{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Handlers (App, submitImpl,statusImpl,relintImpl,adminOverviewImpl) where import Bindings.Cli.Git (gitProc) import CheckDir (recursiveCheckDir) import Cli.Extras (CliConfig, CliT, ProcessFailure, Severity (..), callProcessAndLogOutput, getCliConfig, prettyProcessFailure, putLog, runCli) import Control.Concurrent (MVar, ThreadId, forkIO, readMVar, withMVar) import Control.Monad.Extra (ifM) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans (lift) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.UUID (UUID) import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID import Lens.Micro.Extras (view) import Servant (Handler, NoContent (NoContent), err404, err500, throwError) import Server (AdminOverview (AdminOverview), Config (entrypoint, lintconfig, tmpdir), JobStatus (..), RemoteRef (reporef, repourl), State, jobs, registry, setJobStatus, setRegistry) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) import System.FilePath (()) -- | this servant app can run cli programs! type App = CliT ProcessFailure Handler -- | annoying (and afaik unused), but has to be here for type system reasons instance MonadFail Handler where fail _ = throwError $ err500 -- | someone submitted a map; lint it (synchronously for now) submitImpl :: Config True -> MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App UUID submitImpl config state ref = do jobid <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom -- TODO: these two should really be atomic liftIO $ setJobStatus state ref Pending liftIO $ setRegistry state jobid ref cliconfig <- getCliConfig -- we'll just forget the thread id for now and trust this terminates … _ <- checkRef config cliconfig state ref -- the submission itself can't really fail or return anything useful pure jobid relintImpl :: Config True -> MVar State -> UUID -> App NoContent relintImpl config state uuid = do mref <- liftIO $ withMVar state (pure . M.lookup uuid . view registry) case mref of Nothing -> lift $ throwError err404 Just ref -> do cliconfig <- getCliConfig _ <- checkRef config cliconfig state ref pure NoContent statusImpl :: MVar State -> UUID -> App JobStatus statusImpl state uuid = do status <- liftIO $ withMVar state $ \state -> case M.lookup uuid (view registry state) of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just ref -> pure $ M.lookup ref (view jobs state) case status of Just res -> pure res Nothing -> lift $ throwError err404 adminOverviewImpl :: MVar State -> App AdminOverview adminOverviewImpl state = do state <- liftIO $ readMVar state pure (AdminOverview state) -- | the actual check function. forks, calls out to git to update the -- repository, create a new worktree, lints it, then tells git to -- delete that tree again checkRef :: Config True -> CliConfig -> MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App ThreadId checkRef config cliconfig state ref = liftIO $ forkIO $ do res <- liftIO $ runCli cliconfig $ do ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist gitdir) -- TODO: these calls fail for dumb http, add some fallback! (callgit gitdir [ "fetch", "origin", T.unpack (reporef ref), "--depth", "1" ]) (callgit gitdir [ "clone", T.unpack $ repourl ref, "--bare" , "--depth", "1", "-b", T.unpack (reporef ref)]) rand <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom let workdir = "/tmp" ("worktree-" <> UUID.toString rand) callgit gitdir [ "worktree", "add", workdir ] callgit workdir [ "checkout", T.unpack (reporef ref) ] res <- liftIO $ recursiveCheckDir (lintconfig config) workdir (entrypoint config) callgit gitdir [ "worktree", "remove", "-f", "-f", workdir ] pure res liftIO $ setJobStatus state ref $ case res of Right res -> Linted res Left err -> Failed (prettyProcessFailure err) where callgit dir = callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug) . gitProc dir gitdir = tmpdir config hashedname hashedname = fmap escapeSlash . T.unpack . repourl $ ref escapeSlash = \case { '/' -> '-'; a -> a }