diff options
authorSon HO2024-03-18 07:23:00 +0100
committerGitHub2024-03-18 07:23:00 +0100
commita24f42ff7f0ae3c2aeb51decb0d0c90d6e50ffac (patch)
parentd56946242859e0d375c1d44585b9da6d5fbe94cb (diff)
parent9e230d0c4378b5c992c820cc1f4322896f739095 (diff)
Merge pull request #92 from AeneasVerif/son/globals
Add generics to constants/globals
18 files changed, 506 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Base.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Base.lean
index 0b9d9c39..0c64eca1 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Base.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Base.lean
@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ def div? {α: Type u} (r: Result α): Bool :=
def massert (b:Bool) : Result Unit :=
if b then ret () else fail assertionFailure
-def eval_global {α: Type u} (x: Result α) (_: ret? x := by decide): α :=
+macro "prove_eval_global" : tactic => `(tactic| first | apply Eq.refl | decide)
+def eval_global {α: Type u} (x: Result α) (_: ret? x := by prove_eval_global) : α :=
match x with
| fail _ | div => by contradiction
| ret x => x
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a93ed6e4..aa097a4f 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -185,9 +185,17 @@ let extract_adt_g_value
| _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent typed value")
(* Extract globals in the same way as variables *)
-let extract_global (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
- (id : : unit =
- F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global id ctx)
+let extract_global (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
+ (id : (generics : generic_args) : unit =
+ let use_brackets = inside && generics <> empty_generic_args in
+ F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
+ if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ (* Extract the global name *)
+ F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global id ctx);
+ (* Extract the generics *)
+ extract_generic_args ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty generics;
+ if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")";
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ()
(* Filter the generics of a function if it is builtin *)
let fun_builtin_filter_types (id : (types : 'a list)
@@ -321,13 +329,15 @@ and extract_App (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
match with
| FunOrOp fun_id ->
extract_function_call ctx fmt inside fun_id qualif.generics args
- | Global global_id -> extract_global ctx fmt global_id
+ | Global global_id ->
+ assert (args = []);
+ extract_global ctx fmt inside global_id qualif.generics
| AdtCons adt_cons_id ->
extract_adt_cons ctx fmt inside adt_cons_id qualif.generics args
| Proj proj ->
extract_field_projector ctx fmt inside app proj qualif.generics args
| TraitConst (trait_ref, const_name) ->
- extract_trait_ref ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false trait_ref;
+ extract_trait_ref ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty true trait_ref;
let name =
ctx_get_trait_const trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id
const_name ctx
@@ -1691,7 +1701,9 @@ let extract_fun_decl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
of those declarations. See {!extract_global_decl} for more explanations.
let extract_global_decl_body_gen (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
- (kind : decl_kind) (name : string) (ty : ty)
+ (kind : decl_kind) (name : string) (generics : generic_params)
+ (type_params : string list) (cg_params : string list)
+ (trait_clauses : string list) (ty : ty)
(extract_body : (F.formatter -> unit) Option.t) : unit =
let is_opaque = Option.is_none extract_body in
@@ -1708,9 +1720,9 @@ let extract_global_decl_body_gen (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
- (* Open "QUALIF NAME : TYPE =" box (depth=1) *)
+ (* Open "QUALIF NAME PARAMS : TYPE =" box (depth=1) *)
F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
- (* Print "QUALIF NAME " *)
+ (* Print "QUALIF NAME PARAMS " *)
(match fun_decl_kind_to_qualif kind with
| Some qualif ->
F.pp_print_string fmt qualif;
@@ -1719,6 +1731,12 @@ let extract_global_decl_body_gen (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
F.pp_print_string fmt name;
F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ (* Extract the generic parameters *)
+ let space = ref true in
+ extract_generic_params ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty ~space:(Some space)
+ generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses;
+ if not !space then F.pp_print_space fmt ();
(* Open ": TYPE =" box (depth=2) *)
F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
(* Print ": " *)
@@ -1775,7 +1793,9 @@ let extract_global_decl_body_gen (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
but I could not find a better way.
let extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
- (name : string) (ty : ty) : unit =
+ (name : string) (generics : generic_params) (ty : ty) : unit =
+ (* TODO: non-empty generics *)
+ assert (generics = empty_generic_params);
(* Open the definition boxe (depth=0) *)
F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
(* [val ..._def = new_constant ("...",] *)
@@ -1815,58 +1835,94 @@ let extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
and {!extract_fun_decl}.
