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\node[stop4] (Lanza) at (0,3) {}; \node[stop4] (Cusani) at (0,2) {}; \node[stop6, below=1 of Cusani.east, anchor=east] (Cordusio) {}; \node[stop2, below=1.5 of Cordusio.four eighth, anchor=one half] (DuomoN) {}; \node[stop4, below=.6 of DuomoN.one half, anchor=one half] (Duomo) {}; \draw[stop] ($(DuomoN.two half)+(90:0.1)+(0:0.1)$) -- ++(-.4,0) -- ++(0,-.8) -- ++(.8,0) -- ++(0,.2) -- ++(-.4,0) -- ++(0,.4) -- cycle ; % left side \node[stop2, rotate=90, left=1.5 of Cordusio.center, anchor=one half] (Ancona) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=-90, anchor=two half] (Cadorna) at ($(-2.7, 2) + (0,\offset)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Castello Cairoli) at (-1.1,2.5) {}; \node[stop1] (Ricasoli) at (-2.2,2.5) {}; \node[stop3, rotate=-45] (Via Torino Via S Maria Valle) at (-1,-2.5) {}; % ring \node[stop3, rotate=-30] (Centrale) at \polar{(65:8.2)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=west, rotate=70] (Monte Santo) at \polar{(70:5.1)} {}; \node[stop3, anchor=center, rotate=57] (Repubblica) at \polar{(60:5)} {}; \node[stop3, anchor=center, rotate=45] (Vittorio Veneto) at \polar{(50:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Porta Venezia) at \polar{(30:5)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=one half, rotate=20] (Viale Piave) at \polar{(20:5)} {}; \node[stop3, anchor=center, rotate=90] (Piazza 5 Giornate) at \polar{(-3:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Monte Nero Via Spartaco) at \polar{(-16:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center, rotate=-30] (Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo) at \polar{(-30:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center, rotate=-45] (Porta Romana) at \polar{(-45:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center, rotate=-50] (Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino) at \polar{(-50:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center, rotate=10] (Porta Lodovica) at \polar{(-81:5)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=two half, rotate=90] (24 Maggio) at \polar{(-97:5)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=two half, rotate=71] (Via Vigenavo) at \polar{(-108:5)} {}; \node[stop4, anchor=north center, rotate=-38] (Piazzale Cantore) at \polar{(-118:5)} {}; \node[stop2, rotate=-45, anchor=two half] (Porta Genoa) at ($(Piazzale Cantore.two half) + (-134:1)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=40, anchor=two half] (Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari) at \polar{(-140:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Piazzale Aquileia) at \polar{(-160:5)} {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Piazzale Baracca) at \polar{(174:5)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=center, rotate=71] (Quinto Alpini) at \polar{(161:5)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=two half, rotate=-40] (Arco della Pace) at \polar{(145:4.6)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=two half, rotate=50] (Corso Sempione Via Procaccini) at \polar{(140:5.4)} {}; \node[stop2, anchor=center, rotate=25] (Via Bramante) at \polar{(120:5.4)} {}; \node[stop3, anchor=center, rotate=9] (Via Farini Via Ferrari) at \polar{(99:5.4)} {}; % west \node[stop1, left=2 of Piazzale Baracca] (De Angeli) {}; \node[stop1] (Segesta) at ($(De Angeli) + (-1.4,1)$) {}; \node[stop1, left=2 of Segesta] (San Siro Stadio) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=45, anchor=two half] (Domodossola) at ($(Corso Sempione Via Procaccini.one half) + (135:1.5)$) {}; \node[stop1, below left=1 of Domodossola.south one half, anchor=north] (Viale Boezio) {}; \node[stop1, below=0.4 of Viale Boezio] (6 Febbraio) {}; % right side \node[stop3, rotate=90, anchor=east] (Missori) at ($(DuomoN) + (1.5,-0.1)$) {}; \node[stop3, rotate=90] (Augusto) at ($(Piazza 5 Giornate) - (1.2,0)$) {}; \node[stop3, rotate=90, left=1 