module Messages exposing(..) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode exposing (Value) -- The following module comes from bartavelle/json-helpers import Json.Helpers exposing (..) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Set exposing (Set) type alias GameView = { players: (List String) } jsonDecGameView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( GameView ) jsonDecGameView = Json.Decode.succeed (\pplayers -> {players = pplayers}) |> custom (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.string)) jsonEncGameView : GameView -> Value jsonEncGameView val = (Json.Encode.list Json.Encode.string) val.players type ServerMessage = Welcome Int | SyncGameView GameView | Bye jsonDecServerMessage : Json.Decode.Decoder ( ServerMessage ) jsonDecServerMessage = let jsonDecDictServerMessage = Dict.fromList [ ("Welcome", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Welcome ( , ("SyncGameView", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> SyncGameView (jsonDecGameView))) , ("Bye", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.succeed Bye)) ] in decodeSumObjectWithSingleField "ServerMessage" jsonDecDictServerMessage jsonEncServerMessage : ServerMessage -> Value jsonEncServerMessage val = let keyval v = case v of Welcome v1 -> ("Welcome", encodeValue ( v1)) SyncGameView v1 -> ("SyncGameView", encodeValue (jsonEncGameView v1)) Bye -> ("Bye", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [])) in encodeSumObjectWithSingleField keyval val