diff options
authorSon Ho2022-01-06 11:20:38 +0100
committerSon Ho2022-01-06 11:20:38 +0100
commit6ef1bf7e2f1b7a0067169bf71860671f8b3f6bca (patch)
parent6a3faa82e09e3fbf23014b53a2b40d420bc70c9b (diff)
Cleanup and reorganize
8 files changed, 492 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b60f0973..38c79b66 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Subst = Substitute
module L = Logging
open Utils
open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterBorrowsCore
open InterpreterProjectors
(** Auxiliary function to end borrows: lookup a borrow in the environment,
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccc259f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+(* This file defines the basic blocks to implement the semantics of borrows.
+ * Note that those functions are not only used in InterpreterBorrows, but
+ * also in Invariants or InterpreterProjectors *)
+module T = Types
+module V = Values
+module C = Contexts
+module Subst = Substitute
+module L = Logging
+open Utils
+open InterpreterUtils
+(** TODO: cleanup this a bit, once we have a better understanding about
+ what we need.
+ TODO: I'm not sure in which file this should be moved... *)
+type exploration_kind = {
+ enter_shared_loans : bool;
+ enter_mut_borrows : bool;
+ enter_abs : bool;
+ (** Note that if we allow to enter abs, we don't check whether we enter
+ mutable/shared loans or borrows: there are no use cases requiring
+ a finer control. *)
+(** This record controls how some generic helper lookup/update
+ functions behave, by restraining the kind of therms they can enter.
+let ek_all : exploration_kind =
+ { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
+(** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in
+ particular borrows) in other expressions.
+ For instance, it is used to control [end_borrow]: we usually only allow
+ to end "outer" borrows, unless we perform a drop.
+type inner_outer = Inner | Outer
+type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
+exception FoundBorrowIds of borrow_ids
+type outer_borrows_or_abs =
+ | OuterBorrows of borrow_ids
+ | OuterAbs of
+let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt
+exception FoundOuter of outer_borrows_or_abs
+(** Utility exception *)
+(** Lookup a loan content.
+ The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
+ TODO: group abs_or_var_id and g_loan_content.
+ *)
+let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option =
+ (* We store here whether we are inside an abstraction or a value - note that we
+ * could also track that with the environment, it would probably be more idiomatic
+ * and cleaner *)
+ let abs_or_var : abs_or_var_id option ref = ref None in
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ (* Nothing specific to do *)
+ super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ (* Nothing specific to do *)
+ super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ (* Control the dive *)
+ if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ else ()
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive *)
+ if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
+ raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
+ else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
+ super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ else ()
+ | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *)
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
+ else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ (** We reimplement [visit_Loan] (rather than the more precise functions
+ [visit_SharedLoan], etc.) on purpose: as we have an exhaustive match
+ below, we are more resilient to definition updates (the compiler
+ is our friend).
+ *)
+ method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
+ else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
+ | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
+ if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
+ raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
+ else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
+ | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
+ super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
+ | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
+ | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
+ | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
+ super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
+ | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
+ (** Note that we don't control diving inside the abstractions: if we
+ allow to dive inside abstractions, we allow to go anywhere
+ (because there are no use cases requiring finer control) *)
+ method! visit_Var env bv v =
+ assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
+ abs_or_var := Some (VarId bv.C.index);
+ super#visit_Var env bv v;
+ abs_or_var := None
+ method! visit_Abs env abs =
+ assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
+ if ek.enter_abs then (
+ abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.V.abs_id);
+ super#visit_Abs env abs)
+ else ()
+ end
+ in
+ (* We use exceptions *)
+ try
+ obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
+ None
+ with FoundGLoanContent lc -> (
+ match !abs_or_var with
+ | Some abs_or_var -> Some (abs_or_var, lc)
+ | None -> failwith "Inconsistent state")
+(** Lookup a loan content.
+ The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
+ Raises an exception if no loan was found.
+ *)
+let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
+ abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content =
+ match lookup_loan_opt ek l ctx with
+ | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Some res -> res
+(** Update a loan content.