let extract_global_decl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
- (global : A.global_decl) (body : fun_decl) (interface : bool) : unit =
+ (global : global_decl) (body : fun_decl) (interface : bool) : unit =
assert body.is_global_decl_body;
assert (body.signature.inputs = []);
- assert (body.signature.generics = empty_generic_params);
(* Add a break then the name of the corresponding LLBC declaration *)
F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0;
let name =
if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not global.is_local then
- Some
+ Some global.llbc_name
else None
extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt
- [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx ^ "]" ]
+ [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx global.llbc_name ^ "]" ]
name global.meta.span;
F.pp_print_space fmt ();
let decl_name = ctx_get_global global.def_id ctx in
let body_name =
- ctx_get_function (FromLlbc (Pure.FunId (FRegular global.body), None)) ctx
+ ctx_get_function (FromLlbc (Pure.FunId (FRegular global.body_id), None)) ctx
let decl_ty, body_ty =
let ty = body.signature.output in
if body.signature.fwd_info.effect_info.can_fail then
(unwrap_result_ty ty, ty)
else (ty, mk_result_ty ty)
+ (* Add the type parameters *)
+ let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses =
+ ctx_add_generic_params global.llbc_name global.llbc_generics global.generics
+ ctx
+ in
match body.body with
| None ->
(* No body: only generate a [val x_c : u32] declaration *)
let kind = if interface then Declared else Assumed in
if !backend = HOL4 then
- extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque ctx fmt decl_name decl_ty
- else extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt kind decl_name decl_ty None
+ extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque ctx fmt decl_name global.generics
+ decl_ty
+ else
+ extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt kind decl_name global.generics
+ type_params cg_params trait_clauses decl_ty None
| Some body ->
(* There is a body *)
(* Generate: [let x_body : result u32 = Return 3] *)
- extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt SingleNonRec body_name body_ty
+ extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt SingleNonRec body_name
+ global.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses body_ty
(Some (fun fmt -> extract_texpression ctx fmt false body.body));
F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0;
(* Generate: [let x_c : u32 = eval_global x_body] *)
- extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt SingleNonRec decl_name decl_ty
+ extract_global_decl_body_gen ctx fmt SingleNonRec decl_name
+ global.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses decl_ty
(fun fmt ->
- let body =
+ let all_params =
+ List.concat [ type_params; cg_params; trait_clauses ]
+ in
+ let extract_params () =
+ List.iter
+ (fun p ->
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt p)
+ all_params
+ in
+ let use_brackets = all_params <> [] in
+ (* Extract the name *)
+ let before, after =
match !backend with
- | FStar | Lean -> "eval_global " ^ body_name
- | Coq -> body_name ^ "%global"
- | HOL4 -> "get_return_value " ^ body_name
+ | FStar | Lean ->
+ ( (fun () ->
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "eval_global";
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ()),
+ fun () -> () )
+ | Coq ->
+ ((fun () -> ()), fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt "%global")
+ | HOL4 ->
+ ( (fun () ->
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "get_return_value";
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ()),
+ fun () -> () )
- F.pp_print_string fmt body));
+ before ();
+ if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ F.pp_print_string fmt body_name;
+ (* Extract the generic params *)
+ extract_params ();
+ if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")";
+ (* *)
+ after ()));
(* Add a break to insert lines between declarations *)
F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0
@@ -2585,18 +2641,39 @@ let extract_trait_impl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
* Extract the items
let trait_decl_id = impl.impl_trait.trait_decl_id in
+ let trait_decl = TraitDeclId.Map.find trait_decl_id ctx.trans_trait_decls in
+ let trait_decl_provided_consts =
+ (fun (_, (_, x)) -> x) trait_decl.consts
+ in
(* The constants *)
- (fun (name, (_, id)) ->
+ (fun (provided_id, (name, (_, id))) ->
let item_name = ctx_get_trait_const trait_decl_id name ctx in
+ (* The parameters are not the same depending on whether the constant
+ is a provided constant or not *)
+ let print_params () =
+ if provided_id = Some id then
+ extract_generic_args ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty
+ impl.impl_trait.decl_generics
+ else
+ let all_params =
+ List.concat [ type_params; cg_params; trait_clauses ]
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun p ->
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ F.pp_print_string fmt p)
+ all_params
+ in
let ty () =
F.pp_print_space fmt ();
- F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global id ctx)
