diff options
authorZyad Hassan2024-02-23 16:37:58 -0800
committerSon Ho2024-03-08 09:45:57 +0100
commit5427563a8000f281ac614a2501fb9983beb44f21 (patch)
parent44248ccfe3bfb8c45e5bb434d8dfb3dfa6e6b69c (diff)
Fix tuple indexing for Lean backend
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 35 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean b/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
index 51457c20..ca5ee266 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/IList/IList.lean
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def indexOpt (ls : List α) (i : Int) : Option α :=
@[simp] theorem indexOpt_zero_cons : indexOpt ((x :: tl) : List α) 0 = some x := by simp [indexOpt]
@[simp] theorem indexOpt_nzero_cons (hne : i ≠ 0) : indexOpt ((x :: tl) : List α) i = indexOpt tl (i - 1) := by simp [*, indexOpt]
--- Remark: if i < 0, then the result is the defaul element
+-- Remark: if i < 0, then the result is the default element
def index [Inhabited α] (ls : List α) (i : Int) : α :=
match ls with
| [] => Inhabited.default
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 0a21d4ec..d7ef5f34 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -577,12 +577,17 @@ and extract_field_projector (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
(* Check if we extract the type as a tuple, and it only has one field.
In this case, there is no projection. *)
- let has_one_field =
+ let num_fields =
match proj.adt_id with
| TAdtId id -> (
let d = TypeDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_types in
- match d.kind with Struct [ _ ] -> true | _ -> false)
- | _ -> false
+ match d.kind with
+ | Struct fields -> Some (List.length fields)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let has_one_field =
+ match num_fields with Some len -> len = 1 | None -> false
if is_tuple_struct && has_one_field then
extract_texpression ctx fmt inside arg
@@ -590,7 +595,31 @@ and extract_field_projector (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter)
(* Exactly one argument: pretty-print *)
let field_name =
(* Check if we need to extract the type as a tuple *)
- if is_tuple_struct then FieldId.to_string proj.field_id
+ if is_tuple_struct then
+ match !backend with
+ | FStar | HOL4 | Coq -> FieldId.to_string proj.field_id
+ | Lean ->
+ (* Tuples in Lean are syntax sugar for nested products/pairs,
+ so we need to map the field id accordingly.
+ A field id i maps to:
+ (.2)^i if i is the last element of the tuple
+ (.2)^i.1 otherwise
+ where (.2)^i denotes .2 repeated i times.
+ For example, 3 maps to .2.2.2 if the tuple has 4 fields and
+ to . if it has more than 4 fields.
+ Note that the first "." is added below *)
+ let field_id = FieldId.to_int proj.field_id in
+ (* Helper: repeat "2.2.2..." *)
+ let rec repeat_snd n =
+ match n with
+ | 0 -> ""
+ | 1 -> "2"
+ | _ -> "2." ^ repeat_snd (n - 1)
+ in
+ let twos_prefix = repeat_snd field_id in
+ if field_id + 1 = Option.get num_fields then twos_prefix
+ else if field_id = 0 then "1"
+ else twos_prefix ^ ".1"
else ctx_get_field proj.adt_id proj.field_id ctx
(* Open a box *)
diff --git a/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean b/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
index 71d064d8..a326bdf7 100644
--- a/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
+++ b/tests/lean/NoNestedBorrows.lean
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ def Tuple (T1 T2 : Type) := T1 × T2
/- [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]:
Source: 'src/', lines 556:0-556:48 -/
def use_tuple_struct (x : Tuple U32 U32) : Result (Tuple U32 U32) :=
- Result.ret (1#u32, x.1)
+ Result.ret (1#u32, x.2)
/- [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]:
Source: 'src/', lines 560:0-560:61 -/