+ The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
+ This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
+ *)
+let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (nlc : V.loan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
+ * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
+ * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
+ let r = ref false in
+ let update () : V.loan_content =
+ assert (not !r);
+ r := true;
+ nlc
+ in
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
+ (* Nothing specific to do *)
+ super#visit_borrow_content env bc
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ (* Control the dive into mutable borrows *)
+ if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ (* Shared loan: check if this is the loan we are looking for, and
+ control the dive. *)
+ if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
+ else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
+ super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
+ | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ (* Mut loan: checks if this is the loan we are looking for *)
+ if bid = l then update () else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ (** We reimplement [visit_loan_content] (rather than one of the sub-
+ functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *)
+ method! visit_abs env abs =
+ if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
+ (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
+ (there are no use cases requiring finer control).
+ Also, as we give back a [loan_content] (and not an [aloan_content])
+ we don't need to do reimplement the visit functions for the values
+ inside the abstractions (rk.: there may be "concrete" values inside
+ abstractions, so there is a utility in diving inside). *)
+ end
+ in
+ let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
+ (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
+ assert !r;
+ ctx
+(** Update a abstraction loan content.
+ The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
+ This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
+ *)
+let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (nlc : V.aloan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
+ * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
+ * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
+ let r = ref false in
+ let update () : V.aloan_content =
+ assert (not !r);
+ r := true;
+ nlc
+ in
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
+ if bid = l then update () else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
+ | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
+ if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
+ else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
+ | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
+ super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
+ | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
+ | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
+ | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
+ super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
+ | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
+ method! visit_abs env abs =
+ if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
+ (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
+ (there are no use cases requiring finer control). *)
+ end
+ in
+ let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
+ (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
+ assert !r;
+ ctx
+(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *)
+let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content option =
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ (* Check the borrow id and control the dive *)
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc))
+ else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ else ()
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ (* Check the borrow id *)
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ (* Check the borrow id *)
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ (* Control the dive *)
+ if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ else ()
+ method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
+ else super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av
+ | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
+ if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
+ else super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid
+ | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av
+ | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
+ if borrow_in_asb l asb then
+ raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
+ else ()
+ method! visit_abs env abs =
+ if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else ()
+ end
+ in
+ (* We use exceptions *)
+ try
+ obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
+ None
+ with FoundGBorrowContent lc -> Some lc
+(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id.
+ Raise an exception if no loan was found
+let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
+ : g_borrow_content =
+ match lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx with
+ | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
+ | Some lc -> lc
+(** Update a borrow content.
+ The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
+ This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
+ *)
+let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
+ (nbc : V.borrow_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
+ * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
+ * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
+ let r = ref false in
+ let update () : V.borrow_content =
+ assert (not !r);
+ r := true;
+ nbc
+ in
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
+ (* Check the id and control dive *)
+ if bid = l then update ()
+ else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
+ else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
+ | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
+ (* Check the id *)
+ if bid = l then update () else super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
+ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
+ (* Check the id *)
+ if bid = l then update ()
+ else super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
+ method! visit_loan_content env lc =
+ match lc with
+ | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
+ (* Control the dive *)
+ if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
+ else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
+ | V.MutLoan bid ->
+ (* Nothing specific to do *)
+ super#visit_MutLoan env bid
+ method! visit_abs env abs =
+ if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
+ end
+ in
+ let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
+ (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
+ assert !r;
+ ctx
+(** Update an abstraction borrow content.