+ F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global id ctx);
+ print_params ()
extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt item_name ty)
- impl.consts;
+ (List.combine trait_decl_provided_consts impl.consts);
(* The types *)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index dc100fe3..afbf4605 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
open Types
open Values
-open LlbcAst
open Scalars
open Expressions
open Utils
@@ -264,37 +263,23 @@ let eval_operand_no_reorganize (config : config) (op : operand)
| CLiteral lit ->
cf (literal_to_typed_value (ty_as_literal cv.ty) lit) ctx
| CTraitConst (trait_ref, const_name) -> (
- match trait_ref.trait_id with
- | TraitImpl _ ->
- (* This shouldn't happen: if we refer to a concrete implementation, we
- should directly refer to the top-level constant *)
- raise (Failure "Unreachable")
- | _ -> (
- (* We refer to a constant defined in a local clause: simply
- introduce a fresh symbolic value *)
- let ctx0 = ctx in
- (* Lookup the trait declaration to retrieve the type of the symbolic value *)
- let trait_decl =
- ctx_lookup_trait_decl ctx trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id
- in
- let _, (ty, _) =
- List.find (fun (name, _) -> name = const_name) trait_decl.consts
- in
- (* Introduce a fresh symbolic value *)
- let v = mk_fresh_symbolic_typed_value ty in
- (* Continue the evaluation *)
- let e = cf v ctx in
- (* We have to wrap the generated expression *)
- match e with
- | None -> None
- | Some e ->
- Some
- (SymbolicAst.IntroSymbolic
- ( ctx0,
- None,
- value_as_symbolic v.value,
- SymbolicAst.VaTraitConstValue (trait_ref, const_name),
- e ))))
+ let ctx0 = ctx in
+ (* Simply introduce a fresh symbolic value *)
+ let ty = cv.ty in
+ let v = mk_fresh_symbolic_typed_value ty in
+ (* Continue the evaluation *)
+ let e = cf v ctx in
+ (* Wrap the generated expression *)
+ match e with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some e ->
+ Some
+ (SymbolicAst.IntroSymbolic
+ ( ctx0,
+ None,
+ value_as_symbolic v.value,
+ SymbolicAst.VaTraitConstValue (trait_ref, const_name),
+ e )))
| CVar vid -> (
let ctx0 = ctx in
(* In concrete mode: lookup the const generic value.
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index eef9e2c9..95a2956b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -949,9 +949,9 @@ let rec eval_statement (config : config) (st : statement) : st_cm_fun =
| Assign (p, rvalue) -> (
(* We handle global assignments separately *)
match rvalue with
- | Global gid ->
+ | Global (gid, generics) ->
(* Evaluate the global *)
- eval_global config p gid cf ctx
+ eval_global config p gid generics cf ctx
| _ ->
(* Evaluate the rvalue *)
let cf_eval_rvalue = eval_rvalue_not_global config rvalue in
@@ -1021,31 +1021,37 @@ let rec eval_statement (config : config) (st : statement) : st_cm_fun =
(* Compose and apply *)
comp cc cf_eval_st cf ctx
-and eval_global (config : config) (dest : place) (gid : :
- st_cm_fun =
+and eval_global (config : config) (dest : place) (gid :
+ (generics : generic_args) : st_cm_fun =
fun cf ctx ->
let global = ctx_lookup_global_decl ctx gid in
match config.mode with
| ConcreteMode ->
- (* Treat the evaluation of the global as a call to the global body (without arguments) *)
- let func =
- {
- func = FunId (FRegular global.body);
- generics = TypesUtils.empty_generic_args;
- }
- in
+ (* Treat the evaluation of the global as a call to the global body *)
+ let func = { func = FunId (FRegular global.body); generics } in
let call = { func = FnOpRegular func; args = []; dest } in
(eval_transparent_function_call_concrete config global.body call) cf ctx
| SymbolicMode ->
(* Generate a fresh symbolic value. In the translation, this fresh symbolic value will be
* defined as equal to the value of the global (see {!S.synthesize_global_eval}). *)
assert (ty_no_regions global.ty);
- let sval = mk_fresh_symbolic_value global.ty in
+ (* Instantiate the type *)
+ (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
+ let tr_self : trait_instance_id = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
+ let generics = Subst.generic_args_erase_regions generics in
+ let { Subst.r_subst = _; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } =
+ Subst.make_subst_from_generics global.generics generics tr_self
+ in
+ let ty =
+ Subst.erase_regions_substitute_types ty_subst cg_subst tr_subst tr_self
+ global.ty
+ in
+ let sval = mk_fresh_symbolic_value ty in
let cc =
assign_to_place config (mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sval) dest
let e = cc (cf Unit) ctx in
- S.synthesize_global_eval gid sval e
+ S.synthesize_global_eval gid generics sval e
(** Evaluate a switch *)
and eval_switch (config : config) (switch : switch) : st_cm_fun =
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a735667e..cf6710aa 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1087,6 +1087,26 @@ type fun_decl = {
[@@deriving show]
+type global_decl = {
+ meta : meta;
+ def_id :;
+ is_local : bool;
+ llbc_name : llbc_name; (** The original LLBC name. *)
+ name : string;
+ (** We use the name only for printing purposes (for debugging):
+ the name used at extraction time will be derived from the
+ llbc_name.
