# walint: lint & adjust workadventure maps `walint` is intended as a simple linter that will check workadventure maps for common errors, such as non-existent map entrypoints or missing asset files, and additionally suggest changes to improve accessability. Optionally, it can also *adjust* maps — e.g. to automatically insert property values or help enforce an event's map policies — and then write them out again, copying all needed assets and minifying the map's json. ## Usage ``` sh walint --config-file config.json --repository path \ [--out path] [--json] [--pretty] [--entrypoint main.json] ``` ### Options - `--repository`: path to a map repository - `--entrypoint`: entrypoint of a map repository, i.e. a tiled map in its root directory. `walint` will lint all maps reachable from it. If not given, it defaults to `main.json` - `--lintLevel`: limit output only to messages that have at most the given level. Valid levels are `Info`, `Suggestion`, `Warning`, `Error`, `Fatal`. Defaults to `Suggestion` if not given. - `--json`: print output as json instead of the normal more human-friendly format - `--pretty`: if used with `--json`, insert line breaks and indentation to make the output more readable. Otherwise no effect. - `--out path`: write the linted & adjusted repository to the given path. Any json written to this path will be minimised, and *only those maps and assets which are reachable from the entrypoint* will be writen at all. If not given, `walint` will only run the linter and do nothing else. If `walint` encounters any references to local map assets which are not present in the repository, it will fail. - `--config-file file`: path to a configuation file. Required (for now). - `--config json`: takes a string which should contain a json object conforming to the same schema as the configuration file, except that all keys are optional. Keys given here will override whatever values are set in the configuration file. ### Configuation Take a look at `config.json` for an example. Most keys are required, and do not have default values. For the schema, take a look at the definition of the `LintConfig` type in `lib/LintConfig.hs`; I'll attempt to remember documenting options there (if you are unfamiliar with Haskell: key names come first, though there are all prepended with `config` here. Types come after the `::`; ignore the `HKD f` bit and look at whatever comes after that. Most types should be self-explanatory; Note that you may leave out keys whose type includes `Maybe`) ### Output By default `walint` prints lints in a hopefully human-readable manner. If the `--json` option is given, it will instead give a json that should conform to the following schema: ```purescript -- | The main type of walint's output type Output = { mapLints :: Map FilePath MapLint -- ^ an object of per-map lints. Each key is a filepath from the repository's root , missingAssets :: List Asset -- ^ a list of missing assets , missingDeps :: List Entrypoint -- ^ a list of other missing dependencies (for now, just entrypoints) } -- | An object containing map lints type MapLint = { general :: List Lint -- ^ general lints (most often empty) , layer :: Map Message Where -- ^ an object of per-layer lints. Each key is a lint message , tileset :: Map Message Where -- ^ an object of per-tileset lints. Again, each key is a lint message } -- | Further desription of a single lint type Where = { in :: List String -- ^ where did this lint occur? (list of layers / tileset names) , level :: Level -- ^ what is this lint's level? } -- | Valid lint levels. Encoded as strings. data Level = Info | Suggestion | Warning | Error | Fatal -- | description of a single (missing) asset type Asset = { asset :: FilePath -- ^ the filename, as referenced somewhere within the repository , neededBy :: List FilePath -- ^ list of filenames of maps which reference this asset } -- | description of a single (missing) entrypoint type Entrypoint = { entrypoint :: String -- ^ the entrypoint, as a string, e.g. path/to/map#entrypoint , neededBy :: List FilePath -- ^ list of filenames of maps which reference this entrypoint } ```