+ The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
+ This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
+ *)
+let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
+ (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
+ (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
+ * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
+ * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
+ let r = ref false in
+ let update () : V.avalue =
+ assert (not !r);
+ r := true;
+ nv
+ in
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
+ method! visit_ABorrow env bc =
+ match bc with
+ | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
+ if bid = l then update ()
+ else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av)
+ | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
+ if bid = l then update ()
+ else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid)
+ | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av ->
+ V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av)
+ | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
+ if borrow_in_asb l asb then update ()
+ else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb)
+ method! visit_abs env abs =
+ if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
+ end
+ in
+ let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
+ (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
+ assert !r;
+ ctx
+(** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *)
+let update_outer_borrows (io : inner_outer)
+ (outer : option * borrow_ids option) (x : borrow_ids) :
+ option * borrow_ids option =
+ match io with
+ | Inner ->
+ (* If we can end inner borrows, we don't keep track of the outer borrows *)
+ outer
+ | Outer ->
+ let abs, opt = outer in
+ (abs, update_if_none opt x)
+(** Return the first loan we find in a value *)
+let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option =
+ let obj =
+ object
+ inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
+ method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc)
+ end
+ in
+ (* We use exceptions *)
+ try
+ obj#visit_typed_value () v;
+ None
+ with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e8f5eefc..841c22cf 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Subst = Substitute
module L = Logging
module S = Synthesis
open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterBorrowsCore
open InterpreterBorrows
open InterpreterExpansion
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c3fd0708..92ea6483 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open TypesUtils
open ValuesUtils
open Utils
open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterBorrowsCore
(** Auxiliary function.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index be3d606c..0b7d8f21 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -29,41 +29,14 @@ let statement_to_string ctx =
let same_symbolic_id (sv0 : V.symbolic_value) (sv1 : V.symbolic_value) : bool =
sv0.V.sv_id = sv1.V.sv_id
-(* TODO: move *)
let mk_var (index : (name : string option) (var_ty : T.ety) : A.var
{ A.index; name; var_ty }
-(** Small helper *)
+(** Small helper - TODO: move *)
let mk_place_from_var_id (var_id : : =
{ var_id; projection = [] }
-(** Deconstruct a type of the form `Box<T>` to retrieve the `T` inside *)
-let ty_get_box (box_ty : T.ety) : T.ety =
- match box_ty with
- | T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) -> boxed_ty
- | _ -> failwith "Not a boxed type"
-(** Deconstruct a type of the form `&T` or `&mut T` to retrieve the `T` (and
- the borrow kind, etc.)
- *)
-let ty_get_ref (ty : T.ety) : T.erased_region * T.ety * T.ref_kind =
- match ty with
- | T.Ref (r, ty, ref_kind) -> (r, ty, ref_kind)
- | _ -> failwith "Not a ref type"
-let mk_ref_ty (r : 'r) (ty : 'r T.ty) (ref_kind : T.ref_kind) : 'r T.ty =
- T.Ref (r, ty, ref_kind)
-(** Make a box type *)
-let mk_box_ty (ty : 'r T.ty) : 'r T.ty = T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ ty ])
-(** Box a value *)
-let mk_box_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value =
- let box_ty = mk_box_ty v.V.ty in
- let box_v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ v ] } in
- mk_typed_value box_ty box_v
(** Create a fresh symbolic proj comp *)
let mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (ty : T.rty)
(ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.symbolic_proj_comp =
@@ -125,22 +98,6 @@ let remove_borrow_from_asb (bid :
assert (!removed = 1);
-(* TODO: cleanup this a bit, once we have a better understanding about what we need *)
-type exploration_kind = {
- enter_shared_loans : bool;
- enter_mut_borrows : bool;
- enter_abs : bool;
- (** Note that if we allow to enter abs, we don't check whether we enter
- mutable/shared loans or borrows: there are no use cases requiring
- a finer control. *)
-(** This record controls how some generic helper lookup/update
- functions behave, by restraining the kind of therms they can enter.
-let ek_all : exploration_kind =
- { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
(** We sometimes need to return a value whose type may vary depending on
whether we find it in a "concrete" value or an abstraction (ex.: loan
contents when we perform environment lookups by using borrow ids) *)
@@ -244,388 +201,6 @@ let symbolic_value_id_in_ctx (sv_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
with Found -> true
-(** Lookup a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- TODO: group abs_or_var_id and g_loan_content.
