port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, br, input, img) import Html.Attributes exposing (style, class, value, placeholder, src) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy) import List exposing (foldr) import Protocol exposing (decodeState, encodeState) import Json.Decode as D main = Browser.document { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- subscribe to messages from the websocket subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = recvPort GotMessage -- corresponding ports for the subscriptions port recvPort : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port sendPort : String -> Cmd msg {- STATE AND STATE TRANSITIONS -} -- the main client state type alias Model = { slide : Int, max : Int } -- start at the first slide, for now just assume that we have ten slides init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init f = ( { slide = 0, max = 10 }, Cmd.none) -- possible state transitions: type Msg = GotMessage String | NextSlide | PrevSlide -- update stuff update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of NextSlide -> updateSlide ((+) 1) model PrevSlide -> updateSlide ((+) -1) model GotMessage text -> case decodeState text of Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) Just newstate -> ({model | slide = newstate.state }, Cmd.none) -- while changing slides we must take care not to end up in an invalid -- state (where slide > max), so this logic gets its own function tweakSlide : (Int -> Int) -> Model -> Model tweakSlide f model = { model | slide = modBy model.max (f model.slide) } updateSlide : (Int -> Int) -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) updateSlide f model = let new = tweakSlide f model in (new, sendPort (encodeState { state = new.slide })) {- VIEW COMPONENTS -} -- our body consists of a slide container and a couple controls body : Model -> Html Msg body model = div [] [ div [class "slides"] (slideView model.slide model.max) , div [class "controls"] [ button [ onClick PrevSlide ] [ text "←" ] , text (String.fromInt (model.slide+1)) , button [ onClick NextSlide ] [ text "→" ] ] ] -- the slide view is just a list of img tags, one for each slide; note -- that these are all loaded on startup, with visibility done through -- z indices so we won't have lags while switching between them. slideView : Int -> Int -> List (Html Msg) slideView i max = List.range 0 (max - 1) |> List.map (\x -> ("example/" ++ (padNum 2 (x+1)) ++ ".png", x == i)) |> List.map (\(path,t) -> img [src path, onTop t] []) onTop t = style "z-index" (String.fromInt (if t then 10 else 0)) -- format an int with prefixed 0's — apparently elm doesn't have a -- standard function for that, but it's needed for slide filenames padNum : Int -> Int -> String padNum l num = let str = String.fromInt num in if (String.length str) > l then str else (String.repeat (l - String.length str) "0") ++ str view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = "Websockets example" , body = [body model] }