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Diffstat (limited to '')
11 files changed, 162 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/Coprod.thy b/Coprod.thy
index 1ff7361..97e0566 100644
--- a/Coprod.thy
+++ b/Coprod.thy
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ begin
section \<open>Constants and type rules\<close>
- Coprod :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "+" 50) and
- inl :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- inr :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- indCoprod :: "[Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>+)")
+ Coprod :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixr "+" 50) and
+ inl :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ inr :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ indCoprod :: "[t \<Rightarrow> t, t \<Rightarrow> t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1ind\<^sub>+)")
Coprod_form: "\<lbrakk>A: U i; B: U i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A + B: U i"
diff --git a/Empty.thy b/Empty.thy
index a42f7ff..107f2d7 100644
--- a/Empty.thy
+++ b/Empty.thy
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ section \<open>Constants and type rules\<close>
section \<open>Empty type\<close>
- Empty :: Term ("\<zero>") and
- indEmpty :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<zero>)")
+ Empty :: t ("\<zero>") and
+ indEmpty :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<zero>)")
Empty_form: "\<zero>: U O"
diff --git a/Equal.thy b/Equal.thy
index 7254104..7b6acb5 100644
--- a/Equal.thy
+++ b/Equal.thy
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ begin
section \<open>Constants and syntax\<close>
- Equal :: "[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- refl :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- indEqual :: "[Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>=)")
+ Equal :: "[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ refl :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ indEqual :: "[t \<Rightarrow> t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1ind\<^sub>=)")
- "_EQUAL" :: "[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3_ =\<^sub>_/ _)" [101, 0, 101] 100)
- "_EQUAL_ASCII" :: "[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3_ =[_]/ _)" [101, 0, 101] 100)
+ "_EQUAL" :: "[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3_ =\<^sub>_/ _)" [101, 0, 101] 100)
+ "_EQUAL_ASCII" :: "[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3_ =[_]/ _)" [101, 0, 101] 100)
"a =[A] b" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST Equal A a b"
"a =\<^sub>A b" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST Equal A a b"
diff --git a/EqualProps.thy b/EqualProps.thy
index 5db8487..19c788c 100644
--- a/EqualProps.thy
+++ b/EqualProps.thy
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ begin
section \<open>Symmetry / Path inverse\<close>
-definition inv :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" ("_\<inverse>" [1000] 1000) where "p\<inverse> \<equiv> ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. (refl x)) p"
+definition inv :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" ("_\<inverse>" [1000] 1000) where "p\<inverse> \<equiv> ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. (refl x)) p"
text "
In the proof below we begin by using path induction on \<open>p\<close> with the application of \<open>rule Equal_elim\<close>, telling Isabelle the specific substitutions to use.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ text "
Raw composition function, of type \<open>\<Prod>x:A. \<Prod>y:A. x =\<^sub>A y \<rightarrow> (\<Prod>z:A. y =\<^sub>A z \<rightarrow> x =\<^sub>A z)\<close> polymorphic over the type \<open>A\<close>.
-definition rpathcomp :: Term where "rpathcomp \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>_ _ p. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>_. \<^bold>\<lambda>_ q. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. (refl x)) q) p"
+definition rpathcomp :: t where "rpathcomp \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>_ _ p. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>_. \<^bold>\<lambda>_ q. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. (refl x)) q) p"
text "
More complicated proofs---the nested path inductions require more explicit step-by-step rule applications:
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ qed fact
text "The raw object lambda term is cumbersome to use, so we define a simpler constant instead."
