isClosed(); } )); } public static function getActiveConferencesCount() { return count(Conferences::getActiveConferences()); } public static function getConferencesSorted() { $sorted = Conferences::getConferences(); usort($sorted, function($a, $b) { return $b->startsAt() > $a->startsAt() ? 1 : -1; }); return $sorted; } public static function getFinishedConferencesSorted() { $sorted = Conferences::getConferencesSorted(); $finished = array_values(array_filter($sorted, function($c) { return $c->hasEnded(); })); return $finished; } public static function getLastConference() { return Conferences::getFinishedConferencesSorted()[0]; } public static function exists($mandator) { return in_array($mandator, Conferences::listConferences()); } public static function loadConferenceConfig($mandator) { $configfile = forceslash(Conferences::MANDATOR_DIR).forceslash($mandator).'config.php'; $config = include($configfile); if(!is_array($config)) { throw new ConfigException("Loading $configfile did not return an array. Maybe it's missing a return-statement?"); } // Allow setting TRANSLATION simply to true and fill in default values for uniformity $rooms = $config['ROOMS']; foreach ($rooms as $slug => $room) { if (!isset($room['TRANSLATION'])) { $config['ROOMS'][$slug]['TRANSLATION'] = []; } elseif (! is_array($room['TRANSLATION'])) { if ($room['TRANSLATION'] === true) { $config['ROOMS'][$slug]['TRANSLATION'] = [[ 'endpoint' => 'translated', 'label' => 'Translated' ]]; } else { $config['ROOMS'][$slug]['TRANSLATION'] = []; } } } return $config; } public static function getConference($mandator) { return new Conference(Conferences::loadConferenceConfig($mandator), $mandator); } public static function hasCustomStyles($mandator) { return file_exists(Conferences::getCustomStyles($mandator)); } public static function getCustomStyles($mandator) { return forceslash(Conferences::getCustomStylesDir($mandator)).'main.less'; } public static function getCustomStylesDir($mandator) { return forceslash(Conferences::MANDATOR_DIR).forceslash($mandator); } }