{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module VDV451 where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import GHC.Base (ord) import Fmt ((+|),(|+)) import Data.Time (Day, toGregorian, UTCTime (..), DiffTime, formatTime, defaultTimeLocale) import Data.String (IsString) import GHC.Exts (IsString(..)) import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (formatShow) import Data.Data (Proxy (..)) class ÖPNVEncode a where encode :: a -> ByteString default encode :: Show a => a -> ByteString encode = C8.pack . show instance ÖPNVEncode Text where -- hopefully not too naive iso8859-1 encoding encode text = if T.null unsafe then C8.pack bytes else error ("invalid unicode in iso8859-1 string: "+|unsafe|+".") where (safe, unsafe) = T.span (\c -> ord c <= 0xFF) text bytes = "\"" <> (concatMap escape (T.unpack safe)) <> "\"" escape c = case c of '"' -> "\"\"" a -> [a] instance ÖPNVEncode Day where encode day = "\""+|crop 2 d|+"."+|crop 2 m|+"."+|crop 4 y|+"\"" where (y,m,d) = toGregorian day -- | for things which can be encoded as either string or number, -- this module defaults to strings. Add this newtype to the schema -- to make things encode as numbers instead. newtype AsNumber a = AsNumber a instance ÖPNVEncode (AsNumber Day) where encode (AsNumber day) = encode (d*1000000 + m*10000 + (fromInteger y `mod` 10000)) where (y,m,d) = toGregorian day instance ÖPNVEncode DiffTime where encode = C8.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "\"%2H:%2M:%2S\"" instance ÖPNVEncode Int instance ÖPNVEncode Integer -- | these are encoded in a horrible format newtype Longitude = Longitude Double newtype Latitude = Latitude Double encodeGeoLength :: Double -> ByteString encodeGeoLength d' = ""+|sign|+""+|crop 3 deg|+""+|crop 2 min|+""+|crop 5 sec|+"" where deg = truncate d min = truncate (d * 60) `mod` 60 sec = truncate (d * 3600 * 1000) `mod` (60 * 1000) d = abs d' sign :: Text sign = if d' < 0 then "-" else "" instance ÖPNVEncode Latitude where encode (Latitude d) = encodeGeoLength d instance ÖPNVEncode Longitude where encode (Longitude d) = encodeGeoLength d -- | this isn't specified anywhere, but seems to be what VDV 452 implies instance ÖPNVEncode a => ÖPNVEncode (Maybe a) where encode (Just a) = encode a encode Nothing = "NULL" instance ÖPNVEncode Bool where encode False = "0" encode True = "1" data ÖPNVBefehl = MOD | SRC | CHS | VER | IFV | DVE | FFT | TBL | ATR | FRM | REC | END | EOF | COM deriving Show instance ÖPNVEncode ÖPNVBefehl where encode MOD = "mod" encode SRC = "src" encode CHS = "chs" encode VER = "ver" encode IFV = "ifv" encode DVE = "dve" encode FFT = "fft" encode TBL = "tbl" encode ATR = "atr" encode FRM = "frm" encode REC = "rec" encode END = "end" encode EOF = "eof" encode COM = "com" data ÖPNVType = ÖChar Int | ÖNum Int deriving Show instance ÖPNVEncode ÖPNVType where encode (ÖChar n) = "char["+|n|+"]" encode (ÖNum n) = "num["+|n|+".0]" class ÖPNVDatum a where tableName :: Proxy a -> ByteString tableNumber :: Proxy a -> Int tableSchema :: Proxy a -> [(ByteString, ÖPNVType, a -> Feld)] encodeRow :: forall a. ÖPNVDatum a => a -> [Feld] encodeRow a = fmap (\f -> f a) accessors where accessors = fmap (\(_,_,a) -> a) (tableSchema (Proxy @a)) tableInfo :: ÖPNVDatum a => Proxy a -> [(ByteString, ÖPNVType)] tableInfo proxy = fmap (\(n, ty, _) -> (n, ty)) (tableSchema proxy) data Feld = forall a. ÖPNVEncode a => F a | Raw ByteString instance IsString Feld where fromString = Raw . C8.pack data ÖPNVOptions = ÖPNVOptions { öpnvSource :: Text , öpnvProgramVersion :: Text , öpnvDataVersion :: Text } deriving Show öpnvSchnittstellenDaten :: forall a. ÖPNVDatum a => ÖPNVOptions -> UTCTime -> Vector a -> LB.ByteString öpnvSchnittstellenDaten ÖPNVOptions{..} time rows = LB.intercalate "\n" $ fmap mkRow [ [F MOD, "DD.MM.YYYY", "HH:MM:SS", "free"] , [F SRC, F öpnvSource, F (utctDay time), F (utctDayTime time) ] , [F CHS, F ("ISO8859-1" :: Text)] , [F VER, F öpnvProgramVersion] , [F IFV, F ("1.0" :: Text)] , [F DVE, F öpnvDataVersion] , [F FFT, ""] -- this one is probably not needed? , [F TBL, Raw (tableName (Proxy @a))] , F ATR : fmap Raw colNames , F FRM : fmap F colTypes] <> (fmap (mkRow . ((:) (F REC)) . encodeRow) (V.toList rows)) <> fmap mkRow [ [F END, F (length rows)] , [F EOF, "1"]] where mkRow :: [Feld] -> LB.ByteString mkRow = LB.fromStrict . C8.intercalate "; " . fmap (\case { (F a) -> encode a; Raw a -> a }) (colNames, colTypes) = unzip (tableInfo (Proxy @a)) crop n thing = if T.length shown < n then T.replicate (n - T.length shown) "0" <> shown else T.takeEnd n shown where shown = T.pack $ show thing