-axiomatization pathcomp :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixl "\<bullet>" 120) where
+axiomatization pathcomp :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixl "\<bullet>" 120) where
pathcomp_def: "\<lbrakk>
A: U i;
x: A; y: A; z: A;
@@ -216,9 +216,72 @@ lemma pathcomp_comp:
by (subst pathcomp_def) (routine lems: assms rpathcomp_comp)
-lemmas EqualProps_type [intro] = inv_type pathcomp_type
-lemmas EqualProps_comp [comp] = inv_comp pathcomp_comp
+lemmas inv_type [intro]
+lemmas pathcomp_type [intro]
+lemmas inv_comp [comp]
+lemmas pathcomp_comp [comp]
+section \<open>Weak higher groupoid structure of types\<close>
+schematic_goal whg1a:
+ assumes "A: U(i)" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "?a: p =[x =\<^sub>A y] (p \<bullet> (refl(y)))"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl(x)): refl(x) =[x =\<^sub>A x] (refl(x) \<bullet> refl(x))"
+ by compute (routine lems: assms)
+qed (routine lems: assms)
+schematic_goal whg1b:
+ assumes "A: U(i)" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "?a: p =[x =\<^sub>A y] (refl(x) \<bullet> p)"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl(x)): refl(x) =[x =\<^sub>A x] (refl(x) \<bullet> refl(x))"
+ by compute (routine lems: assms)
+qed (routine lems: assms)
+schematic_goal whg2a:
+ assumes "A: U(i)" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "?a: (p\<inverse> \<bullet> p) =[y =\<^sub>A y] refl(y)"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl(x)): ((refl(x))\<inverse> \<bullet> refl(x)) =[x =\<^sub>A x] refl(x)"
+ by (compute | routine lems: assms)+
+qed (routine lems: assms)+
+schematic_goal whg2b:
+ assumes "A: U(i)" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "?a: (p \<bullet> p\<inverse>) =[x =\<^sub>A x] refl(x)"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl(x)): (refl(x) \<bullet> (refl(x))\<inverse>) =[x =\<^sub>A x] refl(x)"
+ by (compute | routine lems: assms)+
+qed (routine lems: assms)+
+schematic_goal whg3:
+ assumes "A: U(i)" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "?a: p\<inverse>\<inverse> =[x =\<^sub>A y] p"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl(x)): (refl(x))\<inverse>\<inverse> =[x =\<^sub>A x] refl(x)"
+ by (compute | routine lems: assms)+
+qed (routine lems: assms)
+lemma assumes "A: U(i)" shows "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(x): x =\<^sub>A x"
+by (rule Prod_atomize[where ?A=A and ?B="\<lambda>x. x =\<^sub>A x"]) (routine lems: assms)
+ assumes
+ "A: U(i)" and
+ "x: A" "y: A" "z: A" "w: A" and
+ "p: x =\<^sub>A y" "q: y =\<^sub>A z" "r: z =\<^sub>A w"
+ shows
+ "?a: p \<bullet> (q \<bullet> r) =[x =\<^sub>A w] (p \<bullet> q) \<bullet> r"
+proof (rule Equal_elim[where ?x=x and ?y=y and ?p=p])
+ fix y assume "y: A"
+ show "refl(q \<bullet> r): refl(y) \<bullet> (q \<bullet> r) =[y =\<^sub>A w] (refl(y) \<bullet> q) \<bullet> r"
+ proof (compute lems: whg1b)
section \<open>Higher groupoid structure of types\<close>
@@ -275,7 +338,7 @@ sorry
section \<open>Transport\<close>
-definition transport :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" where
+definition transport :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" where
"transport p \<equiv> ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. (\<^bold>\<lambda>x. x)) p"
text "Note that \<open>transport\<close> is a polymorphic function in our formulation."
diff --git a/HoTT_Base.thy b/HoTT_Base.thy
index 916f6aa..07fbfc4 100644
--- a/HoTT_Base.thy
+++ b/HoTT_Base.thy
@@ -1,94 +1,77 @@
(* Title: HoTT/HoTT_Base.thy
- Author: Josh Chen
+ Author: Joshua Chen
-Basic setup and definitions of a homotopy type theory object logic with a cumulative universe hierarchy à la Russell.
+Basic setup of a homotopy type theory object logic with a Russell-style cumulative universe hierarchy.
theory HoTT_Base
- imports Pure
+ Pure
+ "HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach"
-section \<open>Foundational definitions\<close>
+section \<open>Basic setup\<close>
-text "Meta syntactic type for object-logic types and terms."
+typedecl t \<comment> \<open>Type of object types and terms\<close>
+typedecl ord \<comment> \<open>Type of meta-level numerals\<close>
-typedecl Term
+ O :: ord and
+ Suc :: "ord \<Rightarrow> ord" and
+ lt :: "[ord, ord] \<Rightarrow> prop" (infix "<" 999)
+ lt_Suc [intro]: "n < (Suc n)" and
+ lt_trans [intro]: "\<lbrakk>m1 < m2; m2 < m3\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m1 < m3" and
+ Suc_monotone [simp]: "m < n \<Longrightarrow> (Suc m) < (Suc n)"
+method proveSuc = (rule lt_Suc | (rule lt_trans, (rule lt_Suc)+)+)
-text "
- Formalize the typing judgment \<open>a: A\<close>.
- For judgmental/definitional equality we use the existing Pure equality \<open>\<equiv>\<close> and hence do not need to define a separate judgment for it.
