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2 files changed, 2 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Equality.thy b/Equality.thy
index 05ccbff..851c569 100644
--- a/Equality.thy
+++ b/Equality.thy
@@ -51,21 +51,7 @@ by (routine add: assms pathcomp_type)
lemma pathcomp_comp:
assumes "A: U i" and "a: A"
shows "(refl a) \<bullet> (refl a) \<equiv> refl a"
-unfolding pathcomp_def proof compute
- show "(ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>_. \<^bold>\<lambda>q. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. refl x) q) (refl a))`(refl a) \<equiv> refl a"
- proof compute
- show "\<^bold>\<lambda>q. (ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. refl x) q): a =\<^sub>A a \<rightarrow> a =\<^sub>A a"
- by (routine add: assms)
- show "(\<^bold>\<lambda>q. (ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. refl x) q))`(refl a) \<equiv> refl a"
- proof compute
- show "\<And>q. q: a =\<^sub>A a \<Longrightarrow> ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. refl x) q: a =\<^sub>A a" by (routine add: assms)
- qed (derive lems: assms)
- qed (routine add: assms)
- show "\<And>p. p: a =\<^sub>A a \<Longrightarrow> ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>_. \<^bold>\<lambda>q. ind\<^sub>= (\<lambda>x. refl x) q) p: a =\<^sub>A a \<rightarrow> a =\<^sub>A a"
- by (routine add: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
+unfolding pathcomp_def by (derive lems: assms)
pathcomp_type [intro]
diff --git a/HoTT_Base.thy b/HoTT_Base.thy
index 0b460d9..9e8fee7 100644
--- a/HoTT_Base.thy
+++ b/HoTT_Base.thy
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ text \<open>
Using method @{method rule} with @{thm U_cumulative} is unsafe, if applied blindly it will typically lead to non-termination.
One should instead use @{method elim}, or instantiate @{thm U_cumulative} suitably.
-@{thm U_cumulative'} is an alternative rule used by the method \<open>lift\<close> in @{file HoTT_Methods.thy}.
+@{thm U_cumulative'} is an alternative rule used by the method \<open>cumulativity\<close> in @{file HoTT_Methods.thy}.