{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} module GTFS.Realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties (TripProperties(..)) where import Prelude ((+), (/), (++), (.), (==), (<=), (&&)) import qualified Prelude as Prelude' import qualified Data.List as Prelude' import qualified Data.Typeable as Prelude' import qualified GHC.Generics as Prelude' import qualified Data.Data as Prelude' import qualified Text.ProtocolBuffers.Header as P' data TripProperties = TripProperties{trip_id :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Utf8), start_date :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Utf8), start_time :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Utf8), shape_id :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Utf8), ext'field :: !(P'.ExtField)} deriving (Prelude'.Show, Prelude'.Eq, Prelude'.Ord, Prelude'.Typeable, Prelude'.Data, Prelude'.Generic) instance P'.ExtendMessage TripProperties where getExtField = ext'field putExtField e'f msg = msg{ext'field = e'f} validExtRanges msg = P'.extRanges (P'.reflectDescriptorInfo msg) instance P'.Mergeable TripProperties where mergeAppend (TripProperties x'1 x'2 x'3 x'4 x'5) (TripProperties y'1 y'2 y'3 y'4 y'5) = let !z'1 = P'.mergeAppend x'1 y'1 !z'2 = P'.mergeAppend x'2 y'2 !z'3 = P'.mergeAppend x'3 y'3 !z'4 = P'.mergeAppend x'4 y'4 !z'5 = P'.mergeAppend x'5 y'5 in TripProperties z'1 z'2 z'3 z'4 z'5 instance P'.Default TripProperties where defaultValue = TripProperties P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue instance P'.Wire TripProperties where wireSize ft' self'@(TripProperties x'1 x'2 x'3 x'4 x'5) = case ft' of 10 -> calc'Size 11 -> P'.prependMessageSize calc'Size _ -> P'.wireSizeErr ft' self' where calc'Size = (P'.wireSizeOpt 1 9 x'1 + P'.wireSizeOpt 1 9 x'2 + P'.wireSizeOpt 1 9 x'3 + P'.wireSizeOpt 1 9 x'4 + P'.wireSizeExtField x'5) wirePutWithSize ft' self'@(TripProperties x'1 x'2 x'3 x'4 x'5) = case ft' of 10 -> put'Fields 11 -> put'FieldsSized _ -> P'.wirePutErr ft' self' where put'Fields = P'.sequencePutWithSize [P'.wirePutOptWithSize 10 9 x'1, P'.wirePutOptWithSize 18 9 x'2, P'.wirePutOptWithSize 26 9 x'3, P'.wirePutOptWithSize 34 9 x'4, P'.wirePutExtFieldWithSize x'5] put'FieldsSized = let size' = Prelude'.fst (P'.runPutM put'Fields) put'Size = do P'.putSize size' Prelude'.return (P'.size'WireSize size') in P'.sequencePutWithSize [put'Size, put'Fields] wireGet ft' = case ft' of 10 -> P'.getBareMessageWith (P'.catch'Unknown' P'.discardUnknown update'Self) 11 -> P'.getMessageWith (P'.catch'Unknown' P'.discardUnknown update'Self) _ -> P'.wireGetErr ft' where update'Self wire'Tag old'Self = case wire'Tag of 10 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{trip_id = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 9) 18 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{start_date = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 9) 26 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{start_time = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 9) 34 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{shape_id = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 9) _ -> let (field'Number, wire'Type) = P'.splitWireTag wire'Tag in if Prelude'.or [1000 <= field'Number && field'Number <= 1999, 9000 <= field'Number && field'Number <= 9999] then P'.loadExtension field'Number wire'Type old'Self else P'.unknown field'Number wire'Type old'Self instance P'.MessageAPI msg' (msg' -> TripProperties) TripProperties where getVal m' f' = f' m' instance P'.GPB TripProperties instance P'.ReflectDescriptor TripProperties where getMessageInfo _ = P'.GetMessageInfo (P'.fromDistinctAscList []) (P'.fromDistinctAscList [10, 18, 26, 34]) reflectDescriptorInfo _ = Prelude'.read "DescriptorInfo {descName = ProtoName {protobufName = FIName \".transit_realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties\", haskellPrefix = [], parentModule = [MName \"GTFS\",MName \"Realtime\",MName \"TripUpdate\"], baseName = MName \"TripProperties\"}, descFilePath = [\"GTFS\",\"Realtime\",\"TripUpdate\",\"TripProperties.hs\"], isGroup = False, fields = fromList [FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".transit_realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties.trip_id\", haskellPrefix' = [], parentModule' = [MName \"GTFS\",MName \"Realtime\",MName \"TripUpdate\",MName \"TripProperties\"], baseName' = FName \"trip_id\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 1}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 10}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 9}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing, isMapField = False, mapKeyVal = Nothing},FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".transit_realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties.start_date\", haskellPrefix' = [], parentModule' = [MName \"GTFS\",MName \"Realtime\",MName \"TripUpdate\",MName \"TripProperties\"], baseName' = FName \"start_date\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 2}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 18}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 9}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing, isMapField = False, mapKeyVal = Nothing},FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".transit_realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties.start_time\", haskellPrefix' = [], parentModule' = [MName \"GTFS\",MName \"Realtime\",MName \"TripUpdate\",MName \"TripProperties\"], baseName' = FName \"start_time\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 3}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 26}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 9}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing, isMapField = False, mapKeyVal = Nothing},FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".transit_realtime.TripUpdate.TripProperties.shape_id\", haskellPrefix' = [], parentModule' = [MName \"GTFS\",MName \"Realtime\",MName \"TripUpdate\",MName \"TripProperties\"], baseName' = FName \"shape_id\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 4}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 34}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 9}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing, isMapField = False, mapKeyVal = Nothing}], descOneofs = fromList [], keys = fromList [], extRanges = [(FieldId {getFieldId = 1000},FieldId {getFieldId = 1999}),(FieldId {getFieldId = 9000},FieldId {getFieldId = 9999})], knownKeys = fromList [], storeUnknown = False, lazyFields = False, makeLenses = False, jsonInstances = False, mapEntry = False}" instance P'.TextType TripProperties where tellT = P'.tellSubMessage getT = P'.getSubMessage instance P'.TextMsg TripProperties where textPut msg = do P'.tellT "trip_id" (trip_id msg) P'.tellT "start_date" (start_date msg) P'.tellT "start_time" (start_time msg) P'.tellT "shape_id" (shape_id msg) textGet = do mods <- P'.sepEndBy (P'.choice [parse'trip_id, parse'start_date, parse'start_time, parse'shape_id]) P'.spaces Prelude'.return (Prelude'.foldl' (\ v f -> f v) P'.defaultValue mods) where parse'trip_id = Prelude'.fmap (\ v o -> o{trip_id = v}) (P'.try (P'.getT "trip_id")) parse'start_date = Prelude'.fmap (\ v o -> o{start_date = v}) (P'.try (P'.getT "start_date")) parse'start_time = Prelude'.fmap (\ v o -> o{start_time = v}) (P'.try (P'.getT "start_time")) parse'shape_id = Prelude'.fmap (\ v o -> o{shape_id = v}) (P'.try (P'.getT "shape_id"))