{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Server ( loadConfig , Org(..) , Sha1 , Config, tmpdir, port, verbose, orgs, interval, exneuland, token , RemoteRef(..) , ServerState, emptyState, unState , JobStatus(..) , setJobStatus , prettySha,getJobStatus,adjustedPath) where import Universum import CheckDir (DirResult) import CheckMap (ResultKind (Shrunk)) import Control.Arrow ((>>>)) import Control.Concurrent (modifyMVar_, withMVar) import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 (hash) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToJSONKey (..), eitherDecodeFileStrict') import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as Base64 import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft) import Data.Functor.Contravariant (contramap) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Lens.Micro.Platform (at, ix, makeLenses, traverseOf) import LintConfig (LintConfig') import Servant (FromHttpApiData) import Servant.Client (BaseUrl, parseBaseUrl) import qualified Text.Show as TS import Toml (BiMap (BiMap), TomlBiMap, TomlBiMapError (ArbitraryError), TomlCodec, prettyTomlDecodeErrors, (.=)) import qualified Toml as T -- | a reference in a remote git repository data RemoteRef = RemoteRef { repourl :: Text , reporef :: Text , reponame :: Text -- ^ the "world name" for the hub / world:// links } deriving (Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Eq, Ord, Show, NFData) type family ConfigRes (b :: Bool) a where ConfigRes True a = a ConfigRes False a = FilePath -- | the internal text is actually already base64-encoded newtype Sha1 = Sha1 Text deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Ord, FromHttpApiData, ToJSON, NFData) -- | base64-encoded sha1 prettySha :: Sha1 -> Text prettySha (Sha1 text) = text instance ToJSONKey Sha1 toSha :: RemoteRef -> Sha1 toSha ref = Sha1 . decodeUtf8 . Base64.encode . hash . encodeUtf8 $ (show ref :: Text) data Org (loaded :: Bool) = Org { orgSlug :: Text , orgLintconfig :: ConfigRes loaded LintConfig' , orgEntrypoint :: FilePath , orgGeneration :: Int , orgRepos :: [RemoteRef] , orgUrl :: Text , orgWebdir :: Text } deriving (Generic) instance NFData LintConfig' => NFData (Org True) -- | Orgs are compared via their slugs only -- TODO: the server should probably refuse to start if two orgs have the -- same slug … (or really the toml format shouldn't allow that syntactically) instance Eq (Org True) where a == b = orgSlug a == orgSlug b instance Ord (Org True) where a <= b = orgSlug a <= orgSlug b -- this instance exists since it's required for ToJSONKey, -- but it shouldn't really be used instance ToJSON (Org True) where toJSON Org { .. } = A.object [ "slug" A..= orgSlug ] -- orgs used as keys just reduce to their slug instance ToJSONKey (Org True) where toJSONKey = contramap orgSlug (toJSONKey @Text) -- | the server's configuration data Config (loaded :: Bool) = Config { _tmpdir :: FilePath -- ^ dir to clone git things in , _port :: Int , _verbose :: Bool , _interval :: Int -- ^ port to bind to , _exneuland :: Maybe BaseUrl , _token :: Maybe Text , _orgs :: [Org loaded] } deriving Generic makeLenses ''Config remoteCodec :: TomlCodec RemoteRef remoteCodec = RemoteRef <$> T.text "url" .= repourl <*> T.text "ref" .= reporef <*> T.text "name" .= reponame orgCodec :: TomlCodec (Org False) orgCodec = Org <$> T.text "slug" .= orgSlug <*> T.string "lintconfig" .= orgLintconfig <*> T.string "entrypoint" .= orgEntrypoint <*> T.int "generation" .= orgGeneration <*> T.list remoteCodec "repo" .= orgRepos <*> T.text "url" .= orgUrl <*> T.text "webdir" .= orgWebdir -- why exactly does everything in tomland need to be invertable urlBimap :: TomlBiMap BaseUrl String urlBimap = BiMap (Right . show) (mapLeft (ArbitraryError . show) . parseBaseUrl) configCodec :: TomlCodec (Config False) configCodec = Config <$> T.string "tmpdir" .= _tmpdir <*> T.int "port" .= _port <*> T.bool "verbose" .= _verbose <*> T.int "interval" .= _interval <*> coerce (T.first (T.match (urlBimap >>> T._String)) "exneuland") .= _exneuland -- First is just Maybe but with different semantics <*> coerce (T.first T.text "token") .= _token <*> T.list orgCodec "org" .= _orgs -- | a job status (of a specific uuid) data JobStatus = Pending | Linted !(DirResult Shrunk) Text | Failed Text deriving (Generic, ToJSON, NFData) instance TS.Show JobStatus where show = \case Pending -> "Pending" Linted res rev -> "Linted result" Failed err -> "Failed with: " <> show err -- | the server's global state; might eventually end up with more -- stuff in here, hence the newtype newtype ServerState = ServerState { _unState :: Map Text (Org True, Map Sha1 (RemoteRef, JobStatus)) } deriving Generic instance NFData LintConfig' => NFData ServerState makeLenses ''ServerState -- | the inital state must already contain empty orgs, since setJobStatus -- will default to a noop otherwise emptyState :: Config True -> ServerState emptyState config = ServerState $ M.fromList $ map (\org -> (orgSlug org, (org, mempty))) (view orgs config) -- | loads a config, along with all things linked in it -- (e.g. linterconfigs for each org) loadConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Config True) loadConfig path = do res <- T.decodeFileEither configCodec path case res of Right config -> traverseOf orgs (mapM loadOrg) config Left err -> error $ prettyTomlDecodeErrors err where loadOrg :: Org False -> IO (Org True) loadOrg org = do lintconfig <- eitherDecodeFileStrict' (orgLintconfig org) >>= \case Right c -> pure c Left err -> error $ show err pure $ org { orgLintconfig = lintconfig } -- | NOTE: this does not create the org if it does not yet exist! setJobStatus :: MVar ServerState -> Org True -> RemoteRef -> JobStatus -> IO () setJobStatus mvar !org !ref !status = do modifyMVar_ mvar $ \state -> do -- will otherwise cause a thunk leak, since Data.Map is annoyingly un-strict -- even in its strict variety. for some reason it also doesn't work when -- moved inside the `over` though … _ <- evaluateNF (view (unState . ix (orgSlug org) . _2) state) pure $ over (unState . ix (orgSlug org) . _2 . at (toSha ref)) (const $ Just (ref, status)) state getJobStatus :: MVar ServerState -> Text -> Sha1 -> IO (Maybe (Org True, RemoteRef, JobStatus)) getJobStatus mvar orgslug sha = withMVar mvar $ \state -> pure $ do (org, jobs) <- view (unState . at orgslug) state (ref, status) <- M.lookup sha jobs Just (org, ref, status) -- pure $ second (M.lookup sha) orgIndex -- pure (M.lookup sha (view (unState . ix orgslug) state)) -- | the path (relative to a baseurl / webdir) where an adjusted -- map should go adjustedPath :: Text -> Org True -> Text -- TODO: filepath library using Text? adjustedPath rev Org {..} = orgWebdir <> "/" <> (rev <> show orgGeneration)