port module Client exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Messages exposing (GameView) import Url exposing (Url) port webSocketIn : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port webSocketOut : String -> Cmd msg type Msg = Ignore | Send | WebSocketIn String -- Name changes | ChangeMyName String | SubmitMyName type Model = Error String | Connecting { roomId : String } | Game { view : GameView , changeMyName : String } parseRoomId : Url -> Result String String parseRoomId url = case String.split "/" url.path of _ :: "rooms" :: roomId :: _ -> Ok roomId _ -> Err <| "Invalid path: " ++ url.path view : Model -> List (Html Msg) view model = case model of Error str -> [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Error"] , Html.p [] [Html.text str] ] Connecting state -> [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text <| "Connecting to room " ++ state.roomId ++ "..."] ] Game game -> [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Opponents"] , Html.ul [] <| List.map (\p -> Html.li [] [Html.text p]) game.view.opponents , Html.h1 [] [Html.text "You"] , Html.form [ Html.Attributes.action "" , Html.Events.onSubmit SubmitMyName ] [ Html.input [ Html.Attributes.value game.changeMyName , Html.Events.onInput ChangeMyName ] [] , Html.button [ Html.Attributes.type_ "submit" , Html.Attributes.disabled <| game.view.myName == game.changeMyName ] [Html.text "change"] ] ] ++ (case game.view.blackCard of Nothing -> [] Just c -> [blackCard c]) ++ (List.map whiteCard game.view.hand) blackCard : Messages.BlackCard -> Html a blackCard (Messages.BlackCard string) = let blank = Html.span [Html.Attributes.class "blank"] [] in Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "card", Html.Attributes.class "black"] <| List.intersperse blank <| List.map Html.text <| String.split "\\BLANK" string whiteCard : Messages.WhiteCard -> Html a whiteCard (Messages.WhiteCard string) = Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "card", Html.Attributes.class "white"] [Html.text string] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = webSocketIn WebSocketIn send : Messages.ClientMessage -> Cmd Msg send = webSocketOut << Json.Encode.encode 0 << Messages.jsonEncClientMessage update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Ignore -> (model, Cmd.none) Send -> (model, webSocketOut "Hi") WebSocketIn json -> case Json.Decode.decodeString Messages.jsonDecServerMessage json of Err str -> (Error <| Json.Decode.errorToString str, Cmd.none) Ok (Messages.Welcome playerId) -> Debug.log ("Welcome " ++ String.fromInt playerId) (model, Cmd.none) Ok Messages.Bye -> Debug.log "Bye" (model, Cmd.none) Ok (Messages.SyncGameView gameView) -> case model of Game game -> (Game {game | view = gameView}, Cmd.none) _ -> ( Game { view = gameView , changeMyName = gameView.myName } , Cmd.none ) ChangeMyName name -> case model of Game game -> (Game {game | changeMyName = name}, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SubmitMyName -> case model of Game game -> (model , send <| Messages.ChangeMyName game.changeMyName) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = \() url key -> case parseRoomId url of Err str -> (Error <| "Could not parse room ID: " ++ str, Cmd.none) Ok roomId -> (Connecting {roomId = roomId}, Cmd.none) , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = \model -> {title = "Client", body = view model} , onUrlChange = \url -> Ignore , onUrlRequest = \urlRequest -> Ignore }