{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Uplcg.Views ( RoomView (..) , rooms , client ) where import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BLB import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.URI as HttpUri import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A import Uplcg.Cards import Uplcg.Version (version) data RoomView = RoomView Text Bool Int template :: Text -> H.Html -> H.Html template title body = H.docTypeHtml $ do H.head $ do H.meta H.! A.charset "UTF-8" H.link H.! A.rel "stylesheet" H.! A.type_ "text/css" H.! A.href "/assets/style.css?v=1" H.title $ H.toHtml title H.meta H.! A.name "viewport" H.! A.content "width=device-width" H.body $ do body H.footer $ do H.a H.! A.href "https://github.com/jaspervdj/uplcg" $ "Untitled PL Card Game" " version " H.toHtml version rooms :: [RoomView] -> [Deck] -> Maybe String -> H.Html rooms rooms0 decks mbError = template "Untitled PL Card Game" $ H.div H.! A.class_ "rooms" $ do H.h1 "Rooms" if null rooms0 then H.p "No rooms online." else H.ul $ for_ rooms1 $ \(RoomView rid lock num) -> H.li $ do H.a H.! A.href (H.toValue $ "/rooms/" <> rid) $ H.toHtml rid when lock " 🔒" " (" H.toHtml num ")" H.br H.h1 "Create Room" case mbError of Nothing -> mempty Just err -> H.p H.! A.class_ "error" $ H.toHtml err H.form H.! A.method "POST" H.! A.action "/rooms" $ do H.label H.! A.for "name" $ "Room identifier (alphanumeric only): " H.input H.! A.type_ "text" H.! A.name "id" H.br H.label H.! A.for "name" $ "Password (optional): " H.input H.! A.type_ "text" H.! A.name "password" H.br H.label H.! A.for "deck" $ "Card set to use: " H.select H.! A.name "deck" $ for_ decks $ \deck -> H.option H.! A.value (H.toValue deck) $ H.toHtml deck H.br H.input H.! A.type_ "submit" H.! A.value "Create room" where rooms1 = sortBy (comparing (\(RoomView rid _ _) -> rid)) rooms0 client :: Text -> Maybe Text -> H.Html client roomId mbPassword = template "Untitled PL Card Game" $ do H.div H.! A.id "main" $ "" H.script H.! A.type_ "text/JavaScript" H.! A.src "/assets/client.js" $ "" H.script H.! A.type_ "text/JavaScript" $ H.unsafeLazyByteString entryPoint where t2b = BLB.byteString . T.encodeUtf8 entryPoint = BLB.toLazyByteString $ "var app = Elm.Client.init({node: document.querySelector('main')});" <> "function connect() {" <> " var protocol = 'ws:';" <> " if(document.location.protocol == 'https:') {" <> " protocol = 'wss:'" <> " }" <> " var url = protocol + '//' + document.location.host +" <> " '/rooms/" <> t2b roomId <> "/events" <> (case mbPassword of Nothing -> "" Just pwd -> BLB.byteString $ HttpUri.renderSimpleQuery True [("password", T.encodeUtf8 pwd)]) <> "';" <> " var socket = new WebSocket(url);" <> " var socketSend = function(message) {" <> " socket.send(message);" <> " };" <> " app.ports.webSocketOut.subscribe(socketSend);" <> " socket.onmessage = function(event) {" <> " app.ports.webSocketIn.send(event.data);" <> " };" <> " socket.onclose = function(event) {" <> " app.ports.webSocketOut.unsubscribe(socketSend);" <> " setTimeout(function() {" <> " connect();" <> " }, 1000);" <> " };" <> " socket.onerror = function(event) {" <> " socket.close();" <> " };" <> "}" <> "connect();"