+ *)
+ llbc_generics : Types.generic_params;
+ (** See the comment for [llbc_generics] in fun_decl. *)
+ generics : generic_params;
+ preds : predicates;
+ ty : ty;
+ kind : item_kind;
+ body_id :;
+[@@deriving show]
type trait_decl = {
def_id : trait_decl_id;
is_local : bool;
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a989fd3b..fc94fa4c 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ let rec check_texpression (ctx : tc_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit =
get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls adt_id variant_id adt_generics
- (fun (fid, fe) ->
+ (fun ((fid, fe) : _ * texpression) ->
let expected_field_ty = FieldId.nth expected_field_tys fid in
assert (expected_field_ty = fe.ty);
check_texpression ctx fe)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ let rec check_texpression (ctx : tc_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit =
Collections.List.to_cons_nil adt_generics.types
- (fun (_, fe) ->
+ (fun ((_, fe) : _ * texpression) ->
assert (expected_field_ty = fe.ty);
check_texpression ctx fe)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 79c03e58..cc74a16b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ type expression =
The context is the evaluation context from after evaluating the asserted
value. It has the same purpose as for the {!Return} case.
- | EvalGlobal of global_decl_id * symbolic_value * expression
+ | EvalGlobal of global_decl_id * generic_args * symbolic_value * expression
(** Evaluate a global to a fresh symbolic value *)
| Assertion of Contexts.eval_ctx * typed_value * expression
(** An assertion.
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 27279327..58fb6d04 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1890,7 +1890,8 @@ let rec translate_expression (e : S.expression) (ctx : bs_ctx) : texpression =
| Panic -> translate_panic ctx
| FunCall (call, e) -> translate_function_call call e ctx
| EndAbstraction (ectx, abs, e) -> translate_end_abstraction ectx abs e ctx
- | EvalGlobal (gid, sv, e) -> translate_global_eval gid sv e ctx
+ | EvalGlobal (gid, generics, sv, e) ->
+ translate_global_eval gid generics sv e ctx
| Assertion (ectx, v, e) -> translate_assertion ectx v e ctx
| Expansion (p, sv, exp) -> translate_expansion p sv exp ctx
| IntroSymbolic (ectx, p, sv, v, e) ->
@@ -2662,11 +2663,12 @@ and translate_end_abstraction_loop (ectx : C.eval_ctx) (abs : V.abs)
(* Create the let-binding *)
mk_let effect_info.can_fail output call next_e)
-and translate_global_eval (gid : (sval : V.symbolic_value)
- (e : S.expression) (ctx : bs_ctx) : texpression =
+and translate_global_eval (gid : (generics : T.generic_args)
+ (sval : V.symbolic_value) (e : S.expression) (ctx : bs_ctx) : texpression =
let ctx, var = fresh_var_for_symbolic_value sval ctx in
let decl = A.GlobalDeclId.Map.find gid ctx.global_ctx.llbc_global_decls in
- let global_expr = { id = Global gid; generics = empty_generic_args } in
+ let generics = ctx_translate_fwd_generic_args ctx generics in
+ let global_expr = { id = Global gid; generics } in
(* We use translate_fwd_ty to translate the global type *)
let ty = ctx_translate_fwd_ty ctx decl.ty in
let gval = { e = Qualif global_expr; ty } in
@@ -3838,3 +3840,40 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
+let translate_global (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (decl : A.global_decl) :
+ global_decl =
+ let {
+ A.meta;
+ def_id;
+ is_local;
+ name = llbc_name;
+ generics = llbc_generics;
+ preds;
+ ty;
+ kind;
+ body = body_id;
+ } =
+ decl
+ in
+ let name =
+ Print.Types.name_to_string
+ (Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx)
+ llbc_name
+ in
+ let generics = translate_generic_params llbc_generics in
+ let preds = translate_predicates preds in
+ let ty = translate_fwd_ty ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty in
+ {
+ meta;
+ def_id;
+ is_local;
+ llbc_name;
+ name;
+ llbc_generics;
+ generics;
+ preds;
+ ty;
+ kind;
+ body_id;
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 20bc107e..a42c43ac 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ let synthesize_function_call (call_id : call_id) (ctx : Contexts.eval_ctx)
FunCall (call, e))
-let synthesize_global_eval (gid : (dest : symbolic_value)
- (e : expression option) : expression option =
- (fun e -> EvalGlobal (gid, dest, e)) e
+let synthesize_global_eval (gid : (generics : generic_args)
+ (dest : symbolic_value) (e : expression option) : expression option =
+ (fun e -> EvalGlobal (gid, generics, dest, e)) e
let synthesize_regular_function_call (fun_id : fun_id_or_trait_method_ref)
(call_id : (ctx : Contexts.eval_ctx) (sg : fun_sig)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index fba1dfb0..9af3c71b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ let export_global (fmt : Format.formatter) (config : gen_config) (ctx : gen_ctx)
groups are always singletons, so the [extract_global_decl] function
takes care of generating the delimiters.
