{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Contains checks for custom ties of the map json module Properties (checkMap, checkTileset, checkLayer) where import Control.Monad (unless, when) import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf) import Tiled2 (HasProperties (adjustProperties, getProperties), IsProperty (asProperty), Layer (..), Property (..), PropertyValue (..), Tiledmap (..), Tileset (..)) import Util (layerIsEmpty, prettyprint) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import LintConfig (LintConfig (..)) import LintWriter (LintWriter, adjust, askContext, askFileDepth, complain, dependsOn, forbid, lintConfig, offersEntrypoint, suggest, warn) import Paths (RelPath (..), parsePath) import Types (Dep (Link, Local, LocalMap, MapLink)) -- | Checks an entire map for "general" lints. -- -- Note that it does /not/ call checkMapProperty; this is handled -- seperately in CheckMap.hs, since these lints go into a different -- field of the resulting json. checkMap :: LintWriter Tiledmap checkMap = do tiledmap <- askContext -- test other things mapM_ checkMapProperty (fromMaybe [] $ tiledmapProperties tiledmap) -- some layers should exist hasLayerNamed "start" (const True) "The map must have one layer named \"start\"" hasLayerNamed "floorLayer" ((==) "objectgroup" . layerType) "The map must have one layer named \"floorLayer\" of type \"objectgroup\"" hasLayer (flip containsProperty "exitUrl" . getProperties) "The map must contain at least one layer with the property \"exitUrl\" set" -- reject maps not suitable for workadventure unless (tiledmapOrientation tiledmap == "orthogonal") $ complain "The map's orientation must be set to \"orthogonal\"" unless (tiledmapTileheight tiledmap == 32 && tiledmapTilewidth tiledmap == 32) $ complain "The map's tile size must be 32 by 32 pixels" where hasLayerNamed name p = hasLayer (\l -> layerName l == name && p l) hasLayer p err = do tiledmap <- askContext unless (any p (tiledmapLayers tiledmap)) $ complain err -- | Checks a single property of a map. -- -- Doesn't really do all that much, but could in theory be expanded into a -- longer function same as checkLayerProperty. checkMapProperty :: Property -> LintWriter Tiledmap checkMapProperty (Property name _value) = case name of "script" -> do -- this is kind of stupid, since if we also inject script this -- will be overriden anyways, but it also doesn't really hurt I guess -- TODO: perhaps include an explanation in the lint, or allow -- exactly that one value? lintConfig configAllowScripts >>= \case False -> isForbidden True -> pure () lintConfig configScriptInject >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just url -> setProperty "script" url _ -> complain $ "unknown map property " <> prettyprint name where -- | this property is forbidden and should not be used isForbidden = forbid $ "property " <> prettyprint name <> " should not be used" -- | check an embedded tile set. -- -- Important to collect dependency files checkTileset :: LintWriter Tileset checkTileset = do tileset <- askContext -- TODO: can tilesets be non-local dependencies? unwrapPath (tilesetImage tileset) (dependsOn . Local) -- reject tilesets unsuitable for workadventure unless (tilesetTilewidth tileset == 32 && tilesetTileheight tileset == 32) $ complain "Tilesets must have tile size 32×32" unless (tilesetImageheight tileset < 4096 && tilesetImagewidth tileset < 4096) $ warn "Tilesets should not be larger than 4096×4096 pixels in total" when (isJust (tilesetSource tileset)) $ complain "Tilesets must be embedded and cannot be loaded from external files." -- TODO: check copyright! requireProperty "copyright" mapM_ checkTilesetProperty (fromMaybe [] $ tilesetProperties tileset) checkTilesetProperty :: Property -> LintWriter Tileset checkTilesetProperty (Property name _value) = case name of "copyright" -> pure () -- only allow some licenses? _ -> pure () -- are there any other properties? -- | collect lints on a single map layer checkLayer :: LintWriter Layer checkLayer = do layer <- askContext when (isJust (layerImage layer)) $ complain "imagelayer are not supported." unless (layerType layer == "tilelayer") $ complain "only tilelayer are supported." mapM_ checkLayerProperty (getProperties layer) case layerLayers layer of Nothing -> pure () Just layers -> error "walint doesn't support grouplayers for now" -- | Checks a single (custom) property of a layer -- -- It gets a reference to its own layer since sometimes the presence -- of one property implies the presence or absense of another. checkLayerProperty :: Property -> LintWriter Layer checkLayerProperty p@(Property name _value) = case name of "jitsiRoom" -> do lintConfig configAssemblyTag >>= setProperty "jitsiRoomAdminTag" uselessEmptyLayer unwrapString p $ \_val -> do suggestProperty $ Property "jitsiTrigger" (StrProp "onaction") "jitsiTrigger" -> do isString p unlessHasProperty "jitsiTriggerMessage" $ suggest "set \"jitsiTriggerMessage\" to a custom message to overwrite the default \"press SPACE to enter in jitsi meet room\"" requireProperty "jitsiRoom" "jitsiTriggerMessage" -> do isString p requireProperty "jitsiTrigger" "jitsiUrl" -> isForbidden "jitsiConfig" -> isForbidden "jitsiClientConfig" -> isForbidden "jitsiRoomAdminTag" -> isForbidden "playAudio" -> do uselessEmptyLayer unwrapLink p $ \link -> if "https://" `isPrefixOf` link then dependsOn $ Link link else unwrapPath link (dependsOn . Local) "audioLoop" -> do isBool p requireProperty "playAudio" "playAudioLoop" -> warn "'playAudioLoop' is deprecated; please use 