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authorSon Ho2022-04-29 19:11:19 +0200
committerSon Ho2022-04-29 19:11:19 +0200
commit4cdcf221812d80b978cd92601c3353f4356bd550 (patch)
parentae04cde7b7d5acaf0ae7957276e026a5fcd6706e (diff)
Make more progress propagating the changes
5 files changed, 151 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e9b91c6e..8134144a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -760,6 +760,8 @@ let extract_fun_decl_register_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (keep_fwd : bool)
Note that lvalues can introduce new variables: we thus return an extraction
context updated with new bindings.
+ TODO: we don't need something very generic anymore
let extract_adt_g_value
(extract_value : extraction_ctx -> bool -> 'v -> extraction_ctx)
@@ -830,57 +832,6 @@ let rec extract_typed_lvalue (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
extract_adt_g_value extract_value fmt ctx inside av.variant_id
av.field_values v.ty
-let extract_place (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (p : place) : unit
- =
- let rec extract_projection (pl : projection) : unit =
- match pl with
- | [] ->
- (* No projection element left: print the variable *)
- let var_name = ctx_get_var p.var ctx in
- F.pp_print_string fmt var_name
- | pe :: pl ->
- (* Extract the interior of the projection *)
- extract_projection pl;
- (* Match on the projection element *)
- let def_id =
- match pe.pkind with
- | E.ProjAdt (def_id, None) -> def_id
- | E.ProjAdt (_, Some _) | E.ProjOption _ | E.ProjTuple _ ->
- (* We can't have field accesses on enumerations (variables for
- * the fields are introduced upon the moment we match over the
- * enumeration). We also forbid field access on tuples, because
- * we don't have the syntax to translate that... We thus
- * deconstruct the tuples whenever we need to have access:
- * `let (x, y) = p in ...` *)
- raise (Failure "Unreachable")
- in
- let field_name = ctx_get_field (AdtId def_id) pe.field_id ctx in
- (* We allow to break where the "." appears *)
- F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0;
- F.pp_print_string fmt ".";
- F.pp_print_string fmt field_name
- in
- (* We allow to break where "." appears, but we try to prevent that by
- * wrapping in a box *)
- F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
- extract_projection p.projection;
- F.pp_close_box fmt ()
-(** [inside]: see [extract_ty] *)
-let rec extract_typed_rvalue (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
- (inside : bool) (v : typed_rvalue) : extraction_ctx =
- match v.value with
- | RvConcrete cv ->
- ctx.fmt.extract_constant_value fmt inside cv;
- ctx
- | RvPlace p ->
- extract_place ctx fmt p;
- ctx
- | RvAdt av ->
- let extract_value ctx inside v = extract_typed_rvalue ctx fmt inside v in
- extract_adt_g_value extract_value fmt ctx inside av.variant_id
- av.field_values v.ty
(** [inside]: controls the introduction of parentheses. See [extract_ty]
TODO: replace the formatting boolean [inside] with something more general?
@@ -889,16 +840,17 @@ let rec extract_typed_rvalue (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
let rec extract_texpression (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
(inside : bool) (e : texpression) : unit =
match e.e with
- | Value (rv, _) ->
- let _ = extract_typed_rvalue ctx fmt inside rv in
- ()
+ | Local var_id ->
+ let var_name = ctx_get_var var_id ctx in
+ F.pp_print_string fmt var_name
+ | Const cv -> ctx.fmt.extract_constant_value fmt inside cv
| App _ ->
let app, args = destruct_apps e in
extract_App ctx fmt inside app args
| Abs _ ->
let xl, e = destruct_abs_list e in
extract_Abs ctx fmt inside xl e
- | Func _ ->
+ | Qualif _ ->
(* We use the app case *)
extract_App ctx fmt inside e []
| Let (monadic, lv, re, next_e) ->
@@ -908,48 +860,19 @@ let rec extract_texpression (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
and extract_App (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
(app : texpression) (args : texpression list) : unit =
- (* We don't do the same thing if the app is a function identifier or a "regular" expression *)
+ (* We don't do the same thing if the app is a top-level identifier (function,
+ * ADT constructor...) or a "regular" expression *)
match app.e with
- | Func func -> (
- (* Function identifier *)
- match (func.func, args) with
- | Unop unop, [ arg ] ->
- ctx.fmt.extract_unop (extract_texpression ctx fmt) fmt inside unop arg
- | Binop (binop, int_ty), [ arg0; arg1 ] ->