- *)
-let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option =
- (* We store here whether we are inside an abstraction or a value - note that we
- * could also track that with the environment, it would probably be more idiomatic
- * and cleaner *)
- let abs_or_var : abs_or_var_id option ref = ref None in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else ()
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
- raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
- else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else ()
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc))
- else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- (** We reimplement [visit_Loan] (rather than the more precise functions
- [visit_SharedLoan], etc.) on purpose: as we have an exhaustive match
- below, we are more resilient to definition updates (the compiler
- is our friend).
- *)
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
- else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then
- raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc))
- else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
- (** Note that we don't control diving inside the abstractions: if we
- allow to dive inside abstractions, we allow to go anywhere
- (because there are no use cases requiring finer control) *)
- method! visit_Var env bv v =
- assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
- abs_or_var := Some (VarId bv.C.index);
- super#visit_Var env bv v;
- abs_or_var := None
- method! visit_Abs env abs =
- assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var);
- if ek.enter_abs then (
- abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.V.abs_id);
- super#visit_Abs env abs)
- else ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
- None
- with FoundGLoanContent lc -> (
- match !abs_or_var with
- | Some abs_or_var -> Some (abs_or_var, lc)
- | None -> failwith "Inconsistent state")
-(** Lookup a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- Raises an exception if no loan was found.
- *)
-let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) :
- abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content =
- match lookup_loan_opt ek l ctx with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Some res -> res
-(** Update a loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.loan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.loan_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nlc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_borrow_content env bc
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Control the dive into mutable borrows *)
- if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Shared loan: check if this is the loan we are looking for, and
- control the dive. *)
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
- else if ek.enter_shared_loans then
- super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Mut loan: checks if this is the loan we are looking for *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- (** We reimplement [visit_loan_content] (rather than one of the sub-
- functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *)
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
- (there are no use cases requiring finer control).
- Also, as we give back a [loan_content] (and not an [aloan_content])
- we don't need to do reimplement the visit functions for the values
- inside the abstractions (rk.: there may be "concrete" values inside
- abstractions, so there is a utility in diving inside). *)
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Update a abstraction loan content.
- The loan is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nlc : V.aloan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.aloan_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nlc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_aloan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av
- | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) ->
- if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update ()
- else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av
- | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av
- | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av
- | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } ->
- super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child
- | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving
- (there are no use cases requiring finer control). *)
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one loan *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *)
-let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content option =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Check the borrow id and control the dive *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc))
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else ()
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the borrow id *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the borrow id *)
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else ()
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else ()
- method! visit_aborrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
- if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- if borrow_in_asb l asb then
- raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc))
- else ()
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else ()
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx;
- None
- with FoundGBorrowContent lc -> Some lc
-(** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id.
- Raise an exception if no loan was found
-let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (ctx : C.eval_ctx)
- : g_borrow_content =
- match lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx with
- | None -> failwith "Unreachable"
- | Some lc -> lc
-(** Update a borrow content.
- The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l :
- (nbc : V.borrow_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.borrow_content =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nbc
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) ->
- (* Check the id and control dive *)
- if bid = l then update ()
- else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv
- else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv)
- | V.SharedBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update () else super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid
- | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid ->
- (* Check the id *)
- if bid = l then update ()
- else super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid
- method! visit_loan_content env lc =
- match lc with
- | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
- (* Control the dive *)
- if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv
- else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)
- | V.MutLoan bid ->
- (* Nothing specific to do *)
- super#visit_MutLoan env bid
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
-(** Update an abstraction borrow content.
- The borrow is referred to by a borrow id.
- This is a helper function: it might break invariants.