+ let global = SymbolicToPure.translate_global ctx.trans_ctx global in
Extract.extract_global_decl ctx fmt global body config.interface
(** Utility.
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index 48273b6a..9bbf68bc 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
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@@ -77,54 +77,6 @@
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@@ -553,8 +226,6 @@
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diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index cfeb5188..32898765 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -8,15 +8,11 @@
flake-utils.follows = "charon/flake-utils";
nixpkgs.follows = "charon/nixpkgs";
hacl-nix.url = "github:hacl-star/hacl-nix";
- lean.url = "github:leanprover/lean4";
- #lake.url = "github:leanprover/lake";
- lake.url = "github:leanprover/lake/lean4-master";
- #lake.flake = false;
# Remark: keep the list of outputs in sync with the list of inputs above
# (see above remark)
- outputs = { self, charon, flake-utils, nixpkgs, hacl-nix, lean, lake }:
+ outputs = { self, charon, flake-utils, nixpkgs, hacl-nix }:
flake-utils.lib.eachSystem [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
@@ -126,20 +122,6 @@
# The tests don't generate anything - TODO: actually they do
installPhase = "touch $out";
- # Replay the Lean proofs. TODO: doesn't work
- aeneas-verify-lean = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "aeneas_verify_lean";
- src = ./tests/lean;
- #LAKE_EXE = lean.packages.${system};
- #buildInputs = [lean.packages.${system}.lake-dev];
- buildInputs = [lean.packages.${system} lake.packages.${system}.cli];
- #buildInputs = [lake.packages.${system}.cli];
- buildPhase= ''
- make prepare-projects
- #make verify -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES
- make verify
- '';
- };
# Replay the HOL4 proofs
# Remark: we tried to have two targets, one for ./backends/hol4 and
@@ -174,7 +156,6 @@
inherit aeneas aeneas-tests
- aeneas-verify-lean
aeneas-verify-hol4; };
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v b/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
index 5fa952b4..fcafed53 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/Constants.v
@@ -158,4 +158,21 @@ Definition s3 : Pair_t u32 u32 := s3_body%global.
Definition s4_body : result (Pair_t u32 u32) := mk_pair1 7%u32 8%u32.
Definition s4 : Pair_t u32 u32 := s4_body%global.
+(** [constants::V]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 86:0-86:31 *)
+Record V_t (T : Type) (N : usize) := mkV_t { v_x : array T N; }.
+Arguments mkV_t { _ _ }.
+Arguments v_x { _ _ }.
+(** [constants::{constants::V<T, N>#1}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 91:4-91:24 *)
+Definition v_len_body (T : Type) (N : usize) : result usize := Return N.
+Definition v_len (T : Type) (N : usize) : usize := (v_len_body T N)%global.
+(** [constants::use_v]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:42 *)
+Definition use_v (T : Type) (N : usize) : result usize :=
+ Return (v_len T N).
End Constants.
diff --git a/tests/coq/traits/Traits.v b/tests/coq/traits/Traits.v
index a9cd7e91..a861c114 100644
--- a/tests/coq/traits/Traits.v
+++ b/tests/coq/traits/Traits.v
@@ -283,9 +283,12 @@ Definition ToTypetraitsBoolWrapperT (T : Type) (toTypeBoolTInst : ToType_t bool
(** [traits::WithConstTy::LEN2]
Source: 'src/', lines 164:4-164:21 *)
-Definition with_const_ty_len2_default_body : result usize := Return 32%usize.
