module Switcher exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, br, input, img) import Html.Attributes exposing (style, class, value, placeholder, src) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy) import List exposing (foldr) import Main exposing (..) main = Browser.document { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } {- VIEW COMPONENTS -} -- our body consists of a slide container and a couple controls body : Model -> Html Msg body model = div [] [ div [class "slides"] (slideView model.slide model.max model.prefix) , div [class "controls"] [ button [ onClick PrevSlide ] [ text "←" ] , text (String.fromInt (model.slide+1)) , button [ onClick NextSlide ] [ text "→" ] ] ] view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = "Picarones" , body = [body model] }