of Augusto.center, anchor=center] (Via Larga) {}; \node[stop2] (Piazza Fontana) at ($(Augusto) + (-0.5,1)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=45] (Crocetta) at ($(Missori) + (1,-1)$) {}; % Città studi \node[stop3, rotate=90, anchor=one half] (Adalaide di Savoia) at ($(Viale Piave.north two half) + (2.2,0)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=135, anchor=two half] (Valvassori Peroni) at ($(Adalaide di Savoia.one half) + (3,3)$) {}; \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Stazione Lambrate) at \polar{(32:11.9)} {}; \node[stop1, right=1 of Valvassori Peroni.south two half, anchor=center] (Rimembranze di Lambrate) {}; \node[stop1, anchor=west] (Piazza Ferravilla) at ($(Adalaide di Savoia.south two half) + (1+\offset,-1)$) {}; \node[stop1, right=1.9 of Piazza Ferravilla] (Ortica) {}; % 33 & 5 \node[stop2, rotate=45, anchor=center] (Viale Tunisia) at \polar{(46:6.5)} {}; % 5 \node[stop2, rotate=-45, anchor=two half] (Via Vitruvio) at \polar{(46:8-.2)} {}; % 1 \node[stop1] (Greco Rovereto) at ($(Via Vitruvio.two half) + (2,2)$) {}; % south \node[stop1, below=2 of Porta Lodovica] (Agrippa) {}; \node[stop2, below=3 of 24 Maggio] (Piazza Abbiategrasso) {}; \node[stop2, below=3 of Piazza Abbiategrasso] (Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni) {}; \node[stop1, below left=1 of Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni.two half] (Via Grandi Via Bouzzi Rozzano) {}; \node[stop1, left=3 of Via Grandi Via Bouzzi Rozzano] (Via G Rossa) {}; \node[stop1] (Vigentino) at ($(Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino) + (-50:5)$) {}; % south west \node[stop1] (Via Valenza Alzaia Nav Grande) at ($(Porta Genoa.south one half) + (-.8,0)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Piazzale Negrelli) at ($(Via Valenza Alzaia Nav Grande.west) + (-140:4.5)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Lorenteggio) at ($(Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari.north one half) + (-143:5)$) {}; % south of Città studi \node[stop2, rotate=90, right=2 of Piazza 5 Giornate.two half, anchor=two half] (Piazza Emilia) {}; \node[stop1, anchor=west] (Via Arconati) at ($(Piazza Emilia.south one half) + (.5,-1.5)$) {}; \node[stop1, right=1 of Via Arconati] (Viale Molise) {}; \node[stop1, right=3.8 of Piazza Emilia.two half] (Repetti) {}; \node[stop1] (Viale Ungheria Via Mercante) at ($(Repetti.east) + (2,-3)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Viale Ungheria) at ($(Viale Ungheria Via Mercante) - (0,1)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Via Comelico) at ($(Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo.center) + (-30:3)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Piazza Salgari) at ($(Via Comelico) + (-30:0.3) + (1,0)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Via Monte Velino) at ($(Piazza Salgari.east) + (.5,1)$) {}; % north west \node[stop2, rotate=90] (Cenisio) at ($(Via Bramante) + (-1,1)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=90, left=1 of Cenisio.center, anchor=center] (Piazza Diocleziano) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=90, anchor=two half] (Piazza Firenze) at ($(Piazza Diocleziano.two half) + (-2,0)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=90, anchor=one half] (Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri) at ($(Piazza Diocleziano.north one half) + (-3.5,1.5)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=90, anchor=one half] (Piazza Castelli) at ($(Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.one half) + (-1,0)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=90] (Piazzale Accursio) at ($(Piazza Firenze) + (-2,0)$) {}; \node[stop2] (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa) at ($(Piazza Castelli.north one half) + (-1,1)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=70, anchor=south one half, above=1 of Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa] (Certosa) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=70] (Roserio) at ($(Certosa) - (-20:2)$) {}; \node[stop1, left=3 of Piazzale Accursio.two half] (Piazzale Cimitero Maggiore) {}; % north \node[stop2, above=1 of Via Farini Via Ferrari.one half, anchor=one half] (Via Farini Via Valtellina) {}; \node[stop2, above=1 of Via Farini Via Valtellina] (Via Farini Viale Stelvio) {}; \node[stop1, above=4.2 of Via Farini Viale Stelvio.two half] (Ospedale Niguarda) {}; \node[stop1, above=2 of Ospedale Niguarda.one half] (Niguarda Parco Nord) {}; \node[stop1] (Bausan) at ($(Via Farini Viale Stelvio.north one half) + (-4,.5)$) {}; \node[stop1] (Via Ugo Bassi) at ($(Via Farini Via Ferrari.two half) + (0,.7) + (.2,.2)$) {}; \node[stop2, anchor=one half] (Piazzale Lagosta) at ($(Via Ugo Bassi) + (2,1.2)$) {}; \node[stop2, rotate=-30, anchor=one half] (Viale Lunigiana) at ($(Centrale.center) + (60:1)$) {}; \node[stop2, above=2.1 of Piazzale Lagosta.center, anchor=center] (Marche) {}; \node[stop2, above=2 of Marche.center, anchor=center] (Ca Granda) {}; \node[stop2, above=1 of Ca Granda] (Viale Testi Via S Marcellina) {}; \node[stop2, above=1 of Viale Testi Via S Marcellina] (Bicocca) {}; \node[stop1] (Precotto Interno Deposito) at ($(Bicocca.north two half) + (3.5,.5)$) {}; \node[stop1, above=3 of Bicocca.one half] (Primo Maggio) {}; \node (Milano Porta Vittoria) at (8,-.5) {}; \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{lines} \pgfmathsetmacro{\offset}{0.1*tan(45/2)} \pgfmathsetmacro{\line}{0.2} %% \foreach\angle in {-170,-160,...,180} { %% \draw[help line, color=gray!50] \polar{(0,0)} -- \polar{(\angle:8)}; %% \node at \polar{(\angle:8)} { \angle }; %% }; \draw[railway outwards] (Centrale.center) {[rounded corners=0.01cm] -- (Centrale.four eighth) } -- \polar{(61:12)} arc (90:20:4.4) -- \polar{(32:12.1)} arc(10:-12:30) {[rounded corners=2cm] -- \polar{(-40:10.5)} -- \polar{(-134:9.5)} } -- ++(-140:4.5) node[label, below, anchor=north west] {Mortara}; \draw[railway line] (Porta Genoa.five eighth) {[rounded corners=1cm] -- \polar{(-134:7)} } -- \polar{(-134:9.5)} -- ++(-140:4); \draw[railway line] \polar{(32:12.1)} arc(10:3:30) -- ($(Ortica) + (1,0.5)$) -- ++(0:2) ; \draw[railway] ($(Certosa.four sixth) - (-20:1) + (-4,0)$) node[label, above, anchor=south west] {Torino} -- ($(Certosa.four sixth) - (-20:1)$) -- (Certosa.four sixth) -- ($(Via Farini Via Valtellina) + (-2,0)$) -- ($(Via Farini Via Valtellina) - (0,.5)$) arc (90:70:12) -- ($(Viale Tunisia.four sixth)$) -- ($(Adalaide di Savoia.north west) - (0,.2)$) -- ($(Piazza Emilia.north) + (-.1,1)$) -- ($(Milano Porta Vittoria) - (1.4,0)$) -- ($(Milano Porta Vittoria)$) -- ($(Milano Porta Vittoria) + (2,0)$) -- ($(Repetti) + (-.15,0)$) -- ($(Repetti) + (-.4,1)$) -- ($(Ortica) + (1,0.5)$) -- ++(0:3) node[label, below right, anchor=north] {Verona} ; \draw[railway outwards] ($(Via Farini Via Valtellina) - (0,.5)$) arc (90:85:12) -- \polar{(75:6)} {[rounded corners=2cm] -- ++(65:8) } -- ++(85:5) node[label, below left, anchor=north east] {Chiasso (CH)} ; \draw[railway line] (Centrale.center) {[rounded corners=0.01cm] -- (Centrale.four eighth) } -- \polar{(61:12)} -- ($(75:6) + (65:8) + (-.2,.5)$) -- ++(85:5) ; \draw[railway outwards] ($(Repetti) + (-.15,0)$) arc(-3:-12:30) -- ++(1,-2) -- ++(-30:2) node[label, above, anchor=south west] {Bologna} ; \draw[railway outwards] ($(Repetti) + (-.15,0)$) arc(-3:-12:30) -- ++(1,-2) -- ++(-90:2) node[label, above, anchor=south west] {Genova} ; \draw[railway line] (Certosa.four sixth) -- ($(Certosa.four sixth) + (-20:1)$) -- ++(1,1.4) arc (110:78:25) -- \polar{(61:12)} arc (90:20:4.4) -- \polar{(32:12.1)} ; \draw[railway line] (Certosa.four sixth) -- ($(Certosa.four sixth) + (-20:1)$) -- ++(1,1.4) arc (110:78:25) -- \polar{(61:12)} -- (Centrale.four eighth) ; \draw[railway line] ($(Certosa.four sixth) + (-17:3)$) -- ($(Certosa.four sixth) + (-20:1) + (.5,0)$) -- ($(Certosa.four