{ config, lib, pkgs, inputs, ... }: { # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; imports = [ ./packages.nix ./unstable.nix ./home-minimal.nix ]; home.sessionVariables = { MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = 1; _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING = 1; }; xdg.mimeApps = { enable = true; associations.added."application/pdf" = [ "org.pwmt.zathura.desktop" ]; defaultApplications."application/pdf" = [ "org.pwmt.zathura.desktop" ]; }; programs.msmtp.enable = true; programs.mbsync.enable = true; programs.mu.enable = true; accounts.email = { accounts.hacc = { address = "stuebinm@hacc.space"; imap.host = "mail.hacc.space"; mbsync = { enable = true; create = "maildir"; }; msmtp.enable = true; mu.enable = true; primary = true; realName = "stuebinm"; smtp.host = "mail.hacc.space"; userName = "stuebinm@hacc.space"; passwordCommand = "secret-tool lookup mail hacc"; }; accounts.disroot = { address = "stuebinm@disroot.org"; imap.host = "disroot.org"; mbsync = { enable = true; create = "maildir"; }; msmtp.enable = true; mu.enable = true; realName = "terru"; smtp.host = "disroot.org"; userName = "stuebinm@disroot.org"; passwordCommand = "secret-tool lookup mail disroot"; }; accounts.tum = { address = "stuebinm@in.tum.de"; imap.host = "mail.in.tum.de"; mbsync = { enable = true; create = "maildir"; }; msmtp.enable = true; mu.enable = true; realName = "stuebinm"; smtp.host = "mail.in.tum.de"; userName = "stuebinm@in.tum.de"; passwordCommand = "secret-tool lookup mail in.tum.de"; }; accounts.ilztalbahn = { address = "stuebinm@ilztalbahn.eu"; imap.host = "imap.strato.de"; mbsync = { enable = true; create = "maildir"; }; msmtp.enable = true; mu.enable = true; realName = "terru"; smtp.host = "smtp.strato.de"; userName = "stuebinm@ilztalbahn.eu"; passwordCommand = "secret-tool lookup mail ilztalbahn"; }; }; programs.bash = { shellAliases = { "lrz-vpn" = "sudo openconnect https://asa-cluster.lrz.de -g AnyConnect"; news = "newsboat"; pj = "pijul"; }; }; programs.fish = { shellAliases = { "lrz-vpn" = "sudo openconnect https://asa-cluster.lrz.de"; news = "newsboat"; pj = "pijul"; agenda = "CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 almanac month ~/.cache/feedsync/* | less"; xmlpretty = "xmllint --format - | bat -l xml"; wormhole = "wormhole-rs"; noms = "curl https://www.bahn.de/service/zug/db_lounge -s | htmlq --attribute href a | grep Speisen | xargs curl -s | pdftotext - /dev/stdout | less"; }; functions.fetchpdf.body = '' set url $argv[1] if test "$url" = "" echo "No url given" return end set anchors (curl -L $url | sd '\n' "" | htmlq a | rg .pdf) set choice (paste (printf '%s\n' $anchors | htmlq -t a | psub) (printf '%s\n' $anchors | htmlq --attribute href a | psub) | fzf) if test "$status" != 0 return end set docurl (echo $choice | cut -f 2) set docname (echo $choice | cut -f 1) echo Fetching $docname from $docurl curl "$docurl" > ~/Downloads/news/"$docname".pdf zathura ~/Downloads/news/"$docname".pdf if test (read -P "move this file to archive? [y/N] ") = "y" set filename (read -P "filename? [$docname] ") if test "$filename" = "" cp ~/Downloads/news/"$docname".pdf ~/archive/"$docname".pdf else cp ~/Downloads/news/"$docname".pdf ~/archive/$filename end end ''; functions.nix-what.body = '' nix-doc search $argv[1] ~/clones/nixpkgs ''; }; programs.kitty = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' background_opacity 0.8 confirm_os_window_close 0 allow_remote_control yes ''; }; programs.neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; plugins = with pkgs; [ (vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (plugins: [ tree-sitter-grammars.tree-sitter-nix ])) ]; generatedConfigViml = '' lua < /dev/null" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "${config.programs.newsboat.browser} %u" macro f set browser "${pkgs.xdg_utils}/bin/xdg-open %u >/dev/null 2>&1 &" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "${config.programs.newsboat.browser} %u" macro d set browser "kitty @launch --type tab fish -c 'fetchpdf %u'" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "${config.programs.newsboat.browser} %u" bind-key j down bind-key k up ''; }; programs.gpg = { enable = true; settings = { auto-key-locate = "keyserver"; with-fingerprint = ""; }; }; programs.ssh = { forwardAgent = true; enable = true; matchBlocks = let keydir = config.home.homeDirectory + "/.ssh"; hetznerlogin = match: {user = "root"; identityFile = keydir + "/hetzner.pub";} // match; vpslogin = hostname: hetznerlogin {inherit hostname;}; in { "parsons" = { hostname = "parsons.hacc.space"; port = 62954; user = "stuebinm"; identityFile = keydir + "/id_ed25519"; }; "flora" = vpslogin "flora.stuebinm.eu"; "chaski" = vpslogin "chaski.stuebinm.eu"; "cgit" = vpslogin "flora.stuebinm.eu" // {user = "git";}; "mate" = { hostname = ""; user = "root"; identityFile = keydir + "/hetzner.pub"; }; "c3voc" = { hostname = "git.c3voc.de"; user = "git"; identityFile = keydir + "/id_ed25519"; }; "nobelium" = { hostname = "no.colorspace.club"; user = "root"; identityFile = keydir + "/id_ed25519"; }; "colorspace-git" = { hostname = "no.colorspace.club"; user = "git"; identityFile = keydir + "/id_ed25519"; }; }; }; programs.mpv = { enable = true; bindings = { "up" = "add speed 0.1"; "down" = "add speed -0.1"; "n" = "add chapter 1"; "p" = "add chapter -1"; "f" = "cycle osd-level up"; }; config.osd-status-msg = "\${estimated-frame-number} (\${percent-pos}%)"; }; services.mako = { enable = true; backgroundColor = "#74389eb0"; borderColor = "#c27cb6ff"; defaultTimeout = 5000; # milliseconds padding = "10"; output = "DP-9"; }; services.mpd = { enable = true; musicDirectory = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/music"; network.startWhenNeeded = true; }; programs.bat = { enable = true; config.wrap = "never"; }; # TODO: remove once programs.bat.syntaxes is in home-manager's release xdg.configFile = let syntaxes = { isabelle = builtins.readFile "${inputs.isabelle-utils}/isabelle.sublime-syntax"; gleam = builtins.readFile (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "molnarmark"; repo = "sublime-gleam"; rev = "2e761cdb1a87539d827987f997a20a35efd68aa9"; sha256 = "sha256-Zj2DKTcO1t9g18qsNKtpHKElbRSc9nBRE2QBzRn9+qs="; } + "/syntax/gleam.sublime-syntax"); }; in with lib; mkMerge ( flip mapAttrsToList syntaxes (name: body: { "bat/syntaxes/${name}.sublime-syntax" = { text = body; }; })); }