{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

-- | All kinds of stuff that has to deal with GTFS directly
-- (i.e. parsing, querying, Aeson instances, etc.)
module GTFS where

import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip              as Zip
import           Control.Monad.ST               (runST)
import           Data.Aeson                     (FromJSON,
                                                 Options (fieldLabelModifier),
                                                 ToJSON, defaultOptions,
import qualified Data.Aeson                     as A
import qualified Data.ByteString                as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy           as LB
import           Data.Csv                       ((.:))
import qualified Data.Csv                       as CSV
import           Data.Function                  (on)
import           Data.Functor                   ((<&>))
import           Data.Kind                      (Type)
import           Data.Maybe                     (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text                      (Text)
import           Data.Time                      (UTCTime (utctDay), dayOfWeek,
import           Data.Time.Calendar             (Day, DayOfWeek (..))
import           Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay    (monthAndDayToDayOfYearValid)
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate as Day
import           Data.Vector                    (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                    as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro   as V
import           Fmt                            ((+|), (|+))
import           GHC.Generics                   (Generic)
import           Text.Regex.TDFA                ((=~))
-- import Data.Aeson.Generic (Options(fieldLabelModifier), deriveJSON, defaultOptions)
import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Char                      (toLower)
import           Data.Foldable                  (Foldable (fold))
import           Data.Map                       (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                       as M
import           Data.Proxy                     (Proxy (Proxy))
import           Data.Swagger                   (ParamSchema (..),
                                                 ToSchema (declareNamedSchema),
import qualified Data.Swagger                   as S
import qualified Data.Text                      as T

aesonOptions prefix =
  defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = fieldModifier (T.length prefix) }
  where fieldModifier n label = case drop n label of
         c:rest -> toLower c : rest
         ""     -> ""

swaggerOptions :: Text -> SchemaOptions
swaggerOptions prefix =
  defaultSchemaOptions { S.fieldLabelModifier = fieldModifier (T.length prefix) }
  where fieldModifier n label = case drop n label of
         c:rest -> toLower c : rest
         ""     -> ""

newtype Time = Time { toSeconds :: Int }
  deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON)
  deriving (Generic)

instance CSV.FromField Time where
  parseField f = do
    text :: String <- CSV.parseField f
    let (_,_,_,subs) = text =~ ("([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]?)" :: Text)
          :: (String, String, String, [String])
    case subs of
      [hh,mm,ss] -> pure $ Time $ read hh * 3600 + read mm * 60 + read ss
      _          -> fail $ "encountered an invalid date: " <> text

instance Show Time where
  show (Time seconds) = ""
    +|seconds `div` 3600|+":"
    +|(seconds `mod` 3600) `div` 60|+":"
    +|seconds `mod` 60|+""

instance CSV.FromField Day where
  parseField f = do
    text :: String <- CSV.parseField f
    let (_,_,_,subs) = text =~ ("([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])" :: Text)
          :: (String, String, String, [String])
    case subs of
      [yyyy,mm,dd] -> do
        let Just dayOfYear = monthAndDayToDayOfYearValid (Day.isLeapYear (read yyyy)) (read mm) (read dd)
        pure $ Day.fromOrdinalDate (read yyyy) dayOfYear
      _ -> fail $ "invalid date encountered: " <> show f

instance ToSchema Time where
  declareNamedSchema _ = do
    dings <- declareNamedSchema (Proxy @Int)
    pure (set (S.schema . S.description) (Just "Zeit in Sekunden seit Tagesanfang") dings)

data Depth = Shallow | Deep
type Switch :: Depth -> Type -> Type -> Type
type family Switch c a b where
  Switch Deep a b = a
  Switch Shallow a b = b
type family Optional c a where
  Optional Deep a = a
  Optional Shallow _ = ()

type StationID = Text
type TripID = Text
type ServiceID = Text

-- | This is what's called a Stop in GTFS
data Station = Station
  { stationId   :: StationID
  , stationName :: Text
  , stationLat  :: Float
  , stationLon  :: Float
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance ToSchema Station where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "station")
instance FromJSON Station where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "station")
instance ToJSON Station where
  toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions "station")