sixth) + (-20:1) + (1,1.4)$) arc (110:78:25) -- \polar{(61:12)} -- (Centrale.four eighth) ; \draw[railway outwards] (Cadorna.four sixth) {[rounded corners=.3cm] -- ++ (-0.2,0) } -- \polar{(135:5)} -- ($(Piazza Diocleziano) - (1,.3)$) arc (-135:-180:10) -- ++(0,2) node[label, below left, anchor=west] {Asso} ; \draw[railway outwards] (Cadorna.four sixth) {[rounded corners=.3cm] -- ++ (-0.2,0) } -- \polar{(135:5)} -- ($(Piazza Diocleziano) - (1,.3)$) arc (-135:-180:10) -- ++(135:2) node[label, below left, anchor=west] {Saronno} ; \draw[line, one] (Greco Rovereto) -- (Via Vitruvio.two half) -- (Viale Tunisia.east) -- (Viale Tunisia.west) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Vittorio Veneto.south one half) + \line*(.7,-.7)$) } -- (Vittorio Veneto.one half) -- \centerarc(53:60:4.8) %% -- (Repubblica.one half) %% -- (Repubblica.north one half) {[rounded corners=0.4cm] -- ++(-.6,0) -- ($(Cordusio.two half) + (1.3,0)$) } -- (Cordusio.two half) -- (Cusani.two half) -- ++(0,0.25) -- ($(Cusani.one half) + (-.2,.25)$) -- (Cadorna.one half) -- (Quinto Alpini.two half) -- ($(Quinto Alpini.north two half)$) -- ++($(.05,.15+.5*\offset)$) -- ($(Arco della Pace.south one half)$) -- (Arco della Pace.one half) -- (Arco della Pace.north one half) -- (Corso Sempione Via Procaccini.one half) -- (Domodossola.two half) -- ($(Piazza Firenze.south one half)$) -- (Piazzale Accursio.one half) -- (Piazzale Accursio.north one half) {[rounded corners=1.3cm] -- ($(Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.south one half) - (0,1.2)$) } -- (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.south one half) -- (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.north one half) -- (Certosa.south one half) -- (Certosa.one half) -- (Roserio.one half) ; \draw[line, two] % TODO north (Bausan) {[rounded corners=.5cm] -- ($(Via Farini Viale Stelvio.north one half) + (0,.5)$) } -- (Via Farini Viale Stelvio.north one half) -- (Via Farini Viale Stelvio.one half) -- (Via Farini Via Valtellina.one half) -- (Via Farini Via Ferrari.one half) -- ($(Lega Lombarda.north three quarter) + 2*\offset*(-.7,.7)$) -- (Lega Lombarda.three quarter) -- ($(Lanza.north three quarter) + (0,2*\offset)$) -- (Lanza.three quarter) -- (Cusani.three quarter) -- (Cordusio.three quarter) -- (DuomoN.two half) -- ($(Duomo.south two quarter) - (0,2*\offset)$) -- (Via Torino Via S Maria Valle.center) -- (Piazzale Cantore.north three quarter) -- (Piazzale Cantore.three quarter) -- (Porta Genoa.one half) -- (Porta Genoa.south one half) -- (Via Valenza Alzaia Nav Grande) -- (Via Valenza Alzaia Nav Grande.west) -- (Piazzale Negrelli) ; \draw[line, three] (Duomo.three quarter) -- ($(Duomo.south three quarter) - (0,4*\offset)$) -- (Via Torino Via S Maria Valle.two half) -- (24 Maggio) -- (Piazza Abbiategrasso.one half) -- (Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni.one half) ; \draw[line, four] (Niguarda Parco Nord) -- (Ospedale Niguarda.one half) -- (Via Farini Viale Stelvio.two half) -- (Via Farini Via Valtellina.two half) -- (Via Farini Via Ferrari.center) -- ($(Lega Lombarda.north two half)$) -- (Lega Lombarda.two half) -- ($(Lanza.north two half) + (0,3*\offset)$) -- (Lanza.two half) -- ++(0,-\line) -- ($(Lanza.one half) + (-\line,-\line)$) -- (Castello Cairoli) -- (Ricasoli) ; \draw[line, five] (Ortica) -- (Piazza Ferravilla) -- (Piazza Ferravilla.west) -- ($(Adalaide di Savoia.south two half) + (\offset, 0)$) -- (Adalaide di Savoia.two half) -- (Adalaide di Savoia.north two half) -- (Viale Tunisia.two half) -- (Viale Tunisia.north two half) -- (Via Vitruvio.one half) -- (Via Vitruvio.north one half) -- \centerarc(49:64:8) %% -- ($(Centrale.south two half) + (0,2*\offset)$) -- (Centrale.two half) -- (Viale Lunigiana.south two half) -- (Viale Lunigiana.two half) -- (Viale Lunigiana.north two half) -- \centerarc(65:80:9.4) %% {[rounded corners=0.2cm] %% -- ($(Marche.south one half) - (0,\line)$) %% } -- (Marche.south one half) -- (Marche.one