{config, lib, pkgs, ...}: let picarones = import ./pkgs.nix { inherit pkgs; }; in with lib; { options.services.picarones = { enable = mkOption { default = false; example = true; type = types.bool; description = "'next slide please' as a service"; }; package = mkOption { description = "the server package to use"; default = picarones.picarones-hs; type = types.package; }; port = mkOption { description = "port at which the backend server should listen."; default = 9000; type = types.int; }; frontend = { enable = mkOption { description = "Whether to setup nginx to deliver the picarones frontend"; default = true; type = types.bool; }; package = mkOption { description = "Which package provides the frontend app."; default = picarones.picarones-elm; type = types.package; }; domain = mkOption { description = "Which domain nginx should listen on."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; proxyBackend = mkOption { description = "whether to set up a proxy for the backend using nginx (on the same domain)."; default = false; type = types.bool; }; config = mkOption { description = "extra options for nginx."; default = {}; type = types.attrs; }; }; }; config = let cfg = config.services.picarones; in { systemd.services.picarones-hs = mkIf cfg.enable { description = "picarones backend server"; path = [ cfg.package ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; script = '' ${cfg.package}/bin/picarones-hs ''; }; services.nginx = mkIf cfg.frontend.enable { enable = true; virtualHosts.${cfg.frontend.domain} = cfg.frontend.config // { root = # need to do it this (long) way since a user may change this value outside of this module let ssl = config.services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.frontend.domain}.enableSSL; in (cfg.frontend.package.override ({ baseurl = (if ssl then "https://" else "http://") + cfg.frontend.domain; } // (if cfg.frontend.proxyBackend then { serverurl = (if ssl then "wss" else "ws") + "://${cfg.frontend.domain}/websocket"; } else {} ))).outPath; locations = mkIf cfg.frontend.proxyBackend { "/websocket" = { proxyPass = "http://localhost:9160"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; }; }; }; }