diff options
authorSon Ho2024-04-25 08:21:43 +0200
committerSon Ho2024-04-25 08:21:43 +0200
commit51214e534e26d473b9260befc967cfd287bb9eb3 (patch)
parent5f2a388d1ff039cde0d78daaba58c191b404405e (diff)
parent1be37966ceea2510b911b119a96246b4657a62fd (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into option-take
29 files changed, 523 insertions, 605 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 6b5aacf0..eeb92c51 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -4,13 +4,33 @@ on:
+# Minimum permissions required by skip-duplicate-actions
+ actions: write
+ contents: read
+ # Avoid `push` and `pull_request` running the same job twice
+ check_if_skip_duplicate_job:
+ runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, nix]
+ steps:
+ - id: skip_check
+ uses: fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions@v5
+ with:
+ concurrent_skipping: 'same_content_newer'
+ skip_after_successful_duplicate: 'true'
+ outputs:
+ should_skip: ${{ steps.skip_check.outputs.should_skip }}
#runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, nix]
+ needs: check_if_skip_duplicate_job
+ if: needs.check_if_skip_duplicate_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true'
#- uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v22
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.aeneas-check-tidiness
- run: nix build -L .#aeneas
- run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.aeneas-tests
- run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.aeneas-verify-fstar
@@ -18,8 +38,11 @@ jobs:
- run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.aeneas-verify-hol4
# Lean doesn't work with Nix
#- run: nix build -L .#checks.x86_64-linux.aeneas-verify-lean
lean: # Lean isn't supported by Nix, so we put it in a different job
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
+ needs: check_if_skip_duplicate_job
+ if: needs.check_if_skip_duplicate_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true'
# Install curl
- run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2d668039..36809c43 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ tests/fstar/misc/obj/
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0f3e2999..08359d49 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ AENEAS_EXE ?= bin/aeneas
# The user can specify additional translation options for Aeneas.
# By default we activate the (expensive) sanity checks.
-OPTIONS ?= -checks
# The rules use (and update) the following variables
# The Charon test directory where to look for the .llbc files
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ doc:
cd compiler && dune build @doc
.PHONY: clean
+clean: clean-generated
cd compiler && dune clean
# Test the project by translating test files to F*
@@ -100,6 +99,12 @@ test-all: test-no_nested_borrows test-paper \
test-loops \
test-arrays test-traits test-bitwise test-demo
+.PHONY: clean-generated
+ # We can't put this line in `tests/Makefile` otherwise it will detect itself.
+ # FIXME: generation of hol4 files is deactivated so we don't delete those.
+ grep -lR 'THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS' tests | grep -v '^tests/hol4' | xargs rm
# Verify the F* files generated by the translation
.PHONY: verify
@@ -108,7 +113,8 @@ verify:
# Reformat the project
.PHONY: format
- cd compiler && dune build @fmt --auto-promote
+ @# `|| `true` because the command returns an error if it changed anything, which we don't care about.
+ cd compiler && dune fmt || true
# The commands to run Charon to generate the .llbc files
ifeq (, $(REGEN_LLBC))
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
index be930754..014decb1 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
@@ -1404,6 +1404,21 @@ instance (ty: ScalarTy) : Preorder (Scalar ty) where
trans (a: Int) ≤ (b: Int) ∧ ¬ (b: Int) ≤ (a: Int); exact lt_iff_le_not_le
repeat rewrite [← Scalar.le_equiv]; rfl
+instance (ty: ScalarTy) : PartialOrder (Scalar ty) where
+ le_antisymm := fun a b Hab Hba => Scalar.eq_imp _ _ ((@le_antisymm Int _ _ _ ((Scalar.le_equiv a b).1 Hab) ((Scalar.le_equiv b a).1 Hba)))
+instance ScalarDecidableLE (ty: ScalarTy) : DecidableRel (· ≤ · : Scalar ty -> Scalar ty -> Prop) := by
+ simp [instLEScalar]
+ -- Lift this to the decidability of the Int version.
+ infer_instance
+instance (ty: ScalarTy) : LinearOrder (Scalar ty) where
+ le_total := fun a b => by
+ rcases (Int.le_total a b) with H | H
+ left; exact (Scalar.le_equiv _ _).2 H
+ right; exact (Scalar.le_equiv _ _).2 H
+ decidableLE := ScalarDecidableLE ty
-- Leading zeros
def core.num.Usize.leading_zeros (x : Usize) : U32 := sorry
def core.num.U8.leading_zeros (x : U8) : U32 := sorry
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 656d2f27..f2686cc6 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -915,38 +915,104 @@ let keywords () =
| Lean ->
+ "Pi";
+ "Prop";
+ "Sort";
+ "Type";
+ "abbrev";
+ "alias";
+ "as";
+ "at";
+ "attribute";
+ "axiom";
+ "axioms";
+ "begin";
+ "break";
+ "calc";
+ "catch";
+ "const";
+ "constant";
+ "constants";
+ "continue";
+ "definition";
+ "example";
+ "exists";
+ "export";
+ "extends";
+ "forall";
+ "from";
+ "fun";
+ "hiding";
+ "import";
+ "in";
+ "include";
+ "infix";
+ "infixl";
+ "infixr";
- "import";
+ "lemma";
+ "local";
+ "macro_rules";
+ "mut";
+ "mutual";
+ "noncomputable";
+ "notation";
+ "omit";
+ "opaque_defs";
+ "override";
+ "parameter";
+ "parameters";
+ "partial";
+ "postfix";
+ "precedence";
+ "prefix";
+ "prelude";
+ "private";
+ "protected";
+ "raw";
+ "record";
+ "reduce";
+ "renaming";
+ "replacing";
+ "reserve";
+ "section";
- "Type";
+ "theorem";
+ "theory";
+ "universe";
+ "universes";
+ "unless";
+ "using";
+ "using_well_founded";
+ "variable";
+ "variables";
- "opaque_defs";
| HOL4 ->
@@ -1932,10 +1998,11 @@ let ctx_add_global_decl_and_body (def : A.global_decl) (ctx : extraction_ctx) :
match match_name_find_opt ctx.trans_ctx builtin_globals_map with
| Some name ->
(* Yes: register the custom binding *)
- ctx_add def.meta decl name ctx
+ ctx_add def.item_meta.meta decl name ctx
| None ->
(* Not the case: "standard" registration *)
- let name = ctx_compute_global_name def.meta ctx in
+ let name = ctx_compute_global_name def.item_meta.meta ctx in
let body = FunId (FromLlbc (FunId (FRegular def.body), None)) in
(* If this is a provided constant (i.e., the default value for a constant
in a trait declaration) we add a suffix. Otherwise there is a clash
@@ -1944,8 +2011,8 @@ let ctx_add_global_decl_and_body (def : A.global_decl) (ctx : extraction_ctx) :
let suffix =
match def.kind with TraitItemProvided _ -> "_default" | _ -> ""
- let ctx = ctx_add def.meta decl (name ^ suffix) ctx in
- let ctx = ctx_add def.meta body (name ^ suffix ^ "_body") ctx in
+ let ctx = ctx_add def.item_meta.meta decl (name ^ suffix) ctx in
+ let ctx = ctx_add def.item_meta.meta body (name ^ suffix ^ "_body") ctx in
let ctx_compute_fun_name (def : fun_decl) (ctx : extraction_ctx) : string =
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index f194d4e5..ddfbf312 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ let analyze_module (m : crate) (funs_map : fun_decl FunDeclId.Map.t)
(* Sanity check: global bodies don't contain stateful calls *)
cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
((not f.is_global_decl_body) || not !stateful)
- f.meta "Global definition containing a stateful call in its body";
+ f.item_meta.meta
+ "Global definition containing a stateful call in its body";
let builtin_info = get_builtin_info f in
let has_builtin_info = builtin_info <> None in
group_has_builtin_info := !group_has_builtin_info || has_builtin_info;
@@ -171,11 +172,11 @@ let analyze_module (m : crate) (funs_map : fun_decl FunDeclId.Map.t)
let is_global_decl_body = List.exists (fun f -> f.is_global_decl_body) d in
cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
((not is_global_decl_body) || List.length d = 1)
- (List.hd d).meta
+ (List.hd d).item_meta.meta
"This global definition is in a group of mutually recursive definitions";
cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
((not !group_has_builtin_info) || List.length d = 1)
- (List.hd d).meta
+ (List.hd d).item_meta.meta
"This builtin function belongs to a group of mutually recursive \
(* We ignore on purpose functions that cannot fail and consider they *can*
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 769e3144..f10c8d3e 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (ctx : decls_ctx) (fdef : fun_decl) :
(fun ty -> not (ty_has_nested_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty))
(sg.output :: sg.inputs))
- fdef.meta "Nested borrows are not supported yet";
+ fdef.item_meta.meta "Nested borrows are not supported yet";
cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
(fun ty -> not (ty_has_adt_with_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty))
(sg.output :: sg.inputs))
- fdef.meta "ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet";
+ fdef.item_meta.meta "ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet";
(* Create the context *)
let regions_hierarchy =
@@ -211,23 +211,25 @@ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (ctx : decls_ctx) (fdef : fun_decl) : (fun (g : region_var_group) -> regions_hierarchy
let ctx =
- initialize_eval_ctx fdef.meta ctx region_groups sg.generics.types
+ initialize_eval_ctx fdef.item_meta.meta ctx region_groups sg.generics.types
(* Instantiate the signature. This updates the context because we compute
at the same time the normalization map for the associated types.
