path: root/Equal.thy
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authorJosh Chen2019-02-22 23:45:50 +0100
committerJosh Chen2019-02-22 23:45:50 +0100
commit57d183c7955fb54b3eb6dd431f5aec338131266b (patch)
treeae6bfabbd8fcd63ee7d5140ca842599efbd58c16 /Equal.thy
parent0036345412d5c145b63693ed672b175018fa3791 (diff)
Cleanups and reorganization
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diff --git a/Equal.thy b/Equal.thy
deleted file mode 100644
index 17c1c99..0000000
--- a/Equal.thy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-Isabelle/HoTT: Equality
-Feb 2019
-theory Equal
-imports Prod HoTT_Methods
-section \<open>Type definitions\<close>
- Eq :: "[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" and
- refl :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" and
- indEq :: "[[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t, t \<Rightarrow> t, t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t"
- "_Eq" :: "[t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" ("(3_ =[_]/ _)" [101, 0, 101] 100)
- "a =[A] b" \<rightleftharpoons> "(CONST Eq) A a b"
-axiomatization where
- Eq_form: "\<lbrakk>A: U i; a: A; b: A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a =[A] b: U i" and
- Eq_intro: "a: A \<Longrightarrow> (refl a): a =[A] a" and
- Eq_elim: "\<lbrakk>
- p: x =[A] y;
- a: A;
- b: A;
- \<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> f x: C x x (refl x);
- \<And>x y. \<lbrakk>x: A; y: A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> C x y: x =[A] y \<leadsto> U i \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> indEq C f a b p : C a b p" and
- Eq_comp: "\<lbrakk>
- a: A;
- \<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> f x: C x x (refl x);
- \<And>x y. \<lbrakk>x: A; y: A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> C x y: x =[A] y \<leadsto> U i \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> indEq C f a a (refl a) \<equiv> f a"
-lemmas Eq_form [form]
-lemmas Eq_routine [intro] = Eq_form Eq_intro Eq_elim
-lemmas Eq_comp [comp]
-section \<open>Path induction\<close>
-text \<open>We set up rudimentary automation of path induction:\<close>
-method path_ind for a b p :: t =
- (rule Eq_elim[where ?a=a and ?b=b and ?p=p]; (fact | assumption)?)
-section \<open>Properties of equality\<close>
-subsection \<open>Symmetry (path inverse)\<close>
-definition inv :: "[t, t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t"
-where "inv A x y p \<equiv> indEq (\<lambda>x y. ^(y =[A] x)) (\<lambda>x. refl x) x y p"
-syntax "_inv" :: "t \<Rightarrow> t" ("~_" [1000])
-text \<open>Pretty-printing switch for path inverse:\<close>
-ML \<open>val pretty_inv = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding "pretty_inv"} (K true)\<close>
-print_translation \<open>
-let fun inv_tr' ctxt [A, x, y, p] =
- if Config.get ctxt pretty_inv
- then Syntax.const @{syntax_const "_inv"} $ p
- else @{const inv} $ A $ x $ y $ p
- [(@{const_syntax inv}, inv_tr')]
-lemma inv_type: "\<lbrakk>A: U i; x: A; y: A; p: x =[A] y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> inv A x y p: y =[A] x"
-unfolding inv_def by derive
-lemma inv_comp: "\<lbrakk>A: U i; a: A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> inv A a a (refl a) \<equiv> refl a"
-unfolding inv_def by derive
- inv_type [intro]
- inv_comp [comp]
-subsection \<open>Transitivity (path composition)\<close>
-schematic_goal transitivity:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?p: \<Prod>z: A. y =[A]z \<rightarrow> x =[A] z"
-proof (path_ind x y p, quantify_all)
- fix x z show "\<And>p. p: x =[A] z \<Longrightarrow> p: x =[A] z" .