half) -- (Ca Granda.one half) -- (Ca Granda.north one half) -- (Ospedale Niguarda) ; \draw[line, seven] (Piazzale Lagosta.two half) -- (Marche.two half) -- (Ca Granda.two half) -- (Bicocca.two half) -- (Bicocca.north two half) {[rounded corners=.6cm] -- ($(Bicocca.north two half) + (0,.5)$) } -- (Precotto Interno Deposito) ; \draw[line, nine] (Centrale.one half) -- (Centrale.south one half) -- ($(Monte Santo.east) + (0,2*\offset)$) %% -- (Monte Santo.east) -- (Monte Santo.west) %% -- (Repubblica.north center) -- \centerarc(68:-113:\rad) %% -- (Vittorio Veneto.center) %% -- (Porta Venezia) %% -- (Viale Piave.one half) %% -- (Piazza 5 Giornate.one half) %% -- (Monte Nero Via Spartaco) %% -- (Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo) %% -- (Porta Romana) %% -- (Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino) %% -- (Porta Lodovica) %% -- (24 Maggio.two half) %% -- (Via Vigenavo.two half) -- (Piazzale Cantore.north two half) -- (Piazzale Cantore.two half) -- (Porta Genoa.two half) ; \draw[line, ten] (24 Maggio.one half) -- \centerarc(-100:-108:5.2) -- (Via Vigenavo.one half) -- (Via Vigenavo.north one half) -- ($(Porta Genoa.east) + (.4,0)$) -- (Porta Genoa.east) -- ($(Porta Genoa.west) + .1*(-.7,.7)$) -- (Piazzale Cantore.two quarter) %% -- ($(Piazzale Cantore.north one half) - \offset*(1,1)$) -- \centerarc(-123:-195:\rad) %% -- (Piazzale Cantore.north one half) %% -- (Piazzale Cantore.one half) %% -- (Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari.south two half) %% -- (Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari.two half) %% -- (Piazzale Aquileia) %% -- (Piazzale Baracca) -- (Quinto Alpini.center) -- (Quinto Alpini.east) %% {[rounded corners=.5cm] %% -- \polar{(152:4.8)} %% } -- ($(Arco della Pace.two half) - (0,\offset)$) -- (Arco della Pace.two half) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Arco della Pace.north two half) + \line*(.7,.7)$) } -- (Corso Sempione Via Procaccini.two half) %% {[rounded corners=0.3cm] %% -- \polar{(130:5.4)} %% } %% -- (Via Bramante.west) %% -- (Via Bramante.east) %% {[rounded corners=0.3cm] %% -- \polar{(110:5.2)} %% } %% -- (Via Farini Via Ferrari.west) %% -- (Via Farini Via Ferrari.east) -- \centerarc(139:72:5.4) -- (Monte Santo.two half) -- ($(Monte Santo.south two half) + (0,2*\offset)$) -- ($(Centrale.south center) $) -- (Centrale.center) -- (Viale Lunigiana.one half) ; \draw[line, twelve] % TODO (Viale Molise) -- (Via Arconati) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Via Arconati.west) - (.5,0)$) } -- (Piazza Emilia.south one half) -- (Piazza Emilia.one half) -- (Piazza 5 Giornate.center) -- (Augusto.center) -- (Via Larga.center) -- ++(-0.2,0) -- ($(Missori.two half) + (.2,0)$) -- (Missori.two half) -- ($(DuomoN.four sixth) - (0,.2)$) -- (DuomoN.four sixth) -- (Cordusio.three sixth) -- (Cusani.one half) -- (Lanza.one half) -- ($(Lanza.north one half)$) -- (Lega Lombarda.one half) -- (Lega Lombarda.north one half) -- ($(Via Bramante.south one half) - (0,\offset)$) -- (Via Bramante.one half) -- (Via Bramante.north one half) -- (Cenisio.south one half) -- (Cenisio.one half) -- (Piazza Diocleziano.one half) -- (Piazza Diocleziano.north one half) {[rounded corners=0.5cm] -- ($(Piazza Diocleziano.north one half) - (.5,0)$) -- ($(Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.two half) + (2,0)$) } -- (Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.two half) -- (Piazza Castelli.two half) -- (Piazza Castelli.north two half) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ++(-.3,0) -- (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.south two half) } -- (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.two half) -- (Piazzale Santorre di Santarosa.north two half) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Certosa.south two half) + 4*\offset*(-20:1)$) } -- (Certosa.two half) -- (Roserio.two half) ; \draw[line, fourteen] % TODO (Piazzale Cimitero Maggiore) -- (Piazzale