diff options
authorSon Ho2021-11-18 15:47:47 +0100
committerSon Ho2021-11-18 15:47:47 +0100
commitd79f58d32e141c4441e9393119eecd37eb4c690a (patch)
parent807c590113718d8c20419ab31782dd0368e2b045 (diff)
Start working on symbolic values and abstractions
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 051949fc..bab7c9a1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ module VarId = IdGen ()
module BorrowId = IdGen ()
+module SymbolicValueId = IdGen ()
+module AbstractionId = IdGen ()
+module RegionId = IdGen ()
type var = {
index :; (** Unique variable identifier *)
name : string option;
@@ -51,26 +57,37 @@ type constant_value =
| Char of char
| String of string
-type symbolic_value = unit
-(** Symbolic value - TODO *)
+type symbolic_value = { svalue_id :; rty : rty }
+(** Symbolic value *)
+type symbolic_proj_comp = {
+ svalue : symbolic_value; (** The symbolic value itself *)
+ rset_ended : BorrowId.Set.t;
+ (** The regions used in the symbolic value which have already ended *)
+(** A complementary projector over a symbolic value.
+ "Complementary" stands for the fact that it is a projector over all the
+ regions *but* the ones which are listed in the projector.
+ *)
(** An untyped value, used in the environments *)
type value =
- | Adt of adt_value (** Enumerations and structures *)
- | Symbolic of symbolic_value (** Unknown value *)
| Concrete of constant_value (** Concrete (non-symbolic) value *)
+ | Adt of adt_value (** Enumerations and structures *)
| Tuple of value FieldId.vector
(** Tuple - note that units are encoded as 0-tuples *)
- | Borrow of borrow_content (** A borrowed value *)
- | Loan of loan_content (** A loaned value *)
| Bottom (** No value (uninitialized or moved value) *)
| Assumed of assumed_value (** Assumed types (Box, Vec, Cell...) *)
+ | Borrow of borrow_content (** A borrowed value *)
+ | Loan of loan_content (** A loaned value *)
+ | Symbolic of symbolic_proj_comp (** Unknown value *)
and adt_value = {
def_id :;
variant_id : option;
regions : erased_region list;
- types : rty list;
+ types : ety list;
field_values : value FieldId.vector;
@@ -94,3 +111,62 @@ and loan_content =
| MutLoan of
and assumed_value = Box of value
+type typed_value = { value : value; ty : ety }
+type abstract_shared_borrow =
+ | AsvSet of BorrowId.Set.t
+ | AsvProjReborrows of symbolic_value * rty
+ | AsvUntion of abstract_shared_borrow * abstract_shared_borrow
+ (** TODO: explanations *)
+(** Abstraction values are used inside of abstractions to properly model
+ borrowing relations introduced by function calls.
+ When calling a function, we lose information about the borrow graph:
+ part of it is thus "abstracted" away.
+type avalue =
+ | AConcrete of constant_value
+ | AAdt of aadt_value
+ | ATuple of avalue FieldId.vector
+ | ABottom
+ | AAssumed of aassumed_value
+ | AMutBorrow of * avalue
+ | ASharedBorrow of
+ | AMutLoan of * avalue
+ | ASharedLoan of BorrowId.Set.t * value * avalue
+ | AEndedMutLoan of value * avalue (* TODO: given_back, child *)
+ | AEndedSharedLoan of value * avalue
+ | AIgnoredMutLoan of * avalue
+ | AIgnoredMutBorrow of avalue
+ | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan of avalue * avalue (* TODO: given back, child *)
+ | AIgnoredSharedBorrow of abstract_shared_borrow
+ | AIgnoredSharedLoan of abstract_shared_borrow
+ | AProjLoans of symbolic_value
+ | AProjBorrows of symbolic_value * rty
+and aadt_value = {
+ adef_id :;
+ avariant_id : option;
+ aregions : erased_region list;
+ atypes : rty list;
+ afield_values : avalue FieldId.vector;
+and aassumed_value = ABox of avalue
+type abs = {
+ parents : AbstractionId.Set.t; (** The parent abstraction *)
+ acc_regions : RegionId.Set.t;
+ (** Union of the regions owned by the (transitive) parent abstractions and
+ by the current abstraction *)
+ regions : RegionId.Set.t; (** Regions owned by this abstraction *)
+ values : avalue list; (** The values in this abstraction *)
+(** Abstractions model the parts in the borrow graph where the borrowing relations
+ have been abstracted because of a function call.
+ In order to model the relations between the borrows, we use "abstraction values",
+ which are a special kind of value.