = lookup_raw key (list_t_v ls)
- [mk_i32_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀n. mk_i32 n =
- if i32_min ≤ n ∧ n ≤ i32_max then Return (int_to_i32 n)
- else Fail Failure
- [mk_u32_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀n. mk_u32 n =
- if 0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ u32_max then Return (int_to_u32 n)
- else Fail Failure
- [nth_expand_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀nth ls i.
- nth_expand nth ls i =
- case ls of
- ListCons x tl =>
- if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return x
- else do i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1); nth tl i0 od
- | ListNil => Fail Failure
- [nth_fuel_P_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀ls i n. nth_fuel_P ls i n ⇔ ¬is_loop (nth_fuel n ls i)
- [result_TY_DEF] Definition
- ⊢ ∃rep.
- (λa0.
- ∀ $var$('result').
- (∀a0.
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR 0 (a,ARB)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ∨
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR (SUC 0) (ARB,a)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ∨
- a0 =
- ind_type$CONSTR (SUC (SUC 0)) (ARB,ARB)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM) ⇒
- $var$('result') a0) ⇒
- $var$('result') a0) rep
- [result_case_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀a f f1 v. result_CASE (Return a) f f1 v = f a) ∧
- (∀a f f1 v. result_CASE (Fail a) f f1 v = f1 a) ∧
- ∀f f1 v. result_CASE Loop f f1 v = v
- [result_size_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀f a. result_size f (Return a) = 1 + f a) ∧
- (∀f a. result_size f (Fail a) = 1 + error_size a) ∧
- ∀f. result_size f Loop = 0
- [st_ex_bind_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x f.
- monad_bind x f =
- case x of Return y => f y | Fail e => Fail e | Loop => Loop
- [st_ex_return_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x. st_ex_return x = Return x
- [test1_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x. test1 x = Return x
- [test2_TY_DEF] Definition
- ⊢ ∃rep.
- (λa0.
- ∀ $var$('test2').
- (∀a0.
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR 0 (a,ARB)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ∨
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR (SUC 0) (ARB,a)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ⇒
- $var$('test2') a0) ⇒
- $var$('test2') a0) rep
- [test2_case_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀a f f1. test2_CASE (Variant1_2 a) f f1 = f a) ∧
- ∀a f f1. test2_CASE (Variant2_2 a) f f1 = f1 a
- [test2_size_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀f f1 a. test2_size f f1 (Variant1_2 a) = 1 + f a) ∧
- ∀f f1 a. test2_size f f1 (Variant2_2 a) = 1 + f1 a
- [test_TY_DEF] Definition
- ⊢ ∃rep.
- (λa0.
- ∀ $var$('test').
- (∀a0.
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR 0 (a,ARB)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ∨
- (∃a. a0 =
- (λa.
- ind_type$CONSTR (SUC 0) (ARB,a)
- (λn. ind_type$BOTTOM)) a) ⇒
- $var$('test') a0) ⇒
- $var$('test') a0) rep
- [test_case_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀a f f1. test_CASE (Variant1 a) f f1 = f a) ∧
- ∀a f f1. test_CASE (Variant2 a) f f1 = f1 a
- [test_monad2_def] Definition
- ⊢ test_monad2 = do x <- Return T; Return x od
- [test_monad3_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x. test_monad3 x = monad_ignore_bind (is_true x) (Return x)
- [test_monad_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀v. test_monad v = do x <- Return v; Return x od
- [test_size_def] Definition
- ⊢ (∀f f1 a. test_size f f1 (Variant1 a) = 1 + f1 a) ∧
- ∀f f1 a. test_size f f1 (Variant2 a) = 1 + f a
- [u32_add_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x y. u32_add x y = mk_u32 (u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y)
- [u32_max_def] Definition
- ⊢ u32_max = 4294967295
- [u32_sub_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀x y. u32_sub x y = mk_u32 (u32_to_int x − u32_to_int y)
- [usize_max_def] Definition
- ⊢ usize_max = 4294967295
- [vec_len_def] Definition
- ⊢ ∀v. vec_len v = int_to_u32 (&LENGTH (vec_to_list v))
- [I32_ADD_EQ] Theorem
- [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: int_to_i32_id] []
- ⊢ ∀x y.