-qed (routine add: assms)
-definition pathcomp :: "[t, t, t, t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t"
- "pathcomp A x y z p q \<equiv>
- (indEq (\<lambda>x y _. \<Prod>z: A. y =[A] z \<rightarrow> x =[A] z) (\<lambda>x. \<lambda>y: A. id (x =[A] y)) x y p)`z`q"
-syntax "_pathcomp" :: "[t, t] \<Rightarrow> t" (infixl "*" 110)
-text \<open>Pretty-printing switch for path composition:\<close>
-ML \<open>val pretty_pathcomp = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding "pretty_pathcomp"} (K true)\<close>
-print_translation \<open>
-let fun pathcomp_tr' ctxt [A, x, y, z, p, q] =
- if Config.get ctxt pretty_pathcomp
- then Syntax.const @{syntax_const "_pathcomp"} $ p $ q
- else @{const pathcomp} $ A $ x $ y $ z $ p $ q
- [(@{const_syntax pathcomp}, pathcomp_tr')]
-lemma pathcomp_type:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "z: A" "p: x =[A] y" "q: y =[A] z"
- shows "pathcomp A x y z p q: x =[A] z"
-unfolding pathcomp_def by (routine add: transitivity assms)
-lemma pathcomp_cmp:
- assumes "A: U i" and "a: A"
- shows "pathcomp A a a a (refl a) (refl a) \<equiv> refl a"
-unfolding pathcomp_def by (derive lems: assms)
-lemmas pathcomp_type [intro]
-lemmas pathcomp_comp [comp] = pathcomp_cmp
-section \<open>Higher groupoid structure of types\<close>
-schematic_goal pathcomp_idr:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?a: pathcomp A x y y p (refl y) =[x =[A] y] p"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x): pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (refl x) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
-schematic_goal pathcomp_idl:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?a: pathcomp A x x y (refl x) p =[x =[A] y] p"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x): pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (refl x) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
-schematic_goal pathcomp_invr:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?a: pathcomp A x y x p (inv A x y p) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- show
- "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x):
- pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (inv A x x (refl x)) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
-schematic_goal pathcomp_invl:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?a: pathcomp A y x y (inv A x y p) p =[y =[A] y] refl(y)"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- show
- "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x):
- pathcomp A x x x (inv A x x (refl x)) (refl x) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
-schematic_goal inv_involutive:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows "?a: inv A y x (inv A x y p) =[x =[A] y] p"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x): inv A x x (inv A x x (refl x)) =[x =[A] x] (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
-qed (routine add: assms)
-schematic_goal pathcomp_assoc:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "y: A" "z: A" "w: A" "p: x =[A] y"
- shows
- "?a: \<Prod>q: y =[A] z. \<Prod>r: z =[A] w.
- pathcomp A x y w p (pathcomp A y z w q r) =[x =[A] w]
- pathcomp A x z w (pathcomp A x y z p q) r"
-proof (path_ind x y p)
- oops
- schematic_goal l:
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "z: A" "w: A" "q: x =[A] z"
- shows
- "?a: \<Prod>r: z =[A] w. pathcomp A x x w (refl x) (pathcomp A y z w q r) =[x =[A] w]
- pathcomp A x z w (pathcomp A x x z (refl x) q) r"
- proof (path_ind x z q)
- oops
- schematic_goal l':
- assumes "A: U i" "x: A" "w: A" "r: x =[A] w"
- shows
- "?a: pathcomp A x x w (refl x) (pathcomp A x x w (refl x) r) =[x =[A] w]
- pathcomp A x x w (pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (refl x)) r"
- proof (path_ind x w r)
- show "\<And>x. x: A \<Longrightarrow> refl(refl x):
- pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (refl x)) =[x =[A] x]
- pathcomp A x x x (pathcomp A x x x (refl x) (refl x)) (refl x)"
- by (derive lems: assms)
- qed (routine add: assms)
-(* Possible todo:
- implement a custom version of schematic_goal/theorem that exports the derived proof term.
-definition l'_prftm :: "[t, t, t, t] \<Rightarrow> t"
-where "l'_prftm A x w r\<equiv>
- indEq
- (\<lambda>a b c. pathcomp A a a b (refl a) (pathcomp A a a b (refl a) c) =[a =[A] b]
- pathcomp A a a b (pathcomp A a a a (refl a) (refl a)) c)
- (\<lambda>x. refl (refl x)) x w r"