{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | This module provides Haskell types for Tiled's JSON exports, which you can -- read about at http://doc.mapeditor.org/en/latest/reference/json-map-format/. -- That said - as of the writing of this module the JSON documentation does not -- cover some of the types and records that are available in the format. For -- those you should read the TMX documentation at -- http://doc.mapeditor.org/en/latest/reference/tmx-map-format/ module Tiled2 where import Control.Exception (try) import Control.Exception.Base (SomeException) import Data.Aeson hiding (Object) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, typeMismatch) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Vector (Vector) import GHC.Exts (fromList, toList) import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- | options for Aeson's generic encoding and parsing functions aesonOptions :: Int -> Options aesonOptions l = defaultOptions { omitNothingFields = True , rejectUnknownFields = True , fieldLabelModifier = drop l . map toLower } -- | A globally indexed identifier. newtype GlobalId = GlobalId { unGlobalId :: Int } deriving (Ord, Eq, Enum, Num, Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey) mkTiledId :: Int -> GlobalId mkTiledId i = GlobalId { unGlobalId = i } -- | A locally indexed identifier. newtype LocalId = LocalId { unLocalId :: Int } deriving (Ord, Eq, Enum, Num, Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey) data XYPair a = XYPair a a instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (XYPair a) where parseJSON (A.Object o) = XYPair <$> o .: "x" <*> o .: "y" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Object" invalid instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (XYPair a) where toJSON (XYPair x y) = object [ "x" .= x , "y" .= y ] fromXYPair :: XYPair a -> (a, a) fromXYPair (XYPair x y) = (x, y) toXYPair :: (a, a) -> XYPair a toXYPair (x, y) = XYPair x y omitNulls :: Value -> Value omitNulls (A.Object hs) = A.Object . fromList . filter ((/= Null) . snd) $ toList hs omitNulls x = x parseDefault :: FromJSON a => A.Object -> Text -> a -> Parser a parseDefault o s d = fromMaybe d <$> o .:? s data PropertyValue = StrProp Text | BoolProp Bool deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) data Property = Property Text PropertyValue deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Property where parseJSON (A.Object o) = do name <- o .: "name" o .: "type" >>= \case A.String "string" -> do val <- o .: "value" pure $ Property name (StrProp val) A.String "bool" -> do val <- o .: "value" pure $ Property name (BoolProp val) ty -> fail $ "properties can only have type string or bool, but encountered " <> show ty parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Property" invalid instance ToJSON Property where toJSON (Property name val) = case val of StrProp str -> object [ "type" .= A.String "string" , "name" .= name , "value" .= str ] BoolProp bool -> object [ "type" .= A.String "bool" , "name" .= name , "value" .= bool ] data Object = Object { objectId :: Int -- ^ Incremental id - unique across all objects , objectWidth :: Double -- ^ Width in pixels. Ignored if using a gid. , objectHeight :: Double -- ^ Height in pixels. Ignored if using a gid. , objectName :: String -- ^ String assigned to name field in editor , objectType :: String -- ^ String assigned to type field in editor , objectProperties :: Map Text Text -- ^ String key-value pairs , objectVisible :: Bool -- ^ Whether object is shown in editor. , objectX :: Double -- ^ x coordinate in pixels , objectY :: Double -- ^ y coordinate in pixels , objectRotation :: Float -- ^ Angle in degrees clockwise , objectGid :: Maybe GlobalId -- ^ GID, only if object comes from a Tilemap , objectEllipse :: Bool -- ^ Used to mark an object as an ellipse , objectPolygon :: Maybe (Vector (Double, Double)) -- ^ A list of x,y coordinates in pixels , objectPolyline :: Maybe (Vector (Double, Double)) -- ^ A list of x,y coordinates in pixels , objectText :: Map Text Text -- ^ String key-value pairs } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Object where parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions 6) instance ToJSON Object where toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions 6) data Layer = Layer { layerWidth :: Maybe Double -- ^ Column count. Same as map width for fixed-size maps. , layerHeight :: Maybe Double -- ^ Row count. Same as map height for fixed-size maps. , layerName :: Text -- ^ Name assigned to this layer , layerType :: String -- ^ “tilelayer”, “objectgroup”, or “imagelayer” , layerVisible :: Bool -- ^ Whether layer is shown or hidden in editor , layerX :: Double -- ^ Horizontal layer offset in tiles. Always 0. , layerY :: Double -- ^ Vertical layer offset in tiles. Always 0. , layerData :: Maybe (Vector GlobalId) -- ^ Array of GIDs. tilelayer only. , layerObjects :: Maybe (Vector Object) -- ^ Array of Objects. objectgroup only. , layerProperties :: Maybe [Property] -- ^ string key-value pairs. , layerOpacity :: Float -- ^ Value between 0 and 1 , layerDraworder :: Maybe String -- ^ “topdown” (default) or “index”. objectgroup only. , layerId :: Int } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Layer where parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions 5) instance ToJSON Layer where toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions 5) data Terrain = Terrain { terrainName :: String -- ^ Name of terrain , terrainTile :: LocalId -- ^ Local ID of tile representing terrain } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Terrain where parseJSON (A.Object o) = Terrain <$> o .: "name" <*> o .: "tile" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Terrain" invalid instance ToJSON Terrain where toJSON Terrain{..