'audioLoop' instead." "audioVolume" -> do isBool p requireProperty "playAudio" "openWebsite" -> do uselessEmptyLayer suggestProperty $ Property "openWebsiteTrigger" (StrProp "onaction") unwrapLink p $ \link -> if "https://" `isPrefixOf` link then do dependsOn $ Link link prefix <- lintConfig configLinkPrefix setProperty "openWebsite" (prefix <> link) else unwrapPath link (dependsOn . Local) "openWebsiteTrigger" -> do isString p unlessHasProperty "openWebsiteTriggerMessage" $ suggest "set \"openWebsiteTriggerMessage\" to a custom message to overwrite the default \"press SPACE to open Website\"" requireProperty "openWebsite" "openWebsiteTriggerMessage" -> do isString p requireProperty "openWebsiteTrigger" "openWebsitePolicy" -> do isString p requireProperty "openWebsite" "openTab" -> do isString p requireProperty "openWebsite" "url" -> isForbidden "allowApi" -> isForbidden "exitUrl" -> do forbidEmptyLayer unwrapLink p $ \link -> if | "/_/" `isPrefixOf` link -> complain "absolute map links (i.e. links starting with '/_/') are disallowed." | "/@/" `isPrefixOf` link -> dependsOn $ MapLink link -- TODO | otherwise -> unwrapPath link (dependsOn . LocalMap) "startLayer" -> do forbidEmptyLayer layer <- askContext offersEntrypoint $ layerName layer unwrapBool p $ \case True -> pure () False -> complain "property \"startLayer\" must be set to true" "silent" -> do isBool p uselessEmptyLayer "collides" -> isUnsupported "default" -> isUnsupported "exitSceneUrl" -> isUnsupported "jitsiWidth" -> isUnsupported "name" -> isUnsupported "readableBy" -> isUnsupported "writableBy" -> isUnsupported "zone" -> isUnsupported _ -> complain $ "unknown property type " <> prettyprint name where isForbidden = forbidProperty name requireProperty req = propertyRequiredBy req name isUnsupported = warn $ "property " <> name <> " is not (yet) supported by walint." -- | this property can only be used on a layer that contains at least one tiles forbidEmptyLayer = do layer <- askContext when (layerIsEmpty layer) $ complain ("property " <> prettyprint name <> " should not be set on an empty layer") -- | this layer is allowed, but also useless on a layer that contains no tiles uselessEmptyLayer = do layer <- askContext when (layerIsEmpty layer) $ warn ("property " <> prettyprint name <> " set on an empty layer is useless") --------- Helper functions & stuff --------- unlessHasProperty :: HasProperties a => Text -> LintWriter a -> LintWriter a unlessHasProperty name andthen = do layer <- askContext let hasprop = any (\(Property name' _) -> name == name') (getProperties layer) unless hasprop andthen -- | this property is forbidden and should not be used forbidProperty :: Text -> LintWriter Layer forbidProperty name = do forbid $ "property " <> prettyprint name <> " should not be used" -- | require some property requireProperty :: HasProperties a => Text -> LintWriter a requireProperty name = unlessHasProperty name $ complain $ "property "<>prettyprint name<>" is required" propertyRequiredBy :: HasProperties a => Text -> Text -> LintWriter a propertyRequiredBy req by = unlessHasProperty req $ complain $ "property "<>prettyprint req<>" is required by property "<> prettyprint by -- | suggest some value for another property if that property does not -- also already exist suggestProperty :: Property -> LintWriter Layer suggestProperty (Property name value) = unlessHasProperty name $ suggest $ "set property " <> prettyprint name <> " to " <> prettyprint value -- | set a property, overwriting whatever value it had previously setProperty :: (IsProperty prop, HasProperties ctxt) => Text -> prop -> LintWriter ctxt setProperty name value = adjust $ \ctxt -> flip adjustProperties ctxt $ \ps -> Just $ Property name (asProperty value) : filter sameName ps where sameName (Property name' _) = name /= name' -- | does this layer have the given property? containsProperty :: Foldable t => t Property -> Text -> Bool containsProperty props name = any (\(Property name' _) -> name' == name) props -- | asserts that this property is a string, and unwraps it unwrapString :: Property -> (Text -> LintWriter a) -> LintWriter a unwrapString (Property name value) f = case value of StrProp str -> f str _ -> complain $ "type error: property " <> prettyprint name <> " should be of type string" -- | same as unwrapString, but also forbids http:// as prefix unwrapLink :: Property -> (Text -> LintWriter a) -> LintWriter a unwrapLink (Property name value) f = case value of StrProp str -> if "http://" `isPrefixOf` str then complain "cannot access content via http; either use https or include it locally instead." else f str _ -> complain $ "type error: property " <> prettyprint name <> " should be of type string and contain a valid uri" -- | asserts that this property is a boolean, and unwraps it unwrapBool :: Property -> (Bool -> LintWriter a) -> LintWriter a unwrapBool (Property name value) f = case value of BoolProp b -> f b _ -> complain $ "type error: property " <> prettyprint name <> " should be of type bool" unwrapPath :: Text -> (RelPath -> LintWriter a) -> LintWriter a unwrapPath str f = case parsePath str of Just p@(Path up _ _) -> do depth <- askFileDepth if up <= depth then f p else complain $ "cannot acess paths \"" <> str <> "\" which is outside your repository" Nothing -> complain $ "path \"" <> str <> "\" is invalid" -- | just asserts that this is a string isString :: Property -> LintWriter a isString = flip unwrapString (const $ pure ()) -- | just asserts that this is a boolean isBool :: Property -> LintWriter a isBool = flip unwrapBool (const $ pure ())