let ctx, inst_sg =
- symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.meta ctx fdef.signature regions_hierarchy
- fdef.kind
+ symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.item_meta.meta ctx fdef.signature
+ regions_hierarchy fdef.kind
(* Create fresh symbolic values for the inputs *)
let input_svs =
- (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value fdef.meta ty) inst_sg.inputs
+ (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value fdef.item_meta.meta ty)
+ inst_sg.inputs
(* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *)
let call_id = fresh_fun_call_id () in
- sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (call_id = fdef.meta;
+ sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (call_id = fdef.item_meta.meta;
let compute_abs_avalues (abs : abs) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
eval_ctx * typed_avalue list =
(* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *)
@@ -249,14 +251,14 @@ let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (ctx : decls_ctx) (fdef : fun_decl) :
Collections.List.split_at ( body.locals) body.arg_count
(* Push the return variable (initialized with ⊥) *)
- let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_var fdef.meta ctx ret_var in
+ let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_var fdef.item_meta.meta ctx ret_var in
(* Push the input variables (initialized with symbolic values) *)
let input_values = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value input_svs in
let ctx =
- ctx_push_vars fdef.meta ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values)
+ ctx_push_vars fdef.item_meta.meta ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values)
(* Push the remaining local variables (initialized with ⊥) *)
- let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.meta ctx local_vars in
+ let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.item_meta.meta ctx local_vars in
(* Return *)
(ctx, input_svs, inst_sg)
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
^ "\n- inside_loop: "
^ Print.bool_to_string inside_loop
^ "\n- ctx:\n"
- ^ Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string ~meta:(Some fdef.meta) ctx));
+ ^ Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string ~meta:(Some fdef.item_meta.meta) ctx));
(* We need to instantiate the function signature - to retrieve
* the return type. Note that it is important to re-generate
* an instantiation of the signature, so that we use fresh
@@ -299,13 +301,13 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
FunIdMap.find (FRegular fdef.def_id) ctx.fun_ctx.regions_hierarchies
let _, ret_inst_sg =
- symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.meta ctx fdef.signature regions_hierarchy
- fdef.kind
+ symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.item_meta.meta ctx fdef.signature
+ regions_hierarchy fdef.kind
let ret_rty = ret_inst_sg.output in
(* Move the return value out of the return variable *)
let pop_return_value = is_regular_return in
- let cf_pop_frame = pop_frame config fdef.meta pop_return_value in
+ let cf_pop_frame = pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.meta pop_return_value in
(* We need to find the parents regions/abstractions of the region we
* will end - this will allow us to, first, mark the other return
@@ -333,8 +335,8 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
let compute_abs_avalues (abs : abs) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
eval_ctx * typed_avalue list =
let ctx, avalue =
- apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config fdef.meta ctx abs.regions
- abs.ancestors_regions ret_value ret_rty
+ apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config fdef.item_meta.meta ctx
+ abs.regions abs.ancestors_regions ret_value ret_rty
(ctx, [ avalue ])
@@ -349,7 +351,8 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
let region_can_end rid =
RegionGroupId.Set.mem rid parent_and_current_rgs
- sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (region_can_end back_id) fdef.meta;
+ sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (region_can_end back_id)
+ fdef.item_meta.meta;
let ctx =
(fun rg_id -> SynthRet rg_id)
@@ -439,7 +442,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
(if Option.is_some loop_id then loop_id = Some loop_id'
else true)
- fdef.meta;
+ fdef.item_meta.meta;
(* Loop abstractions *)
let rg_id' = Option.get rg_id' in
if rg_id' = back_id && inside_loop then
@@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
| Loop (loop_id', _, LoopCall) ->
(* We can end all the loop call abstractions *)
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (loop_id = Some loop_id')
- fdef.meta;
+ fdef.item_meta.meta;
{ abs with can_end = true }
| SynthInput rg_id' ->
if rg_id' = back_id && end_fun_synth_input then
@@ -468,7 +471,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config)
let target_abs_ids = List.append parent_input_abs_ids current_abs_id in
let cf_end_target_abs cf =
- (fun cf id -> end_abstraction config fdef.meta id cf)
+ (fun cf id -> end_abstraction config fdef.item_meta.meta id cf)
cf target_abs_ids
(* Generate the Return node *)
@@ -534,7 +537,9 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (synthesize : bool) (ctx : decls_ctx)
let fwd_e =
(* Pop the frame and retrieve the returned value at the same time*)
let pop_return_value = true in
- let cf_pop = pop_frame config fdef.meta pop_return_value in
+ let cf_pop =
+ pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.meta pop_return_value
+ in
(* Generate the Return node *)
let cf_return ret_value : m_fun =
fun ctx -> Some (SA.Return (ctx, ret_value))
@@ -551,7 +556,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (synthesize : bool) (ctx : decls_ctx)
match res with
| Return -> None
| LoopReturn loop_id -> Some loop_id
- | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.meta "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.meta "Unreachable"
let is_regular_return = true in
let inside_loop = Option.is_some loop_id in
@@ -577,14 +582,16 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (synthesize : bool) (ctx : decls_ctx)
match res with
| EndEnterLoop _ -> false
| EndContinue _ -> true
- | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.meta "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.meta "Unreachable"
(* Forward translation *)
let fwd_e =
(* Pop the frame - there is no returned value to pop: in the
translation we will simply call the loop function *)
let pop_return_value = false in
- let cf_pop = pop_frame config fdef.meta pop_return_value in
+ let cf_pop =
+ pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.meta pop_return_value
+ in
(* Generate the Return node *)
let cf_return _ret_value : m_fun =
fun _ctx -> Some (SA.ReturnWithLoop (loop_id, inside_loop))
@@ -618,7 +625,7 @@ let evaluate_function_symbolic (synthesize : bool) (ctx : decls_ctx)
* the executions can lead to a panic *)
if synthesize then Some SA.Panic else None
| Unit | Break _ | Continue _ ->
- craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.meta
+ craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.meta
("evaluate_function_symbolic failed on: " ^ name_to_string ())
@@ -652,14 +659,14 @@ module Test = struct
(* Sanity check - *)
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
(fdef.signature.generics = empty_generic_params)
- fdef.meta;
- sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (body.arg_count = 0) fdef.meta;
+ fdef.item_meta.meta;
+ sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (body.arg_count = 0) fdef.item_meta.meta;
(* Create the evaluation context *)
- let ctx = initialize_eval_ctx fdef.meta decls_ctx [] [] [] in
+ let ctx = initialize_eval_ctx fdef.item_meta.meta decls_ctx [] [] [] in
(* Insert the (uninitialized) local variables *)
- let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.meta ctx body.locals in
+ let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.item_meta.meta ctx body.locals in
(* Create the continuation to check the function's result *)
let config = mk_config ConcreteMode in
@@ -668,9 +675,11 @@ module Test = struct
| Return ->
(* Ok: drop the local variables and finish *)
let pop_return_value = true in
- pop_frame config fdef.meta pop_return_value (fun _ _ -> None) ctx
+ pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.meta pop_return_value
+ (fun _ _ -> None)
+ ctx
| _ ->
- craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.meta
+ craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.meta
("Unit test failed (concrete execution) on: "
^ Print.Types.name_to_string
(Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env decls_ctx)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index e710ed2b..3db68f5d 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ module MakeJoinMatcher (S : MatchJoinState) : PrimMatcher = struct
both borrows *)
raise (ValueMatchFailure (LoanInLeft id0))
- let match_symbolic_values (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (_ : eval_ctx)
+ let match_symbolic_values (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (ctx1 : eval_ctx)
(sv0 : symbolic_value) (sv1 : symbolic_value) : symbolic_value =
let id0 = sv0.sv_id in
let id1 = sv1.sv_id in
@@ -729,11 +729,18 @@ module MakeJoinMatcher (S : MatchJoinState) : PrimMatcher = struct
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
(not (ty_has_borrows ctx0.type_ctx.type_infos sv0.sv_ty))
- (* We simply introduce a fresh symbolic value *)
+ (* TODO: the symbolic values may contain bottoms: we're being conservatice,
+ and fail (for now) if part of a symbolic value contains a bottom.
+ A more general approach would be to introduce a symbolic value
+ with some ended regions. *)
+ sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
+ ((not (symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ctx0.ended_regions sv0))
+ && not (symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ctx1.ended_regions sv1))
+ meta;
mk_fresh_symbolic_value meta sv0.sv_ty)
- let match_symbolic_with_other (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (_ : eval_ctx) (left : bool)
- (sv : symbolic_value) (v : typed_value) : typed_value =
+ let match_symbolic_with_other (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (ctx1 : eval_ctx)
+ (left : bool) (sv : symbolic_value) (v : typed_value) : typed_value =
(* Check that:
- there are no borrows in the symbolic value
- there are no borrows in the "regular" value
@@ -763,8 +770,16 @@ module MakeJoinMatcher (S : MatchJoinState) : PrimMatcher = struct
| Some (VMutLoan id) ->
if value_is_left then raise (ValueMatchFailure (LoanInLeft id))
else raise (ValueMatchFailure (LoanInRight id)));
- (* Return a fresh symbolic value *)
- mk_fresh_symbolic_typed_value meta sv.sv_ty
+ (* There might be a bottom in the other value. We're being conservative:
+ if there is a bottom anywhere (it includes the case where part of the
+ value contains bottom) the result of the join is bottom. Otherwise,
+ we generate a fresh symbolic value. *)
+ if
+ symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ctx0.ended_regions sv
+ || bottom_in_value ctx1.ended_regions v
+ then mk_bottom meta sv.sv_ty
+ else mk_fresh_symbolic_typed_value meta sv.sv_ty
let match_bottom_with_other (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (ctx1 : eval_ctx) (left : bool)
(v : typed_value) : typed_value =
@@ -903,9 +918,16 @@ module MakeMoveMatcher (S : MatchMoveState) : PrimMatcher = struct
(sv1 : symbolic_value) : symbolic_value =
- let match_symbolic_with_other (_ : eval_ctx) (_ : eval_ctx) (left : bool)
- (sv : symbolic_value) (v : typed_value) : typed_value =
- if left then v else mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sv
+ let match_symbolic_with_other (ctx0 : eval_ctx) (ctx1 : eval_ctx)
+ (left : bool) (sv : symbolic_value) (v : typed_value) : typed_value =
+ (* We're being conservative for now: if any of the two values contains
+ a bottom, the join is bottom *)
+ if
+ symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ctx0.ended_regions sv
+ || bottom_in_value ctx1.ended_regions v
+ then mk_bottom meta sv.sv_ty
+ else if left then v
+ else mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sv
let match_bottom_with_other (_ : eval_ctx) (_ : eval_ctx) (left : bool)
(v : typed_value) : typed_value =
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index de89f316..9ad6487b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1063,13 +1063,13 @@ and eval_global (config : config) (dest : place) (gid :
(* Treat the evaluation of the global as a call to the global body *)
let func = { func = FunId (FRegular global.body); generics } in
let call = { func = FnOpRegular func; args = []; dest } in
- (eval_transparent_function_call_concrete config global.meta global.body
- call)
+ (eval_transparent_function_call_concrete config global.item_meta.meta
+ global.body call)
cf ctx
| SymbolicMode ->
(* Generate a fresh symbolic value. In the translation, this fresh symbolic value will be
* defined as equal to the value of the global (see {!S.synthesize_global_eval}). *)
- cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_no_regions global.ty) global.meta
+ cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_no_regions global.ty) global.item_meta.meta
"Const globals should not contain regions";
(* Instantiate the type *)
(* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
@@ -1082,9 +1082,9 @@ and eval_global (config : config) (dest : place) (gid :
Subst.erase_regions_substitute_types ty_subst cg_subst tr_subst tr_self
- let sval = mk_fresh_symbolic_value global.meta ty in
+ let sval = mk_fresh_symbolic_value global.item_meta.meta ty in
let cc =
- assign_to_place config global.meta
+ assign_to_place config global.item_meta.meta
(mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sval)
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ and eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic (config : config) (meta : Meta.meta)
(* Sanity check: same number of inputs *)
sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
(List.length call.args = List.length def.signature.inputs)
- def.meta;
+ def.item_meta.meta;
(* Sanity check: no nested borrows, borrows in ADTs, etc. *)
cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
@@ -1381,9 +1381,9 @@ and eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic (config : config) (meta : Meta.meta)
(inst_sg.output :: inst_sg.inputs))
meta "ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet";
(* Evaluate the function call *)
- eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig config def.meta func def.signature
- regions_hierarchy inst_sg generics trait_method_generics call.args call.dest
- cf ctx
+ eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig config def.item_meta.meta func
+ def.signature regions_hierarchy inst_sg generics trait_method_generics
+ call.args call.dest cf ctx
(** Evaluate a function call in symbolic mode by using the function signature.