- ctx.fmt.extract_binop
- (extract_texpression ctx fmt)
- fmt inside binop int_ty arg0 arg1
- | Regular (fun_id, rg_id), _ ->
- if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
- (* Open a box for the function call *)
- F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
- (* Print the function name *)
- let fun_name = ctx_get_function fun_id rg_id ctx in
- F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name;
- (* Print the type parameters *)
- List.iter
- (fun ty ->
- F.pp_print_space fmt ();
- extract_ty ctx fmt true ty)
- func.type_params;
- (* Print the arguments *)
- List.iter
- (fun ve ->
- F.pp_print_space fmt ();
- extract_texpression ctx fmt true ve)
- args;
- (* Close the box for the function call *)
- F.pp_close_box fmt ();
- (* Return *)
- if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
- | _ ->
- raise
- (Failure
- ("Unreachable:\n" ^ "Function: " ^ show_fun_id func.func
- ^ ",\nNumber of arguments: "
- ^ string_of_int (List.length args)
- ^ ",\nArguments: "
- ^ String.concat " " ( show_texpression args))))
+ | Qualif qualif -> (
+ (* Top-level qualifier *)
+ match with
+ | Func fun_id ->
+ extract_function_call ctx fmt inside fun_id qualif.type_params args
+ | AdtCons adt_cons_id ->
+ extract_adt_cons ctx fmt inside adt_cons_id qualif.type_params args
+ | Proj proj ->
+ extract_field_projector ctx fmt inside app proj qualif.type_params
+ args)
| _ ->
(* "Regular" expression *)
(* Open parentheses *)
@@ -970,6 +893,126 @@ and extract_App (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
(* Close parentheses *)
if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
+(** Subcase of the app case: function call *)
+and extract_function_call (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
+ (inside : bool) (fid : fun_id) (type_args : ty list)
+ (args : texpression list) : unit =
+ match (fid, args) with
+ | Unop unop, [ arg ] ->
+ (* A unop can have *at most* one argument (the result can't be a function!).
+ * Note that the way we generate the translation, we shouldn't get the
+ * case where we have no argument (all functions are fully instantiated,
+ * and no AST transformation introduces partial calls). *)
+ ctx.fmt.extract_unop (extract_texpression ctx fmt) fmt inside unop arg
+ | Binop (binop, int_ty), [ arg0; arg1 ] ->
+ (* Number of arguments: similar to unop *)
+ ctx.fmt.extract_binop
+ (extract_texpression ctx fmt)
+ fmt inside binop int_ty arg0 arg1
+ | Regular (fun_id, rg_id), _ ->
+ if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ (* Open a box for the function call *)
+ F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
+ (* Print the function name *)
+ let fun_name = ctx_get_function fun_id rg_id ctx in
+ F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name;
+ (* Print the type parameters *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ty ->
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ extract_ty ctx fmt true ty)
+ type_args;
+ (* Print the arguments *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun ve ->
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ extract_texpression ctx fmt true ve)
+ args;
+ (* Close the box for the function call *)
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ();
+ (* Return *)
+ if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
+ | _ ->
+ raise
+ (Failure
+ ("Unreachable:\n" ^ "Function: " ^ show_fun_id fid
+ ^ ",\nNumber of arguments: "
+ ^ string_of_int (List.length args)
+ ^ ",\nArguments: "
+ ^ String.concat " " ( show_texpression args)))
+(** Subcase of the app case: ADT constructor *)
+and extract_adt_cons (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
+ (adt_cons : adt_cons_id) (type_args : ty list) (args : texpression list) :
+ unit =
+ match adt_cons.adt_id with
+ | Tuple ->
+ (* Tuple *)
+ (* For now, we only support fully applied tuple constructors *)
+ assert (List.length type_args = List.length args);
+ F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ Collections.List.iter_link
+ (fun () ->
+ F.pp_print_string fmt ",";
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ())
+ (fun v -> extract_texpression ctx fmt false v)
+ args;
+ F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
+ | _ ->
+ (* "Regular" ADT *)
+ (* We print something of the form: `Cons field0 ... fieldn`.
+ * We could update the code to print something of the form:
+ * `{ field0=...; ...; fieldn=...; }` in case of fully
+ * applied structure constructors.