+text \<open>Method @{method proveSuc} proves statements of the form \<open>n < (Suc (... (Suc n) ...))\<close>.\<close>
-judgment has_type :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(3_:/ _)" [0, 0] 1000)
+section \<open>Judgment\<close>
-section \<open>Universe hierarchy\<close>
+judgment hastype :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(3_:/ _)")
-text "Finite meta-ordinals to index the universes."
-typedecl Ord
+section \<open>Universes\<close>
- O :: Ord and
- S :: "Ord \<Rightarrow> Ord" ("S _" [0] 1000) and
- lt :: "[Ord, Ord] \<Rightarrow> prop" (infix "<" 999) and
- leq :: "[Ord, Ord] \<Rightarrow> prop" (infix "\<le>" 999)
+ U :: "ord \<Rightarrow> t"
- lt_min: "\<And>n. O < S n"
- lt_monotone1: "\<And>n. n < S n"
- lt_monotone2: "\<And>m n. m < n \<Longrightarrow> S m < S n"
- leq_min: "\<And>n. O \<le> n"
- leq_monotone1: "\<And>n. n \<le> S n"
- leq_monotone2: "\<And>m n. m \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> S m \<le> S n"
-lemmas Ord_rules [intro] = lt_min lt_monotone1 lt_monotone2 leq_min leq_monotone1 leq_monotone2
- \<comment> \<open>Enables \<open>standard\<close> to automatically solve inequalities.\<close>
-text "Define the universe types."
+ U_hierarchy: "i < j \<Longrightarrow> U i: U j" and
+ U_cumulative: "\<lbrakk>A: U i; i < j\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A: U j"
- U :: "Ord \<Rightarrow> Term"
- U_hierarchy: "\<And>i j. i < j \<Longrightarrow> U i: U j"
- U_cumulative: "\<And>A i j. \<lbrakk>A: U i; i \<le> j\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A: U j"
+text \<open>
+Using method @{method rule} with @{thm U_cumulative} is unsafe, if applied blindly it will typically lead to non-termination.
+One should instead use @{method elim}, or instantiate @{thm U_cumulative} suitably.
-text "
- The rule \<open>U_cumulative\<close> is very unsafe: if used as-is it will usually lead to an infinite rewrite loop!
- To avoid this, it should be instantiated before being applied.
+method cumulativity = (elim U_cumulative, proveSuc) \<comment> \<open>Proves \<open>A: U i \<Longrightarrow> A: U (Suc (... (Suc i) ...))\<close>.\<close>
+method hierarchy = (rule U_hierarchy, proveSuc) \<comment> \<open>Proves \<open>U i: U (Suc (... (Suc i) ...)).\<close>\<close>
section \<open>Type families\<close>
-text "
- The following abbreviation constrains the output type of a meta lambda expression when given input of certain type.
-abbreviation (input) constrained :: "[Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(1_: _ \<longrightarrow> _)")
+abbreviation (input) constrained :: "[t \<Rightarrow> t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(1_:/ _ \<longrightarrow> _)")
where "f: A \<longrightarrow> B \<equiv> (\<And>x. x : A \<Longrightarrow> f x: B)"
-text "
- The above is used to define type families, which are constrained meta-lambdas \<open>P: A \<longrightarrow> B\<close> where \<open>A\<close> and \<open>B\<close> are small types.
+text \<open>
+The abbreviation @{abbrev constrained} is used to define type families, which are constrained expressions @{term "P: A \<longrightarrow> B"} where @{term "A::t"} and @{term "B::t"} are small types.
-type_synonym Typefam = "Term \<Rightarrow> Term"
+type_synonym tf = "t \<Rightarrow> t" \<comment> \<open>Type of type families.\<close>
section \<open>Named theorems\<close>
-text "
- Named theorems to be used by proof methods later (see HoTT_Methods.thy).
- \<open>wellform\<close> declares necessary wellformedness conditions for type and inhabitation judgments, while \<open>comp\<close> declares computation rules, which are usually passed to invocations of the method \<open>subst\<close> to perform equational rewriting.
+text \<open>
+Declare named theorems to be used by proof methods defined in @{file HoTT_Methods.thy}.
+\<open>wellform\<close> declares necessary well-formedness conditions for type and inhabitation judgments.
