0) $url .= '/'; return $url; } function forceproto($url) { if(startswith('//', $url)) $url = proto().':'.$url; return $url; } function startswith($needle, $haystack) { return substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)) == $needle; } function handle_lesscss_request($lessfile, $relative_path) { $dir = forceslash(sys_get_temp_dir()); $css_file = Less_Cache::Get([ $lessfile => $relative_path, ], [ 'sourceMap' => true, 'compress' => true, 'relativeUrls' => true, 'cache_dir' => $dir, ]); $css = file_get_contents($dir.$css_file); header('Content-Type: text/css'); header('Content-Length: '.strlen($css)); print($css); } function days_diff($date) { $seconds = strtotime( $date ) - time(); $days = intval(ceil($seconds / 60 / 60 / 24)); return $days; } function days_diff_readable($date) { $days = days_diff($date); if($days == -1) return 'yesterday'; if($days == 0) return 'today'; if($days == 1) return 'tomorrow'; if($days < -60) return round(-$days / 30)." months ago"; if($days < 0) return (-$days)." days ago"; if($days > 60) return 'in '.round($days / 30)." months"; return "in $days days"; } function url_params() { if($GLOBALS['forceopen']) return '?forceopen=yess'; return ''; } /** * returns the fielst element matching $predicate or null, if none matched. * $predicate is a callable that receives one array value at a time and can * return a bool'ish value */ function array_filter_first($array, $predicate) { foreach ($array as $value) { if( $predicate($value) ) { return $value; } } return null; } /** * returns the fielst element matching $predicate or null, if none matched. * $predicate is a callable that receives one array value at a time and can * return a bool'ish value */ function array_filter_last($array, $predicate) { foreach (array_reverse($array) as $value) { if( $predicate($value) ) { return $value; } } return null; }