- i32_min ≤ i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y ⇒
- i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y ≤ i32_max ⇒
- ∃z. i32_add x y = Return z ∧
- i32_to_int z = i32_to_int x + i32_to_int y
- [INT_OF_NUM_INJ] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n m. &n = &m ⇒ n = m
- [INT_THM1] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. x > 0 ⇒ y > 0 ⇒ x + y > 0
- [INT_THM2] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x. T
- [MK_I32_SUCCESS] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n. i32_min ≤ n ∧ n ≤ i32_max ⇒ mk_i32 n = Return (int_to_i32 n)
- [MK_U32_SUCCESS] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n. 0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ u32_max ⇒ mk_u32 n = Return (int_to_u32 n)
- [NAT_THM1] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n. n < n + 1
- [NAT_THM2] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n. n < n + 1
- [NUM_SUB_1_EQ] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y. x = y − 1 ⇒ 0 ≤ x ⇒ Num y = SUC (Num x)
- [NUM_SUB_1_EQ1] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀i. 0 ≤ i − 1 ⇒ Num i = SUC (Num (i − 1))
- [NUM_SUB_EQ] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x y z. x = y − z ⇒ 0 ≤ x ⇒ 0 ≤ z ⇒ Num y = Num z + Num x
- [U32_ADD_EQ] Theorem
- [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: int_to_u32_id, u32_to_int_bounds] []
- ⊢ ∀x y.
- u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y ≤ u32_max ⇒
- ∃z. u32_add x y = Return z ∧
- u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x + u32_to_int y
- [U32_SUB_EQ] Theorem
- [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: int_to_u32_id, u32_to_int_bounds] []
- ⊢ ∀x y.
- 0 ≤ u32_to_int x − u32_to_int y ⇒
- ∃z. u32_sub x y = Return z ∧
- u32_to_int z = u32_to_int x − u32_to_int y
- [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: VEC_TO_LIST_BOUNDS] []
- ⊢ ∀v. (let l = &LENGTH (vec_to_list v) in 0 ≤ l ∧ l ≤ u32_max)
- [datatype_error] Theorem
- ⊢ DATATYPE (error Failure)
- [datatype_list_t] Theorem
- ⊢ DATATYPE (list_t ListCons ListNil)
- [datatype_result] Theorem
- ⊢ DATATYPE (result Return Fail Loop)
- [datatype_test] Theorem
- ⊢ DATATYPE (test Variant1 Variant2)
- [datatype_test2] Theorem
- ⊢ DATATYPE (test2 Variant1_2 Variant2_2)
- [error2num_11] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a a'. error2num a = error2num a' ⇔ a = a'
- [error2num_ONTO] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀r. r < 1 ⇔ ∃a. r = error2num a
- [error2num_num2error] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀r. r < 1 ⇔ error2num (num2error r) = r
- [error2num_thm] Theorem
- ⊢ error2num Failure = 0
- [error_Axiom] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀x0. ∃f. f Failure = x0
- [error_EQ_error] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a a'. a = a' ⇔ error2num a = error2num a'
- [error_case_cong] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀M M' v0.
- M = M' ∧ (M' = Failure ⇒ v0 = v0') ⇒
- (case M of Failure => v0) = case M' of Failure => v0'
- [error_case_def] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀v0. (case Failure of Failure => v0) = v0
- [error_case_eq] Theorem
- ⊢ (case x of Failure => v0) = v ⇔ x = Failure ∧ v0 = v
- [error_induction] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. P Failure ⇒ ∀a. P a
- [error_nchotomy] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a. a = Failure
- [insert_lem] Theorem
- [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: u32_to_int_bounds, insert_def] []
- ⊢ ∀ls key value.
- distinct_keys (list_t_v ls) ⇒
- case insert key value ls of
- Return ls1 =>
- lookup key ls1 = SOME value ∧
- ∀k. k ≠ key ⇒ lookup k ls = lookup k ls1
- | Fail v1 => F
- | Loop => F
- [list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_def] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀ls i.