+\<open>comp\<close> declares computation rules, which are usually passed to invocations of the method \<open>subst\<close> to perform equational rewriting.
named_theorems wellform
named_theorems comp
diff --git a/HoTT_Methods.thy b/HoTT_Methods.thy
index 32e412b..abb6dda 100644
--- a/HoTT_Methods.thy
+++ b/HoTT_Methods.thy
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ begin
section \<open>Deriving typing judgments\<close>
+method routine uses lems = (assumption | rule lems | standard)+
text "
- \<open>routine\<close> proves routine type judgments \<open>a : A\<close> using the rules declared [intro] in the respective theory files, as well as additional provided lemmas.
+ @{method routine} proves routine type judgments \<open>a : A\<close> using the rules declared [intro] in the respective theory files, as well as additional provided lemmas.
-method routine uses lems = (assumption | rule lems | standard)+
text "
\<open>wellformed'\<close> finds a proof of any valid typing judgment derivable from the judgment passed as \<open>jdmt\<close>.
If no judgment is passed, it will try to resolve with the theorems declared \<open>wellform\<close>.
diff --git a/Nat.thy b/Nat.thy
index e879c92..a82e7cb 100644
--- a/Nat.thy
+++ b/Nat.thy
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ begin
section \<open>Constants and type rules\<close>
- Nat :: Term ("\<nat>") and
- zero :: Term ("0") and
- succ :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- indNat :: "[[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<nat>)")
+ Nat :: t ("\<nat>") and
+ zero :: t ("0") and
+ succ :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ indNat :: "[[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<nat>)")
Nat_form: "\<nat>: U O"
diff --git a/Prod.thy b/Prod.thy
index a7968b6..a3cc347 100644
--- a/Prod.thy
+++ b/Prod.thy
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ begin
section \<open>Constants and syntax\<close>
- Prod :: "[Term, Typefam] \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- lambda :: "(Term \<Rightarrow> Term) \<Rightarrow> Term" (binder "\<^bold>\<lambda>" 30) and
- appl :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixl "`" 60)
+ Prod :: "[t, tf] \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ lambda :: "(t \<Rightarrow> t) \<Rightarrow> t" (binder "\<^bold>\<lambda>" 30) and
+ appl :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixl "`" 60)
\<comment> \<open>Application binds tighter than abstraction.\<close>
- "_PROD" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3\<Prod>_:_./ _)" 30)
- "_PROD_ASCII" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" 30)
+ "_PROD" :: "[idt, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3\<Prod>_:_./ _)" 30)
+ "_PROD_ASCII" :: "[idt, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" 30)
text "The translations below bind the variable \<open>x\<close> in the expressions \<open>B\<close> and \<open>b\<close>."
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ translations
text "Nondependent functions are a special case."
-abbreviation Function :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "\<rightarrow>" 40)
+abbreviation Function :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixr "\<rightarrow>" 40)
where "A \<rightarrow> B \<equiv> \<Prod>_: A. B"
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ lemmas Prod_routine [intro] = Prod_form Prod_intro Prod_elim
section \<open>Function composition\<close>
-definition compose :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "o" 110) where "g o f \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. g`(f`x)"
+definition compose :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixr "o" 110) where "g o f \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. g`(f`x)"
-syntax "_COMPOSE" :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "\<circ>" 110)
+syntax "_COMPOSE" :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixr "\<circ>" 110)
translations "g \<circ> f" \<rightleftharpoons> "g o f"
section \<open>Polymorphic identity function\<close>
-abbreviation id :: Term where "id \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. x"
+abbreviation id :: t where "id \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. x"
diff --git a/Sum.thy b/Sum.thy
index aac81f7..92375b9 100644
--- a/Sum.thy
+++ b/Sum.thy
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ begin
section \<open>Constants and syntax\<close>
- Sum :: "[Term, Typefam] \<Rightarrow> Term" and
- pair :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1<_,/ _>)") and
- indSum :: "[[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<Sum>)")
+ Sum :: "[t, Typefam] \<Rightarrow> t" and
+ pair :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1<_,/ _>)") and
+ indSum :: "[[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(1ind\<^sub>\<Sum>)")
- "_SUM" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3\<Sum>_:_./ _)" 20)
- "_SUM_ASCII" :: "[idt, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(3SUM _:_./ _)" 20)
+ "_SUM" :: "[idt, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3\<Sum>_:_./ _)" 20)
+ "_SUM_ASCII" :: "[idt, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3SUM _:_./ _)" 20)
"\<Sum>x:A. B" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST Sum A (\<lambda>x. B)"
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ translations
text "Nondependent pair."
