diff options
authorSon Ho2022-02-10 02:12:31 +0100
committerSon Ho2022-02-10 02:12:31 +0100
commite41d4c6d5edadbad4d53c29ae7722dba3407c5c0 (patch)
parent7d00c246dd0a8c1f0a843ee95f843a800d0fc5f2 (diff)
Start working on HashMap.Properties.fst
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/hashmap/Hashmap.Properties.fst b/tests/hashmap/Hashmap.Properties.fst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd066dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hashmap/Hashmap.Properties.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+(** Properties about the hashmap *)
+module Hashmap.Properties
+open Primitives
+open FStar.List.Tot
+open FStar.Mul
+open Hashmap.Types
+open Hashmap.Clauses
+open Hashmap.Funs
+#set-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 0 --ifuel 1"
+(*** Utilities *)
+val pairwise_distinct : #a:eqtype -> ls:list a -> Tot bool
+let rec pairwise_distinct (#a : eqtype) (ls : list a) : Tot bool =
+ match ls with
+ | [] -> true
+ | x :: ls' -> List.Tot.for_all (fun y -> x <> y) ls' && pairwise_distinct ls'
+val for_allP: #a:Type -> f:(a -> Tot Type0) -> list a -> Tot Type0
+let rec for_allP (f : 'a -> Tot Type0) (l : list 'a) : Tot Type0 =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> True
+ | hd::tl -> f hd /\ for_allP f tl
+val pairwise_relP : #a:Type -> pred:(a -> a -> Tot Type0) -> ls:list a -> Tot Type0
+let rec pairwise_relP #a pred ls =
+ match ls with
+ | [] -> True
+ | x :: ls' ->
+ for_allP (pred x) ls' /\ pairwise_relP pred ls'
+val pairwise_rel : #a:Type -> pred:(a -> a -> Tot bool) -> ls:list a -> Tot bool
+let rec pairwise_rel #a pred ls =
+ match ls with
+ | [] -> true
+ | x :: ls' ->
+ List.Tot.for_all (pred x) ls' && pairwise_rel pred ls'
+/// The lack of lemmas about list manipulation is really annoying...
+#push-options "--fuel 1"
+let rec flatten_append (#a : Type) (l1 l2: list (list a)) :
+ Lemma (flatten (l1 @ l2) == flatten l1 @ flatten l2) =
+ match l1 with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: l1' ->
+ flatten_append l1' l2;
+ append_assoc x (flatten l1') (flatten l2)
+/// We don't use anonymous functions as parameters to other functions, but rather
+/// introduce auxiliary functions instead: otherwise we can't reason (because
+/// F*'s encoding to the SMT is imprecise for functions)
+let fst_is_disctinct (#a : eqtype) (#b : Type0) (p0 : a & b) (p1 : a & b) : Type0 =
+ fst p0 <> fst p1
+(*** Invariants, representants *)
+/// "Natural" length function for [list_t]
+let rec list_t_len (#t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) : nat =
+ match ls with
+ | ListNil -> 0
+ | ListCons _ _ tl -> 1 + list_t_len tl
+/// The "key" type
+type key = usize
+type binding (t : Type0) = key & t
+type slots_t (t : Type0) = vec (list_t t)
+/// We represent hash maps as associative lists
+type assoc_list (t : Type0) = list (binding t)
+/// Representation function for [list_t]
+let rec list_t_v (#t : Type0) (ls : list_t t) : assoc_list t =
+ match ls with
+ | ListNil -> []
+ | ListCons k v tl -> (k,v) :: list_t_v tl
+/// Representation function for the slots.
+/// Rk.: I hesitated to use [concatMap]
+let slots_t_v (#t : Type0) (slots : slots_t t) : assoc_list t =
+ flatten (map list_t_v slots)
+/// Representation function for [hash_map_t]
+let hash_map_t_v (#t : Type0) (hm : hash_map_t t) : assoc_list t =
+ slots_t_v hm.hash_map_slots
+let same_key (#t : Type0) (k : key) (b : binding t) : bool = fst b = k
+let binding_neq (#t : Type0) (b0 b1 : binding t) : bool = fst b0 <> fst b1
+let has_same_binding (#t : Type0) (al : assoc_list t) ((k,v) : binding t) : Type0 =
+ match find (same_key k) al with
+ | None -> False
+ | Some (k',v') -> v' == v
+/// Auxiliary function stating that two associative lists are "equivalent"
+let assoc_list_equiv (#t : Type0) (al0 al1 : assoc_list t) : Type0 =
+ // All the bindings in al0 can be found in al1
+ for_allP (has_same_binding al1) al0 /\
+ // And the reverse is true
+ for_allP (has_same_binding al0) al1
+/// Base invariant for the hashmap (might temporarily be broken at some point)
+let hash_map_t_base_inv (#t : Type0) (hm : hash_map_t t) : Type0 =
+ let al = hash_map_t_v hm in
+ // [num_entries] correctly tracks the number of entries in the table
+ hm.hash_map_num_entries = length al /\
+ // All the keys are pairwise distinct
+ pairwise_rel binding_neq al /\
+ // The capacity must be > 0 (otherwise we can't resize, because we multiply
+ // the capacity by two!)