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a46ef79c..c84cd39c 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ let apply_passes (crate : crate) : crate =
report to the user the fact that we will ignore the function body *)
let fmt = Print.Crate.crate_to_fmt_env crate in
let name = Print.name_to_string fmt in
- save_error __FILE__ __LINE__ (Some f.meta)
+ save_error __FILE__ __LINE__ (Some f.item_meta.meta)
("Ignoring the body of '" ^ name ^ "' because of previous error");
{ f with body = None }
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 713cdef9..21be89ee 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ let compute_regions_hierarchies (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t)
(fun ((fid, d) : * fun_decl) ->
( FRegular fid,
- (Types.name_to_string env, d.signature, Some d.meta) ))
+ (Types.name_to_string env, d.signature, Some d.item_meta.meta)
+ ))
(FunDeclId.Map.bindings fun_decls)
let assumed =
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 15b52237..6c925bcd 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -584,16 +584,16 @@ let translate_type_decl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (def : T.type_decl) :
let name = Print.Types.name_to_string env in
let { T.regions; types; const_generics; trait_clauses } = def.generics in
(* Can't translate types with regions for now *)
- cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (regions = []) def.meta
+ cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (regions = []) def.item_meta.meta
"ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet";
let trait_clauses =
- (translate_trait_clause def.meta) trait_clauses
+ (translate_trait_clause def.item_meta.meta) trait_clauses
let generics = { types; const_generics; trait_clauses } in
- let kind = translate_type_decl_kind def.meta def.T.kind in
- let preds = translate_predicates def.meta def.preds in
+ let kind = translate_type_decl_kind def.item_meta.meta def.T.kind in
+ let preds = translate_predicates def.item_meta.meta def.preds in
let is_local = def.is_local in
- let meta = def.meta in
+ let meta = def.item_meta.meta in
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ let translate_type_id (meta : Meta.meta) (id : T.type_id) : type_id =
| T.TBox ->
(* Boxes have to be eliminated: this type id shouldn't
be translated *)
- craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unreachable"
+ craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unexpected box type"
TAssumed aty
| TTuple -> TTuple
@@ -1262,7 +1262,9 @@ let translate_fun_sig_to_decomposed (decls_ctx : C.decls_ctx)
let regions_hierarchy =
FunIdMap.find (FRegular fun_id) decls_ctx.fun_ctx.regions_hierarchies
- let meta = (FunDeclId.Map.find fun_id decls_ctx.fun_ctx.fun_decls).meta in
+ let meta =
+ (FunDeclId.Map.find fun_id decls_ctx.fun_ctx.fun_decls).item_meta.meta
+ in
translate_fun_sig_with_regions_hierarchy_to_decomposed meta decls_ctx
(FunId (FRegular fun_id)) regions_hierarchy sg input_names
@@ -1624,7 +1626,7 @@ let rec typed_value_to_texpression (ctx : bs_ctx) (ectx : C.eval_ctx)
let cons = { e = cons_e; ty = cons_ty } in
(* Apply the constructor *)
mk_apps ctx.meta cons field_values)
- | VBottom -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ ctx.meta "Unreachable"
+ | VBottom -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ ctx.meta "Unexpected bottom value"
| VLoan lc -> (
match lc with
| VSharedLoan (_, v) -> translate v
@@ -2186,7 +2188,7 @@ and translate_function_call (call : (e : S.expression) (ctx : bs_ctx) :
| PeIdent (s, _) -> s
| PeImpl _ ->
(* We shouldn't get there *)
- craise __FILE__ __LINE__ decl.meta "Unexpected")
+ craise __FILE__ __LINE__ decl.item_meta.meta "Unexpected")
name ^ "_back"
@@ -3839,7 +3841,7 @@ let translate_fun_decl (ctx : bs_ctx) (body : S.expression option) : fun_decl =
(* Add a match over the fuel, if necessary *)
let body =
if function_decreases_fuel effect_info then
- wrap_in_match_fuel def.meta ctx.fuel0 ctx.fuel body
+ wrap_in_match_fuel def.item_meta.meta ctx.fuel0 ctx.fuel body
else body
(* Sanity check *)
@@ -3884,7 +3886,7 @@ let translate_fun_decl (ctx : bs_ctx) (body : S.expression option) : fun_decl =
(fun (var, ty) -> (var : var).ty = ty)
(List.combine inputs signature.inputs))
- def.meta;
+ def.item_meta.meta;
Some { inputs; inputs_lvs; body }
@@ -3900,7 +3902,7 @@ let translate_fun_decl (ctx : bs_ctx) (body : S.expression option) : fun_decl =
is_local = def.is_local;
- meta = def.meta;
+ meta = def.item_meta.meta;
kind = def.kind;
@@ -3938,7 +3940,7 @@ let translate_trait_decl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_decl : A.trait_decl)
name = llbc_name;
- meta;
+ item_meta;
generics = llbc_generics;
parent_clauses = llbc_parent_clauses;
@@ -3955,23 +3957,31 @@ let translate_trait_decl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_decl : A.trait_decl)
(Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx)
- let generics = translate_generic_params trait_decl.meta llbc_generics in
- let preds = translate_predicates trait_decl.meta preds in
+ let generics =
+ translate_generic_params trait_decl.item_meta.meta llbc_generics
+ in
+ let preds = translate_predicates trait_decl.item_meta.meta preds in
let parent_clauses =
- (translate_trait_clause trait_decl.meta) llbc_parent_clauses
+ (translate_trait_clause trait_decl.item_meta.meta)
+ llbc_parent_clauses
let consts =
(fun (name, (ty, id)) ->
- (name, (translate_fwd_ty trait_decl.meta type_infos ty, id)))
+ (name, (translate_fwd_ty trait_decl.item_meta.meta type_infos ty, id)))
let types =
(fun (name, (trait_clauses, ty)) ->
( name,
- ( (translate_trait_clause trait_decl.meta) trait_clauses,
- (translate_fwd_ty trait_decl.meta type_infos) ty ) ))
+ (
+ (translate_trait_clause trait_decl.item_meta.meta)
+ trait_clauses,
+ (translate_fwd_ty trait_decl.item_meta.meta type_infos)
+ ty ) ))
@@ -3979,7 +3989,7 @@ let translate_trait_decl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_decl : A.trait_decl)
- meta;
+ meta = item_meta.meta;
@@ -3997,7 +4007,7 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
name = llbc_name;
- meta;
+ item_meta;
impl_trait = llbc_impl_trait;
generics = llbc_generics;
@@ -4011,8 +4021,8 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
let type_infos = ctx.type_ctx.type_infos in
let impl_trait =
- translate_trait_decl_ref trait_impl.meta
- (translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.meta type_infos)
+ translate_trait_decl_ref trait_impl.item_meta.meta
+ (translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.item_meta.meta type_infos)
let name =
@@ -4020,15 +4030,17 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
(Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx)
- let generics = translate_generic_params trait_impl.meta llbc_generics in
- let preds = translate_predicates trait_impl.meta preds in
+ let generics =
+ translate_generic_params trait_impl.item_meta.meta llbc_generics
+ in
+ let preds = translate_predicates trait_impl.item_meta.meta preds in
let parent_trait_refs =
- (translate_strait_ref trait_impl.meta) parent_trait_refs
+ (translate_strait_ref trait_impl.item_meta.meta) parent_trait_refs
let consts =
(fun (name, (ty, id)) ->
- (name, (translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.meta type_infos ty, id)))
+ (name, (translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.item_meta.meta type_infos ty, id)))
let types =
@@ -4036,9 +4048,9 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
(fun (name, (trait_refs, ty)) ->
( name,
- (translate_fwd_trait_ref trait_impl.meta type_infos)
+ (translate_fwd_trait_ref trait_impl.item_meta.meta type_infos)
- translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.meta type_infos ty ) ))
+ translate_fwd_ty trait_impl.item_meta.meta type_infos ty ) ))
@@ -4046,7 +4058,7 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
- meta;
+ meta = item_meta.meta;
@@ -4062,7 +4074,7 @@ let translate_trait_impl (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (trait_impl : A.trait_impl)
let translate_global (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (decl : A.global_decl) :
global_decl =
let {
- A.meta;
+ A.item_meta;
name = llbc_name;
@@ -4079,11 +4091,11 @@ let translate_global (ctx : Contexts.decls_ctx) (decl : A.global_decl) :
(Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx)
- let generics = translate_generic_params decl.meta llbc_generics in
- let preds = translate_predicates decl.meta preds in
- let ty = translate_fwd_ty decl.meta ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty in
+ let generics = translate_generic_params decl.item_meta.meta llbc_generics in
+ let preds = translate_predicates decl.item_meta.meta preds in
+ let ty = translate_fwd_ty decl.item_meta.meta ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty in
- meta;
+ meta = item_meta.meta;
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 9460c5f4..222b3c57 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ let translate_function_to_pure_aux (trans_ctx : trans_ctx)
let ctx =
- meta = fdef.meta;
+ meta = fdef.item_meta.meta;
decls_ctx = trans_ctx; = None;
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ let translate_function_to_pure_aux (trans_ctx : trans_ctx)
SymbolicToPure.fresh_named_vars_for_symbolic_values input_svs ctx
{ ctx with forward_inputs }
- | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.meta "Unreachable"
+ | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.meta "Unreachable"
(* Add the backward inputs *)
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ let export_global (fmt : Format.formatter) (config : gen_config) (ctx : gen_ctx)
let global_decls = ctx.trans_ctx.global_ctx.global_decls in
let global = GlobalDeclId.Map.find id global_decls in
let trans = FunDeclId.Map.find global.body ctx.trans_funs in
- sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (trans.loops = []) global.meta;
+ sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (trans.loops = []) global.item_meta.meta;
let body = trans.f in
let is_opaque = Option.is_none body.Pure.body in
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index e6621c7a..987df6ca 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let analyze_type_decl (updated : bool ref) (infos : type_infos)
(fun v -> (fun f -> f.field_ty) v.fields)
- | Opaque -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ def.meta "unreachable"
+ | Opaque -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ def.item_meta.meta "unreachable"
(* Explore the types and accumulate information *)
let type_decl_info = TypeDeclId.Map.find def.def_id infos in
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7da8cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file provides backward compatibility to nix < 2.4 clients
+{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
+ lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock);
+ inherit (lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked) owner repo rev narHash;
+ flake-compat = fetchTarball {
