<?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); $basetime = time(); $struct = []; foreach (Conferences::getActiveConferences() as $conference) { $now = $conference->getSchedule()->getScheduleDisplayTime($basetime); $overview = $conference->getOverview(); $isCurrentlyStreaming = false; // iterate through all rooms and only activate flag if there is something other than a daychange event foreach($conference->getRooms() as $room) { $currentTalk = $room->getCurrentTalk($now); if ($currentTalk) { // if current event is a daychange ignore room, but only if the next talk does not start in 30 minutes if ( !(isset($currentTalk['special']) && $currentTalk['special'] == 'daychange' && $currentTalk['end'] - $basetime > 30*60 )) { $isCurrentlyStreaming = true; break; } } } $groupstruct = array(); foreach($overview->getGroups() as $group => $rooms) { $roomstruct = array(); foreach($rooms as $room) { $streams = array(); foreach($room->getStreams() as $stream) { $key = $stream->getSelection().'-'.$stream->getLanguage(); $urls = array(); switch($stream->getPlayerType()) { case 'video': foreach ($stream->getVideoProtos() as $proto => $display) { $urls[$proto] = array( 'display' => $display, 'tech' => $stream->getVideoTech($proto), 'url' => $stream->getVideoUrl($proto), ); } break; case 'slides': foreach ($stream->getSlidesProtos() as $proto => $display) { $urls[$proto] = array( 'display' => $display, 'tech' => $stream->getSlidesTech($proto), 'url' => $stream->getSlidesUrl($proto), ); } break; case 'audio': foreach ($stream->getAudioProtos() as $proto => $display) { $urls[$proto] = array( 'display' => $display, 'tech' => $stream->getAudioTech($proto), 'url' => $stream->getAudioUrl($proto), ); } break; case 'music': foreach ($stream->getMusicProtos() as $proto => $display) { $urls[$proto] = array( 'display' => $display, 'tech' => $stream->getMusicTech($proto), 'url' => $stream->getMusicUrl($proto), ); } break; case 'dash': $urls['dash'] = array( 'display' => 'DASH, baby', 'tech' => $room->getDashTech(), 'url' => $room->getDashManifestUrl(), ); break; } $streams[] = array( 'slug' => $key, 'display' => $stream->getDisplay(), 'type' => $stream->getPlayerType(), 'isTranslated' => $stream->isTranslated(), 'videoSize' => $stream->getVideoSize(), 'urls' => (object)$urls, ); } $roomstruct[] = array( 'slug' => $room->getSlug(), 'schedulename' => $room->getScheduleName(), 'thumb' => forceslash(baseurl()).$room->getThumb(), 'link' => forceslash(baseurl()).$room->getLink(), 'display' => $room->getDisplay(), 'stream' => $room->getStream(), 'talks' => [ 'current' => $room->getCurrentTalk($now), 'next' => $room->getNextTalk($now), ], 'streams' => $streams, ); } $groupstruct[] = array( 'group' => $group, 'rooms' => $roomstruct, ); } $struct[] = array( 'conference' => $conference->getTitle(), 'slug' => $conference->getSlug(), 'author' => $conference->getAuthor(), 'description' => $conference->getDescription(), 'keywords' => $conference->getKeywords(), 'schedule' => $conference->getSchedule()->getScheduleUrl(), 'startsAt' => $conference->startsAt() ? $conference->startsAt()->format(DateTime::ISO8601) : null, 'endsAt' => $conference->endsAt() ? $conference->endsAt()->format(DateTime::ISO8601) : null, 'isCurrentlyStreaming' => $isCurrentlyStreaming, 'groups' => $groupstruct, ); } echo json_encode($struct, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);