+ length hm.hash_map_slots > 0 /\
+ // Load computation
+ begin
+ let capacity = length hm.hash_map_slots in
+ let (dividend, divisor) = hm.hash_map_max_load_factor in
+ 0 < dividend /\ dividend < divisor /\
+ hm.hash_map_max_load = (capacity * dividend) / divisor
+ end
+/// Invariant for the hashmap
+let hash_map_t_inv_simpl (#t : Type0) (hm : hash_map_t t) : Type0 =
+ // Base invariant
+ hash_map_t_base_inv hm /\
+ // The hash map is either: not overloaded, or we can't resize it
+ (hm.hash_map_num_entries <= hm.hash_map_max_load
+ || length hm.hash_map_slots * 2 > usize_max)
+/// The following predicate links the hashmap to an associative list.
+/// Note that it does not compute the representant: different (permuted)
+/// lists can be used to represent the same hashmap!
+let hash_map_t_is_al (#t : Type0) (hm : hash_map_t t) (al : assoc_list t) : Type0 =
+ let hm_al = hash_map_t_v hm in
+ assoc_list_equiv hm_al al
+/// The invariant we reveal to the user
+let hash_map_t_inv (#t : Type0) (hm : hash_map_t t) (al : assoc_list t) : Type0 =
+ // The hash map invariant is satisfied
+ hash_map_t_inv_simpl hm /\
+ // And it can be seen as the given associative list
+ hash_map_t_is_al hm al
+(*** Proofs *)
+(**** allocate_slots *)
+val hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_lem
+ (t : Type0) (slots : vec (list_t t)) (n : usize) :
+ Lemma
+ (requires (slots_t_v slots == [] /\ length slots + n <= usize_max))
+ (ensures (
+ match hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd t slots n with
+ | Fail -> False
+ | Return slots' ->
+ slots_t_v slots' == [] /\
+ length slots' = length slots + n))
+ (decreases (hash_map_allocate_slots_decreases t slots n))
+#push-options "--fuel 1"
+let rec hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_lem t slots n =
+ if n = 0 then ()
+ else
+ begin match vec_push_back (list_t t) slots ListNil with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return v ->
+ (* Prove that the new slots [v] represent an empty mapping *)
+ assert(v == slots @ [ListNil]);
+ map_append list_t_v slots [ListNil];
+ assert(map list_t_v v == map list_t_v slots @ map list_t_v [ListNil]);
+ assert_norm(map (list_t_v #t) [ListNil] == [[]]);
+ flatten_append (map list_t_v slots) [[]];
+ assert(slots_t_v v == slots_t_v slots @ slots_t_v [ListNil]);
+ assert_norm(slots_t_v #t [ListNil] == []);
+ assert(slots_t_v v == slots_t_v slots @ []);
+ assert(slots_t_v v == slots_t_v slots);
+ assert(slots_t_v v == []);
+ begin match usize_sub n 1 with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return i ->
+ hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_lem t v i;
+ begin match hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd t v i with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return v0 -> ()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+(**** new *)
+/// Under proper conditions, [new] doesn't fail and returns an empty hash map.
+val hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd_lem
+ (t : Type0) (capacity : usize)
+ (max_load_dividend : usize) (max_load_divisor : usize) :
+ Lemma
+ (requires (
+ 0 < max_load_dividend /\
+ max_load_dividend < max_load_divisor /\
+ 0 < capacity /\
+ capacity * max_load_dividend < usize_max))
+ (ensures (
+ match hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd t capacity max_load_dividend max_load_divisor with
+ | Fail -> False
+ | Return hm -> hash_map_t_inv hm []))
+#push-options "--fuel 1"
+let hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd_lem (t : Type0) (capacity : usize)
+ (max_load_dividend : usize) (max_load_divisor : usize) =
+ let v = vec_new (list_t t) in
+ assert(length v = 0);
+ hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_lem t v capacity;
+ begin match hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd t v capacity with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return v0 ->
+ begin match usize_mul capacity max_load_dividend with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return i ->
+ begin match usize_div i max_load_divisor with
+ | Fail -> assert(False)
+ | Return i0 ->
+ let hm = Mkhash_map_t 0 (max_load_dividend, max_load_divisor) i0 v0 in
+ // The base invariant
+ let al = hash_map_t_v hm in
+ assert(hash_map_t_base_inv hm);
+ assert(hash_map_t_inv_simpl hm);
+ assert(hash_map_t_is_al hm [])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+(**** clear_slots *)
+(**** clear *)