<?php class Schedule { private $conference; public function __construct($conference) { $this->conference = $conference; } public function getConference() { return $this->conference; } public function isEnabled() { return $this->getConference()->has('SCHEDULE'); } private function isRoomFiltered($room) { if(!$this->getConference()->has('SCHEDULE.ROOMFILTER')) return false; $rooms = $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.ROOMFILTER'); return !in_array($room, $rooms); } public function getSimulationOffset() { return $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.SIMULATE_OFFSET', 0); } public function getScale() { return floatval($this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.SCALE', 7)); } public function isRoomMapped($scheduleRoom) { $mapping = $this->getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping(); return isset( $mapping[$scheduleRoom] ); } public function getMappedRoom($scheduleRoom) { $mapping = $this->getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping(); return $this->getConference()->getRoomIfExists( @$mapping[$scheduleRoom] ); } public function getScheduleDisplayTime($basetime = null) { if(is_null($basetime)) { $basetime = time(); } return $basetime + $this->getSimulationOffset(); } private function fetchSchedule() { $schedule = @file_get_contents($this->getScheduleCache()); if(!$schedule) return null; return simplexml_load_string($schedule); } public function getSchedule() { // download schedule-xml $schedule = $this->fetchSchedule(); // not failing gracefully here will result in a broken page in case // no schedule is present if(!$schedule) return []; $program = array(); // re-calculate day-ends // some schedules have long gaps before the first talk or talks that expand beyond the dayend // (fiffkon, i look at you) // so to be on the safer side we calculate our own daystart/end here foreach($schedule->day as $day) { $daystart = PHP_INT_MAX; $dayend = 0; foreach($day->room as $room) { $name = (string)$room['name']; if($this->isRoomFiltered($name)) continue; foreach($room->event as $event) { $start = strtotime((string)$event->date); $duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration); $end = $start + $duration; $daystart = min($daystart, $start); $dayend = max($dayend, $end); } } $day['start'] = $daystart; $day['end'] = $dayend; } $daysSorted = []; foreach($schedule->day as $day) { $daysSorted[] = $day; } usort($daysSorted, function($a, $b) { return (int)$a['start'] - (int)$b['start']; }); $dayidx = 0; foreach($daysSorted as $day) { $dayidx++; $daystart = (int)$day['start']; $dayend = (int)$day['end']; $roomidx = 0; foreach($day->room as $room) { $roomidx++; $lastend = false; $name = trim((string)$room['name']); if($this->isRoomFiltered($name)) continue; $eventsSorted = []; foreach($room->event as $event) { $eventsSorted[] = $event; } usort($eventsSorted, function($a, $b) { $a_start = (string)$a->date; $b_start = (string)$b->date; return strcmp($a_start, $b_start); }); foreach($eventsSorted as $event) { $start = strtotime((string)$event->date); $duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration); $end = $start + $duration; if($lastend && $lastend < $start) { // synthesize pause event $pauseduration = $start - $lastend; $program[$name][] = array( 'special' => 'pause', 'title' => round($pauseduration / 60).' minutes pause', 'fstart' => date('c', $lastend), 'fend' => date('c', $start), 'start' => $lastend, 'end' => $start, 'duration' => $pauseduration, 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($name), ); } else if(!$lastend && $daystart < $start) { $program[$name][] = array( 'special' => 'gap', 'fstart' => date('c', $daystart), 'fend' => date('c', $start), 'start' => $daystart, 'end' => $start, 'duration' => $start - $daystart, 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($name), ); } $personnames = array(); if(isset($event->persons)) foreach($event->persons->person as $person) $personnames[] = (string)$person; $program[$name][] = array( 'title' => (string)$event->title, 'speaker' => implode(', ', $personnames), 'fstart' => date('c', $start), 'fend' => date('c', $end), 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'duration' => $duration, 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($name), ); $lastend = $end; } // synthesize daychange event if(!$lastend) $lastend = $daystart; if($lastend < $dayend) { $program[$name][] = array( 'special' => 'gap', 'fstart' => date('c', $lastend), 'fend' => date('c', $dayend), 'start' => $lastend, 'end' => $dayend, 'duration' => $dayend - $lastend, ); } if($dayidx < count($schedule->day)) { $program[$name][] = array( 'special' => 'daychange', 'title' => 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1), 'start' => $dayend, 'end' => (int)$schedule->day[$dayidx]['start'], 'duration' => 60*60, ); } } } $mapping = $this->getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping(); if($this->getConference()->has('SCHEDULE.ROOMFILTER')) { // sort by roomfilter $roomfilter = $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.ROOMFILTER'); // map roomfilter-rooms to room-slugs $roomfilter = array_map(function($e) use ($mapping) { if(isset($mapping[$e])) return $mapping[$e]; return $e; }, $roomfilter); // sort according to roomtilter ordering uksort($program, function($a, $b) use ($roomfilter) { return array_search($a, $roomfilter) - array_search($b, $roomfilter); }); } return $program; } public function getDurationSum() { $sum = 0; $schedule = $this->getSchedule(); foreach(reset($schedule) as $event) $sum += $event['duration']; return $sum; } private function strToDuration($str) { $parts = explode(':', $str); return ((int)$parts[0] * 60 + (int)$parts[1]) * 60; } public function getScheduleUrl() { return $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.URL'); } public function getScheduleCache() { return sprintf('/tmp/schedule-cache-%s.xml', $this->getConference()->getSlug()); } public function getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping() { $mapping = array(); foreach($this->getConference()->get('ROOMS') as $slug => $room) { if(isset($room['SCHEDULE_NAME'])) $mapping[ $room['SCHEDULE_NAME'] ] = $slug; else if(isset($room['DISPLAY'])) $mapping[ $room['DISPLAY'] ] = $slug; else $mapping[ $slug ] = $slug; } return $mapping; } }