+ *)
+ let cons =
+ match adt_cons.variant_id with
+ | Some vid -> ctx_get_variant adt_cons.adt_id vid ctx
+ | None -> ctx_get_struct adt_cons.adt_id ctx
+ in
+ let use_parentheses = inside && args <> [] in
+ if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ F.pp_print_string fmt cons;
+ Collections.List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ F.pp_print_space fmt ();
+ extract_texpression ctx fmt false v)
+ args;
+ if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
+(** Subcase of the app case: ADT field projector. *)
+and extract_field_projector (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
+ (inside : bool) (original_app : texpression) (proj : proj_kind)
+ (_proj_type_params : ty list) (args : texpression list) : unit =
+ (* We isolate the first argument (if there is), in order to pretty print the
+ * projection (`x.field` instead of `MkAdt?.field x` *)
+ match args with
+ | [ arg ] ->
+ (* Exactly one argument: pretty-print *)
+ let field_name = ctx_get_field proj.adt_id proj.field_id ctx in
+ (* Open a box *)
+ F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr;
+ (* TODO: parentheses: we do something very crude *)
+ let use_parentheses = not (is_var arg) in
+ if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt "(";
+ (* Extract the expression *)
+ extract_texpression ctx fmt false arg;
+ (* We allow to break where the "." appears *)
+ F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0;
+ F.pp_print_string fmt ".";
+ F.pp_print_string fmt field_name;
+ (* Close the parentheses *)
+ if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt ")";
+ (* Close the box *)
+ F.pp_close_box fmt ()
+ | arg :: args ->
+ (* Call extract_App again, but in such a way that the first argument is
+ * isolated *)
+ extract_App ctx fmt inside (mk_app original_app arg) args
+ | [] ->
+ (* No argument: shouldn't happen *)
+ raise (Failure "Unreachable")
and extract_Abs (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool)
(xl : typed_lvalue list) (e : texpression) : unit =
(* Open a box for the abs expression *)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9ba1bba7..3adf4eee 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -507,13 +507,12 @@ and app_to_string (fmt : ast_formatter) (inside : bool) (indent : string)
adt_cons_id.adt_id adt_cons_id.variant_id
ConstStrings.constructor_prefix ^ variant_s
- | Proj (ProjField (adt_id, field_id)) ->
+ | Proj { adt_id; field_id } ->
let value_fmt = ast_to_value_formatter fmt in
let adt_s = adt_variant_to_string value_fmt adt_id None in
let field_s = adt_field_to_string value_fmt adt_id field_id in
(* Adopting an F*-like syntax *)
ConstStrings.constructor_prefix ^ adt_s ^ "?." ^ field_s
- | Proj (ProjTuple field_id) -> "MkTuple?." ^ string_of_int field_id
(* Convert the type instantiation *)
let ty_fmt = ast_to_type_formatter fmt in
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2f6ddf0a..243b493e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -363,8 +363,12 @@ type adt_cons_id = { adt_id : type_id; variant_id : variant_id option }
[@@deriving show]
(** An identifier for an ADT constructor *)
-type proj_kind = ProjField of type_id * | ProjTuple of int
-[@@deriving show]
+type proj_kind = { adt_id : type_id; field_id : } [@@deriving show]
+(** Projection kind - For now we don't support projection of tuple fields
+ (because not all the backends have syntax for this).
+ TODO: rename
+ *)
type qualif_id =
| Func of fun_id
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b6676db4..aaae94ca 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ let mk_simpl_tuple_ty (tys : ty list) : ty =
(** TODO: rename to "mk_..." *)
let unit_ty : ty = Adt (Tuple, [])
-(** TODO: rename to "mk_..." *)
+(** TODO: rename to "mk_unit_texpression" *)
let unit_rvalue : texpression =
let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Tuple; variant_id = None } in
let qualif = { id; type_params = [] } in
@@ -592,24 +592,17 @@ module TypeCheck = struct
| Qualif qualif -> (
match with
| Func _ -> () (* TODO *)
- | Proj (ProjField (type_id, field_id)) ->
- (* Note we can only project fields of structurs (not enumerations) *)
+ | Proj { adt_id; field_id } ->
+ (* Note we can only project fields of structures (not enumerations) *)
let variant_id = None in
let expected_field_tys =
- get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls type_id variant_id
+ get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls adt_id variant_id
let expected_field_ty = FieldId.nth expected_field_tys field_id in
let _adt_ty, field_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
(* TODO: check the adt_ty *)
assert (expected_field_ty = field_ty)
- | Proj (ProjTuple field_id) -> (
- let tuple_ty, field_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in
- match tuple_ty with
- | Adt (Tuple, tys) ->
- let expected_field_ty = List.nth tys field_id in
- assert (field_ty = expected_field_ty)
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistently typed projector"))
| AdtCons id ->
(* TODO: we might also want to check the out type *)
let expected_field_tys =
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1150f80c..3a61784c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ and translate_expansion (config : config) (p : S.mplace option)
let gen_field_proj (field_id : (dest : var) :
texpression =
- let proj_kind = ProjField (adt_id, field_id) in
+ let proj_kind = { adt_id; field_id } in
let qualif = { id = Proj proj_kind; type_params } in
let proj_e = Qualif qualif in
let proj_ty = mk_arrow scrutinee.ty dest.ty in