port module Client exposing (main) import Array exposing (Array) import Browser import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Html exposing (Html) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Messages exposing (BlackCard, WhiteCard, GameView) import Url exposing (Url) port webSocketIn : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port webSocketOut : String -> Cmd msg type Msg = Ignore | Send | WebSocketIn String -- Name changes | ChangeMyName String | SubmitMyName -- Card selection | SelectWhiteCard WhiteCard | ProposeWhiteCards -- Voting | SelectVote Int | SubmitVote -- Tally | ConfirmTally type alias Cards = {black : Array String, white : Array String} type alias GameState = { room : Maybe String , cards : Cards , view : GameView , changeMyName : String , selectedWhiteCards : List WhiteCard , selectedVote : Maybe Int } type Model = Error String | Connecting (Maybe String) | Game GameState viewPlayers : List Messages.PlayerView -> Html msg viewPlayers players = Html.table [] <| Html.tr [] [ Html.th [Html.Attributes.style "width" "100%"] [Html.text "Name"] , Html.th [] [Html.text "Score"] ] :: List.map (\player -> Html.tr [] [ Html.td [] [Html.text player.name] , Html.td [Html.Attributes.style "text-align" "right"] [Html.text <| String.fromInt player.points] , Html.td [] (if player.admin then [Html.text " 👑"] else []) , Html.td [] (if player.ready then [Html.text " ✅"] else []) ]) (List.sortBy (\player -> (-player.points, player.name)) players) view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = case model of Error str -> { title = "CaFP: Error" , body = [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Error"] , Html.p [] [Html.text str] ] } Connecting roomId -> { title = "CaFP: Connecting" , body = [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text <| "Connecting to room " ++ Maybe.withDefault "??" roomId ] ] } Game game -> { title = case game.room of Nothing -> "CaFP" Just room -> "CaFP | " ++ room , body = [ Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "main"] <| [ Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "table"] [Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Table"] , viewTable game ] , Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Your cards"] ] ++ (List.map (\c -> whiteCard game.cards c (cardIsSelected game c)) game.view.hand) , Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "players"] [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Players"] , viewPlayers <| game.view.me :: game.view.players , Html.form [ Html.Attributes.class "change-name" , Html.Attributes.action "" , Html.Events.onSubmit SubmitMyName ] [ Html.input [ Html.Attributes.value game.changeMyName , Html.Events.onInput ChangeMyName ] [] , Html.button [ Html.Attributes.type_ "submit" , Html.Attributes.disabled <| game.view.me.name == game.changeMyName || String.length game.changeMyName > 32 ] [Html.text "Change my name"] ] ] ] } tableBlackCard : GameState -> Maybe BlackCard tableBlackCard game = case game.view.table of Messages.Proposing b _ -> Just b Messages.Voting b _ _ _ -> Just b Messages.Tally b _ -> Just b selectedWhiteCards : GameState -> List WhiteCard selectedWhiteCards game = case game.view.table of Messages.Proposing _ (x :: xs) -> x :: xs _ -> game.selectedWhiteCards cardIsSelected : GameState -> WhiteCard -> Bool cardIsSelected game card = List.member card <| selectedWhiteCards game viewTable : GameState -> Html Msg viewTable game = case game.view.table of Messages.Proposing c my -> Html.div [] <| [ Html.p [] [ Html.text <| "Select " ++ String.fromInt (blackCardBlanks game.cards c) ++ " card" ++ (if blackCardBlanks game.cards c < 2 then "" else "s") ++ " from your hand" ] , blackCard [] game.cards c <| selectedWhiteCards game , Html.button [ Html.Attributes.disabled <| List.length my > 0 || List.length (selectedWhiteCards game) /= blackCardBlanks game.cards c , Html.Events.onClick ProposeWhiteCards ] [Html.text "Propose"] ] Messages.Voting black proposals myProposal myVote -> Html.div [] <| [Html.p [] [Html.text <| "Vote for the funniest combination"]] ++ List.indexedMap (\i proposal -> let attrs = if Just i == myProposal then [Html.Attributes.class "mine"] else if Just i == myVote || Just i == game.selectedVote then [Html.Attributes.class "voted"] else [ Html.Events.onClick <| SelectVote i , Html.Attributes.class "votable" ] in blackCard attrs game.cards black proposal) proposals ++ [ Html.button [ Html.Attributes.disabled <| (case myVote of Just _ -> True Nothing -> case game.selectedVote of Just _ -> False Nothing -> True) , Html.Events.onClick SubmitVote ] [Html.text "Vote"] ] Messages.Tally black results -> Html.div [] <| [Html.p [] [Html.text "Vote results"]] ++ List.map (\voted -> let attrs = if List.length voted.winners > 0 then [Html.Attributes.class "winner"] else [] in blackCard attrs game.cards black voted.proposal) results ++ if not game.view.me.admin then [] else [ Html.button [Html.Events.onClick ConfirmTally] [Html.text "Next round"] ] intersperseWith : List a -> a -> List a -> List a intersperseWith values def list = case list of [] -> [] x :: [] -> x :: [] x :: y :: t -> case values of [] -> x :: def :: intersperseWith values def (y :: t) v :: vs -> x :: v :: intersperseWith vs def (y :: t) blackCardContent : Cards -> BlackCard -> List String blackCardContent cards (Messages.BlackCard idx) = String.split "\\BLANK" <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| Array.get idx cards.black blackCardBlanks : Cards -> BlackCard -> Int blackCardBlanks cards c = List.length (blackCardContent cards c) - 1 capitalizeFirst : List String -> List String capitalizeFirst = List.indexedMap <| \i x -> if i == 0 then String.toUpper (String.left 1 x) ++ String.dropLeft 1 x else x blackCard : List (Html.Attribute a) -> Cards -> BlackCard -> List WhiteCard -> Html a blackCard attrs cards black whites = let blackParts = blackCardContent cards black whiteParts = List.map (whiteCardContent cards) whites |> case blackParts of "" :: _ -> capitalizeFirst _ -> identity filled txt = Html.span [Html.Attributes.class "filled"] [Html.text txt] blank = Html.span [Html.Attributes.class "blank"] [] in Html.div (List.map Html.Attributes.class ["card", "black"] ++ attrs) <| intersperseWith (List.map filled whiteParts) blank <| List.map Html.text blackParts whiteCardContent : Cards -> WhiteCard -> String whiteCardContent cards (Messages.WhiteCard idx) = Maybe.withDefault "" <| Array.get idx cards.white whiteCard : Cards -> WhiteCard -> Bool -> Html Msg whiteCard cards c selected = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "card" , Html.Attributes.class "white" , Html.Attributes.class <| if selected then "selected" else "" , Html.Events.onClick <| SelectWhiteCard c ] [ Html.text <| whiteCardContent cards c ] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = webSocketIn WebSocketIn send : Messages.ClientMessage -> Cmd Msg send = webSocketOut << Json.Encode.encode 0 << Messages.jsonEncClientMessage update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Ignore -> (model, Cmd.none) Send -> (model, webSocketOut "Hi") WebSocketIn json -> case Json.Decode.decodeString Messages.jsonDecServerMessage json of Err str -> (Error <| Json.Decode.errorToString str, Cmd.none) Ok (Messages.Welcome roomId) -> case model of Connecting _ -> (Connecting (Just roomId), Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) Ok (Messages.SyncGameView gameView) -> case model of Game game -> (Game {game | view = gameView}, Cmd.none) _ -> ( Game { room = case model of Connecting roomId -> roomId _ -> Nothing , cards = {black = Array.empty, white = Array.empty} , view = gameView , changeMyName = gameView.me.name , selectedWhiteCards = [] , selectedVote = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) Ok (Messages.SyncCards cards) -> let arr = { black = Array.fromList cards.black , white = Array.fromList cards.white } in case model of Game game -> (Game {game | cards = arr}, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) ChangeMyName name -> case model of Game game -> (Game {game | changeMyName = name}, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SubmitMyName -> case model of Game game -> (model, send <| Messages.ChangeMyName game.changeMyName) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SelectWhiteCard card -> case model of Game game -> let cards = case List.member card game.selectedWhiteCards of True -> List.filter (\c -> c /= card) game.selectedWhiteCards False -> List.take (case tableBlackCard game of Nothing -> 0 Just c -> blackCardBlanks game.cards c - 1) game.selectedWhiteCards ++ [card] in (Game {game | selectedWhiteCards = cards}, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) ProposeWhiteCards -> case model of Game game -> ( Game {game | selectedWhiteCards = []} , send <| Messages.ProposeWhiteCards game.selectedWhiteCards ) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SelectVote i -> case model of Game game -> case game.view.table of Messages.Voting _ _ _ Nothing -> (Game {game | selectedVote = Just i}, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SubmitVote -> case model of Game game -> case game.selectedVote of Just vote -> ( Game {game | selectedVote = Nothing} , send <| Messages.SubmitVote vote ) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none) ConfirmTally -> (model, send <| Messages.ConfirmTally) main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = \() url key -> (Connecting Nothing, Cmd.none) , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = \model -> view model , onUrlChange = \url -> Ignore , onUrlRequest = \urlRequest -> Ignore }