Accursio.two half) -- (Piazza Firenze.two half) -- (Piazza Diocleziano.north two half) -- (Piazza Diocleziano.two half) -- (Cenisio.two half) -- ($(Cenisio.south two half) + (2*\offset,0)$) -- ($(Via Bramante.north two half)$) -- (Via Bramante.two half) -- (Via Bramante.south two half) -- (Lega Lombarda.north two quarter) -- (Lega Lombarda.two quarter) -- ($(Lanza.north two quarter) + (0,\offset)$) -- (Lanza.two quarter) -- (Cusani.two quarter) -- (Cordusio.four sixth) -- (DuomoN.one half) -- ($(Duomo.south one half)$) -- (Via Torino Via S Maria Valle.one half) -- ($(Piazzale Cantore.north two quarter) + \offset*(2,2)$) -- (Piazzale Cantore.one half) -- \centerarc(-122:-135:5.2) %% -- ($(Piazzale Cantore.south two quarter) + (0,-\offset)$) %% -- ($(Piazzale Cantore.south one half) + (-\offset,-\offset)$) -- (Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari.one half) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Piazzale Coni Zugna Via Solari.north one half) + (-.1,.1)$) } -- (Lorenteggio) ; \draw[line, fifteen] (Duomo.two half) -- (Duomo.south two half) -- (Porta Lodovica) -- (Agrippa) -- (Agrippa.south) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Agrippa.south) - (0,.2)$) -- ($(Piazza Abbiategrasso.north two half) + (0,.2)$) } -- (Piazza Abbiategrasso.north two half) -- (Piazza Abbiategrasso.two half) -- (Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni.two half) -- (Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni.south two half) {[rounded corners=0.5cm] -- ($(Via Grandi Via Bouzzi Rozzano) + (.5,0)$) -- (Via Grandi Via Bouzzi Rozzano) } -- (Via G Rossa) ; \draw[line, sixteen] (San Siro Stadio) -- (Segesta) -- (Segesta.east) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Segesta.east) + (.2,0)$) -- ($(De Angeli.west) - (.2,0)$) } -- (De Angeli.west) -- (De Angeli) -- (Piazzale Baracca) -- (Ancona.one half) -- (Cordusio.one half) -- (DuomoN.six tenth) {[rounded corners=0.5cm] -- ($(DuomoN.six tenth) - (0,0.6)$) } -- (Missori.one half) -- ++(0.2,0) -- (Crocetta.two half) -- (Crocetta.south two half) -- (Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo.west) -- (Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Viale Monte Nero Via Bergamo) + (.1,0)$) -- (Via Comelico) -- ($(Via Comelico) + (-30:0.3)$) } -- (Piazza Salgari) -- (Piazza Salgari.east) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Piazza Salgari.east) + (.5,0)$) } -- (Via Monte Velino) ; \draw[line, nineteen] (Stazione Lambrate) arc (10:8.5:30) -- (Valvassori Peroni.south one half) -- (Valvassori Peroni.one half) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Adalaide di Savoia.south one half) + (2*\offset,0)$) } -- (Adalaide di Savoia.one half) -- (Viale Piave.north two half) -- (Viale Piave.two half) -- \centerarc(19:0:5.2) -- ($(Piazza 5 Giornate.one half) + (\line,0)$) -- (Piazza 5 Giornate.one half) -- (Augusto.one half) -- (Via Larga.one half) -- ++(-0.1,0) -- ($(Missori.two quarter) + (.3,0)$) -- (Missori.two quarter) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(DuomoN.five eighth) - (0,0.4)$) } -- (DuomoN.five eighth) -- (Cordusio.two quarter) -- ($(Cordusio.north two quarter)$) -- (Ancona.two half) -- (Cadorna.two half) -- (Quinto Alpini.one half) -- (Quinto Alpini.north one half) -- (6 Febbraio.south) -- (6 Febbraio) -- (Viale Boezio) -- (Viale Boezio.north) -- (Domodossola.south one half) -- (Domodossola.one half) -- (Piazza Firenze.west) -- (Piazza Firenze.east) {[rounded corners=0.3cm] -- ($(Piazza Firenze.east) + (-.1,\line)$) -- ($(Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.south one half) + (\line,0)$) } -- (Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.south one half) -- (Via Mac Mahon Via Artieri.one half) -- (Piazza Castelli.one half) ; \draw[line, twentyfour] (Piazza Fontana.one half) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] |- ++(0,-.7) } -- ($(Via Larga.two half) + (.1,0)$) -- (Via Larga.two