-Definition with_const_ty_len2_default : usize :=
- with_const_ty_len2_default_body%global
+Definition with_const_ty_len2_default_body (Self : Type) (LEN : usize)
+ : result usize :=
+ Return 32%usize
+Definition with_const_ty_len2_default (Self : Type) (LEN : usize) : usize :=
+ (with_const_ty_len2_default_body Self LEN)%global
(** Trait declaration: [traits::WithConstTy]
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ Definition withConstTyBool32_f
Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-174:29 *)
Definition WithConstTyBool32 : WithConstTy_t bool 32%usize := {|
WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_LEN1 := with_const_ty_bool32_len1;
- WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_LEN2 := with_const_ty_len2_default;
+ WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_LEN2 := with_const_ty_len2_default bool 32%usize;
WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_V := u8;
WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_W := u64;
WithConstTy_tWithConstTy_t_W_clause_0 := ToU64U64;
@@ -613,4 +616,93 @@ Definition test_get_trait
getTraitInst.(GetTrait_t_get_w) x
+(** Trait declaration: [traits::Trait]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 310:0-310:15 *)
+Record Trait_t (Self : Type) := mkTrait_t { Trait_tTrait_t_LEN : usize; }.
+Arguments mkTrait_t { _ }.
+Arguments Trait_tTrait_t_LEN { _ }.
+(** [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 315:4-315:20 *)
+Definition trait_array_len_body (T : Type) (N : usize) : result usize :=
+ Return N
+Definition trait_array_len (T : Type) (N : usize) : usize :=
+ (trait_array_len_body T N)%global
+(** Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 314:0-314:40 *)
+Definition TraitArray (T : Type) (N : usize) : Trait_t (array T N) := {|
+ Trait_tTrait_t_LEN := trait_array_len T N;
+(** [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 319:4-319:20 *)
+Definition traittraits_wrapper_len_body (T : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T)
+ : result usize :=
+ Return 0%usize
+Definition traittraits_wrapper_len (T : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T)
+ : usize :=
+ (traittraits_wrapper_len_body T traitInst)%global
+(** Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 318:0-318:35 *)
+Definition TraittraitsWrapper (T : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T) : Trait_t
+ (Wrapper_t T) := {|
+ Trait_tTrait_t_LEN := traittraits_wrapper_len T traitInst;
+(** [traits::use_wrapper_len]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 322:0-322:43 *)
+Definition use_wrapper_len (T : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T) : result usize :=
+ Return (TraittraitsWrapper T traitInst).(Trait_tTrait_t_LEN)
+(** [traits::Foo]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 326:0-326:20 *)
+Record Foo_t (T U : Type) := mkFoo_t { foo_x : T; foo_y : U; }.
+Arguments mkFoo_t { _ _ }.
+Arguments foo_x { _ _ }.
+Arguments foo_y { _ _ }.
+(** [core::result::Result]
+ Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/', lines 502:0-502:21 *)
+Inductive core_result_Result_t (T E : Type) :=
+| Core_result_Result_Ok : T -> core_result_Result_t T E
+| Core_result_Result_Err : E -> core_result_Result_t T E
+Arguments Core_result_Result_Ok { _ _ }.
+Arguments Core_result_Result_Err { _ _ }.
+(** [traits::{traits::Foo<T, U>#16}::FOO]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:4-332:33 *)
+Definition foo_foo_body (T U : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T)
+ : result (core_result_Result_t T i32) :=
+ Return (Core_result_Result_Err 0%i32)
+Definition foo_foo (T U : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T)
+ : core_result_Result_t T i32 :=
+ (foo_foo_body T U traitInst)%global
+(** [traits::use_foo1]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 335:0-335:48 *)
+Definition use_foo1
+ (T U : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t T) : result (core_result_Result_t T i32) :=
+ Return (foo_foo T U traitInst)
+(** [traits::use_foo2]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 *)
+Definition use_foo2
+ (T U : Type) (traitInst : Trait_t U) : result (core_result_Result_t U i32) :=
+ Return (foo_foo U T traitInst)
End Traits.