+ url = "${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
+ sha256 = narHash;
+ };
+ flake = import flake-compat { inherit system; src = ./.; };
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index 1eaf1375..ecc6b267 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
"charon": {
"inputs": {
"crane": "crane",
+ "flake-compat": "flake-compat",
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"rust-overlay": "rust-overlay"
"locked": {
- "lastModified": 1712825631,
- "narHash": "sha256-YC0QArtso4Z9iBgd63FXHsSopMtWof0kC7ZrYpE6yzg=",
+ "lastModified": 1713433954,
+ "narHash": "sha256-R3Pb/Z+V5s5neAwlTIhVJ/q3hDC65nLZ8d1ICotSdkM=",
"owner": "aeneasverif",
"repo": "charon",
- "rev": "657de2521c285401d706ec69d588bb5778b18109",
+ "rev": "80ceb481c90f3cda435d5a60944ea7516415b294",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@@ -42,6 +43,36 @@
"type": "github"
+ "flake-compat": {
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1688025799,
+ "narHash": "sha256-ktpB4dRtnksm9F5WawoIkEneh1nrEvuxb5lJFt1iOyw=",
+ "owner": "nix-community",
+ "repo": "flake-compat",
+ "rev": "8bf105319d44f6b9f0d764efa4fdef9f1cc9ba1c",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "nix-community",
+ "repo": "flake-compat",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
+ "flake-compat_2": {
+ "locked": {
+ "lastModified": 1688025799,
+ "narHash": "sha256-ktpB4dRtnksm9F5WawoIkEneh1nrEvuxb5lJFt1iOyw=",
+ "owner": "nix-community",
+ "repo": "flake-compat",
+ "rev": "8bf105319d44f6b9f0d764efa4fdef9f1cc9ba1c",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
+ "original": {
+ "owner": "nix-community",
+ "repo": "flake-compat",
+ "type": "github"
+ }
+ },
"flake-utils": {
"inputs": {
"systems": "systems"
@@ -221,6 +252,7 @@
"root": {
"inputs": {
"charon": "charon",
+ "flake-compat": "flake-compat_2",
"flake-utils": [
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index b638d4ee..f77bd23b 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
flake-utils.follows = "charon/flake-utils";
nixpkgs.follows = "charon/nixpkgs";
hacl-nix.url = "github:hacl-star/hacl-nix";
+ flake-compat.url = "github:nix-community/flake-compat";
# Remark: keep the list of outputs in sync with the list of inputs above
# (see above remark)
- outputs = { self, charon, flake-utils, nixpkgs, hacl-nix }:
+ outputs = { self, charon, flake-utils, nixpkgs, hacl-nix, flake-compat }:
flake-utils.lib.eachSystem [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
@@ -29,11 +30,29 @@
buildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.calendar ];
+ aeneas-check-tidiness = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "aeneas-check-tidiness";
+ src = ./compiler;
+ buildInputs = [
+ ocamlPackages.dune_3
+ ocamlPackages.ocaml
+ ocamlPackages.ocamlformat
+ ];
+ buildPhase = ''
+ if ! dune build @fmt; then
+ echo 'ERROR: Code is not formatted. Run `make format` to format the project files'.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ '';
+ installPhase = "touch $out";
+ };
aeneas = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage {
pname = "aeneas";
version = "0.1.0";
duneVersion = "3";
src = ./compiler;
+ OCAMLPARAM="_,warn-error=+A"; # Turn all warnings into errors.
propagatedBuildInputs = [
easy_logging charon.packages.${system}.charon-ml
] ++ (with ocamlPackages; [
@@ -74,22 +93,20 @@
export AENEAS_EXE=./aeneas
# Copy the tests
- mkdir tests-copy
cp -r tests tests-copy
- # TODO: remove the test files to make sure we regenerate exactly
- # the files which are checked out (we have to be careful about
- # files like lakefile.lean, and the user hand-written files)
- # Run the tests - remark: we could remove the file
- make test-all -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES
+ # Run the tests with extra sanity checks enabled
+ # Remark: we could remove the file
+ make clean-generated
+ OPTIONS=-checks make test-all -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES
# Check that there are no differences between the generated tests
# and the original tests
- if [[ $(diff -rq tests tests-copy) ]]; then
+ if diff -rq tests tests-copy; then
echo "Ok: the regenerated test files are the same as the checked out files"
echo "Error: the regenerated test files differ from the checked out files"
+ diff -ru tests tests-copy
exit 1
@@ -153,10 +170,6 @@
default = aeneas;
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
- # By default, tests run some sanity checks which are pretty slow.
- # This disables these checks when developping locally.
- OPTIONS = "";
packages = [
@@ -172,6 +185,7 @@
inherit aeneas aeneas-tests
- aeneas-verify-hol4; };
+ aeneas-verify-hol4
+ aeneas-check-tidiness; };
diff --git a/shell.nix b/shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e0d706e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file provides backward compatibility to nix < 2.4 clients
+{ system ? builtins.currentSystem }:
+ lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock);
+ inherit (lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked) owner repo rev narHash;
+ flake-compat = fetchTarball {
+ url = "${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
+ sha256 = narHash;
+ };
+ flake = import flake-compat { inherit system; src = ./.; };
diff --git a/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_FunsExternal.v b/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_FunsExternal.v
index 07dba263..2d77c4ed 100644
--- a/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_FunsExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_FunsExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [betree_main]: external functions.
-- This is a template file: rename it to "FunsExternal.lean" and fill the holes. *)
Require Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_TypesExternal.v b/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_TypesExternal.v
index 50c4a4f8..870d2601 100644
--- a/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_TypesExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/betree/BetreeMain_TypesExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [betree_main]: external types.
-- This is a template file: rename it to "TypesExternal.lean" and fill the holes. *)
Require Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_FunsExternal.v b/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_FunsExternal.v
index a03dc407..fb5f23cd 100644
--- a/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_FunsExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_FunsExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [hashmap_main]: external function declarations *)
Require Import Primitives.
Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_TypesExternal.v b/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_TypesExternal.v
index 87568232..28651c14 100644
--- a/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_TypesExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/hashmap_on_disk/HashmapMain_TypesExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [hashmap_main]: external types.
-- This is a template file: rename it to "TypesExternal.lean" and fill the holes. *)
Require Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
index 130b48a2..39f4a60e 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/External_FunsExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [external]: external function declarations *)
Require Import Primitives.
Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/External_TypesExternal.v b/tests/coq/misc/External_TypesExternal.v
index 3f02b839..734c66e5 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/External_TypesExternal.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/External_TypesExternal.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
(** [external]: external types.
-- This is a template file: rename it to "TypesExternal.lean" and fill the holes. *)
Require Import Primitives.
diff --git a/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v b/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
index ecdfb281..b19ea2df 100644
--- a/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
+++ b/tests/coq/misc/NoNestedBorrows.v
@@ -54,126 +54,23 @@ Inductive Sum_t (T1 T2 : Type) :=
Arguments Sum_Left { _ _ }.
Arguments Sum_Right { _ _ }.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 48:0-48:30 *)
-Definition neg_test (x : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_neg x.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 54:0-54:37 *)
-Definition add_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_add x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:38 *)
-Definition subs_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_sub x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:37 *)
-Definition div_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_div x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 73:0-73:35 *)
-Definition div_u32_const (x : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_div x 2%u32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:37 *)
-Definition rem_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_rem x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 82:0-82:37 *)
-Definition mul_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
- u32_mul x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 88:0-88:37 *)
-Definition add_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_add x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 92:0-92:38 *)
-Definition subs_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_sub x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 96:0-96:37 *)
-Definition div_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_div x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 100:0-100:35 *)
-Definition div_i32_const (x : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_div x 2%i32.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 104:0-104:37 *)
-Definition rem_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_rem x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 108:0-108:37 *)
-Definition mul_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 :=
- i32_mul x y.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 112:0-112:51 *)
-Definition mix_arith_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) (z : u32) : result u32 :=
- i <- u32_add x y;
- i1 <- u32_div x y;
- i2 <- u32_mul i i1;
- i3 <- u32_rem z y;
- i4 <- u32_sub x i3;
- i5 <- u32_add i2 i4;
- i6 <- u32_add x y;
- i7 <- u32_add i6 z;
- u32_rem i5 i7
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 116:0-116:51 *)
-Definition mix_arith_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) (z : i32) : result i32 :=
- i <- i32_add x y;
- i1 <- i32_div x y;
- i2 <- i32_mul i i1;
- i3 <- i32_rem z y;
- i4 <- i32_sub x i3;
- i5 <- i32_add i2 i4;
- i6 <- i32_add x y;
- i7 <- i32_add i6 z;
- i32_rem i5 i7
-(** [no_nested_borrows::CONST0]
- Source: 'src/', lines 125:0-125:23 *)
-Definition const0_body : result usize := usize_add 1%usize 1%usize.
