{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Module that contains high-level checking for an entire directory module CheckDir (recursiveCheckDir, DirResult(..), resultIsFatal) where import Badges (badgeJson) import CheckMap (MapResult (..), loadAndLintMap) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Extra (mapMaybeM) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, (.=)) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Map (Map, elems, keys, mapWithKey) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Map.Strict (mapKeys, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import GHC.Generics (Generic) import LintConfig (LintConfig', configMaxLintLevel) import Paths (normalise, normaliseWithFrag) import System.Directory.Extra (doesFileExist) import System.FilePath (splitPath, ()) import qualified System.FilePath as FP import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory) import Types (Dep (Local, LocalMap), Level (..), hintLevel) import Util (PrettyPrint (prettyprint)) -- based on the startling observation that Data.Map has lower complexity -- for difference than Data.Set, but the same complexity for fromList type Set a = Map a () setFromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a setFromList = M.fromList . flip zip (repeat ()) listFromSet :: Set a -> [a] listFromSet = map fst . M.toList -- | Result of linting an entire directory / repository data DirResult = DirResult { dirresultMaps :: Map FilePath MapResult -- ^ all maps of this respository, by (local) filepath , dirresultDeps :: [MissingDep] -- ^ all dependencies to things outside this repository , dirresultMissingAssets :: [MissingAsset] -- ^ entrypoints of maps which are referred to but missing } deriving (Generic) data MissingDep = MissingDep { entrypoint :: Text , neededBy :: [FilePath] } deriving (Generic, ToJSON) -- | Missing assets are the same thing as missing dependencies, -- but should not be confused (and also serialise differently -- to json) newtype MissingAsset = MissingAsset MissingDep -- | given this config, should the result be considered to have failed? resultIsFatal :: LintConfig' -> DirResult -> Bool resultIsFatal config res = maximumLintLevel res > configMaxLintLevel config -- | maximum lint level that was observed anywhere in any map. -- note that it really does go through all lints, so don't -- call it too often maximumLintLevel :: DirResult -> Level maximumLintLevel res | not (null (dirresultMissingAssets res)) = Fatal | otherwise = (\t -> if null t then Info else maximum t) . map hintLevel . concatMap (\map -> keys (mapresultLayer map) <> keys (mapresultTileset map) <> mapresultGeneral map ) . elems . dirresultMaps $ res instance ToJSON DirResult where toJSON res = A.object [ "result" .= A.object [ "missingDeps" .= dirresultDeps res , "missingAssets" .= dirresultMissingAssets res , "mapLints" .= dirresultMaps res ] , "resultText" .= prettyprint (Suggestion, res) , "severity" .= maximumLintLevel res , "badges" .= annotatedBadges , "maps" .= M.keys (dirresultMaps res) ] where annotatedBadges = concat . M.elems . mapWithKey (\k -> fmap (badgeJson k) . mapresultBadges) $ dirresultMaps res instance ToJSON MissingAsset where toJSON (MissingAsset md) = A.object [ "asset" .= entrypoint md , "neededBy" .= neededBy md ] instance PrettyPrint (Level, DirResult) where prettyprint (level, res) = prettyMapLints <> prettyMissingDeps where prettyMissingDeps = if not (null (dirresultDeps res)) then "\nDependency Errors:\n" <> foldMap prettyprint (dirresultDeps res) else "" prettyMapLints = T.concat (map prettyLint $ M.toList $ dirresultMaps res) prettyLint :: (FilePath, MapResult) -> Text prettyLint (p, lint) = "\nin " <> T.pack p <> ":\n" <> prettyprint (level, lint) instance PrettyPrint MissingDep where prettyprint (MissingDep f n) = " - " <> f <> " does not exist, but is required by " <> prettyDependents <> "\n" where prettyDependents = T.intercalate "," $ map T.pack n instance Semigroup DirResult where a <> b = DirResult { dirresultMaps = dirresultMaps a <> dirresultMaps b , dirresultDeps = dirresultDeps a <> dirresultDeps b , dirresultMissingAssets = dirresultMissingAssets a <> dirresultMissingAssets b } instance Monoid DirResult where mempty = DirResult { dirresultMaps = mempty , dirresultDeps = mempty , dirresultMissingAssets = mempty } -- | The nice function to check an entire repository with. -- gets a prefix (i.e. the bare path to the repository) and -- a root (i.e. the name of the file containing the entrypoint -- map within that file) recursiveCheckDir :: LintConfig' -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO DirResult recursiveCheckDir config prefix root = do linted <- recursiveCheckDir' config prefix [root] mempty mempty mAssets <- missingAssets prefix linted pure $ linted <> mempty { dirresultDeps = missingDeps root linted , dirresultMissingAssets = mAssets } -- | Given a (partially) completed DirResult, check which local -- maps are referenced but do not actually exist. missingDeps :: FilePath -> DirResult -> [MissingDep] missingDeps entrypoint res = let simple = M.insert (T.pack entrypoint) [] used \\ M.union defined trivial in M.foldMapWithKey (\f n -> [MissingDep f n]) simple where -- which maps are linked somewhere? used :: Map Text [FilePath] used = M.fromList $ M.foldMapWithKey (\path v -> map (, [path]) . mapMaybe (extractLocalDeps path) . mapresultDepends $ v) (dirresultMaps res) where extractLocalDeps prefix = \case LocalMap name -> Just $ T.pack $ normaliseWithFrag prefix name _ -> Nothing -- which are defined using startLayer? defined :: Set Text defined = setFromList $ M.foldMapWithKey (\k v -> map ((T.pack k <> "#") <>) . mapresultProvides $ v) (dirresultMaps res) -- each map file is an entrypoint by itself trivial = mapKeys T.pack $ void (dirresultMaps res) -- | Checks if all assets found (contained in the map's lints) -- actually exist where they should exist missingAssets :: FilePath -> DirResult -> IO [MissingAsset] missingAssets prefix res = mapM (fmap (fmap (fmap MissingAsset)) missingOfMap) (M.toList . dirresultMaps $ res) <&> fold where missingOfMap (path, mapres) = mapMaybeM (\case Local relpath -> let asset = normalise (takeDirectory path) relpath in doesFileExist (prefix asset) <&> \case True -> Nothing False -> Just $ MissingDep (T.pack asset) [path] _ -> pure Nothing) (mapresultDepends mapres) -- | The less-nice function for checking an entire repository. -- -- Strictly speaking it probably doesn't need to have `done` and -- `acc` since they are essentially the same thing, but doing it -- like this seemed convenient at the time recursiveCheckDir' :: LintConfig' -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Set FilePath -> DirResult -> IO DirResult recursiveCheckDir' config prefix paths done acc = do -- lint all maps in paths. The double fmap skips maps which cause IO errors -- (in which case loadAndLintMap returns Nothing); appropriate warnings will -- show up later during dependency checks lints <- let lintPath p = fmap (fmap (p,)) (loadAndLintMap config (prefix p) depth) where depth = length (splitPath p) - 1 in mapMaybeM lintPath paths let mapdeps = concatMap (\(m,lintresult) -> let ps = mapMaybe (\case {LocalMap p -> Just p; _ -> Nothing}) (mapresultDepends lintresult) in map (FP.normalise . normalise (takeDirectory m)) ps ) lints -- build a Set containing all newly found dependencies, with paths -- from the repository's directory, normalised not to start with ./ etc. let setdeps = setFromList mapdeps -- that which is yet to do (O(m+n)) let unknowns = listFromSet $ M.difference setdeps done -- that which is done let knowns = M.union done $ setFromList paths -- Monoids! let acc' = acc <> mempty { dirresultMaps = M.fromList lints } -- Tail recursion! case unknowns of [] -> pure acc' _ -> recursiveCheckDir' config prefix unknowns knowns acc'