} = object [ "name" .= terrainName , "tile" .= terrainTile ] data Frame = Frame { frameDuration :: Int , frameTileId :: LocalId } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Frame where parseJSON (A.Object o) = Frame <$> o .: "duration" <*> o .: "tileid" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "Frame" invalid instance ToJSON Frame where toJSON Frame{..} = object [ "duration" .= frameDuration , "tileid" .= frameTileId ] data Tile = Tile { tileId :: Int , tileProperties :: Maybe (Vector Value) , tileImage :: Maybe Value , tileObjectGroup :: Maybe (Vector Object) , tileAnimation :: Maybe (Vector Frame) } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Tile where parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions 4) instance ToJSON Tile where toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions 4) data Tileset = Tileset { tilesetFirstgid :: GlobalId -- ^ GID corresponding to the first tile in the set , tilesetImage :: Text -- ^ Image used for tiles in this set , tilesetName :: Text -- ^ Name given to this tileset , tilesetTilewidth :: Int -- ^ Maximum width of tiles in this set , tilesetTileheight :: Int -- ^ Maximum height of tiles in this set , tilesetImagewidth :: Int -- ^ Width of source image in pixels , tilesetImageheight :: Int -- ^ Height of source image in pixels , tilesetProperties :: Maybe [Property] -- ^ String key-value pairs , tilesetPropertytypes :: Maybe (Map Text Text) -- ^ String key-value pairs , tilesetMargin :: Int -- ^ Buffer between image edge and first tile (pixels) , tilesetSpacing :: Int -- ^ Spacing between adjacent tiles in image (pixels) , tilesetTileproperties :: Maybe (Map GlobalId (Map Text Text)) -- ^ Per-tile properties, indexed by gid as string , tilesetTerrains :: Maybe (Vector Terrain) -- ^ Array of Terrains (optional) , tilesetColumns :: Int -- ^ The number of tile columns in the tileset , tilesetTilecount :: Int -- ^ The number of tiles in this tileset , tilesetTiles :: Maybe (Vector Tile) -- ^ Tiles (optional) , tilesetTransparentcolor :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) newtype TransitiveTilesetMap = TransitiveTilesetMap (Map LocalId Value) deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, FromJSON) instance FromJSON Tileset where parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions 7) instance ToJSON Tileset where toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions 7) -- | The full monty. data Tiledmap = Tiledmap { tiledmapVersion :: Float -- ^ The JSON format version , tiledmapTiledversion :: String -- ^ The Tiled version used to save the file , tiledmapWidth :: Int -- ^ Number of tile columns , tiledmapHeight :: Int -- ^ Number of tile rows , tiledmapTilewidth :: Double -- ^ Map grid width. , tiledmapTileheight :: Double -- ^ Map grid height. , tiledmapOrientation :: String -- ^ Orthogonal, isometric, or staggered , tiledmapLayers :: Vector Layer -- ^ Array of Layers , tiledmapTilesets :: Vector Tileset -- ^ Array of Tilesets , tiledmapBackgroundcolor :: Maybe String -- ^ Hex-formatted color (#RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB) (optional) , tiledmapRenderorder :: String -- ^ Rendering direction (orthogonal maps only) , tiledmapProperties :: Maybe [Property] -- ^ String key-value pairs , tiledmapNextobjectid :: Int -- ^ Auto-increments for each placed object , tiledmapCompressionLevel :: Maybe Int , tiledmapInfinite :: Bool , tiledmapNextlayerid :: Maybe Int , tiledmapHexsidelength :: Maybe Int , tiledmapStaggerindex :: Maybe String , tiledmapType :: String } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON Tiledmap where parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions 8) instance ToJSON Tiledmap where toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions 8) class HasProperties a where getProperties :: a -> [Property] instance HasProperties Layer where getProperties = fromMaybe [] . layerProperties instance HasProperties Tileset where getProperties = fromMaybe [] . tilesetProperties data LoadResult = Loaded Tiledmap | IOErr String | DecodeErr String -- | Load a Tiled map from the given 'FilePath'. loadTiledmap :: FilePath -> IO LoadResult loadTiledmap path = do res <- try (BS.readFile path) pure $ case res of Right file -> case eitherDecode . LB.fromStrict $ file of Left err -> DecodeErr err Right map -> Loaded map Left (err :: SomeException) -> IOErr $ show err