-Definition const0 : usize := const0_body%global.
-(** [no_nested_borrows::CONST1]
- Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:23 *)
-Definition const1_body : result usize := usize_mul 2%usize 2%usize.
-Definition const1 : usize := const1_body%global.
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 128:0-128:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 46:0-46:37 *)
Definition cast_u32_to_i32 (x : u32) : result i32 :=
scalar_cast U32 I32 x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 132:0-132:39 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 50:0-50:39 *)
Definition cast_bool_to_i32 (x : bool) : result i32 :=
scalar_cast_bool I32 x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 137:0-137:41 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 55:0-55:41 *)
Definition cast_bool_to_bool (x : bool) : result bool :=
Ok x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:14 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:14 *)
Definition test2 : result unit :=
_ <- u32_add 23%u32 44%u32; Ok tt.
@@ -181,13 +78,13 @@ Definition test2 : result unit :=
Check (test2 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::get_max]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 154:0-154:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 72:0-72:37 *)
Definition get_max (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 :=
if x s>= y then Ok x else Ok y
(** [no_nested_borrows::test3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 162:0-162:14 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 80:0-80:14 *)
Definition test3 : result unit :=
x <- get_max 4%u32 3%u32;
y <- get_max 10%u32 11%u32;
@@ -199,7 +96,7 @@ Definition test3 : result unit :=
Check (test3 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 169:0-169:18 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 87:0-87:18 *)
Definition test_neg1 : result unit :=
y <- i32_neg 3%i32; if negb (y s= (-3)%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
@@ -208,7 +105,7 @@ Definition test_neg1 : result unit :=
Check (test_neg1 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 176:0-176:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:19 *)
Definition refs_test1 : result unit :=
if negb (1%i32 s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
@@ -217,7 +114,7 @@ Definition refs_test1 : result unit :=
Check (refs_test1 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 187:0-187:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 105:0-105:19 *)
Definition refs_test2 : result unit :=
if negb (2%i32 s= 2%i32)
then Fail_ Failure
@@ -234,7 +131,7 @@ Definition refs_test2 : result unit :=
Check (refs_test2 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 203:0-203:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 121:0-121:19 *)
Definition test_list1 : result unit :=
Ok tt.
@@ -242,7 +139,7 @@ Definition test_list1 : result unit :=
Check (test_list1 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 208:0-208:18 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:18 *)
Definition test_box1 : result unit :=
p <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut i32 0%i32;
let (_, deref_mut_back) := p in
@@ -255,24 +152,24 @@ Definition test_box1 : result unit :=
Check (test_box1 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 218:0-218:30 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 136:0-136:30 *)
Definition copy_int (x : i32) : result i32 :=
Ok x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 224:0-224:32 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:32 *)
Definition test_unreachable (b : bool) : result unit :=
if b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 232:0-232:26 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 150:0-150:26 *)
Definition test_panic (b : bool) : result unit :=
if b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 239:0-239:22 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 157:0-157:22 *)
Definition test_copy_int : result unit :=
y <- copy_int 0%i32; if negb (0%i32 s= y) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
@@ -281,13 +178,13 @@ Definition test_copy_int : result unit :=
Check (test_copy_int )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 246:0-246:38 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 164:0-164:38 *)
Definition is_cons (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result bool :=
match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Ok true | List_Nil => Ok false end
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 253:0-253:21 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 171:0-171:21 *)
Definition test_is_cons : result unit :=
b <- is_cons i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil);
if negb b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt
@@ -297,13 +194,13 @@ Definition test_is_cons : result unit :=
Check (test_is_cons )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-259:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 177:0-177:48 *)
Definition split_list (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (T * (List_t T)) :=
match l with | List_Cons hd tl => Ok (hd, tl) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 267:0-267:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 185:0-185:24 *)
Definition test_split_list : result unit :=
p <- split_list i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil);
let (hd, _) := p in
@@ -314,7 +211,7 @@ Definition test_split_list : result unit :=
Check (test_split_list )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::choose]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 274:0-274:70 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 192:0-192:70 *)
Definition choose
(T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result (T * (T -> result (T * T))) :=
if b
@@ -323,7 +220,7 @@ Definition choose
(** [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 282:0-282:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 200:0-200:20 *)
Definition choose_test : result unit :=
p <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32;
let (z, choose_back) := p in
@@ -342,18 +239,18 @@ Definition choose_test : result unit :=
Check (choose_test )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_char]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 294:0-294:26 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 212:0-212:26 *)
Definition test_char : result char :=
Ok (char_of_byte Coq.Init.Byte.x61).
(** [no_nested_borrows::Tree]
- Source: 'src/', lines 299:0-299:16 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 217:0-217:16 *)
Inductive Tree_t (T : Type) :=
| Tree_Leaf : T -> Tree_t T
| Tree_Node : T -> NodeElem_t T -> Tree_t T -> Tree_t T
(** [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem]
- Source: 'src/', lines 304:0-304:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 222:0-222:20 *)
with NodeElem_t (T : Type) :=
| NodeElem_Cons : Tree_t T -> NodeElem_t T -> NodeElem_t T
| NodeElem_Nil : NodeElem_t T
@@ -366,7 +263,7 @@ Arguments NodeElem_Cons { _ }.
Arguments NodeElem_Nil { _ }.
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_length]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 257:0-257:48 *)
Fixpoint list_length (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result u32 :=
match l with
| List_Cons _ l1 => i <- list_length T l1; u32_add 1%u32 i
@@ -375,7 +272,7 @@ Fixpoint list_length (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result u32 :=
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 347:0-347:62 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 265:0-265:62 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
match l with
| List_Cons x tl =>
@@ -387,7 +284,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T :=
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:67 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 281:0-281:67 *)
Fixpoint list_nth_mut
(T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) :
result (T * (T -> result (List_t T)))
@@ -408,7 +305,7 @@ Fixpoint list_nth_mut
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 379:0-379:63 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-297:63 *)
Fixpoint list_rev_aux
(T : Type) (li : List_t T) (lo : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
match li with
@@ -418,14 +315,14 @@ Fixpoint list_rev_aux
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 393:0-393:42 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 311:0-311:42 *)
Definition list_rev (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (List_t T) :=
let (li, _) := core_mem_replace (List_t T) l List_Nil in
list_rev_aux T li List_Nil
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 398:0-398:28 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-316:28 *)
Definition test_list_functions : result unit :=
let l := List_Cons 2%i32 List_Nil in
let l1 := List_Cons 1%i32 l in
@@ -464,7 +361,7 @@ Definition test_list_functions : result unit :=
Check (test_list_functions )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 414:0-414:89 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:0-332:89 *)
Definition id_mut_pair1
(T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2)))
@@ -473,7 +370,7 @@ Definition id_mut_pair1
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 418:0-418:88 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 336:0-336:88 *)
Definition id_mut_pair2
(T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) :
result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2)))
@@ -482,7 +379,7 @@ Definition id_mut_pair2
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 340:0-340:93 *)
Definition id_mut_pair3
(T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2))
@@ -491,7 +388,7 @@ Definition id_mut_pair3
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 344:0-344:92 *)
Definition id_mut_pair4
(T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) :
result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2))
@@ -500,7 +397,7 @@ Definition id_mut_pair4
(** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 433:0-433:34 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 351:0-351:34 *)
Record StructWithTuple_t (T1 T2 : Type) :=
mkStructWithTuple_t {
structWithTuple_p : (T1 * T2);
@@ -511,25 +408,25 @@ Arguments mkStructWithTuple_t { _ _ }.
Arguments structWithTuple_p { _ _ }.
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 437:0-437:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 355:0-355:48 *)
Definition new_tuple1 : result (StructWithTuple_t u32 u32) :=
Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u32, 2%u32) |}
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 441:0-441:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 359:0-359:48 *)
Definition new_tuple2 : result (StructWithTuple_t i16 i16) :=
Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%i16, 2%i16) |}
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 445:0-445:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:48 *)
Definition new_tuple3 : result (StructWithTuple_t u64 i64) :=
Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u64, 2%i64) |}
(** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithPair]
- Source: 'src/', lines 450:0-450:33 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 368:0-368:33 *)
Record StructWithPair_t (T1 T2 : Type) :=
mkStructWithPair_t {
structWithPair_p : Pair_t T1 T2;
@@ -540,13 +437,13 @@ Arguments mkStructWithPair_t { _ _ }.
Arguments structWithPair_p { _ _ }.
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 454:0-454:46 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 372:0-372:46 *)
Definition new_pair1 : result (StructWithPair_t u32 u32) :=
Ok {| structWithPair_p := {| pair_x := 1%u32; pair_y := 2%u32 |} |}
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 462:0-462:23 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 380:0-380:23 *)
Definition test_constants : result unit :=
swt <- new_tuple1;
let (i, _) := swt.(structWithTuple_p) in
@@ -573,7 +470,7 @@ Definition test_constants : result unit :=
Check (test_constants )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 471:0-471:28 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 389:0-389:28 *)
Definition test_weird_borrows1 : result unit :=
Ok tt.
@@ -581,78 +478,78 @@ Definition test_weird_borrows1 : result unit :=
Check (test_weird_borrows1 )%return.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 481:0-481:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 399:0-399:37 *)
Definition test_mem_replace (px : u32) : result u32 :=
let (y, _) := core_mem_replace u32 px 1%u32 in
if negb (y s= 0%u32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok 2%u32
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 488:0-488:47 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 406:0-406:47 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : bool) : result u32 :=
if b then Ok 0%u32 else Ok 1%u32
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 501:0-501:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 419:0-419:40 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_bool2 : result u32 :=
Ok 0%u32.
