port = 8080 verbose = true tmpdir = "/tmp" # linting interval in seconds interval = 36000 # where to post map updates to # exneuland = "http://localhost:4000" # auth token for map updates token = "hello, world!" [[org]] slug = "divoc" # baseurl of maps as seen by the frontend url = "https://world.di.c3voc.de/maps/" # webdir into which maps should be written webdir = "/tmp/var/www/divoc" # increment this if you change the server / linter config # (part of urls for linted maps; allows indefinite browser caching) generation = 1 backlink_prefix = "world://lobby#start_" contact_mail = "world@muc.hacc.space" # linter's config for this org lintconfig = "./config.json" # map's entrypoint (only maps reachable from here are included) entrypoint = "main.json" [[org.repo]] # I hate TOML url = "https://gitlab.infra4future.de/hacc/events/hacc-map" ref = "master" name = "hacc" [[org.repo]] url = "https://github.com/namiko/assembly_2021" ref = "master" name = "haecksen"