-abbreviation Pair :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "\<times>" 50)
+abbreviation Pair :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixr "\<times>" 50)
where "A \<times> B \<equiv> \<Sum>_:A. B"
diff --git a/Univalence.thy b/Univalence.thy
index b7f4400..001ee33 100644
--- a/Univalence.thy
+++ b/Univalence.thy
@@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
(* Title: HoTT/Univalence.thy
- Author: Josh Chen
+ Author: Joshua Chen
Definitions of homotopy, equivalence and the univalence axiom.
theory Univalence
- imports
- HoTT_Methods
- EqualProps
- ProdProps
- Sum
+ HoTT_Methods
+ EqualProps
+ ProdProps
+ Sum
section \<open>Homotopy and equivalence\<close>
-text "We define polymorphic constants implementing the definitions of homotopy and equivalence."
-axiomatization homotopic :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infix "~" 100) where
+axiomatization homotopic :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infix "~" 100) where
homotopic_def: "\<lbrakk>
f: \<Prod>x:A. B x;
g: \<Prod>x:A. B x
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f ~ g \<equiv> \<Prod>x:A. (f`x) =[B x] (g`x)"
-axiomatization isequiv :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" where
+axiomatization isequiv :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" where
isequiv_def: "f: A \<rightarrow> B \<Longrightarrow> isequiv f \<equiv> (\<Sum>g: B \<rightarrow> A. g \<circ> f ~ id) \<times> (\<Sum>g: B \<rightarrow> A. f \<circ> g ~ id)"
-definition equivalence :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infix "\<simeq>" 100)
+definition equivalence :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infix "\<simeq>" 100)
where "A \<simeq> B \<equiv> \<Sum>f: A \<rightarrow> B. isequiv f"
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ qed (rule assms)
section \<open>idtoeqv and the univalence axiom\<close>
-definition idtoeqv :: Term
+definition idtoeqv :: t
where "idtoeqv \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>p. <transport p, ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>A. <<id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>, <id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>>) p>"
@@ -94,9 +93,9 @@ proof
show "transport p: A \<rightarrow> B"
- proof (rule transport_type[where ?P="\<lambda>x. x" and ?A="U i" and ?i="S i"])
- show "\<And>x. x: U i \<Longrightarrow> x: U S i" by (elim U_cumulative) standard
- show "U i: U S i" by (rule U_hierarchy) standard
+ proof (rule transport_type[where ?P="\<lambda>x. x" and ?A="U i" and ?i="Suc i"])
+ show "\<And>x. x: U i \<Longrightarrow> x: U (Suc i)" by cumulativity
+ show "U i: U (Suc i)" by hierarchy
qed fact+
show "ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>A. <<id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>, <id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>>) p: isequiv (transport p)"
@@ -112,8 +111,8 @@ proof
(\<Sum>g:A \<rightarrow> A. g \<circ> (transport (refl A)) ~ id) \<times>
(\<Sum>g:A \<rightarrow> A. (transport (refl A)) \<circ> g ~ id)"
proof (subst (1 2) transport_comp)
- show "U i: U S i" by (rule U_hierarchy) standard
- show "U i: U S i" by (rule U_hierarchy) standard
+ show "U i: U (Suc i)" by (rule U_hierarchy) rule
+ show "U i: U (Suc i)" by (rule U_hierarchy) rule
show "<<id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>, <id, \<^bold>\<lambda>x. refl x>>:
(\<Sum>g:A \<rightarrow> A. g \<circ> id ~ id) \<times> (\<Sum>g:A \<rightarrow> A. id \<circ> g ~ id)"
@@ -164,13 +163,13 @@ proof
- show "A =[U i] B: U (S i)" by (derive lems: assms | rule U_hierarchy)+
+ show "A =[U i] B: U (Suc i)" proof (derive lems: assms, (rule U_hierarchy, rule lt_Suc)?)+
text "The univalence axiom."
-axiomatization univalence :: Term where
+axiomatization univalence :: t where
UA: "univalence: isequiv idtoeqv"
diff --git a/tests/Test.thy b/tests/Test.thy
index b0eb87a..de65dbd 100644
--- a/tests/Test.thy
+++ b/tests/Test.thy
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ declare[[unify_trace_simp, unify_trace_types, simp_trace, simp_trace_depth_limit
\<comment> \<open>Turn on trace for unification and the simplifier, for debugging.\<close>
-section \<open>\<Pi>-type\<close>
+section \<open>\<Prod>-type\<close>
subsection \<open>Typing functions\<close>