half) -- ++(-0.3,0) -- ($(Missori.two half) + (0,.1)$) -- ($(Missori.one half) - (0,.1)$) -- (Crocetta.one half) -- (Crocetta.south one half) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Crocetta.south one half) + (-40:.2)$) -- ($(Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino.west) - (-50:.2)$) } -- (Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino.west) -- (Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino) -- (Via Ripamonti Viale Sabotino.east) -- (Vigentino) ; \draw[line, twentyseven] (Viale Ungheria) -- (Viale Ungheria Via Mercante) {[rounded corners=.3cm] -- ($(Viale Ungheria Via Mercante) + (0,.5)$) -- ($(Repetti.east) + (0,-.5)$) } -- (Repetti) -- (Piazza Emilia.two half) -- (Piazza 5 Giornate.two half) -- (Augusto.two half) -- ++(-.1,0) {[rounded corners=0.2cm] -- ($(Piazza Fontana.two half) - (0,.7)$) } -- (Piazza Fontana.two half) ; \draw[line, thirtyone] (Viale Testi Via S Marcellina.one half) -- (Bicocca.one half) -- (Primo Maggio) ; \draw[line, thirtythree] (Rimembranze di Lambrate) -- (Valvassori Peroni.south two half) -- (Valvassori Peroni.two half) -- (Adalaide di Savoia.south center) -- (Adalaide di Savoia.center) -- ($(Adalaide di Savoia.north center) + (-2*\offset,0)$) -- (Viale Tunisia.one half) -- (Viale Tunisia.north one half) -- ($(Vittorio Veneto.south two half)$) -- (Vittorio Veneto.two half) %% -- (Repubblica.two half) %% -- (Monte Santo.south one half) %% -- (Monte Santo.north one half) -- \centerarc(50:95:5.2) -- (Via Farini Via Ferrari.south two half) -- ++(0,.7) -- (Via Ugo Bassi) {[rounded corners=.3cm] -- ++(1.8,0) } -- ($(Piazzale Lagosta.south one half)$) -- (Piazzale Lagosta.one half) ; \end{pgfonlayer} \begin{pgfonlayer}{labels} \foreach \stop/\stopanchor/\line/\anchor/\name in { Greco Rovereto/center/one/south/1, Roserio/one half/one/east/1, Roserio-one-label/center/twelve/east/12, Bausan/center/two/north/2, Piazzale Negrelli/center/two/north east/2, Duomo/two half/fifteen/north west/15, Duomo-fifteen-label/center/three/north/3, Via dei Missaglie Via Baroni/two half/three/west/3, Niguarda Parco Nord/center/four/west/4, Ricasoli/center/four/east/4, % TODO Ortica/center/five/south/5, Ospedale Niguarda/center/five/east/5, Piazzale Lagosta/center/seven/east/7, Piazzale Lagosta-seven-label/center/thirtythree/east/33, Precotto Interno Deposito/center/seven/west/7, Centrale/four eighth/nine/west/9, % TODO rest of centrale Porta Genoa/center/nine/north east/9, 24 Maggio/center/ten/north east/10, Viale Lunigiana/center/ten/west/10, Viale Molise/center/twelve/north/12, Piazzale Cimitero Maggiore/center/fourteen/south/14, Lorenteggio/center/fourteen/north east/14, Via G Rossa/center/fifteen/north/15, San Siro Stadio/center/sixteen/north/16, Via Monte Velino/center/sixteen/west/16, Stazione Lambrate/east/nineteen/west/19, Piazza Castelli/one half/nineteen/north east/19, Piazza Fontana/one half/twentyfour/east/24, Vigentino/center/twentyfour/north east/24, Piazza Fontana/two half/twentyseven/west/27, Viale Ungheria/center/twentyseven/west/27, Viale Testi Via S Marcellina/two half/thirtyone/west/31, Primo Maggio/center/thirtyone/east/31, Rimembranze di Lambrate/center/thirtythree/north/33 } { \node[label, line name, fill=\line, anchor=\anchor] (\stop-\line-label) at ($(\stop.\stopanchor)$) {\bf \name}; }; \foreach\stop/\stopanchor/\direction/\distance/\anchor/\rotate in { Piazzale Cantore/west/190/0/north east/0, Via Vigenavo/east/50/.3/center/0, Cenisio/east/180/.3/south west/0, Quinto Alpini/west/30/-.1/east/0, Missori/south center/-45/.2/west/0, Monte Santo/north west/-45/.1/east/0, Cordusio/south two half/140/.2/north west/0 } { \node[label, rotate=\rotate, anchor=\anchor] at ($(\stop.