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 516:0-516:52 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 434:0-434:52 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : List_t u32) : result u32 :=
match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Ok 1%u32 | List_Nil => Ok 0%u32 end
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 528:0-528:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 446:0-446:40 *)
Definition test_shared_borrow_enum2 : result u32 :=
Ok 0%u32.
(** [no_nested_borrows::incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 539:0-539:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 457:0-457:24 *)
Definition incr (x : u32) : result u32 :=
u32_add x 1%u32.
(** [no_nested_borrows::call_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 543:0-543:35 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 461:0-461:35 *)
Definition call_incr (x : u32) : result u32 :=
incr x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::read_then_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 548:0-548:41 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 466:0-466:41 *)
Definition read_then_incr (x : u32) : result (u32 * u32) :=
x1 <- u32_add x 1%u32; Ok (x, x1)
(** [no_nested_borrows::Tuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 554:0-554:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 472:0-472:24 *)
Definition Tuple_t (T1 T2 : Type) : Type := T1 * T2.
(** [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 474:0-474:48 *)
Definition use_tuple_struct (x : Tuple_t u32 u32) : result (Tuple_t u32 u32) :=
let (_, i) := x in Ok (1%u32, i)
(** [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 560:0-560:61 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 478:0-478:61 *)
Definition create_tuple_struct
(x : u32) (y : u64) : result (Tuple_t u32 u64) :=
Ok (x, y)
(** [no_nested_borrows::IdType]
- Source: 'src/', lines 565:0-565:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 483:0-483:20 *)
Definition IdType_t (T : Type) : Type := T.
(** [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 567:0-567:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 485:0-485:40 *)
Definition use_id_type (T : Type) (x : IdType_t T) : result T :=
Ok x.
(** [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 571:0-571:43 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 489:0-489:43 *)
Definition create_id_type (T : Type) (x : T) : result (IdType_t T) :=
Ok x.
diff --git a/tests/fstar/misc/NoNestedBorrows.fst b/tests/fstar/misc/NoNestedBorrows.fst
index ac443a99..7d965944 100644
--- a/tests/fstar/misc/NoNestedBorrows.fst
+++ b/tests/fstar/misc/NoNestedBorrows.fst
@@ -37,124 +37,23 @@ type sum_t (t1 t2 : Type0) =
| Sum_Left : t1 -> sum_t t1 t2
| Sum_Right : t2 -> sum_t t1 t2
-(** [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 48:0-48:30 *)
-let neg_test (x : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_neg x
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 54:0-54:37 *)
-let add_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_add x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:38 *)
-let subs_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_sub x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:37 *)
-let div_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_div x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_u32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 73:0-73:35 *)
-let div_u32_const (x : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_div x 2
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:37 *)
-let rem_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_rem x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 82:0-82:37 *)
-let mul_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
- u32_mul x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::add_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 88:0-88:37 *)
-let add_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_add x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::subs_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 92:0-92:38 *)
-let subs_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_sub x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 96:0-96:37 *)
-let div_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_div x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::div_i32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 100:0-100:35 *)
-let div_i32_const (x : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_div x 2
-(** [no_nested_borrows::rem_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 104:0-104:37 *)
-let rem_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_rem x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mul_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 108:0-108:37 *)
-let mul_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) : result i32 =
- i32_mul x y
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 112:0-112:51 *)
-let mix_arith_u32 (x : u32) (y : u32) (z : u32) : result u32 =
- let* i = u32_add x y in
- let* i1 = u32_div x y in
- let* i2 = u32_mul i i1 in
- let* i3 = u32_rem z y in
- let* i4 = u32_sub x i3 in
- let* i5 = u32_add i2 i4 in
- let* i6 = u32_add x y in
- let* i7 = u32_add i6 z in
- u32_rem i5 i7
-(** [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 116:0-116:51 *)
-let mix_arith_i32 (x : i32) (y : i32) (z : i32) : result i32 =
- let* i = i32_add x y in
- let* i1 = i32_div x y in
- let* i2 = i32_mul i i1 in
- let* i3 = i32_rem z y in
- let* i4 = i32_sub x i3 in
- let* i5 = i32_add i2 i4 in
- let* i6 = i32_add x y in
- let* i7 = i32_add i6 z in
- i32_rem i5 i7
-(** [no_nested_borrows::CONST0]
- Source: 'src/', lines 125:0-125:23 *)
-let const0_body : result usize = usize_add 1 1
-let const0 : usize = eval_global const0_body
-(** [no_nested_borrows::CONST1]
- Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:23 *)
-let const1_body : result usize = usize_mul 2 2
-let const1 : usize = eval_global const1_body
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 128:0-128:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 46:0-46:37 *)
let cast_u32_to_i32 (x : u32) : result i32 =
scalar_cast U32 I32 x
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 132:0-132:39 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 50:0-50:39 *)
let cast_bool_to_i32 (x : bool) : result i32 =
scalar_cast_bool I32 x
(** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 137:0-137:41 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 55:0-55:41 *)
let cast_bool_to_bool (x : bool) : result bool =
Ok x
(** [no_nested_borrows::test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:14 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:14 *)
let test2 : result unit =
let* _ = u32_add 23 44 in Ok ()
@@ -162,12 +61,12 @@ let test2 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test2 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::get_max]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 154:0-154:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 72:0-72:37 *)
let get_max (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 =
if x >= y then Ok x else Ok y
(** [no_nested_borrows::test3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 162:0-162:14 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 80:0-80:14 *)
let test3 : result unit =
let* x = get_max 4 3 in
let* y = get_max 10 11 in
@@ -178,7 +77,7 @@ let test3 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test3 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 169:0-169:18 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 87:0-87:18 *)
let test_neg1 : result unit =
let* y = i32_neg 3 in if not (y = -3) then Fail Failure else Ok ()
@@ -186,7 +85,7 @@ let test_neg1 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_neg1 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 176:0-176:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:19 *)
let refs_test1 : result unit =
if not (1 = 1) then Fail Failure else Ok ()
@@ -194,7 +93,7 @@ let refs_test1 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (refs_test1 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 187:0-187:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 105:0-105:19 *)
let refs_test2 : result unit =
if not (2 = 2)
then Fail Failure
@@ -210,7 +109,7 @@ let refs_test2 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (refs_test2 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 203:0-203:19 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 121:0-121:19 *)
let test_list1 : result unit =
Ok ()
@@ -218,7 +117,7 @@ let test_list1 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_list1 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 208:0-208:18 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:18 *)
let test_box1 : result unit =
let* (_, deref_mut_back) = alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut i32 0 in
let* b = deref_mut_back 1 in
@@ -229,22 +128,22 @@ let test_box1 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_box1 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 218:0-218:30 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 136:0-136:30 *)
let copy_int (x : i32) : result i32 =
Ok x
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 224:0-224:32 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:32 *)
let test_unreachable (b : bool) : result unit =
if b then Fail Failure else Ok ()
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 232:0-232:26 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 150:0-150:26 *)
let test_panic (b : bool) : result unit =
if b then Fail Failure else Ok ()
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 239:0-239:22 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 157:0-157:22 *)
let test_copy_int : result unit =
let* y = copy_int 0 in if not (0 = y) then Fail Failure else Ok ()
@@ -252,12 +151,12 @@ let test_copy_int : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_copy_int = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 246:0-246:38 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 164:0-164:38 *)
let is_cons (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result bool =
begin match l with | List_Cons _ _ -> Ok true | List_Nil -> Ok false end
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 253:0-253:21 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 171:0-171:21 *)
let test_is_cons : result unit =
let* b = is_cons i32 (List_Cons 0 List_Nil) in
if not b then Fail Failure else Ok ()
@@ -266,7 +165,7 @@ let test_is_cons : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_is_cons = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-259:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 177:0-177:48 *)
let split_list (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result (t & (list_t t)) =
begin match l with
| List_Cons hd tl -> Ok (hd, tl)
@@ -274,7 +173,7 @@ let split_list (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result (t & (list_t t)) =
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 267:0-267:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 185:0-185:24 *)
let test_split_list : result unit =
let* p = split_list i32 (List_Cons 0 List_Nil) in
let (hd, _) = p in
@@ -284,7 +183,7 @@ let test_split_list : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_split_list = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::choose]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 274:0-274:70 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 192:0-192:70 *)
let choose
(t : Type0) (b : bool) (x : t) (y : t) : result (t & (t -> result (t & t))) =
if b
@@ -292,7 +191,7 @@ let choose
else let back = fun ret -> Ok (x, ret) in Ok (y, back)
(** [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 282:0-282:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 200:0-200:20 *)
let choose_test : result unit =
let* (z, choose_back) = choose i32 true 0 0 in
let* z1 = i32_add z 1 in
@@ -308,24 +207,24 @@ let choose_test : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (choose_test = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_char]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 294:0-294:26 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 212:0-212:26 *)
let test_char : result char =
Ok 'a'
(** [no_nested_borrows::Tree]
- Source: 'src/', lines 299:0-299:16 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 217:0-217:16 *)
type tree_t (t : Type0) =
| Tree_Leaf : t -> tree_t t
| Tree_Node : t -> nodeElem_t t -> tree_t t -> tree_t t
(** [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem]
- Source: 'src/', lines 304:0-304:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 222:0-222:20 *)
and nodeElem_t (t : Type0) =
| NodeElem_Cons : tree_t t -> nodeElem_t t -> nodeElem_t t
| NodeElem_Nil : nodeElem_t t
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_length]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 257:0-257:48 *)
let rec list_length (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result u32 =
begin match l with
| List_Cons _ l1 -> let* i = list_length t l1 in u32_add 1 i
@@ -333,7 +232,7 @@ let rec list_length (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result u32 =
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 347:0-347:62 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 265:0-265:62 *)
let rec list_nth_shared (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) (i : u32) : result t =