- list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd ls i =
- case ls of
- ListCons x tl =>
- if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return x
- else
- do
- i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1);
- list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd tl i0
- od
- | ListNil => Fail Failure
- [list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd_ind] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀ls i.
- (∀x tl i0. ls = ListCons x tl ∧ u32_to_int i ≠ 0 ⇒ P tl i0) ⇒
- P ls i) ⇒
- ∀v v1. P v v1
- [list_t_11] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a0 a1 a0' a1'.
- ListCons a0 a1 = ListCons a0' a1' ⇔ a0 = a0' ∧ a1 = a1'
- [list_t_Axiom] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀f0 f1. ∃fn.
- (∀a0 a1. fn (ListCons a0 a1) = f0 a0 a1 (fn a1)) ∧
- fn ListNil = f1
- [list_t_case_cong] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀M M' f v.
- M = M' ∧ (∀a0 a1. M' = ListCons a0 a1 ⇒ f a0 a1 = f' a0 a1) ∧
- (M' = ListNil ⇒ v = v') ⇒
- list_t_CASE M f v = list_t_CASE M' f' v'
- [list_t_case_eq] Theorem
- ⊢ list_t_CASE x f v = v' ⇔
- (∃t l. x = ListCons t l ∧ f t l = v') ∨ x = ListNil ∧ v = v'
- [list_t_distinct] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a1 a0. ListCons a0 a1 ≠ ListNil
- [list_t_induction] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀l. P l ⇒ ∀t. P (ListCons t l)) ∧ P ListNil ⇒ ∀l. P l
- [list_t_nchotomy] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀ll. (∃t l. ll = ListCons t l) ∨ ll = ListNil
- [lookup_raw_def] Theorem
- ⊢ (∀key. lookup_raw key [] = NONE) ∧
- ∀v ls key k.
- lookup_raw key ((k,v)::ls) =
- if k = key then SOME v else lookup_raw key ls
- [lookup_raw_ind] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀key. P key []) ∧
- (∀key k v ls. (k ≠ key ⇒ P key ls) ⇒ P key ((k,v)::ls)) ⇒
- ∀v v1. P v v1
- [nth_def] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀ls i.
- nth ls i =
- case ls of
- ListCons x tl =>
- if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return x
- else do i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1); nth tl i0 od
- | ListNil => Fail Failure
- [nth_def_loop] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀ls i. (∀n. ¬nth_fuel_P ls i n) ⇒ nth ls i = nth_expand nth ls i
- [nth_def_terminates] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀ls i. (∃n. nth_fuel_P ls i n) ⇒ nth ls i = nth_expand nth ls i
- [nth_fuel_P_mono] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n m ls i.
- n ≤ m ⇒ nth_fuel_P ls i n ⇒ nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel m ls i
- [nth_fuel_def] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n ls i.
- nth_fuel n ls i =
- case n of
- 0 => Loop
- | SUC n' =>
- case ls of
- ListCons x tl =>
- if u32_to_int i = 0 then Return x
- else
- do i0 <- u32_sub i (int_to_u32 1); nth_fuel n' tl i0 od
- | ListNil => Fail Failure
- [nth_fuel_ind] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀n ls i.
- (∀n' x tl i0.
- n = SUC n' ∧ ls = ListCons x tl ∧ u32_to_int i ≠ 0 ⇒
- P n' tl i0) ⇒
- P n ls i) ⇒
- ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
- [nth_fuel_least_fail_mono] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n ls i. n < $LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i) ⇒ nth_fuel n ls i = Loop
- [nth_fuel_least_success_mono] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n ls i.
- $LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i) ≤ n ⇒
- nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel ($LEAST (nth_fuel_P ls i)) ls i
- [nth_fuel_mono] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀n m ls i.
- n ≤ m ⇒
- if is_loop (nth_fuel n ls i) then T
- else nth_fuel n ls i = nth_fuel m ls i
- [num2error_11] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀r r'. r < 1 ⇒ r' < 1 ⇒ (num2error r = num2error r' ⇔ r = r')
- [num2error_ONTO] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a. ∃r. a = num2error r ∧ r < 1
- [num2error_error2num] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a. num2error (error2num a) = a
- [num2error_thm] Theorem
- ⊢ num2error 0 = Failure
- [result_11] Theorem
- ⊢ (∀a a'. Return a = Return a' ⇔ a = a') ∧
- ∀a a'. Fail a = Fail a' ⇔ a = a'
- [result_Axiom] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀f0 f1 f2. ∃fn.
