{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Cafp.Game ( PlayerId , Table (..) , Player (..) , Game (..) , gameCards, gamePlayers, gameNextPlayerId , newGame , joinGame , leaveGame , processClientMessage , gameViewForPlayer ) where import Cafp.Messages import Control.Lens (Lens', at, iall, imap, ix, orOf, over, to, (%%=), (%=), (&), (+=), (.=), (.~), (^.), (^..), (^?), _1, _2, _3, (%~)) import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses, makePrisms) import Control.Monad (guard) import Control.Monad.State (State, execState, modify, runState, state) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ord (Down (..), comparing) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge as V import Data.Vector.Instances () import System.Random (StdGen) import VectorShuffling.Immutable (shuffle) type PlayerId = Int type Proposal = V.Vector WhiteCard data Table = TableProposing !BlackCard !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Proposal) | TableVoting !BlackCard !(V.Vector (Proposal, [PlayerId])) !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Int) | TableTally !BlackCard !(V.Vector VotedView) deriving (Show) data Player = Player { _playerName :: !Text , _playerHand :: !(V.Vector WhiteCard) , _playerAdmin :: !Bool , _playerPoints :: !Int } deriving (Show) data Game = Game { _gameCards :: !Cards , _gameSeed :: !StdGen , _gameBlack :: ![BlackCard] , _gameWhite :: ![WhiteCard] , _gamePlayers :: !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Player) , _gameTable :: !Table , _gameNextPlayerId :: !Int } deriving (Show) makePrisms ''Table makeLenses ''Player makeLenses ''Game popCard :: (Cards -> V.Vector t) -> (Int -> c) -> Lens' Game [c] -> State Game c popCard getDeck mk queue = state $ \game -> case game ^. queue of (x : xs) -> (x, game & queue .~ xs) [] -> let deck = game ^. gameCards . to getDeck idxs = V.imap (\i _ -> mk i) deck (cs, seed) = first V.toList $ shuffle idxs (game ^. gameSeed) in case cs of [] -> error "popCard: Cards are empty" x : xs -> (x, game & queue .~ xs & gameSeed .~ seed) popBlackCard :: State Game BlackCard popBlackCard = popCard cardsBlack BlackCard gameBlack popWhiteCard :: State Game WhiteCard popWhiteCard = popCard cardsWhite WhiteCard gameWhite newGame :: Cards -> StdGen -> Game newGame cards gen = flip execState state0 $ do black <- popBlackCard gameTable .= TableProposing black HMS.empty where state0 = Game { _gameCards = cards , _gameSeed = gen , _gameBlack = [] , _gameWhite = [] , _gamePlayers = HMS.empty , _gameTable = TableProposing (BlackCard 0) HMS.empty , _gameNextPlayerId = 1 } assignAdmin :: Game -> Game assignAdmin game -- Admin already assigned. | orOf (gamePlayers . traverse . playerAdmin) game = game -- Assign to first player | (p1 : _) <- sort (game ^. gamePlayers . to HMS.keys) = game & gamePlayers . ix p1 . playerAdmin .~ True -- No players | otherwise = game joinGame :: Game -> (PlayerId, Game) joinGame = runState $ do pid <- gameNextPlayerId %%= (\x -> (x, x + 1)) let name = "Player " <> T.pack (show pid) hand <- V.replicateM 6 popWhiteCard gamePlayers %= HMS.insert pid (Player name hand False 0) modify assignAdmin pure pid leaveGame :: PlayerId -> Game -> Game leaveGame pid = assignAdmin . over gamePlayers (HMS.delete pid) blackCardBlanks :: Cards -> BlackCard -> Int blackCardBlanks cards (BlackCard c) = maybe 0 (length . T.breakOnAll "\\BLANK") $ cardsBlack cards V.!? c maximaOn :: Ord o => (a -> o) -> [a] -> [a] maximaOn f = \case [] -> []; x : xs -> go [x] (f x) xs where go best _ [] = reverse best go best bestScore (x : xs) = let score = f x in case compare score bestScore of LT -> go best bestScore xs EQ -> go (x : best) bestScore xs GT -> go [x] score xs tallyVotes :: Game -> (V.Vector (Proposal, [PlayerId])) -> (HMS.HashMap PlayerId Int) -> (V.Vector VotedView, [PlayerId]) tallyVotes game shuffled votes = let counts :: HMS.HashMap Int Int -- Index, votes received. counts = HMS.fromListWith (+) [(idx, 1) | (_, idx) <- HMS.toList votes] best = map fst . maximaOn snd $ HMS.toList counts in ( byScore $ V.imap (\i (proposal, players) -> VotedView { votedProposal = proposal , votedScore = fromMaybe 0 $ HMS.lookup i counts , votedWinners = V.fromList $ do guard $ i `elem` best p <- players game ^.. gamePlayers . ix p . playerName }) shuffled , [player | idx <- best, player <- snd $ shuffled V.! idx] ) where byScore = V.modify $ V.sortBy . comparing $ Down . votedScore stepGame :: Game -> Game stepGame game = case game ^. gameTable of TableProposing black proposals -- Everyone has proposed. | iall (\pid _ -> HMS.member pid proposals) (game ^. gamePlayers) -> let proposalsMap = HMS.fromListWith (++) $ do (pid, proposal) <- HMS.toList proposals pure (proposal, [pid]) (shuffled, seed) = shuffle (V.fromList $ HMS.toList proposalsMap) (game ^. gameSeed) in game & gameSeed .~ seed & gameTable .~ TableVoting black shuffled HMS.empty & gamePlayers %~ imap (\pid player -> let used = fromMaybe V.empty $ HMS.lookup pid proposals in player & playerHand %~ V.filter (not . (`V.elem` used))) | otherwise -> game TableVoting black shuffled votes -- Everyone has voted. | iall (\pid _ -> HMS.member pid votes) (game ^. gamePlayers) -> let (voted, wins) = tallyVotes game shuffled votes in flip execState game $ do for_ wins $ \win -> gamePlayers . ix win . playerPoints += 1 gameTable .= TableTally black voted | otherwise -> game TableTally _ _ -> game processClientMessage :: PlayerId -> ClientMessage -> Game -> Game processClientMessage pid msg game = case msg of ChangeMyName name | T.length name > 32 -> game | otherwise -> game & gamePlayers . ix pid . playerName .~ name ProposeWhiteCards cs -- Bad card(s) proposed, i.e. not in hand of player. | any (not . (`elem` hand)) cs -> game -- Proposal already made. | Just _ <- game ^? gameTable . _TableProposing . _2 . ix pid -> game -- Not enough cards submitted. | Just b <- game ^? gameTable . _TableProposing . _1 , blackCardBlanks (game ^. gameCards) b /= length cs -> game -- All good. | otherwise -> stepGame $ game & gameTable . _TableProposing . _2 . at pid .~ Just cs SubmitVote i -> case game ^. gameTable of TableProposing _ _ -> game TableTally _ _ -> game TableVoting _ shuffled votes -- Vote out of bounds. | i < 0 || i >= V.length shuffled -> game -- Already voted. | pid `HMS.member` votes -> game -- Can't vote for self. | pid `elem` snd (shuffled V.! i) -> game -- Ok vote. | otherwise -> stepGame $ game & gameTable . _TableVoting . _3 . at pid .~ Just i ConfirmTally | TableTally _ _ <- game ^. gameTable , Just True <- game ^? gamePlayers . ix pid . playerAdmin -> flip execState game $ do black <- popBlackCard gameTable .= TableProposing black HMS.empty | otherwise -> game where hand = game ^.. gamePlayers . ix pid . playerHand . traverse gameViewForPlayer :: PlayerId -> Game -> GameView gameViewForPlayer self game = let playerView pid player = PlayerView { playerViewName = player ^. playerName , playerViewAdmin = player ^. playerAdmin , playerViewReady = case game ^. gameTable of TableProposing _ proposals -> HMS.member pid proposals TableVoting _ _ votes -> HMS.member pid votes TableTally _ _ -> False , playerViewPoints = player ^. playerPoints } table = case game ^. gameTable of TableProposing black proposals -> Proposing black . fromMaybe V.empty $ HMS.lookup self proposals TableVoting black shuffled votes -> Voting black (fst <$> shuffled) (fromMaybe 0 $ V.findIndex ((self `elem`) . snd) shuffled) (HMS.lookup self votes) TableTally black voted -> Tally black voted in GameView { gameViewPlayers = V.fromList . map snd . HMS.toList . HMS.delete self . imap playerView $ game ^. gamePlayers , gameViewMe = maybe dummy (playerView self) $ game ^? gamePlayers . ix self , gameViewTable = table , gameViewHand = fromMaybe V.empty $ game ^? gamePlayers . ix self . playerHand } where dummy = PlayerView "" False False 0