-- | This is what's called a stop time in GTFS
data Stop (deep :: Depth) = Stop
  { stopTrip      :: TripID
  , stopArrival   :: Time
  , stopDeparture :: Time
  , stopStation   :: Switch deep Station StationID
  , stopSequence  :: Int
  } deriving Generic

deriving instance Show (Stop 'Shallow)
deriving instance Show (Stop 'Deep)
instance FromJSON (Switch a Station StationID) => FromJSON (Stop a) where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "stop")
instance ToJSON (Switch a Station StationID) => ToJSON (Stop a) where
  toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions "stop")
instance ToSchema (Stop Deep)where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "stop")

data Calendar = Calendar
  { calServiceId :: Text
  , calMonday    :: Bool
  , calTuesday   :: Bool
  , calWednesday :: Bool
  , calThursday  :: Bool
  , calFriday    :: Bool
  , calSaturday  :: Bool
  , calSunday    :: Bool
  , calStartDate :: Day
  , calEndDate   :: Day
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

data CalendarExceptionType = ServiceAdded | ServiceRemoved
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

data CalendarDate = CalendarDate
  { caldateServiceId     :: Text
  , caldateDate          :: Day
  , caldateExceptionType :: CalendarExceptionType
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON CalendarDate where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "caldate")
instance ToJSON CalendarDate where
  toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions "caldate")

data Trip (deep :: Depth) (shape :: Depth)= Trip
  { tripRoute     :: Text
  , tripTripID    :: TripID
  , tripHeadsign  :: Maybe Text
  , tripShortName :: Maybe Text
  , tripDirection :: Maybe Bool
  -- NOTE: there's also block_id, which we're unlikely to ever need
  , tripServiceId :: Text
  -- , tripWheelchairAccessible :: Bool
  -- , tripBikesAllowed :: Bool
  , tripShape     :: Switch shape Shape Text
  , tripStops     :: Optional deep (Vector (Stop deep))
  } deriving Generic

deriving instance Show (Trip Shallow Shallow)
deriving instance Show (Trip Deep Deep)
deriving instance Show (Trip Deep Shallow)
instance (FromJSON (Switch d Shape Text), FromJSON (Optional d (Vector (Stop d))), FromJSON (Switch s Shape Text)) => FromJSON (Trip d s) where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "trip")
instance (ToJSON (Switch d Shape Text), ToJSON (Optional d (Vector (Stop d))), ToJSON (Switch s Shape Text)) => ToJSON (Trip d s) where
  toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions "trip")
instance ToSchema (Trip Deep Deep) where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "trip")
instance ToSchema (Trip Deep Shallow) where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "trip")

-- | helper function to find things in Vectors of things
tableLookup :: Eq key => (a -> key) -> key -> Vector a -> Maybe a
tableLookup proj key = V.find (\a -> proj a == key)

data ShapePoint = ShapePoint
  { shapePtId       :: Text
  , shapePtLat      :: Double
  , shapePtLong     :: Double
  , shapePtSequence :: Int
  } deriving Generic

data Shape = Shape
  { shapeId     :: Text
  , shapePoints :: Vector (Double,Double)
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance FromJSON Shape where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "shape")
instance ToJSON Shape where
  toJSON = genericToJSON (aesonOptions "shape")
instance ToSchema Shape where
  declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "shape")

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord Station where
  parseNamedRecord r = Station
    <$> r .: "stop_id"
    <*> r .: "stop_name"
    <*> r .: "stop_lat"
    <*> r .: "stop_lon"

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord (Stop 'Shallow) where
  parseNamedRecord r = Stop
    <$> r .: "trip_id"
    <*> r .: "arrival_time"
    <*> r .: "departure_time"
    <*> r .: "stop_id"
    <*> r .: "stop_sequence"

