# Nix files for workadventure this is based on the [original packages by SuperSandro2000](https://github.com/SuperSandro2000/workadventure-nix) and parts of [the fediventure monorepo](https://gitlab.com/fediventure/fediventure/). The intended usage is to import this into your config and then use it as a normal NixOS service, i.e. like so: ```nix {config, pkgs, ...}: { imports = [ path-to-this-repo ]; services.workadventure."localhost" = { # you can also use a different version of workadventure! packageset = (import workadventure-nix/wapkgs.nix {inherit pkgs; lib = pkgs.lib;}).workadventure-hasi; nginx = { default = true; domain = "localhost"; }; frontend.startRoomUrl = "/_/global/localhost/maps/main.json"; commonConfig = { webrtc.stun.url = "stun:coturn.somewhere:3478"; webrtc.turn = { url = "turn:coturn.somewhere"; user = "turn"; password = "TURN_PASSWORD"; }; jitsi.url = "meet.somewhere.net"; }; }; } ```