- *)
-let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nv : V.avalue)
- (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx =
- (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating
- * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon
- * returning we check that we updated at least once. *)
- let r = ref false in
- let update () : V.avalue =
- assert (not !r);
- r := true;
- nv
- in
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super
- method! visit_ABorrow env bc =
- match bc with
- | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) ->
- if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av)
- | V.ASharedBorrow bid ->
- if bid = l then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid)
- | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av ->
- V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av)
- | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb ->
- if borrow_in_asb l asb then update ()
- else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb)
- method! visit_abs env abs =
- if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs
- end
- in
- let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in
- (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *)
- assert !r;
- ctx
(** TODO: move to InterpreterSymbolic or sth *)
type symbolic_expansion =
| SeConcrete of V.constant_value
@@ -633,47 +208,6 @@ type symbolic_expansion =
| SeMutRef of * V.symbolic_proj_comp
| SeSharedRef of V.BorrowId.set_t * V.symbolic_proj_comp
-(** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in
- particular borrows) in other expressions.
- For instance, it is used to control [end_borrow]: we usually only allow
- to end "outer" borrows, unless we perform a drop.
-type inner_outer = Inner | Outer
-type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of
-exception FoundBorrowIds of borrow_ids
-let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt
-(** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *)
-let update_outer_borrows (io : inner_outer)
- (outer : option * borrow_ids option) (x : borrow_ids) :
- option * borrow_ids option =
- match io with
- | Inner ->
- (* If we can end inner borrows, we don't keep track of the outer borrows *)
- outer
- | Outer ->
- let abs, opt = outer in
- (abs, update_if_none opt x)
-(** Return the first loan we find in a value *)
-let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option =
- let obj =
- object
- inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value
- method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc)
- end
- in
- (* We use exceptions *)
- try
- obj#visit_typed_value () v;
- None
- with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc
(** Check if two different projections intersect. This is necessary when
giving a symbolic value to an abstraction: we need to check that
the regions which are already ended inside the abstraction don't
@@ -786,13 +320,6 @@ let bottom_in_avalue (v : V.typed_avalue) (_abs_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) :
with Found -> true
-type outer_borrows_or_abs =
- | OuterBorrows of borrow_ids
- | OuterAbs of
-exception FoundOuter of outer_borrows_or_abs
-(** Utility exception *)
(** Return true if a type is "primitively copyable".
* "primitively copyable" means that copying instances of this type doesn't
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 364c14d0..05373d1b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Subst = Substitute
module A = CfimAst
module L = Logging
open InterpreterUtils
+open InterpreterBorrowsCore
let debug_invariants : bool ref = ref false
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c1f52120..878ac989 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -23,6 +23,26 @@ let ty_is_unit (ty : 'r ty) : bool =
(** The unit type *)
let mk_unit_ty : ety = Adt (Tuple, [], [])
+(** Deconstruct a type of the form `Box<T>` to retrieve the `T` inside *)
+let ty_get_box (box_ty : ety) : ety =
+ match box_ty with
+ | Adt (Assumed Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) -> boxed_ty
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a boxed type"
+(** Deconstruct a type of the form `&T` or `&mut T` to retrieve the `T` (and
+ the borrow kind, etc.)
+ *)
+let ty_get_ref (ty : ety) : erased_region * ety * ref_kind =
+ match ty with
+ | Ref (r, ty, ref_kind) -> (r, ty, ref_kind)
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a ref type"
+let mk_ref_ty (r : 'r) (ty : 'r ty) (ref_kind : ref_kind) : 'r ty =
+ Ref (r, ty, ref_kind)
+(** Make a box type *)
+let mk_box_ty (ty : 'r ty) : 'r ty = Adt (Assumed Box, [], [ ty ])
(** Check if a region is in a set of regions *)
let region_in_set (r : region) (rset : RegionId.set_t) : bool =
match r with Static -> false | Var id -> RegionId.Set.mem id rset
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 488de15d..4a503a65 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-module T = Types
open TypesUtils
+open Types
open Values
let mk_unit_value : typed_value =
{ value = Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [] }; ty = mk_unit_ty }
-let mk_typed_value (ty : T.ety) (value : value) : typed_value = { value; ty }
+let mk_typed_value (ty : ety) (value : value) : typed_value = { value; ty }
+(** Box a value *)
+let mk_box_value (v : typed_value) : typed_value =
+ let box_ty = mk_box_ty v.ty in
+ let box_v = Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ v ] } in
+ mk_typed_value box_ty box_v