{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- | Functions to deal with uris and custom uri schemes module Uris where import Universum import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Options (..), SumEncoding (UntaggedValue), defaultOptions, genericParseJSON) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal) import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..), parseURI, uriToString) import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI data Substitution = Prefixed { prefix :: Text, blocked :: [Text], allowed :: [Text], scope :: [String] } | DomainSubstitution { substs :: Map Text Text, scope :: [String] } | Allowed { scope :: [String], allowed :: [Text] } | Unrestricted { scope :: [String] } deriving (Generic, Show, NFData) instance FromJSON Substitution where parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = UntaggedValue , rejectUnknownFields = True } type SchemaSet = Map Text [Substitution] -- | deconstruct a URI into a triple of [schema:]//[domain]/[tail...], -- and a normalised version of the same URI parseUri :: Text -> Maybe (Text, Text, Text, Text) parseUri raw = case parseURI (toString raw) of Nothing -> Nothing Just uri@URI{..} -> case uriAuthority of Nothing -> Nothing Just URIAuth {..} -> Just ( fromString uriScheme , fromString $ uriUserInfo <> uriRegName <> uriPort , fromString $ uriPath <> uriQuery <> uriFragment , fromString $ uriToString id uri "" ) data SubstError = SchemaDoesNotExist Text | NotALink | DomainDoesNotExist Text | IsBlocked | DomainIsBlocked [Text] | VarsDisallowed | WrongScope Text [Text] -- ^ This link's schema exists, but cannot be used in this scope. -- The second field contains a list of schemas that may be used instead. deriving (Eq, Ord) -- errors are ordered so we can show more specific ones applySubsts :: KnownSymbol s => Proxy s -> SchemaSet -> Text -> Either SubstError Text applySubsts s substs uri = do when (T.isInfixOf "{{" uri || T.isInfixOf "}}" uri) $ Left VarsDisallowed parts@(schema, _, _, _) <- maybeToRight NotALink $ parseUri uri let rules = filter (elem thisScope . scope) . concat $ M.lookup schema substs case nonEmpty $ map (applySubst parts) rules of Nothing -> Left (SchemaDoesNotExist schema) Just result -> minimum result where thisScope = symbolVal s applySubst (schema, domain, rest, uri) rule = do -- is this scope applicable? unless (symbolVal s `elem` scope rule) $ Left (WrongScope schema $ map fst -- make list of available uri schemes . filter (any (elem thisScope . scope) . snd) $ toPairs substs) case rule of DomainSubstitution table _ -> do prefix <- case M.lookup domain table of Nothing -> Left (DomainDoesNotExist (schema <> "//" <> domain)) Just a -> Right a pure (prefix <> rest) Prefixed {..} | domain `elem` blocked -> Left IsBlocked | domain `elem` allowed -> Right uri | otherwise -> Right (prefix <> URI.encodeText uri) Allowed _ allowlist | domain `elem` allowlist -> Right uri | otherwise -> Left (DomainIsBlocked allowlist) Unrestricted _ -> Right uri