begin match l with
| List_Cons x tl ->
@@ -342,7 +241,7 @@ let rec list_nth_shared (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) (i : u32) : result t =
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:67 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 281:0-281:67 *)
let rec list_nth_mut
(t : Type0) (l : list_t t) (i : u32) :
result (t & (t -> result (list_t t)))
@@ -361,7 +260,7 @@ let rec list_nth_mut
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 379:0-379:63 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-297:63 *)
let rec list_rev_aux
(t : Type0) (li : list_t t) (lo : list_t t) : result (list_t t) =
begin match li with
@@ -370,13 +269,13 @@ let rec list_rev_aux
(** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 393:0-393:42 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 311:0-311:42 *)
let list_rev (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) : result (list_t t) =
let (li, _) = core_mem_replace (list_t t) l List_Nil in
list_rev_aux t li List_Nil
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 398:0-398:28 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-316:28 *)
let test_list_functions : result unit =
let l = List_Cons 2 List_Nil in
let l1 = List_Cons 1 l in
@@ -413,7 +312,7 @@ let test_list_functions : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_list_functions = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 414:0-414:89 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:0-332:89 *)
let id_mut_pair1
(t1 t2 : Type0) (x : t1) (y : t2) :
result ((t1 & t2) & ((t1 & t2) -> result (t1 & t2)))
@@ -421,7 +320,7 @@ let id_mut_pair1
Ok ((x, y), Ok)
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 418:0-418:88 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 336:0-336:88 *)
let id_mut_pair2
(t1 t2 : Type0) (p : (t1 & t2)) :
result ((t1 & t2) & ((t1 & t2) -> result (t1 & t2)))
@@ -429,7 +328,7 @@ let id_mut_pair2
let (x, x1) = p in Ok ((x, x1), Ok)
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 340:0-340:93 *)
let id_mut_pair3
(t1 t2 : Type0) (x : t1) (y : t2) :
result ((t1 & t2) & (t1 -> result t1) & (t2 -> result t2))
@@ -437,7 +336,7 @@ let id_mut_pair3
Ok ((x, y), Ok, Ok)
(** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 344:0-344:92 *)
let id_mut_pair4
(t1 t2 : Type0) (p : (t1 & t2)) :
result ((t1 & t2) & (t1 -> result t1) & (t2 -> result t2))
@@ -445,35 +344,35 @@ let id_mut_pair4
let (x, x1) = p in Ok ((x, x1), Ok, Ok)
(** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 433:0-433:34 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 351:0-351:34 *)
type structWithTuple_t (t1 t2 : Type0) = { p : (t1 & t2); }
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 437:0-437:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 355:0-355:48 *)
let new_tuple1 : result (structWithTuple_t u32 u32) =
Ok { p = (1, 2) }
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 441:0-441:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 359:0-359:48 *)
let new_tuple2 : result (structWithTuple_t i16 i16) =
Ok { p = (1, 2) }
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 445:0-445:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:48 *)
let new_tuple3 : result (structWithTuple_t u64 i64) =
Ok { p = (1, 2) }
(** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithPair]
- Source: 'src/', lines 450:0-450:33 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 368:0-368:33 *)
type structWithPair_t (t1 t2 : Type0) = { p : pair_t t1 t2; }
(** [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 454:0-454:46 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 372:0-372:46 *)
let new_pair1 : result (structWithPair_t u32 u32) =
Ok { p = { x = 1; y = 2 } }
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 462:0-462:23 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 380:0-380:23 *)
let test_constants : result unit =
let* swt = new_tuple1 in
let (i, _) = swt.p in
@@ -497,7 +396,7 @@ let test_constants : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_constants = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 471:0-471:28 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 389:0-389:28 *)
let test_weird_borrows1 : result unit =
Ok ()
@@ -505,71 +404,71 @@ let test_weird_borrows1 : result unit =
let _ = assert_norm (test_weird_borrows1 = Ok ())
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 481:0-481:37 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 399:0-399:37 *)
let test_mem_replace (px : u32) : result u32 =
let (y, _) = core_mem_replace u32 px 1 in
if not (y = 0) then Fail Failure else Ok 2
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 488:0-488:47 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 406:0-406:47 *)
let test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : bool) : result u32 =
if b then Ok 0 else Ok 1
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 501:0-501:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 419:0-419:40 *)
let test_shared_borrow_bool2 : result u32 =
Ok 0
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 516:0-516:52 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 434:0-434:52 *)
let test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : list_t u32) : result u32 =
begin match l with | List_Cons _ _ -> Ok 1 | List_Nil -> Ok 0 end
(** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 528:0-528:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 446:0-446:40 *)
let test_shared_borrow_enum2 : result u32 =
Ok 0
(** [no_nested_borrows::incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 539:0-539:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 457:0-457:24 *)
let incr (x : u32) : result u32 =
u32_add x 1
(** [no_nested_borrows::call_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 543:0-543:35 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 461:0-461:35 *)
let call_incr (x : u32) : result u32 =
incr x
(** [no_nested_borrows::read_then_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 548:0-548:41 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 466:0-466:41 *)
let read_then_incr (x : u32) : result (u32 & u32) =
let* x1 = u32_add x 1 in Ok (x, x1)
(** [no_nested_borrows::Tuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 554:0-554:24 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 472:0-472:24 *)
type tuple_t (t1 t2 : Type0) = t1 * t2
(** [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:48 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 474:0-474:48 *)
let use_tuple_struct (x : tuple_t u32 u32) : result (tuple_t u32 u32) =
let (_, i) = x in Ok (1, i)
(** [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 560:0-560:61 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 478:0-478:61 *)
let create_tuple_struct (x : u32) (y : u64) : result (tuple_t u32 u64) =
Ok (x, y)
(** [no_nested_borrows::IdType]
- Source: 'src/', lines 565:0-565:20 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 483:0-483:20 *)
type idType_t (t : Type0) = t
(** [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 567:0-567:40 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 485:0-485:40 *)
let use_id_type (t : Type0) (x : idType_t t) : result t =
Ok x
(** [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 571:0-571:43 *)
+ Source: 'src/', lines 489:0-489:43 *)
let create_id_type (t : Type0) (x : t) : result (idType_t t) =
Ok x
diff --git a/tests/lean/External/Opaque.lean b/tests/lean/External/Opaque.lean
index d0297523..6cec334f 100644
--- a/tests/lean/External/Opaque.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/External/Opaque.lean
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- [external]: opaque function definitions
import Base
import External.Types
diff --git a/tests/lean/HashmapMain/Opaque.lean b/tests/lean/HashmapMain/Opaque.lean
index abf04c94..a410b253 100644
--- a/tests/lean/HashmapMain/Opaque.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/HashmapMain/Opaque.lean
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- [hashmap_main]: opaque function definitions
import Base
import HashmapMain.Types
diff --git a/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean b/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
index 7d28f7f9..66ec917b 100644
--- a/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
@@ -43,126 +43,23 @@ inductive Sum (T1 T2 : Type) :=
| Left : T1 → Sum T1 T2
| Right : T2 → Sum T1 T2
-/- [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 48:0-48:30 -/
-def neg_test (x : I32) : Result I32 :=
- -. x
-/- [no_nested_borrows::add_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 54:0-54:37 -/
-def add_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x + y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::subs_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:38 -/
-def subs_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x - y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::div_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 66:0-66:37 -/
-def div_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x / y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::div_u32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 73:0-73:35 -/
-def div_u32_const (x : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x / 2#u32
-/- [no_nested_borrows::rem_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 78:0-78:37 -/
-def rem_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x % y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::mul_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 82:0-82:37 -/
-def mul_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
- x * y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::add_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 88:0-88:37 -/
-def add_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x + y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::subs_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 92:0-92:38 -/
-def subs_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x - y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::div_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 96:0-96:37 -/
-def div_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x / y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::div_i32_const]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 100:0-100:35 -/
-def div_i32_const (x : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x / 2#i32
-/- [no_nested_borrows::rem_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 104:0-104:37 -/
-def rem_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x % y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::mul_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 108:0-108:37 -/
-def mul_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) : Result I32 :=
- x * y
-/- [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_u32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 112:0-112:51 -/
-def mix_arith_u32 (x : U32) (y : U32) (z : U32) : Result U32 :=
- do
- let i ← x + y
- let i1 ← x / y
- let i2 ← i * i1
- let i3 ← z % y
- let i4 ← x - i3
- let i5 ← i2 + i4
- let i6 ← x + y
- let i7 ← i6 + z
- i5 % i7
-/- [no_nested_borrows::mix_arith_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 116:0-116:51 -/
-def mix_arith_i32 (x : I32) (y : I32) (z : I32) : Result I32 :=
- do
- let i ← x + y
- let i1 ← x / y
- let i2 ← i * i1
- let i3 ← z % y
- let i4 ← x - i3
- let i5 ← i2 + i4
- let i6 ← x + y
- let i7 ← i6 + z
- i5 % i7
-/- [no_nested_borrows::CONST0]
- Source: 'src/', lines 125:0-125:23 -/
-def CONST0_body : Result Usize := 1#usize + 1#usize
-def CONST0 : Usize := eval_global CONST0_body
-/- [no_nested_borrows::CONST1]
- Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:23 -/
-def CONST1_body : Result Usize := 2#usize * 2#usize
-def CONST1 : Usize := eval_global CONST1_body
/- [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 128:0-128:37 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 46:0-46:37 -/
def cast_u32_to_i32 (x : U32) : Result I32 :=
Scalar.cast .I32 x
/- [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 132:0-132:39 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 50:0-50:39 -/
def cast_bool_to_i32 (x : Bool) : Result I32 :=
Scalar.cast_bool .I32 x
/- [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 137:0-137:41 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 55:0-55:41 -/
def cast_bool_to_bool (x : Bool) : Result Bool :=
Result.ok x
/- [no_nested_borrows::test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:14 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 60:0-60:14 -/
def test2 : Result Unit :=
let _ ← 23#u32 + 44#u32
@@ -172,14 +69,14 @@ def test2 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test2 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::get_max]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 154:0-154:37 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 72:0-72:37 -/
def get_max (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 :=
if x >= y
then Result.ok x
else Result.ok y
/- [no_nested_borrows::test3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 162:0-162:14 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 80:0-80:14 -/
def test3 : Result Unit :=
let x ← get_max 4#u32 3#u32
@@ -193,7 +90,7 @@ def test3 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test3 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 169:0-169:18 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 87:0-87:18 -/