diff --git a/tests/fstar/misc/Constants.fst b/tests/fstar/misc/Constants.fst
index 66429c80..8d1cf3ce 100644
--- a/tests/fstar/misc/Constants.fst
+++ b/tests/fstar/misc/Constants.fst
@@ -143,3 +143,17 @@ let s3 : pair_t u32 u32 = eval_global s3_body
let s4_body : result (pair_t u32 u32) = mk_pair1 7 8
let s4 : pair_t u32 u32 = eval_global s4_body
+(** [constants::V]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 86:0-86:31 *)
+type v_t (t : Type0) (n : usize) = { x : array t n; }
+(** [constants::{constants::V<T, N>#1}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 91:4-91:24 *)
+let v_len_body (t : Type0) (n : usize) : result usize = Return n
+let v_len (t : Type0) (n : usize) : usize = eval_global (v_len_body t n)
+(** [constants::use_v]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:42 *)
+let use_v (t : Type0) (n : usize) : result usize =
+ Return (v_len t n)
diff --git a/tests/fstar/traits/Traits.fst b/tests/fstar/traits/Traits.fst
index 466fb482..fba564a5 100644
--- a/tests/fstar/traits/Traits.fst
+++ b/tests/fstar/traits/Traits.fst
@@ -229,9 +229,11 @@ let toTypetraitsBoolWrapperT (t : Type0) (toTypeBoolTInst : toType_t bool t) :
(** [traits::WithConstTy::LEN2]
Source: 'src/', lines 164:4-164:21 *)
-let with_const_ty_len2_default_body : result usize = Return 32
-let with_const_ty_len2_default : usize =
- eval_global with_const_ty_len2_default_body
+let with_const_ty_len2_default_body (self : Type0) (len : usize)
+ : result usize =
+ Return 32
+let with_const_ty_len2_default (self : Type0) (len : usize) : usize =
+ eval_global (with_const_ty_len2_default_body self len)
(** Trait declaration: [traits::WithConstTy]
Source: 'src/', lines 161:0-161:39 *)
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ let withConstTyBool32_f (i : u64) (a : array u8 32) : result u64 =
Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-174:29 *)
let withConstTyBool32 : withConstTy_t bool 32 = {
cLEN1 = with_const_ty_bool32_len1;
- cLEN2 = with_const_ty_len2_default;
+ cLEN2 = with_const_ty_len2_default bool 32;
tV = u8;
tW = u64;
tW_clause_0 = toU64U64;
@@ -460,3 +462,70 @@ let test_get_trait
(t : Type0) (getTraitInst : getTrait_t t) (x : t) : result getTraitInst.tW =
getTraitInst.get_w x
+(** Trait declaration: [traits::Trait]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 310:0-310:15 *)
+noeq type trait_t (self : Type0) = { cLEN : usize; }
+(** [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 315:4-315:20 *)
+let trait_array_len_body (t : Type0) (n : usize) : result usize = Return n
+let trait_array_len (t : Type0) (n : usize) : usize =
+ eval_global (trait_array_len_body t n)
+(** Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 314:0-314:40 *)
+let traitArray (t : Type0) (n : usize) : trait_t (array t n) = {
+ cLEN = trait_array_len t n;
+(** [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 319:4-319:20 *)
+let traittraits_wrapper_len_body (t : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t)
+ : result usize =
+ Return 0
+let traittraits_wrapper_len (t : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t) : usize =
+ eval_global (traittraits_wrapper_len_body t traitInst)
+(** Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 318:0-318:35 *)
+let traittraitsWrapper (t : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t) : trait_t (wrapper_t
+ t) = {
+ cLEN = traittraits_wrapper_len t traitInst;
+(** [traits::use_wrapper_len]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 322:0-322:43 *)
+let use_wrapper_len (t : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t) : result usize =
+ Return (traittraitsWrapper t traitInst).cLEN
+(** [traits::Foo]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 326:0-326:20 *)
+type foo_t (t u : Type0) = { x : t; y : u; }
+(** [core::result::Result]
+ Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/', lines 502:0-502:21 *)
+type core_result_Result_t (t e : Type0) =
+| Core_result_Result_Ok : t -> core_result_Result_t t e
+| Core_result_Result_Err : e -> core_result_Result_t t e
+(** [traits::{traits::Foo<T, U>#16}::FOO]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:4-332:33 *)
+let foo_foo_body (t u : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t)
+ : result (core_result_Result_t t i32) =
+ Return (Core_result_Result_Err 0)
+let foo_foo (t u : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t)
+ : core_result_Result_t t i32 =
+ eval_global (foo_foo_body t u traitInst)
+(** [traits::use_foo1]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 335:0-335:48 *)
+let use_foo1
+ (t u : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t t) : result (core_result_Result_t t i32) =
+ Return (foo_foo t u traitInst)
+(** [traits::use_foo2]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 *)
+let use_foo2
+ (t u : Type0) (traitInst : trait_t u) : result (core_result_Result_t u i32) =
+ Return (foo_foo u t traitInst)
diff --git a/tests/lean/Constants.lean b/tests/lean/Constants.lean
index 7949a25c..40f590d4 100644
--- a/tests/lean/Constants.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/Constants.lean
