\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \input{shapes.tex} % \tikzset{ % shape example/.style= { % color = black!30, % draw, % fill = yellow!30, % line width = .5cm, % % inner xsep = 2.5cm, % % inner ysep = 0.5cm, % rounded corners=2cm, % } % } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[stop1, name=one] {};%{Stop\vrule width 1pt height 2cm}; \node[stop2, name=two, below=4.5cm of one.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop3, name=three, below=4.5cm of two.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop4, name=four, below=4.5cm of three.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop5, name=five, below=4.5cm of four.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop6, name=six, below=4.5cm of five.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop9, name=nine, below=4.5cm of six.west, anchor=west] {}; \node[stop10, name=ten, below=4.5cm of nine.west, anchor=west] {}; \draw[gray, thin] (one.center) -- (two.one half) -- (three.one half) -- (four.one half) (two.two half) -- (three.center) -- (four.two quarter) (three.two half) -- (four.three quarter) ; \foreach\shape in {one,two,three,four,five,six,nine,ten} { \foreach\anchor/\placement in {% % Custom anchors one half/below, two half/below, two quarter/above, three quarter/above, % south one half/left, % south two half/right, % south two quarter/below left, % south three quarter/below right, % north one half/left, % north two half/right, % north two quarter/above left, % north three quarter/above right, three sixth/above, % north three sixth/above, % south three sixth/below, four sixth/above, % north four sixth/above, % south four sixth/below, % Standard anchors five tenth/above, six tenth/above, four eighth/above, five eighth/above, south/below, north/above, west/left, east/right, center/above% } \draw[shift=(\shape.\anchor)] plot[mark=x] coordinates{(0, 0)} node[\placement] {\tiny\texttt{(\shape.\anchor)}}; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}