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord Calendar where
  parseNamedRecord r = Calendar
    <$> r .: "service_id"
    <*> intAsBool' r "monday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "tuesday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "wednesday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "thursday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "friday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "saturday"
    <*> intAsBool' r "sunday"
    <*> r .: "start_date"
    <*> r .: "end_date"

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord ShapePoint where
  parseNamedRecord r = ShapePoint
    <$> r .: "shape_id"
    <*> r .: "shape_pt_lat"
    <*> r .: "shape_pt_lon"
    <*> r .: "shape_pt_sequence"

intAsBool :: CSV.NamedRecord -> BS.ByteString -> CSV.Parser (Maybe Bool)
intAsBool r field = do
  int <- r .: field
  pure $ case int :: Int of
    1 -> Just True
    0 -> Just False
    _ -> Nothing

intAsBool' :: CSV.NamedRecord -> BS.ByteString -> CSV.Parser Bool
intAsBool' r field = intAsBool r field >>= maybe
  (fail "unexpected value for a boolean.")

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord CalendarDate where
  parseNamedRecord r = CalendarDate
    <$> r .: "service_id"
    <*> r .: "date"
    <*> do
      int <- r .: "exception_type"
      case int :: Int of
        1 -> pure ServiceAdded
        2 -> pure ServiceRemoved
        _ -> fail $ "unexpected value in exception_type: "+|int|+"."

instance CSV.FromNamedRecord (Trip Shallow Shallow) where
  parseNamedRecord r = Trip
    <$> r .: "route_id"
    <*> r .: "trip_id"
    <*> r .: "trip_headsign"
    <*> r .: "trip_short_name"
    <*> intAsBool r "direction_id"
    <*> r .: "service_id"
    -- NOTE: these aren't booleans but triple-values
    -- <*> intAsBool r "wheelchair_accessible"
    -- <*> intAsBool r "bikes_allowed"
    <*> r .: "shape_id"
    <*> pure ()

data RawGTFS = RawGTFS
  { rawStations      :: Vector Station
  , rawStops         :: Vector (Stop Shallow)
  , rawTrips         :: Vector (Trip Shallow Shallow)
  , rawCalendar      :: Maybe (Vector Calendar)
  , rawCalendarDates :: Maybe (Vector CalendarDate)
  , rawShapePoints   :: Maybe (Vector ShapePoint)

data GTFS = GTFS
  { stations      :: Map StationID Station
  , trips         :: Map TripID (Trip Deep Deep)
  , calendar      :: Map DayOfWeek (Vector Calendar)
  , calendarDates :: Map Day (Vector CalendarDate)
  , shapes        :: Map Text Shape

  , fancyCalendar :: Day -> (Vector ServiceID, Vector (Trip Deep Deep))
  -- ^ a more "fancy" encoding of the calendar?
  } -- deriving Show

loadRawGtfs :: FilePath -> IO RawGTFS
loadRawGtfs path = do
    zip <- Zip.toArchive <$> LB.readFile "./gtfs.zip"
      <$> decodeTable' "stops.txt" zip
      <*> decodeTable' "stop_times.txt" zip
      <*> decodeTable' "trips.txt" zip
      <*> decodeTable "calendar.txt" zip
      <*> decodeTable "calendar_dates.txt" zip
      <*> decodeTable "shapes.txt" zip
      decodeTable :: CSV.FromNamedRecord a => FilePath -> Zip.Archive -> IO (Maybe (Vector a))
      decodeTable path zip =
        case Zip.findEntryByPath path zip of
          Nothing -> pure Nothing
          Just csv -> case CSV.decodeByName (Zip.fromEntry csv) of
            Left err -> error $ "could not decode file "+|path|+": "+|err|+"."
            Right (_,v :: a) -> pure (Just v)
      decodeTable' path zip =
        decodeTable path zip >>= \case
          Nothing -> fail $ "required file "+|path|+" not found in gtfs.zip"
          Just a  -> pure a