def test_neg1 : Result Unit :=
let y ← -. 3#i32
@@ -205,7 +102,7 @@ def test_neg1 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_neg1 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 176:0-176:19 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 94:0-94:19 -/
def refs_test1 : Result Unit :=
if ¬ (1#i32 = 1#i32)
then .panic
@@ -215,7 +112,7 @@ def refs_test1 : Result Unit :=
#assert (refs_test1 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 187:0-187:19 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 105:0-105:19 -/
def refs_test2 : Result Unit :=
if ¬ (2#i32 = 2#i32)
then .panic
@@ -233,7 +130,7 @@ def refs_test2 : Result Unit :=
#assert (refs_test2 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 203:0-203:19 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 121:0-121:19 -/
def test_list1 : Result Unit :=
Result.ok ()
@@ -241,7 +138,7 @@ def test_list1 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_list1 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 208:0-208:18 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 126:0-126:18 -/
def test_box1 : Result Unit :=
let (_, deref_mut_back) ← alloc.boxed.Box.deref_mut I32 0#i32
@@ -255,26 +152,26 @@ def test_box1 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_box1 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 218:0-218:30 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 136:0-136:30 -/
def copy_int (x : I32) : Result I32 :=
Result.ok x
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 224:0-224:32 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 142:0-142:32 -/
def test_unreachable (b : Bool) : Result Unit :=
if b
then .panic
else Result.ok ()
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 232:0-232:26 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 150:0-150:26 -/
def test_panic (b : Bool) : Result Unit :=
if b
then .panic
else Result.ok ()
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 239:0-239:22 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 157:0-157:22 -/
def test_copy_int : Result Unit :=
let y ← copy_int 0#i32
@@ -286,14 +183,14 @@ def test_copy_int : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_copy_int == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 246:0-246:38 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 164:0-164:38 -/
def is_cons (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result Bool :=
match l with
| List.Cons _ _ => Result.ok true
| List.Nil => Result.ok false
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 253:0-253:21 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 171:0-171:21 -/
def test_is_cons : Result Unit :=
let b ← is_cons I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 List.Nil)
@@ -305,14 +202,14 @@ def test_is_cons : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_is_cons == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 259:0-259:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 177:0-177:48 -/
def split_list (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result (T × (List T)) :=
match l with
| List.Cons hd tl => Result.ok (hd, tl)
| List.Nil => .panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 267:0-267:24 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 185:0-185:24 -/
def test_split_list : Result Unit :=
let p ← split_list I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 List.Nil)
@@ -325,7 +222,7 @@ def test_split_list : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_split_list == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::choose]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 274:0-274:70 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 192:0-192:70 -/
def choose
(T : Type) (b : Bool) (x : T) (y : T) :
Result (T × (T → Result (T × T)))
@@ -337,7 +234,7 @@ def choose
Result.ok (y, back)
/- [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 282:0-282:20 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 200:0-200:20 -/
def choose_test : Result Unit :=
let (z, choose_back) ← choose I32 true 0#i32 0#i32
@@ -357,20 +254,20 @@ def choose_test : Result Unit :=
#assert (choose_test == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_char]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 294:0-294:26 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 212:0-212:26 -/
def test_char : Result Char :=
Result.ok 'a'
/- [no_nested_borrows::Tree]
- Source: 'src/', lines 299:0-299:16 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 217:0-217:16 -/
inductive Tree (T : Type) :=
| Leaf : T → Tree T
| Node : T → NodeElem T → Tree T → Tree T
/- [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem]
- Source: 'src/', lines 304:0-304:20 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 222:0-222:20 -/
inductive NodeElem (T : Type) :=
| Cons : Tree T → NodeElem T → NodeElem T
| Nil : NodeElem T
@@ -378,7 +275,7 @@ inductive NodeElem (T : Type) :=
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_length]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 339:0-339:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 257:0-257:48 -/
divergent def list_length (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result U32 :=
match l with
| List.Cons _ l1 => do
@@ -387,7 +284,7 @@ divergent def list_length (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result U32 :=
| List.Nil => Result.ok 0#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 347:0-347:62 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 265:0-265:62 -/
divergent def list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result T :=
match l with
| List.Cons x tl =>
@@ -399,7 +296,7 @@ divergent def list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result T :=
| List.Nil => .panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:67 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 281:0-281:67 -/
divergent def list_nth_mut
(T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result (T × (T → Result (List T))) :=
match l with
@@ -421,7 +318,7 @@ divergent def list_nth_mut
| List.Nil => .panic
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 379:0-379:63 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 297:0-297:63 -/
divergent def list_rev_aux
(T : Type) (li : List T) (lo : List T) : Result (List T) :=
match li with
@@ -429,13 +326,13 @@ divergent def list_rev_aux
| List.Nil => Result.ok lo
/- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 393:0-393:42 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 311:0-311:42 -/
def list_rev (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result (List T) :=
let (li, _) := core.mem.replace (List T) l List.Nil
list_rev_aux T li List.Nil
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 398:0-398:28 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 316:0-316:28 -/
def test_list_functions : Result Unit :=
let l := List.Cons 2#i32 List.Nil
@@ -482,7 +379,7 @@ def test_list_functions : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_list_functions == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 414:0-414:89 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 332:0-332:89 -/
def id_mut_pair1
(T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
Result ((T1 × T2) × ((T1 × T2) → Result (T1 × T2)))
@@ -490,7 +387,7 @@ def id_mut_pair1
Result.ok ((x, y), Result.ok)
/- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 418:0-418:88 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 336:0-336:88 -/
def id_mut_pair2
(T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) :
Result ((T1 × T2) × ((T1 × T2) → Result (T1 × T2)))
@@ -499,7 +396,7 @@ def id_mut_pair2
Result.ok ((t, t1), Result.ok)
/- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 422:0-422:93 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 340:0-340:93 -/
def id_mut_pair3
(T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) :
Result ((T1 × T2) × (T1 → Result T1) × (T2 → Result T2))
@@ -507,7 +404,7 @@ def id_mut_pair3
Result.ok ((x, y), Result.ok, Result.ok)
/- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 426:0-426:92 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 344:0-344:92 -/
def id_mut_pair4
(T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) :
Result ((T1 × T2) × (T1 → Result T1) × (T2 → Result T2))
@@ -516,37 +413,37 @@ def id_mut_pair4
Result.ok ((t, t1), Result.ok, Result.ok)
/- [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 433:0-433:34 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 351:0-351:34 -/
structure StructWithTuple (T1 T2 : Type) where
p : (T1 × T2)
/- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 437:0-437:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 355:0-355:48 -/
def new_tuple1 : Result (StructWithTuple U32 U32) :=
Result.ok { p := (1#u32, 2#u32) }
/- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 441:0-441:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 359:0-359:48 -/
def new_tuple2 : Result (StructWithTuple I16 I16) :=
Result.ok { p := (1#i16, 2#i16) }
/- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 445:0-445:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 363:0-363:48 -/
def new_tuple3 : Result (StructWithTuple U64 I64) :=
Result.ok { p := (1#u64, 2#i64) }
/- [no_nested_borrows::StructWithPair]
- Source: 'src/', lines 450:0-450:33 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 368:0-368:33 -/
structure StructWithPair (T1 T2 : Type) where
p : Pair T1 T2
/- [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 454:0-454:46 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 372:0-372:46 -/
def new_pair1 : Result (StructWithPair U32 U32) :=
Result.ok { p := { x := 1#u32, y := 2#u32 } }
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 462:0-462:23 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 380:0-380:23 -/
def test_constants : Result Unit :=
let swt ← new_tuple1
@@ -576,7 +473,7 @@ def test_constants : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_constants == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 471:0-471:28 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 389:0-389:28 -/
def test_weird_borrows1 : Result Unit :=
Result.ok ()
@@ -584,7 +481,7 @@ def test_weird_borrows1 : Result Unit :=
#assert (test_weird_borrows1 == Result.ok ())
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 481:0-481:37 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 399:0-399:37 -/
def test_mem_replace (px : U32) : Result U32 :=
let (y, _) := core.mem.replace U32 px 1#u32
if ¬ (y = 0#u32)
@@ -592,71 +489,71 @@ def test_mem_replace (px : U32) : Result U32 :=
else Result.ok 2#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 488:0-488:47 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 406:0-406:47 -/
def test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : Bool) : Result U32 :=
if b
then Result.ok 0#u32
else Result.ok 1#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 501:0-501:40 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 419:0-419:40 -/
def test_shared_borrow_bool2 : Result U32 :=
Result.ok 0#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 516:0-516:52 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 434:0-434:52 -/
def test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : List U32) : Result U32 :=
match l with
| List.Cons _ _ => Result.ok 1#u32
| List.Nil => Result.ok 0#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 528:0-528:40 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 446:0-446:40 -/
def test_shared_borrow_enum2 : Result U32 :=
Result.ok 0#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 539:0-539:24 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 457:0-457:24 -/
def incr (x : U32) : Result U32 :=
x + 1#u32
/- [no_nested_borrows::call_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 543:0-543:35 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 461:0-461:35 -/
def call_incr (x : U32) : Result U32 :=
incr x
/- [no_nested_borrows::read_then_incr]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 548:0-548:41 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 466:0-466:41 -/
def read_then_incr (x : U32) : Result (U32 × U32) :=
let x1 ← x + 1#u32
Result.ok (x, x1)
/- [no_nested_borrows::Tuple]
- Source: 'src/', lines 554:0-554:24 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 472:0-472:24 -/
def Tuple (T1 T2 : Type) := T1 × T2
/- [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:48 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 474:0-474:48 -/
def use_tuple_struct (x : Tuple U32 U32) : Result (Tuple U32 U32) :=
Result.ok (1#u32, x.#1)
/- [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 560:0-560:61 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 478:0-478:61 -/
def create_tuple_struct (x : U32) (y : U64) : Result (Tuple U32 U64) :=
Result.ok (x, y)
/- [no_nested_borrows::IdType]
- Source: 'src/', lines 565:0-565:20 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 483:0-483:20 -/
@[reducible] def IdType (T : Type) := T
/- [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 567:0-567:40 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 485:0-485:40 -/
def use_id_type (T : Type) (x : IdType T) : Result T :=
Result.ok x
/- [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]:
- Source: 'src/', lines 571:0-571:43 -/
+ Source: 'src/', lines 489:0-489:43 -/
def create_id_type (T : Type) (x : T) : Result (IdType T) :=
Result.ok x