- (∀a. fn (Return a) = f0 a) ∧ (∀a. fn (Fail a) = f1 a) ∧
- fn Loop = f2
- [result_case_cong] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀M M' f f1 v.
- M = M' ∧ (∀a. M' = Return a ⇒ f a = f' a) ∧
- (∀a. M' = Fail a ⇒ f1 a = f1' a) ∧ (M' = Loop ⇒ v = v') ⇒
- result_CASE M f f1 v = result_CASE M' f' f1' v'
- [result_case_eq] Theorem
- ⊢ result_CASE x f f1 v = v' ⇔
- (∃a. x = Return a ∧ f a = v') ∨ (∃e. x = Fail e ∧ f1 e = v') ∨
- x = Loop ∧ v = v'
- [result_distinct] Theorem
- ⊢ (∀a' a. Return a ≠ Fail a') ∧ (∀a. Return a ≠ Loop) ∧
- ∀a. Fail a ≠ Loop
- [result_induction] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀a. P (Return a)) ∧ (∀e. P (Fail e)) ∧ P Loop ⇒ ∀r. P r
- [result_nchotomy] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀rr. (∃a. rr = Return a) ∨ (∃e. rr = Fail e) ∨ rr = Loop
- [test2_11] Theorem
- ⊢ (∀a a'. Variant1_2 a = Variant1_2 a' ⇔ a = a') ∧
- ∀a a'. Variant2_2 a = Variant2_2 a' ⇔ a = a'
- [test2_Axiom] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀f0 f1. ∃fn.
- (∀a. fn (Variant1_2 a) = f0 a) ∧ ∀a. fn (Variant2_2 a) = f1 a
- [test2_case_cong] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀M M' f f1.
- M = M' ∧ (∀a. M' = Variant1_2 a ⇒ f a = f' a) ∧
- (∀a. M' = Variant2_2 a ⇒ f1 a = f1' a) ⇒
- test2_CASE M f f1 = test2_CASE M' f' f1'
- [test2_case_eq] Theorem
- ⊢ test2_CASE x f f1 = v ⇔
- (∃T'. x = Variant1_2 T' ∧ f T' = v) ∨
- ∃T'. x = Variant2_2 T' ∧ f1 T' = v
- [test2_distinct] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a' a. Variant1_2 a ≠ Variant2_2 a'
- [test2_induction] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀T. P (Variant1_2 T)) ∧ (∀T. P (Variant2_2 T)) ⇒ ∀t. P t
- [test2_nchotomy] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀tt. (∃T. tt = Variant1_2 T) ∨ ∃T. tt = Variant2_2 T
- [test_11] Theorem
- ⊢ (∀a a'. Variant1 a = Variant1 a' ⇔ a = a') ∧
- ∀a a'. Variant2 a = Variant2 a' ⇔ a = a'
- [test_Axiom] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀f0 f1. ∃fn.
- (∀a. fn (Variant1 a) = f0 a) ∧ ∀a. fn (Variant2 a) = f1 a
- [test_case_cong] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀M M' f f1.
- M = M' ∧ (∀a. M' = Variant1 a ⇒ f a = f' a) ∧
- (∀a. M' = Variant2 a ⇒ f1 a = f1' a) ⇒
- test_CASE M f f1 = test_CASE M' f' f1'
- [test_case_eq] Theorem
- ⊢ test_CASE x f f1 = v ⇔
- (∃b. x = Variant1 b ∧ f b = v) ∨ ∃a. x = Variant2 a ∧ f1 a = v
- [test_distinct] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀a' a. Variant1 a ≠ Variant2 a'
- [test_induction] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀P. (∀b. P (Variant1 b)) ∧ (∀a. P (Variant2 a)) ⇒ ∀t. P t
- [test_nchotomy] Theorem
- ⊢ ∀tt. (∃b. tt = Variant1 b) ∨ ∃a. tt = Variant2 a