diff options
authorZyad Hassan2024-04-03 18:59:58 -0700
committerZyad Hassan2024-04-03 18:59:58 -0700
commit44065f447dc3a2f4b1441b97b9687d1c1b85afbf (patch)
parentebf2ba2fda2a5f8e0a63f4cb6761291c9b501fab (diff)
Add builtins for some checked ops such as checked_add
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
index 3d90f1a5..f46aded9 100644
--- a/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
+++ b/backends/lean/Base/Primitives/Scalar.lean
@@ -568,6 +568,35 @@ instance {ty} : HOr (Scalar ty) (Scalar ty) (Scalar ty) where
instance {ty} : HAnd (Scalar ty) (Scalar ty) (Scalar ty) where
hAnd x y := Scalar.and x y
+-- core checked arithmetic operations
+/- A helper function that converts failure to none and success to some
+ TODO: move up to Base module? -/
+@[simp] abbrev Option.ofResult : Result (Scalar ty) → Result (Option (Scalar ty))
+ | Result.ret z => Result.ret (some z)
+ | _ => Result.ret none
+ | Result.div => Result.div
+/- [core::num::{T}::checked_add] -/
+def core.num.checked_add (x y : Scalar ty) : Result (Option (Scalar ty)) :=
+ Option.ofResult (x + y)
+/- [core::num::{T}::checked_sub] -/
+def core.num.checked_sub (x y : Scalar ty) : Result (Option (Scalar ty)) :=
+ Option.ofResult (x - y)
+/- [core::num::{T}::checked_mul] -/
+def core.num.checked_mul (x y : Scalar ty) : Result (Option (Scalar ty)) :=
+ Option.ofResult (x * y)
+/- [core::num::{T}::checked_div] -/
+def core.num.checked_div (x y : Scalar ty) : Result (Option (Scalar ty)) :=
+ Option.ofResult (x / y)
+/- [core::num::{T}::checked_mod] -/
+def core.num.checked_mod (x y : Scalar ty) : Result (Option (Scalar ty)) :=
+ Option.ofResult (x % y)
-- Generic theorem - shouldn't be used much
theorem Scalar.add_spec {ty} {x y : Scalar ty}
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 401d0137..a2983573 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -240,6 +240,27 @@ let builtin_funs () : (pattern * bool list option * builtin_fun_info) list =
let f = { extract_name = basename } in
(rust_name, filter, f)
+ let mk_scalar_fun (rust_name_prefix : string) (rust_name_suffix : string)
+ (extract_name : string option) (filter : bool list option) :
+ (pattern * bool list option * builtin_fun_info) list =
+ (fun ty ->
+ mk_fun (rust_name_prefix ^ ty ^ rust_name_suffix) extract_name filter)
+ [
+ "usize";
+ "u8";
+ "u16";
+ "u32";
+ "u64";
+ "u128";
+ "isize";
+ "i8";
+ "i16";
+ "i32";
+ "i64";
+ "i128";
+ ]
+ in
mk_fun "core::mem::replace" None None;
mk_fun "core::slice::{[@T]}::len"
@@ -325,6 +346,16 @@ let builtin_funs () : (pattern * bool list option * builtin_fun_info) list =
(Some "core_slice_index_Slice_index_mut") None;
+ @ mk_scalar_fun "core::num::{" "}::checked_add" (Some "core.num.checked_add")
+ None
+ @ mk_scalar_fun "core::num::{" "}::checked_sub" (Some "core.num.checked_sub")
+ None
+ @ mk_scalar_fun "core::num::{" "}::checked_mul" (Some "core.num.checked_mul")
+ None
+ @ mk_scalar_fun "core::num::{" "}::checked_div" (Some "core.num.checked_div")
+ None
+ @ mk_scalar_fun "core::num::{" "}::checked_rem" (Some "core.num.checked_rem")
+ None
let mk_builtin_funs_map () =
let m =