@@ -149,4 +149,19 @@ def S3 : Pair U32 U32 := eval_global S3_body
def S4_body : Result (Pair U32 U32) := mk_pair1 7#u32 8#u32
def S4 : Pair U32 U32 := eval_global S4_body
+/- [constants::V]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 86:0-86:31 -/
+structure V (T : Type) (N : Usize) where
+ x : Array T N
+/- [constants::{constants::V<T, N>#1}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 91:4-91:24 -/
+def V.LEN_body (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Result Usize := Result.ret N
+def V.LEN (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Usize := eval_global (V.LEN_body T N)
+/- [constants::use_v]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:42 -/
+def use_v (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Result Usize :=
+ Result.ret (V.LEN T N)
end constants
diff --git a/tests/lean/Traits.lean b/tests/lean/Traits.lean
index 26dac252..acddd1a9 100644
--- a/tests/lean/Traits.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/Traits.lean
@@ -242,9 +242,10 @@ def ToTypetraitsBoolWrapperT (T : Type) (ToTypeBoolTInst : ToType Bool T) :
/- [traits::WithConstTy::LEN2]
Source: 'src/', lines 164:4-164:21 -/
-def WithConstTy.LEN2_default_body : Result Usize := Result.ret 32#usize
-def WithConstTy.LEN2_default : Usize :=
- eval_global WithConstTy.LEN2_default_body
+def WithConstTy.LEN2_default_body (Self : Type) (LEN : Usize) : Result Usize :=
+ Result.ret 32#usize
+def WithConstTy.LEN2_default (Self : Type) (LEN : Usize) : Usize :=
+ eval_global (WithConstTy.LEN2_default_body Self LEN)
/- Trait declaration: [traits::WithConstTy]
Source: 'src/', lines 161:0-161:39 -/
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ def WithConstTyBool32.f (i : U64) (a : Array U8 32#usize) : Result U64 :=
Source: 'src/', lines 174:0-174:29 -/
def WithConstTyBool32 : WithConstTy Bool 32#usize := {
LEN1 := WithConstTyBool32.LEN1
- LEN2 := WithConstTy.LEN2_default
+ LEN2 := WithConstTy.LEN2_default Bool 32#usize
V := U8
W := U64
W_clause_0 := ToU64U64
@@ -467,4 +468,73 @@ def test_get_trait
(T : Type) (GetTraitInst : GetTrait T) (x : T) : Result GetTraitInst.W :=
GetTraitInst.get_w x
+/- Trait declaration: [traits::Trait]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 310:0-310:15 -/
+structure Trait (Self : Type) where
+ LEN : Usize
+/- [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 315:4-315:20 -/
+def TraitArray.LEN_body (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Result Usize := Result.ret N
+def TraitArray.LEN (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Usize :=
+ eval_global (TraitArray.LEN_body T N)
+/- Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for @Array<T, N>)#14}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 314:0-314:40 -/
+def TraitArray (T : Type) (N : Usize) : Trait (Array T N) := {
+ LEN := TraitArray.LEN T N
+/- [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}::LEN]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 319:4-319:20 -/
+def TraittraitsWrapper.LEN_body (T : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T)
+ : Result Usize :=
+ Result.ret 0#usize
+def TraittraitsWrapper.LEN (T : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T) : Usize :=
+ eval_global (TraittraitsWrapper.LEN_body T TraitInst)
+/- Trait implementation: [traits::{(traits::Trait for traits::Wrapper<T>)#15}]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 318:0-318:35 -/
+def TraittraitsWrapper (T : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T) : Trait (Wrapper T)
+ := {
+ LEN := TraittraitsWrapper.LEN T TraitInst
+/- [traits::use_wrapper_len]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 322:0-322:43 -/
+def use_wrapper_len (T : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T) : Result Usize :=
+ Result.ret (TraittraitsWrapper T TraitInst).LEN
+/- [traits::Foo]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 326:0-326:20 -/
+structure Foo (T U : Type) where
+ x : T
+ y : U
+/- [core::result::Result]
+ Source: '/rustc/d59363ad0b6391b7fc5bbb02c9ccf9300eef3753/library/core/src/', lines 502:0-502:21 -/
+inductive core.result.Result (T E : Type) :=
+| Ok : T → core.result.Result T E
+| Err : E → core.result.Result T E
+/- [traits::{traits::Foo<T, U>#16}::FOO]
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:4-332:33 -/
+def Foo.FOO_body (T U : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T)
+ : Result (core.result.Result T I32) :=
+ Result.ret (core.result.Result.Err 0#i32)
+def Foo.FOO (T U : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T) : core.result.Result T I32 :=
+ eval_global (Foo.FOO_body T U TraitInst)
+/- [traits::use_foo1]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 335:0-335:48 -/
+def use_foo1
+ (T U : Type) (TraitInst : Trait T) : Result (core.result.Result T I32) :=
+ Result.ret (Foo.FOO T U TraitInst)
+/- [traits::use_foo2]:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 -/
+def use_foo2
+ (T U : Type) (TraitInst : Trait U) : Result (core.result.Result U I32) :=
+ Result.ret (Foo.FOO U T TraitInst)
end traits