// mediaelement-player
$(function() {
function deserialize(string) {
var result = {};
if (string) {
var parts = string.split(/&|\?/);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var part = parts[i].split("=");
if (part.length === 2)
result[decodeURIComponent(part[0])] = decodeURIComponent(part[1]);
return result;
(function(strings) {
strings['en-US'] = {
'Download File': 'Open Stream in Desktop-Player'
var feat = ['playpause', 'volume', 'fullscreen'];
$('body.room video.mejs, body.embed video.mejs').mediaelementplayer({
features: feat,
enableAutosize: true
$('body.room audio.mejs, body.embed audio.mejs').mediaelementplayer({
features: ['playpause', 'volume', 'current']
var $player = $('.video-wrap[data-voc-player]');
if ($player.length > 0) {
var config = {
parent: $player.get(0),
plugins: [],
baseUrl: 'assets/voc-player/',
autoPlay: true,
poster: $player.data("poster"),
events: {
onReady: function() {
var player = this;
var playback = player.core.getCurrentContainer().playback;
var params = deserialize(location.href)
playback.once(Clappr.Events.PLAYBACK_PLAY, function() {
// Allow custom skip via URL
var seek = parseFloat(params.t);
if (!isNaN(seek)) {
// skip forward to scheduled beginning of the talk at
// ~ 0:14:30 (30 sec offset, if speaker starts on time)
} else if (playback.getPlaybackType() == 'vod') {
player.seek(14 * 60 + 30);
// Select source
if ($player.data("stream")) {
config.vocStream = $player.data("stream");
} else if ($player.data("source")) {
config.source = $player.data('source');
config.playbackRateConfig = {
defaultValue: 1,
options: [
{value: 0.75, label: '0.75x'},
{value: 1, label: '1x'},
{value: 1.25, label: '1.25x'},
{value: 1.5, label: '1.5x'},
{value: 2, label: '2x'},
// Show timeline previews if present
if ($player.data("sprites")) {
var sprites = ClapprThumbnailsPlugin.buildSpriteConfig(
160, 90,
config.scrubThumbnails = {
backdropHeight: 64,
spotlightHeight: 84,
thumbs: sprites
new VOCPlayer.Player(config);
$(window).on('load', function() {
// tabs
$(function() {
// activate tab via hash and default to video
function setTabToHash() {
var activeTab = $('.nav-tabs a[href=' + window.location.hash + ']').tab('show');
// change hash on tab change
$('.nav-tabs').on('shown.bs.tab', 'a', function (e) {
window.location.hash = e.target.hash;
// adjust tabs when hash changes
$(window).on('hashchange', setTabToHash).trigger('hashchange');
// schedule-timeline
$(function() {
$schedule = $('body .schedule'),
$now = $schedule.find('.now'),
scrollLock = false,
/* 10 seconds after manual navigation */
rewindTime = 10000,
/* 1/2s animation on the scolling element */
scrollDuration = 500,
/* update now-pointer placement every 1/2s */
updateTimer = 500,
/* offset to the browsers realtime (for simulation) */
offset = $('.js-schedule-settings').data('scheduleoffset');
$schedule.on('mouseenter mouseleave touchstart touchend', function(e) {
if(e.type == 'mouseleave' || e.type == 'touchend') {
rewindTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
scrollLock = false;
}, 5000);
} else {
scrollLock = true;
// schedule now-marker & scrolling
function updateProgramView(initial) {
// corrected "now" timestamp in unix-counting (seconds, not microseconds)
now = (Date.now() / 1000) + offset;
// only check the first room (shouldn't matter anyway)
// find the newest block that starts in the past
// that's the one that is most probably currently still running
var $block = $schedule
.filter(function(i, el) {
return $(this).data('start') < now;
if($block.length == 0)
return $now.css('width', 0);
// start & end-timestamp
start = $block.data('start'),
end = $block.data('end'),
// place of the now-marker between 0 and 1 within this block
normalized = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (now - start) / (end - start))),
// projected to pixels with respect to the schedules left end
px = $block.position().left + ($block.outerWidth() * normalized),
// visible width of the schedule display
displayw = $schedule.width(),
// current scroll position
scrollx = $schedule.scrollLeft(),
// distance of the now-marker to the left border of the schedule display
px_in_display = px - scrollx;
//console.log($block.get(0), new Date(start*1000), new Date(now*1000), new Date(end*1000), normalized, px);
$now.css('width', px);
// scrolling is locked by manual interaction
// now marker is > 2/3 of the schedule-display-width
px_in_display > (displayw * 2/3) ||
// now marker is <1/7 of the schedule-display-width
px_in_display < (displayw/7)
) {
// scroll schedule so that now-marker is as 1/5 of the screen
$schedule.stop().scrollTo(px - displayw/6, {
axis: 'x',
duration: initial ? 0 : scrollDuration,
// when on schedules tab
var updateInterval;
function on() {
// initial trigger
// timed triggers
updateInterval = setInterval(updateProgramView, updateTimer);
function off() {
if(window.location.hash == '' || window.location.hash == '#schedule' || window.location.href.indexOf('/schedule') != -1)
// trigger when a tab was changed
$('.nav-tabs').on('shown.bs.tab', 'a', function(e) {
if(e.target.hash == '#schedule')
// feedback form
$(function() {
$('.feedback-form').on('submit', function(e) {
var $form = $(this);
url: $form.prop('action'),
method: $form.prop('method'),
data: $form.serialize(),
success: function() {
error: function() {
// update teaser images
$(function() {
setInterval(function() {
$('.rooms .lecture .teaser').each(function() {
$teaser = $(this),
$preload = $(''),
src = $teaser.data('src');
if(!src) {
src = $teaser.prop('src');
$teaser.data('src', src);
$preload.on('load', function() {
$teaser.prop('src', $preload.prop('src'));
}).prop('src', src + '?'+(new Date()).getTime());
}, 1000*60);
// multiviewer
$(function() {
var audioMeter = !!window.chrome;
.find('audio, video')
.each(function(idx, player) {
$player = $(player),
$meter = $player.closest('.cell').find('.meter'),
$timer = $player.closest('.cell').find('.timer');
$player.on("timeupdate", function(e)
s = Math.floor(this.currentTime % 60),
m = Math.floor(this.currentTime / 60) % 60,
h = Math.floor(this.currentTime / 60 / 60) % 24,
d = Math.floor(this.currentTime / 60 / 60 / 24),
f = Math.floor((this.currentTime - Math.floor(this.currentTime)) * 1000),
txt = '';
txt += d+'d ';
if(h < 10) txt += '0';
txt += h+'h ';
if(m < 10) txt += '0';
txt += m+'m ';
if(s < 10) txt += '0';
txt += s+'s ';
if(f < 10) txt += '00';
else if(f < 100) txt += '0';
txt += f+'ms';
$player.prop('muted', true);
ctx = new AudioContext(),
audioSrc = ctx.createMediaElementSource(player),
analyser = ctx.createAnalyser();
// we have to connect the MediaElementSource with the analyser
// we could configure the analyser: e.g. analyser.fftSize (for further infos read the spec)
analyser.fftSize = 64;
var w = 100 / analyser.frequencyBinCount;
for (var i = 0; i < analyser.frequencyBinCount; i++) {
var c = Math.floor( i * 255 / analyser.frequencyBinCount );