#+TITLE: Isabelle in a FHSenv [[https://isabelle.in.tum.de/index.html][Isabelle]] is an interactive theorem prover. Unfortunately, it is very hard to get to run on NixOS, and even harder to build it from scratch. It depends on a variety of packages in very specific versions that don't seem to be documented anywhere; even the release version which has most of them vendored in and according to the documentation depends only on perl and X.org still expects e.g. libgmp to be present. There is a packaged version of Isabelle for Nix, but it is broken in many minor ways — e.g. the vampire prover doesn't work, the smt proof tactic always fails to reconstruct, etc. I eventually gave up getting it to run corectly, so here's a a nix derivation of the released version wrapped into a FHSUserEnv as a workaround.