\stopanchor) + (\direction:\distance)$) {\contour{white}{\stop}}; }; \node[label, anchor=west] at ($(DuomoN.east) + (0,.1)$) {\contour{white} {Duomo}}; \foreach\stop/\stopanchor/\anchor/\rotate in { Via G Rossa/north/south/0, Cusani/east/west/0, Lanza/east/west/0, Via Larga/west/west/-45, Augusto/west/west/-45, Ancona/west/north/0, Cadorna/east/north east/0, Crocetta/east/south west/0, Ricasoli/north/south/0, Lega Lombarda/east/west/0, Piazza Fontana/north/south/0, Piazza 5 Giornate/one half/north west/0, % west San Siro Stadio/north/south/0, Segesta/north/south/0, De Angeli/south/north/0, 6 Febbraio/west/east/0, Viale Boezio/west/east/0, Domodossola/west/east/0, Piazza Firenze/west/east/20, Piazzale Accursio/west/east/20, % north Certosa/east/south/0, Bausan/north/south/0, Niguarda Parco Nord/west/east/0, Primo Maggio/east/west/0, Bicocca/west/east/0, Ca Granda/east/west/0, Marche/west/east/0, Via Ugo Bassi/north/south west/0, Greco Rovereto/east/west/0, Via Vitruvio/east/west/0, Viale Tunisia/south east/west/0, % east Piazza Ferravilla/south/north/0, Viale Piave/west/east/0, Porta Venezia/west/east/0, Stazione Lambrate/west/east/0, Valvassori Peroni/east/east/0, Piazza Emilia/east/south/0, Via Arconati/south/north/0, Viale Molise/north/south/0, % south east Via Comelico/west/north east/0, Piazza Salgari/south/north/0, Via Monte Velino/west/east/0, Repetti/center/south west/0, Viale Ungheria/west/east/0, % south Agrippa/east/west/0, % ring Via Bramante/north west/east/0, 24 Maggio/one half/north west/0, Porta Lodovica/south east/north west/0, Porta Romana/east/west/0, Repubblica/two half/south west/0, Piazzale Baracca/south/north west/0, Piazzale Aquileia/west/east/0 } { \node[label, rotate=\rotate, anchor=\anchor] at ($(\stop.\stopanchor)$) {\contour{white}{\stop}}; }; \foreach \stop/\suffix/\position/\anchor/\rotate in { Centrale/nine-label/.2/west/0, Viale Lunigiana/ten-label/.2/west/0, Lorenteggio/fourteen-label/.2/west/0, Piazzale Negrelli/two-label/.2/west/0, Porta Genoa/nine-label/.2/west/0, Ospedale Niguarda/five-label/-.2/east/0, Ortica/five-label/-.2/east/0, Vigentino/twentyfour-label/.2/west/0 } { \node[label, rotate=\rotate, anchor=\anchor] at ($(\stop-\suffix) + (\position,0)$) {\contour{white}{\stop}}; }; \node[label, anchor=south east] at ($(Roserio-one-label) + (.35,.2)$) {\contour{white}{Roserio}}; \def\mlabel(#1, #2, #3, #4, #5)#6{ \tlset\nodename{#6} \tlremove\nodename{/} \node[label, align=center, anchor=#2, rotate=#3] at ($(\nodename.#1) + (#4:#5)$) {% \seqsetsplit\nodeseq{ /}{#6}% \seqMapInline\temp\nodeseq{\contour{white}{##1}}% \seqUse\temp{\\} }; } \def\slabel(#1, #2)#3{\mlabel(#1, #2, 0, 0, 0){#3}} \mlabel(north west, south east, 0, 180, .1){Piazzale Coni Zugna /Via Solari} \slabel(north west, south east){Via Torino /Via S Maria Valle} \slabel(north west, east){Via Valenza Alzaia /Nav Grande} \slabel(west, east){Piazzale Santorre /di Santarosa} \mlabel(east, south, 0, 0, -.2){Via Mac Mahon /Via Artieri} \slabel(south, north){Piazzale /Cimitero Maggiore} \mlabel(east, west, 0, -40, .2){Corso Sempione /Via Procaccini} \slabel(west, east){Via Farini /Viale Stelvio} \slabel(west, east){Viale Testi /Via S Marcellina} \slabel(east, west){Piazzale /Lagosta} \slabel(east, south){Piazza /Diocleziano} \slabel(north west, east){Via Farini /Via Valtellina} \slabel(one half, south east){Via Farini /Via Ferrari} \slabel(east, west){Rimembranze /di Lambrate} \slabel(west, east){Viale Ungheria /Via Mercante} \slabel(east, west){Monte Nero /Via Spartaco} \slabel(north east, west){Viale Monte Nero /Via Bergamo} \mlabel(west, east, 0, 180, .2){Via Ripamonti /Viale Sabotino} \slabel(west, east){Piazza /Abbiategrasso} \slabel(west, east){Via dei Missaglie /Via Baroni} \slabel(south, north){Via Grandi /Via Bouzzi Rozzano} \mlabel(east, south, 0, 70, .2){Adalaide di /Savoia} \mlabel(east, west, 0, 0, .5){Precotto /Interno Deposito} \mlabel(west, north west, 0, 0, -.2){Piazza /Castelli} \mlabel(north, south, 0, -180, 0.1){Castello /Cairoli} \mlabel(south west, east, 0, -90, 0.1){Arco della /Pace} \mlabel(south west, north, 0, 0, 0){Vittorio /Veneto} \end{pgfonlayer} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} % vim: nospell conceallevel=0