loadGtfs :: FilePath -> IO GTFS
loadGtfs path = do
    shallow@RawGTFS{..} <- loadRawGtfs path
    -- TODO: sort these according to sequence numbers
    let shapes =
          V.foldr' sortShapePoint mempty
          $ V.modify (V.sortBy (compare `on` shapePtSequence))
          (fromMaybe mempty rawShapePoints)
    stops' <- V.mapM (pushStop rawStations) rawStops
    trips' <- V.mapM (pushTrip stops' shapes) rawTrips
    pure $ GTFS
      { stations =
        M.fromList $ (\station -> (stationId station, station))
        <$> V.toList rawStations
      , trips =
        M.fromList $ (\trip -> (tripTripID trip, trip))
        <$> V.toList trips'
      , calendar =
        fmap V.fromList
        $ M.fromListWith (<>)
        $ concatMap (\cal -> (, [cal]) <$> weekdays cal)
        $ V.toList (fromMaybe mempty rawCalendar)
      , calendarDates =
        fmap V.fromList
        $ M.fromListWith (<>) $ (\cd -> (caldateDate cd, [cd]))
        <$> V.toList (fromMaybe mempty rawCalendarDates)
      , shapes
      weekdays Calendar{..} =
        if calMonday then [Monday] else []
        <> if calTuesday then [Tuesday] else []
        <> if calWednesday then [Wednesday] else []
        <> if calThursday then [Thursday] else []
        <> if calFriday then [Friday] else []
        <> if calSaturday then [Saturday] else []
        <> [Sunday | calSunday]
      pushStop :: Vector Station -> Stop Shallow -> IO (Stop Deep)
      pushStop stations stop = do
        station <- case tableLookup stationId (stopStation stop) stations of
          Just a -> pure a
          Nothing -> fail $ "station with id "+|stopStation stop|+"is mentioned but not defined."
        pure $ stop { stopStation = station }
      pushTrip :: Vector (Stop Deep) -> Map Text Shape -> Trip Shallow Shallow -> IO (Trip Deep Deep)
      pushTrip stops shapes trip = if V.length alongRoute < 2
          then fail $ "trip with id "+|tripTripID trip|+" has no stops"
          else do
            a <- case M.lookup (tripShape trip) shapes of
              Nothing -> fail $ "trip with id "+|tripTripID trip|+" mentions a shape that does not exist."
              Just a -> pure a
            pure $ trip { tripStops = alongRoute, tripShape = a }
        where alongRoute =
                V.modify (V.sortBy (compare `on` stopSequence))
                $ V.filter (\s -> stopTrip s == tripTripID trip) stops
      sortShapePoint :: ShapePoint -> Map Text Shape -> Map Text Shape
      sortShapePoint ShapePoint{..} shapes = M.alter appendPoint shapePtId shapes
          point = (shapePtLat, shapePtLong)
          appendPoint = \case
            Just shape -> Just $ shape { shapePoints = V.cons point (shapePoints shape) }
            Nothing -> Just $ Shape { shapeId = shapePtId, shapePoints = V.singleton point }

servicesOnDay :: GTFS -> Day -> Vector ServiceID
servicesOnDay GTFS{..} day =
  fmap caldateServiceId added <> V.filter notCancelled regular
  where (added,removed) =
          V.partition (\cd -> caldateExceptionType cd == ServiceAdded)
          . fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup day calendarDates
        regular = maybe mempty (fmap calServiceId) $ M.lookup (dayOfWeek day) calendar
        notCancelled serviceID =
          null (tableLookup caldateServiceId serviceID removed)

tripsOfService :: GTFS -> ServiceID -> Map TripID (Trip Deep Deep)
tripsOfService GTFS{..} serviceId =
  M.filter (\trip -> tripServiceId trip == serviceId ) trips

-- TODO: this should filter out trips ending there
tripsAtStation :: GTFS -> StationID -> Vector TripID
tripsAtStation GTFS{..} at = fmap stopTrip stops
    stops = V.filter (\(stop :: Stop Deep) -> stationId (stopStation stop) == at) stops

tripsOnDay :: GTFS -> Day -> Map TripID (Trip Deep Deep)
tripsOnDay gtfs today = foldMap (tripsOfService gtfs) (servicesOnDay gtfs today)